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Javascript plugin that animates a sequence of images to use in complex animations or pseudo 3d product view


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AnimateImages is a lightweight library (17kb) that animates a sequence of images to use in animations or pseudo 3d product view. It works WITHOUT BUILT-IN UI and mainly developed for complex animations.

To use it, you have to get a series of frames from a video or 3d app. The frames must be separated images of the same size.


Browser script tag

Add with CDN link:

<script src=""></script>

Or download minified version and include in html:

<script src="animate-images.umd.min.js"></script>
let instance = new AnimateImages(element, options);


npm i @its2easy/animate-images --save
import AnimateImages from "@its2easy/animate-images";
let instance = new AnimateImages(element, options);
It is possible to directly import untranspiled esm version:

This version has not been processed by babel:

import AnimateImages from '@its2easy/animate-images/build/untranspiled/animate-images.esm.min.js'; //or animate-images.esm.js

⚠️ You should probably add it to your build process if you use untranspiled version. Example for webpack:

rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        exclude: /node_modules(?!(\/|\\)@its2easy(\/|\\)animate-images(\/|\\)build)/,
        use: {
            loader: 'babel-loader',


rules: [
        // basic js rule
        test: /\.js$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: {
            loader: 'babel-loader',
        // additional rule
        test: /\.js$/,
        include: /node_modules(\/|\\)@its2easy(\/|\\)animate-images(\/|\\)build/,
        use: {
            loader: 'babel-loader',
All available versions:

umd build:

@its2easy/animate-images/build/animate-images.umd.min.js - default for browser script tag and legacy bundlers

esm builds processed whit babel:

@its2easy/animate-images/build/animate-images.esm.min.js - default for webpack and module environments


esm builds without babel transformation:



ℹ️ If you are using webpack 4 and babel with modern target browsers, then you might get an error while importing, because webpack 4 doesn't support some modern js syntax and babel doesn't transpile it because browsers support for this syntax is high enough now. Use webpack 5 to fix it.


Create canvas element

 <canvas class="canvas_el" width="800" height="500"></canvas>

Initialize with options

let element = document.querySelector('canvas.canvas-el');
let imagesArray = Array.from(new Array(90), (v, k) => { // generate array of urls
    let number = String(k).padStart(4, "0");
    return `path/to/your/images/frame-${number}.jpg`;
let instance = new AnimateImages(element, {
    images: imagesArray, /* required */
    preload: "partial",
    preloadNumber: 20,
    loop: true,
    fps: 60,
    poster: 'path/to/poster/image.jpg',

Methods called from onPreloadFinished callback will start immediately, but you have to use options.preload: 'all' or call plugin.preload(). The plugin loads each image only once, so it's safe to call preload multiple times, even after the load has been completed. If autoplay: true, full preload will start immediately.

let instance = new AnimateImages(element, {
    images: imagesArray, /* required */
    preload: "none", // if 'all', you don't need to call preload()
    onPreloadFinished: function (plugin){;
instance.preload(30);//load the first part

setTimeout(() => {
    instance.preload(60);// laod the rest
}, 1000);
// or instance.preload() to load all the images

Methods that were called from outside of onPreloadFinished will trigger the load of all remaining images, wait for the full load, and then execute the action. If multiple methods have been called before load, only the last will be executed

let instance = animateImages.init(element,
        images: imagesArray,
        preload: "none", 
// if preload: "none", it will trigger the load, and play after all the image loaded
// if preload: "all", it will wait until full load and then start; 

In general, the plugin will load all the frames before any action, but you can preload a part of the images in some cases, for example, when the user is scrolling to the section in which the animation will take place.

Loading errors

All images that have been loaded with errors will be removed from the array of frames. Duration of the animation will be recalculated.

New frames count could be obtained in preload callback:

new AnimateImages(element, {
    onPreloadFinished: function (instance){
        if ( instance.isLoadedWithErrors() ) {
            let newFramesCount = instance.getTotalImages();

Sizes and responsive behavior

TL;DR use your image dimensions as width and height canvas properties, add width: 100% to canvas, add more css if you need:

<canvas width="1600" height="768" style="width: 100%"></canvas>

Size calculation is controlled by responsiveAspect. Default is width which means that canvas width should be defined or restricted by CSS, and height will be calculated by the plugin. With responsiveAspect: "height" you should control height and leave width auto.

Canvas itself should have width: 100% (height: 100% if responsiveAspect is "height"). Size restrictions could be set on canvas or on wrapper element:

<canvas width="800" height="500" style="width: 100%; max-width: 1000px"></canvas>
responsive height example
<div class="wrapper" style="height: 100%;">
    <canvas width="800" height="500" style="height: 100%; max-height: 400px"></canvas>

ℹ️ Secondary side of the canvas should be auto and not fixed by CSS. If it's fixed, the ratio can't be used, and the canvas will use its natural CSS size.


To calculate secondary side, plugin uses ratio of inline width and height canvas properties <canvas width="1600" height="900"> (if they're not set, default is 300x150). This ratio can be overwritten by options.ratio.

Fill mode

If the canvas and images have the same ratio, the full image will be displayed. If the ratios are the same, but sizes are different, the image will be scaled to fit the canvas. The dimensions of the images are taken from the image itself after load, and they do not need to be set anywhere in the settings.On the page the canvas with the image will be scaled to canvas CSS size.

If canvas and image ratios are different, then image will use options.fillMode, which works like background-size cover and contain, and the image will be centered.

To display the full image, check the image width and height, and set it as canvas inline width and height (or set options.ratio). Then set canvas width by CSS (width="500px" or width="100%" or max-width="800px" etc), and don't set canvas height (with default responsiveAspect).


For example, <canvas width="800" height="400">, image 1200x600, canvas has css max-width="500px". Image will be scaled to 800x400 inside canvas and fully visible, canvas on the page will be displayed 500px x 250px.

After page resize, the sizes will be recalculated automatically, but if canvas was resized by a script, call instance.updateCanvas()


new AnimateImages(element, options);

element : HTMLCanvasElement - canvas DOM element (required)


Parameter Type Default Description
images Array<string> (Required) Array with images URLs
preload string 'all' Preload mode ("all", "none", "partial")
preloadNumber number 0 Number of images to preload when preload: "partial" (0 for all images)
poster string URL of the poster image, works like poster in <video>
fps number 30 FPS when playing. Determines the duration of the animation (e.g. 90 images and 60 fps = 1.5s, 90 images and 30fps = 3s)
loop boolean false Loop the animation
autoplay boolean false Autoplay
reverse boolean false Reverse direction
ratio number false Canvas width/height ratio, it has higher priority than inline canvas width and height
fillMode string 'cover' Fill mode to use if canvas and image aspect ratios are different ("cover" or "contain")
draggable boolean false Draggable by mouse or touch
inversion boolean false Inversion changes drag direction. Use it if animation direction doesn't match swipe direction
dragModifier number 1 Sensitivity factor for user interaction. Only positive numbers are allowed
touchScrollMode string 'pageScrollTimer' Page scroll behavior with touch events (only for events that fire in the plugin area). Available modes: preventPageScroll - touch scroll is always disabled. allowPageScroll - touch scroll is always enabled. pageScrollTimer - after the first interaction the scroll is not disabled; if the time between the end of the previous interaction and the start of a new one is less than pageScrollTimerDelay, then scroll will be disabled; if more time has passed, then scroll will be enabled again
pageScrollTimerDelay number 1500 Time in ms when touch scroll will be disabled after the last user interaction, if touchScrollMode: "pageScrollTimer"
responsiveAspect string 'width' This option sets the side on which the sizes will be calculated. width: width should be controlled by css, height will be calculated by the plugin; height: use css to restrict height, width will be set by plugin. See responsive behavior
fastPreview Object | false false Special mode when you want interactivity as quickly as possible, but you have a lot of pictures. It will only load a small set of images, after which it will be possible to interact with the plugin, and then full set of the images will be loaded. If enabled, preload, preloadNumber and fps options will be applied to fastPreview images. See examples below
fastPreview.images Array<string> Required if fastPreview is enabled. Array with urls of preview mode images. You could use a part of options.images array or completely different pictures, they will be replaced when full sequence is loaded
fastPreview.fpsAfter number fps value that will be applied after the full list of images is loaded
fastPreview.matchFrame function(number):number A function that takes the frame number of the short set and returns the frame number of the full set. The function is called when the plugin switches to the full set of images, so that the animation doesn't jump after full load. Frame numbers start from 1. If not specified, first frame will be set
onPreloadFinished function(AnimateImages) Callback, occurs when all image files have been loaded, receives plugin instance as a parameter
onFastPreloadFinished function(AnimateImages) Callback, occurs when all fastPreview mode images have been loaded, receives plugin instance as a parameter
onPosterLoaded function(AnimateImages) Callback, occurs when poster image is fully loaded, receives plugin instance as a parameter
onAnimationEnd function(AnimateImages) Callback, occurs when animation has ended, receives plugin instance as a parameter
onBeforeFrame function(AnimateImages, {context, width, height}) Callback, occurs before new frame, receives plugin and canvas info as parameters. Can be used to change settings, for example imageSmoothingEnabled
onAfterFrame function(AnimateImages, {context, width, height}) Callback, occurs after the frame was drawn, receives plugin and canvas info as parameters. Can be used to modify the canvas appearance.
Callback example:
 let instance1 = new AnimateImages(element, {
    images: imagesArray,
    poster: imagesArray[0],
    preload: "none",
        plugin.preloadImages();// load all
    onBeforeFrame(plugin, {context, width, height}){
        context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
    onAfterFrame(plugin, {context, width, height}){
        context.fillStyle = "green";
        context.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);

width and height are internal canvas dimensions, they depend on devicePixelRatio


Most methods can be chained (instance.setReverse(true).play())

Methods that involve a frame change can be called before full load or even without any preload. Plugin will add this action to the queue and start downloading the frames. Only one last action is saved in the queue


Start animation

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Stop animation

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Toggle between start and stop

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Show next frame

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Show previous frame

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Show a frame with a specified number (without animation)


  • frameNumber {number} - Number of the frame to show

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Start animation, that plays until the specified frame number


  • frameNumber {number} - Target frame number
  • options {Object}
    • options.shortestPath {boolean} - If set to true and loop is enabled, function will use the shortest path to the target frame, even if the path crosses edge frames. Default is false.
// if current frame is 30 of 100, it will play from 30 to 85, 
// if current frame is 95, it will play from 95 to 85

// shortestPath
// if current frame is 2, it will play 1, 100, 99, 98
instance.playTo(98, {
    shortestPath: true
// (default) if current frame is 2, it will play 3, 4, 5 ... 97, 98

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Start animation in the current direction with the specified number of frames in the queue. If loop: false animation will stop when it reaches the first or the last frame.


  • numberOfFrames {number} - Number of frames to play

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Change the direction of the animation. Alias to setOption('reverse', true)


  • reverse {boolean} - true for backward animation, false for forward, default true

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Get current reverse option. Alias to getOption('reverse')

returns {boolean} - reverse or not


Change the direction of the animation. It does the opposite effect of setReverse()


  • forward {boolean} - true for forward animation, false for backward, default true

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Start preload specified number of images, can be called multiple times. If all the images are already loaded, then nothing will happen


  • number {number} - (optional) Number of images to load. If not specified, all remaining images will be loaded.

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Calculate new canvas dimensions. Should be called after the canvas size was changed in the browser. It's called automatically after window resize event

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Returns option value


  • option {string} - Option name. All options are allowed
let reverse = instance.getOption('reverse');

returns {*} - current option value


Set new option value


  • option {string} - Option name. Allowed options: fps, loop, reverse, inversion, ratio, fillMode, draggable, dragModifier, touchScrollMode, pageScrollTimerDelay, onPreloadFinished, onFastPreloadFinished, onPosterLoaded, onAnimationEnd, onBeforeFrame, onAfterFrame
  • value {*} - New value

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance

instance.setOption('fps', 40);
instance.setOption('ratio', 2.56);


Returns the current frame number. Frames start from 1

returns {number} - Frame number


Returns the total images count (considering loading errors)

returns {number}


Returns the current canvas ratio. It may differ from the value in the options.ratio

returns {number}


Returns true if the animation is running, and false if not

returns {boolean}


Returns true if a drag action is in progress

returns {boolean}


Returns true if all the images are loaded and plugin is ready to change frames

returns {boolean}


Returns true if fastPreview mode preload finished and plugin is ready to change frames

returns {boolean}


Returns true if at least one image wasn't loaded because of error

returns {boolean}


Stop the animation and return to the first frame

returns {AnimateImages} - plugin instance


Stop animation, remove event listeners and clear the canvas. Method doesn't remove canvas element from the DOM


Plugin fires all the events on the canvas element.

animate-images:loading-progress - Fires after every image load. Progress amount is in event.detail.progress

animate-images:loading-error - Fires after every image.onerror

animate-images:preload-finished - Fires when all the images have been loaded, and the plugin is ready to play

animate-images:fast-preload-finished - Fires when all fastPreview images have been loaded, and the plugin is ready to play

animate-images:poster-loaded - Fires when poster has been loaded

animate-images:animation-end - Fires after the animation end. If the second animation was started while the first was active, this event will be fired only after the second animation end.

animate-images:drag-start - Fires when user starts dragging. Frame number is in event.detail.frame

animate-images:drag-change - Fires on every frame change while dragging. Frame number is in event.detail.frame, direction (left or right) is in event.detail.direction.

animate-images:drag-end - Fires when user stops dragging. Frame number is in event.detail.frame, direction (left or right) is in event.detail.direction.


let element = document.querySelector('canvas.canvas_el');
let instance = new AnimateImages(element, options);
element.addEventListener('animate-images:loading-progress', function (e){
    console.log(Math.floor(e.detail.progress * 100) + '%');

fastPreview mode

// load only fastPreview images, start playing at 5 fps, then load all the images, 
// replace small set with full as soon as it loads, and continue playing at 30fps
new AnimateImages(element, {
    images: imagesArray,
    autoplay: true,
    fps: 5, // fps for fastPreview
    fastPreview: {
        images: imagesArray.filter( (val, i) => i % 5 === 0 ),// use every 5th image (imagesArray[0], imagesArray[5], ...)
        fpsAfter: 30, // continue with 30fps
        matchFrame: function (currentFrame){
            return ((currentFrame-1) * 5) + 1; // 1 => 1, 2 => 6, 3 => 11, ...

// call play(), it will load and start fastPreview, then switch to full sequence
let instance1 = new AnimateImages(element, {
    images: imagesArray,
    fastPreview: {
        images: imagesArray.filter( (val, i) => i % 10 === 0 ),
button.addEventListener("click", () => { });

// preload only 3 images, wait for user interaction, load the rest of fastPreview images, start playing,
// then load full sequence
let instance2 = new AnimateImages(element, {
    images: imagesArray,
    preload: "partial", // preload is applied to fastPreview only
    preloadNumber: 3,
    fastPreview: {
        images: imagesArray.filter( (val, i) => i % 10 === 0 ),// use every 10th image (imagesArray[0], imagesArray[10], etc)
button.addEventListener("click", () => { }); // play() always loads the rest before playing

// start loading only after some event, play after user interaction, then load the rest
let instance3 = new AnimateImages(element, {
    images: imagesArray,
    preload: "none",
    fastPreview: {
        images: imagesArray.filter( (val, i) => i % 10 === 0 ),
someModalOpenCallback(){ instance3.preloadImages() } // will load only fastPreview images
buttonInsideModal.addEventListener("click", () => { }); // it's safe to call even without any preload

// preload all fastPreview images, start loading full sequnce after that, but wait for interaction to play
let instance4 = new AnimateImages(element, {
    images: imagesArray,
    preload: "all", // will load only fastPreview.images
    fastPreview: {
        images: imagesArray.filter( (val, i) => i % 10 === 0 ),
    onFastPreloadFinished: (plugin) => {
// initially will start short sequnce if full in not ready, otherwise will start the full
buttonInsideModal.addEventListener("click", () => { });

Browser support

  • latest versions of Chrome, android Chrome, Edge, Firefox
  • Safari 13.1+,
  • iOS Safari 13.4+


AnimateImages is provided under the MIT License