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ZITADEL - Identity infrastructure, simplified for you.
🤯 beginners tutorial building a real time counter in Phoenix 1.7.14 + LiveView 1.0 ⚡️ Learn the fundamentals from first principals so you can make something amazing! 🚀
SQL Database Explorer [SQLite, libSQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, DuckDB, ClickHouse]
A collection of functions for note taking based on `org` and `org-roam`.
Fine-track `org-agenda-files` to speed-up `org-agenda`
An open source issue management & help desk solution. A zendesk & jira alternative
The osTicket open source ticketing system official project repository, for versions 1.8 and later
A no-nonsense CAPTCHA system with seamless UX | Backend component
A captcha library that generates audio and image CAPTCHAs.
A self-hosted, customizable, easy-to-implement and user-friendly captcha for PHP.
The LibreCaptcha framework, for self-hosted, privacy respecting CAPTCHAs
GDPR compliant, self-hosted CAPTCHA alternative with PoW mechanism and advanced anti-spam filter.
The modern spam protection. Protects your forms from spam by simply checking the content. Open source, Free to use, Accessible, and Self-Hosted.
An updated port of learneleventyfromscratch.com.
😸 Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
Simple.css is a CSS template that allows you to make a good looking website really quickly.
A base stylesheet using system colors and css keywords
Quickly launch an 11ty-generated static site. Includes a minimal Sass framework, generated sitemap, and RSS feed.
Little bundles of code, little bundles of joy.
📦 Workbox: JavaScript libraries for Progressive Web Apps
Start your project with a remedy for the technical debt of CSS.