This program will create a dump of all properties and metadata visible to Explorer which aren't blank for the given file.
You can create these output files with the specified extension, in the same folder where the file resides or a central folder. If the output already exists, there's an option to rename to the next available name the same way Windows does, File (1).txt, File (2).txt, whatever number is available.
Properties include hidden Unicode codepoints indicating whether it's left to right or right to left; I usually view text in Notepad with Western script instead of Unicode, so I find it useful to remove these. So that option is there.
This will not go into zip/cab files, even though Windows considers them folders now.
This is all done by using the Windows Property System (IPropertyStore et al), which is the system that underlies how all the properties are displayed in Explorer-- so you're able to list exactly what Explorer is, without having to worry about having to derive things like image width/height yourself. If Explorer can see it, it will be in the dump. Note: Some properties like Office are derived through 64bit shell extensions that won't load into 32bit apps; so if you want to make sure it's an identical representation, use the 64bit build for 64bit Windows.
This program was created in twinBASIC, an actual successor to VB6/VBA. It's very far along at this point; language compatibility is nearly complete, and basic Forms with most of the default controls can be created, ActiveX control support is decent (but can't use .ctl controls yet). It can compile 64bit exes using VBA7/64 syntax from Office, and in addition there's a bunch of new features bringing the language into this century. You'll see the splash screen for it in the x64 build as I don't currently have a paid subscription (and that splash screen is currently the only limitation of free version).
One of the new features is defining COM interfaces locally; I made this project primarily to test things in my tbShellLib library, a collection of Windows shell interfaces and other COM components that's a 64bit compatible successor my oleexp.tlb project for VB6. Note that this is why the source code file is so large; it imports the entire library. Which is quite expansive.
(Note that since this project uses new language features in tB, it would take some work to backport it to VB6-- tB is backwards compatible, not forwards compatible, just like VBA7x64 isn't compatible with 32bit VBA6 or VB6).
Windows 7+
Source and binaries are self-contained, no installation or additional dependencies.
Building from source requires twinBASIC Beta 147 or newer.
For anyone unfamiliar with twinBASIC source code structure, it combines all source into a single file. The .twinproj file in the root above is the complete source code; it's large because it includes the library dependencies- tbShellLib (my project) and the twinBASIC WinNativeForms package that create the Forms/Controls, as well as the program icon and manifest. You can browse the local project source code to this program itself in the SourceBrowse folder, but you need the .twinproj file to open and compile it yourself in twinBASIC. You can also browse the source for tbShellLib in it's repository.
Windows shell interfaces and Property System make dumping properties very easy:
Private Sub DumpFileProperties(siFile As IShellItem, sName As String)
Dim sOut As String
Dim lpPath As LongPtr, sPath As String
siFile.GetDisplayName SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, lpPath
sPath = LPWSTRtoStr(lpPath)
sOut = "Filename: " & sName & vbCrLf
sOut &= "File full path: " & sPath & vbCrLf
Dim si2 As IShellItem2
Dim pps As IPropertyStore
Dim ppd As IPropertyDescription
Dim lpFmt As LongPtr, sPropFmt As String
Dim sFileOut As String
If bCurDir Then
sFileOut = sPath & sExt
sFileOut = sPathOut & sExt
End If
If PathFileExistsW(sFileOut) Then
If chkRename.Value = vbChecked Then
sFileOut = UniqueNameInSeq(sFileOut)
AppendLog "Skipping " & sName & "; output file exists."
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Set si2 = siFile
If (pps Is Nothing) = False Then
Dim nMax As Long
pps.GetCount nMax
If nMax Then
AppendLog "Dumping " & nMax & " properties for " & sName & "..."
Dim i As Long
Dim lpProp As LongPtr, sProp As String
Dim lpPropC As LongPtr, sPropC As String
Dim lpPropN As LongPtr, sPropN As String
For i = 0 To nMax - 1
pps.GetAt i, pk
If pk.fmtid.Data1 <> 0 Then
PSGetPropertyDescription pk, IID_IPropertyDescription, ppd
If (ppd Is Nothing) = False Then
ppd.GetDisplayName lpPropN
sPropN = LPWSTRtoStr(lpPropN)
ppd.GetCanonicalName lpPropC
sPropC = LPWSTRtoStr(lpPropC)
PSFormatPropertyValue ObjPtr(pps), ObjPtr(ppd), PDFF_DEFAULT, lpProp
sProp = LPWSTRtoStr(lpProp)
If bRemoveFmt Then RemoveFormatChars(sProp)
If sProp <> "" Then sOut &= sPropN & " (" & sPropC & ")=" & sProp & vbCrLf
Debug.Print "Couldn't get propdesc for " & dbg_PKEYToString(pk)
End If
End If
Next i
sOut &= "No properties listed for file."
End If
AppendLog "Couldn't open property store for " & sPath
sOut &= "Couldn't open property store for this file."
End If
WriteStrToFile sOut, sFileOut
nCount = nCount + 1
End Sub