JusText is written by Jan Pomikalek, in python. https://code.google.com/p/justext/
It has very good quality, so I have rewritten it in c++. :)
This work is a part of a great project, which compared more boilerplate removal algorithms, and aims to create a better web crawler. JusText gives better quality if we add a web site specific html preprocess. This ideal was called 'gold miner' algorithm and was introduced at MICAI conference, 2013 (http://polibits.gelbukh.com/2013_48/More%20Effective%20Boilerplate%20Removal%20-%20the%20GoldMiner%20Algorithm.pdf)
It has two dependencies: pcrecpp and htmlcxx library. Last one is attached to project, it helps to parse the html. Other one has to be linked.
vcproj files might help. (goldMinerTester.vcproj depends on src/goldMiner.vcproj, jusText/jusText.vcproj, jusText/htmlcxx-0.84/htmlcxx.vcproj)
Example for usage is in the test.cpp
//create jusText object with stopwords file
Justext j("stoplists/English.txt");
//if you want a debug html output as well
//call justext algorithm
std::string result = j.getContent(html, encoding, url);
When i tested the tool on web pages, it took longer time to debug: why a given paragraph is bad or good. That's why it can show in the tooltip of the paragraphs not only the stopwords/length/etc info, but the reason as well: why it is bad or good according to jusText.
For example a tooltip of paragraphs you can see this: final_class:'bad', context_free_class:'bad', heading:'False', length: 8, characters_within_links: 8, link_density:1, number_of_words: 2, number_of_stopwords: 1, stopword_density: '0.5', reason of bad: link_density > 0.2
It can produce a html debug output as well, which is based on online demo (http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/projects/justext/) If debug is set true, it creates a html page to investigate the results:
//if you want a debug html output as well
And the debug file will be created: test/debugJusText.html Its css and js are there, too.
Istvan Endredy