This package generates different simple simulated worlds in gazebo. The worlds are used for performance check of Talos at uneven terrain. The worlds can be altered by changing parameters. The package will attempt to save the created gazebo file of the world in the package pal_gazebo_worlds. If the user does not have write permission for this package the file will be saved in the worlds/ directory. This file then has to be copied manually to the pal_gazebo_worlds package.
To create this world:
roslaunch generate_world random_world.launch
This launch file creates a world ( with obstacles with random size, position and orientation. The minimum and maximum values for size, position and orientation can be altered to create new worlds. Furtermore the number of obstacles can also be changed in world_parameters.yaml.
To create this world:
roslaunch generate_world stairs.launch
This launch file creates a simple stairs ( The number of steps and the size of the steps can be specified in world_parameters.yaml.
To create this world:
roslaunch generate_world stepping_stones.launch
This launch file creates a stepping stones world ( The number of steps and the size of the steps, in combination with the height difference can can be specified in world_parameters.yaml.