👉 This library is outdated
- lacks of DateTime type, etc.
- consider CsvHelper project as a better alternative
.NET core CSV
- create console project
dotnet new console -n example
cd example
- add reference to netcore-sci ( check latest version here )
dotnet add package netcore-csv --version 0.1.0
if prefer to link source code directly to stepin with debugger add project reference instead
dotnet add reference path_to/netcore-csv/netcore-csv.csproj
for some useful sci extensions include netcore-sci
dotnet add package netcore-sci --version 1.26.0
setup example code ( see examples )
- example-01 : first csv program
- example-02 : linq to csv
- example-03 : sci data
- reader requires a class type to describe field types
- writer can work directly from anonymous type ( see example02 )
- colum header can be overriden using
property ( see example3 )
using SearchAThing.CSV;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
namespace example_01
public enum TestEnum
public class MyData
public int intNr { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public double val { get; set; }
public TestEnum enumVal { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var pathfilename = "output.csv";
using (var csv = new CsvWriter<MyData>(pathfilename))
csv.Push(new MyData
intNr = 10,
name = "name1",
val = 11.2,
enumVal = TestEnum.enumA
csv.Push(new MyData
intNr = 25,
name = "name2",
val = 13.4,
enumVal = TestEnum.enumB
// append more
using (var csv = new CsvWriter<MyData>(pathfilename, true))
csv.Push(new MyData
intNr = 30,
name = "name3",
val = 44.5
csv.Push(new MyData
intNr = 35,
name = "name4",
val = 33.2
// read back data
var q = new CsvReader<MyData>(pathfilename)
.GroupBy(w => w.enumVal)
.Select(w => new
enType = w.Key,
sum = w.Sum(y => y.val),
foreach (var x in q)
System.Console.WriteLine($"enum:{x.enType} sum:{x.sum}");
- output
enum:enumA sum:11.2
enum:enumB sum:13.4
enum:unknown sum:77.7
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using SearchAThing;
namespace example_02
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var pathfilename = "output.csv";
new[] { 1, 2, 3 }.Select(w => new
str = $"string with val={w}",
val = w
}).ToCSV(pathfilename, new SearchAThing.CSV.CsvOptions()
PropNameToHeaderFunc = (propName) =>
switch (propName)
case "val": return "Value";
return null;
"string with val=1",1
"string with val=2",2
"string with val=3",3
using System;
using System.Linq;
using SearchAThing;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SearchAThing.CSV;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace test
public enum TestEnum
public class MyData
public int i10 { get; set; }
public int i20 { get; set; }
public string s1 { get; set; }
public double v1 { get; set; }
public double v2 { get; set; }
public double v3 { get; set; }
public double v4 { get; set; }
public double v5 { get; set; }
public double v6 { get; set; }
public double v7 { get; set; }
public double v8 { get; set; }
public double v9 { get; set; }
public double v10 { get; set; }
public double v11 { get; set; }
public double v12 { get; set; }
public double v13 { get; set; }
public double v14 { get; set; }
public double v15 { get; set; }
public double v16 { get; set; }
public double v17 { get; set; }
public double v18 { get; set; }
public double v19 { get; set; }
public double v20 { get; set; }
public double firstcol { get; set; }
public TestEnum envar { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const int CNT = 500000;
var stopw = new Stopwatch();
// <LangVersion>8.0</LangVersion>
using var csv = new CsvWriter<MyData>("test.csv");
var rnd = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < CNT; ++i)
var d = new MyData
v1 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v2 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v3 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v4 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v5 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v6 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v7 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v8 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v9 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v10 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v11 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v12 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v13 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v14 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v15 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v16 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v17 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v18 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v19 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
v20 = rnd.NextDouble() * 1e9,
i10 = rnd.Next(1, 10),
i20 = rnd.Next(1, 20),
s1 = $"str:[{rnd.Next()}]",
envar = TestEnum.atype,
System.Console.WriteLine($"written [{CNT}] rows in {stopw.Elapsed}");
var stopw = new Stopwatch();
using var csv = new CsvReader<MyData>("test.csv");
// optional custom header
var customHeader = new Dictionary<string, string>();
customHeader.Add("v3Mean", "v3Mean (Custom)");
.GroupBy(w => w.i10)
.Select(w => new
i10 = w.Key,
i20Min = w.Min(r => r.i20),
i20Max = w.Max(r => r.i20),
v1Mean = w.Select(w => w.v1).Mean(),
v2Mean = w.Select(w => w.v2).Mean(),
v3Mean = w.Select(w => w.v3).Mean(),
v4Mean = w.Select(w => w.v4).Mean(),
v5Mean = w.Select(w => w.v5).Mean(),
v6Mean = w.Select(w => w.v6).Mean(),
v7Mean = w.Select(w => w.v7).Mean(),
v8Mean = w.Select(w => w.v8).Mean(),
v9Mean = w.Select(w => w.v9).Mean(),
v10Mean = w.Select(w => w.v10).Mean(),
v11Mean = w.Select(w => w.v11).Mean(),
v12Mean = w.Select(w => w.v12).Mean(),
v13Mean = w.Select(w => w.v13).Mean(),
v14Mean = w.Select(w => w.v14).Mean(),
v15Mean = w.Select(w => w.v15).Mean(),
v16Mean = w.Select(w => w.v16).Mean(),
v17Mean = w.Select(w => w.v17).Mean(),
v18Mean = w.Select(w => w.v18).Mean(),
v20Mean = w.Select(w => w.v20).Mean(),
new CsvOptions() // optional
PropNameHeaderMapping = customHeader,
PropNameToHeaderFunc = (propname) =>
// <LangVersion>8.0</LangVersion>
propname switch
"v4Mean" => "v4Mean (Custom)",
_ => null,
System.Console.WriteLine($"queried [{CNT}] rows in {stopw.Elapsed}");
- output
devel0@main:/opensource/devel0/netcore-csv$ dotnet run -p examples/example-03
written [500000] rows in 00:00:17.7151366
queried [500000] rows in 00:00:13.8399370
- generated input data sample
devel0@main:/opensource/devel0/netcore-csv/example$ head -n 3 test.csv
- generated linq query over input data
devel0@main:/opensource/devel0/netcore-csv/example$ head -n 3 result.csv
is the input data createdresult.csv
is a linq query over that data
to exclude some property from being serialized to/from csv use CsvIgnore attribute
- thread safe support on write
mkdir netcore-csv
cd netcore-csv
dotnet new sln
dotnet new classlib -n netcore-csv
dotnet new console -n examples
cd netcore-csv
dotnet add package netcore-util --version 1.0.6
cd ..
mkdir examples
cd examples
for i in 01 02 03; do
dotnet new console -n example-$i
cd example-$i
dotnet add reference ../../netcore-csv
cd ..
cd ..
dotnet sln netcore-csv.sln add netcore-csv
for i in 01 02 03; do dotnet sln netcore-csv.sln add examples/example-$i; done
dotnet build