- Singapore
(UTC +08:00) - https://github.com/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Abilogic+is%3Amerged+
ttimasdf / whatsapp-proxy
Forked from WhatsApp/proxyThis repository contains the WhatsApp proxy implementation for users to host their own proxy infrastructure to connect to WhatsApp for chat (VoIP is not currently supported)
openzfsonwindows / openzfs
Forked from openzfs/zfsOpenZFS on Linux and FreeBSD
NiLuJe / KindleTool
Forked from yifanlu/KindleToolA tool for creating & extracting Kindle updates and more
Natterhub-Ltd / nova-fields
Forked from 64robots/nova-fieldsA collection of customizable Nova Fields.
cretueusebiu / valet-windows
Forked from laravel/valetLaravel Valet for Windows.
brikis98 / wmd
Forked from ChiperSoft/wmdThis is a fork of ChiperSoft's fork of the WMD Editor. WMD is a javascript code editor and parser for the Markdown formatting language. The goal of this fork is to add support for simple input elem…
pixeline / bugs
Forked from mikelbring/tinyissueSimple Issue Tracking for Teams. Built in Laravel 3 (php/mysql)
Keystroke injection vulnerabilities in wireless presentation clickers
Xposed module for WhatsApp
martin-ger / esp_mqtt
Forked from tuanpmt/esp_mqttMQTT Broker/Bridge on the ESP8266
mihai-vlc / safemysql
Forked from colshrapnel/safemysqlA real safe and convenient way to handle MySQL queries.