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#owasp juice shop full Walkthrough beginner level CTF #1 no questions #2-lets go for adventure

1-what is administrator email admin@juice-sh.op

2-what is the search parameter p 3-what does reference in his review star trek

#3-inject juice SQL Injection - SQL Injection is when an attacker enters a malicious or malformed query to either retrieve or tamper data from a database. And in some cases, log into accounts. Command Injection - Command Injection is when web applications take input or user-controlled data and run them as system commands. An attacker may tamper with this data to execute their own system commands. This can be seen in applications that perform misconfigured ping tests. Email Injection - Email injection is a security vulnerability that allows malicious users to send email messages without prior authorization by the email server. These occur when the attacker adds extra data to fields, which are not interpreted by the server correctly.

use 'or1=1-- as an email paramter for login as admin

1-log into administrator account


2- log into bender account using bender@juice-sh.op'-- as the email fb364762a3c102b2db932069c0e6b78e738d4066

#4 who broke my lock

token i got from burpsuit eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.VdEsSrVkLUrUR4WkpQyeJIMEo4cG3HfobBP5QkW9hpru20Gl7_Wx7gJtc6RplE1MmYxgga7OiTGK2OHKerub-cTojQzfT5P4O9yx8Z-AnghfBDJyz2JHm_ASrlqxweDe56jCBYQK2oQOHhsMJHvzHFMk25agBQhM39wMQhMp6bA decode your token at- password from token decoder-0192023a7bbd73250516f069df18b500 hash-type found- md5 password-admin123 1-Brute force the administrator account password using burp suit intruder for setuping the payload and then brute forcing the passwords c2110d06dc6f81c67cd8099ff0ba601241f1ac0e

2-reset jim password


#5-AH dont look 1-confidential document edf9281222395a1c5fee9b89e32175f1ccf50c5b

2-log into MC safeSearch's Account

Mr. N00dles

token- eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.V5kxA_nsRz-naFDQnPth_V7liu4zJzz673UtFg2KbvYWzIP7jIx75UFT8kK5MV2gfofkvr9pjoO1_-gJpnYhNtM6lq-8Ib6XwbRBZjryz86jB-8Yb6FBgUYM5iUvU4d3Ewi-NvsEEFAJghwOkBPkxTQNkIy3Q0nVSPtqq9EA-6g password hash-b03f4b0ba8b458fa0acdc02cdb953bc8 it doesnot works 3-forgotten developer backup bfc1e6b4a16579e85e06fee4c36ff8c02fb13795

#6-who Flying this thing

1-access to administration page

useful url-

login as username-admin@juice-sh.op password-admin123

flag- 946a799363226a24822008503f5d1324536629a0

2-use burpsuit and change userID you try to manipulate session storage to 2 41b997a36cc33fbe4f0ba018474e19ae5ce52121

3-remove a five star review

flag- 50c97bcce0b895e446d61c83a21df371ac2266ef

#7-where did that come from

little of theory XSS or Cross-site scripting is a vulnerability that allows attackers to run javascript in web applications. These are one of the most found bugs in web applications. Their complexity ranges from easy to extremely hard, as each web application parses the queries in a different way.

There are three major types of XSS attacks:

DOM (Special)
Persistent (Server-side)
Reflected (Client-side)

DOM XSS (Document Object Model-based Cross-site Scripting) uses the HTML environment to execute malicious javascript. This type of attack commonly uses the <script></script> HTML tag.

Persistent XSS is javascript that is run when the server loads the page containing it. These can occur when the server does not sanitise the user data when it is uploaded to a page. These are commonly found on blog posts.

Reflected XSS is javascript that is run on the client-side end of the web application. These are most commonly found when the server doesn't sanitise search data.

1-perform a DOM based XSS

<iframe src="javascript:alert(`xss`)"> This type of XSS is also called XFS (Cross-Frame Scripting), is one of the most common forms of detecting XSS within web applications.

Websites that allow the user to modify the iframe will most likely be vulnerable to XSS.


2-perform a persistant XSS or http header xss in burpsuit change header to True-Client-IP <iframe src="javascript:alert(`xss`)">

flag- 149aa8ce13d7a4a8a931472308e269c94dc5f156

3-Perform a reflected XSS
