Try your luck at the gacha at; select a banner and go for a lone enounter or 10 pull!
- Links to the official rates on each encounter banner are provided by WFS in-game (the More Details button on the banner in the Gallery of Dreams)
- These rates are scraped from those pages and used to assign a valid range to a particular character/rarity for both lone encounters and the 10th encounter
- See the JSON files in the banners folder if curious about the raw data
- When an encounter is requested, the webpage generates random number(s) between 0 and 1 and searches the list of rates to find the range they fall between
- Then you get a character image with name and rarity (because it wouldn't be any fun without the images and stars!)
- Scraping is done by a script in the python folder, which also creates ranges for characters for both lone and 10th encounters
- The webpage primarily runs javascript/jQuery and utilizes the Bootstrap framework
- Images are extracted from game files; see the Datamine page on r/AnotherEdenGlobal to learn the basics
See New Banners for info on adding new banners