Release v2.11.631 - 2020-11-19
Tag release v2.11.631
Feature - Aws::AutoScaling - Updated the API, and documentation for Auto Scaling.
Feature - Aws::CostExplorer - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Cost Explorer Service.
Feature - Aws::DirectoryService - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Directory Service.
Feature - Aws::EventBridge - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon EventBridge.
Feature - Aws::CloudWatchEvents - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon CloudWatch Events.
Feature - Aws::Glue - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Glue.
Feature - Aws::KinesisAnalyticsV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.
Feature - Aws::Lambda - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Lambda.
Feature - Aws::LexModelBuildingService - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Lex Model Building Service.
Feature - Aws::MediaLive - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Elemental MediaLive.
Feature - Aws::Redshift - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Redshift.
Feature - Aws::Lex - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Lex Runtime Service.