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A dotfilemanager that does some incredible stitching


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igor - Because nothing makes you feel so as home like a good igor

A humble attempt at configuration management - dotfile management for perl hackers


igor [general options] <subcommand> [subcommand options]

General Options:
  --help|-h|-?   Display help
  --config|-c    Configuration file to use
  --verbose|-v   Be Verbose

  apply          Apply the specifiec configuration
  diff           Show differences between applied and stored configuration
  gc             Show obsolete files


  • --help|-h|-?

    Print a brief help message and exits. Can be passed multiple times. Passing twice will show the full documentation.

  • --config|-c conffile

    Set the config file to use, instead of config.toml in the current directory

  • --verbose|-v

    Be a bit more verbose when conduction business. Can be passed multiple times. Passing once enables the debug mode most useful to debug issues with the current configuration. trace is even more verbose and logs various internal states.



Apply a configuration to this computer. The default is to use the configuration specified by this computers hostname.

  • --dry-run

    Only list what would be done, but do not actually perform the operations.

  • --task T

    Apply configuration T instead of the default one


Show changes between stored and effective configuration


Show obsolete files



Igor's approach to dotfile management mirrors the concept of traditional package management. Therefore, instead of delivering all dotfiles at once, files are grouped into packages which can be enabled for individual hosts selectively.

Configurations describe the set of packages that igor should activate. By providing facts for the current environment, they further allow igor to customize the packages and their templates before deployment.


Igor manages individual configuration files as packages. Each package comprises a set of files relating to a specific task or aspect of the system. Often, this will coincide with a program (e.g.: the zsh package might contain .zprofile, .zshrc and .zshenv), while they can also relate to functionality (e.g.: mail comprising a .muttrc, .mbsyncrc and .msmtprc).

Filesystem Layout

In the filesystem, each package is represented as a directory. In the simplest case, a package consists of the mandatory package description file (either package.toml or, see below [1] [2]).

In the simplest case, all actual configuration files to install for the package reside in a flat flat folder alongside the package description file:

    ├── package.toml
    ├── vimrc
    └── neobundle.toml.tmpl

However, you are free to reorganize them into subfolders as you see fit:

    ├── files
    │   ├──
    │   └── vimrc
    ├── hooks
    │   └──
    ├── package.toml
    └── templates
            └── neobundle.toml.tmpl

The package description file then specifies what actions should be performed on these files.


The operations to be performed by a package are described by the package.toml file, which describes the operations to be performed in TOML syntax.

Each package consists of four components:

  • Files

    A list of files or directories that should be deployed into the filesystem.

    The most basic operation a package can perform is symlinking a file (e.g. ./symlink to ~/test/symlink):

          source     = "./symlink"
          dest       = "~/test/symlink"
          operation  = "symlink"

    Specifying the operation in this example is not strictly necessary, as "symlink" actually constitutes the default. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to actually copy the package file, which can be forced by the "copy" operation. Optionally, you can also specify the filesystem permissions of the copied file there:

          source     = "./copy"
          dest       = "~/test/copy"
          operation  = "copy"
          perm       = "0644"

    However, often it is not enough to simply copy complete files. For instance, the shell's .*-profile usually comprises environment variables from several packages. To this end, igor provides collections, whose contents are collected from all files specified in the package configuration:

          source     = "./"
          collection = "profile"

    Here, profile specifies the name of the collection. All content from all configured packages for said collection is collected, merged and then deployed on the host. The merge and deployment of named collections is configured in the top level configuration file.

  • Templates

    Sometimes, it is useful to adapt configuration files before deployment and provide tailored variations.

    Example: On work computers, I want to set my work email address as the default git

    To this end, the user can configure facts for any active configuration inside the top level configuration file or derive them automatically from the environments via factors.

    This information can then be interpolated into template files. The templating is based on Text::Template, which uses perl as its templating language. The default escape characters are curly braces {}:

          # In ./gitconfig.tmpl
          name  = Nixus Minimax
          email = { $facts{dev}->{git}->{email} }

    To deploy apply templating and deploy this file, specify the destination (see Files above for the syntax for dest/collection) in the package.toml file:

          source      = "./gitconfig.tmpl"
          dest        = "~/.config/git/config"
          perm        = "..."

    However, configuration files often already use {} as syntactical elements. Therefore, it is possible to use custom delimiters:

          # In package.toml
          source      = "./files/config"
          dest        = "~/.config/git/config"
          delimiters  = { open = "#BEGIN_TEMPLATE", close = "#END_TEMPLATE"}
          # In ./gitconfig.tmpl
                  name  = Nixus Minimax
                  email = $facts{dev}->{git}->{email}
  • Dependencies

    Furthermore, sometimes there is interdependence between configuration files. For instance, my i3 configuration spawns rofi for running programs. Therefore, whenever the package i3 is deployed, rofi's configuration should be installed as well. This can be enforced by declaring the dependency in i3's package.toml file:

          # in i3/package.toml
          dependencies = [ 'rofi' ]
  • Hooks

    Hooks allow to run certain commands before and after package installation. To this end, igor provides two lists (precmds and postcmds) which make it possible to specify commands to be run before and after installation respectively.

          precmds = [
                  "mkdir -p ~/.cache/vim/",
                  "echo hallo welt"
          postcmds = [
                  ["echo", "hallo", "welt"]

    The arrays can either store the commands as string, which will be executed by the default users shell. Alternatively, the hooks can be specified as an array of strings. In that case, the systems shell is bypassed and the command will be invoked directly using exec, bypassing the system shell.

    Note: Due to TOMLs parsing, be sure to add those hook arrays at the top of your package.toml, before any eventual [[files|templates]] tables.

Perl-style package description

Please see the section TOML for a full description of the individual fields.

The TOML-style package description is the preferred way of package description. However, in some cases, a more programmatic way of specifying package-contents might be desired: For instance by omitting certain files or by automatically generating a large number of file operations to cope with hundreds of individual files inside a package.

In this case, the package description format provides a mechanism to create the relevant datastructure describing the package via perl code:

    sub {
      my ($config) = @_; # effective configuration
      # $config->{facts} comprises the configured facts
      # $config->{pacakges} lists the packages being installed
      my $package = ...; # perform calculations
      return $package;

The return type $package is a perl hash with keys analogous to the TOML components, for example:

    my $package = {
            files => [ { source => "./file", dest => "~/.myfile" }
                     , { source => "./file2", dest => "~/.myfile", operation => 'copy' }
            dependencies => ['otherpackage1', 'otherpackage2'],
            template => [ { source => "...", dest => "..."}
                        , { source => "..."}, collection => "collectionname" }
            postcmds => [ 'command arg1 arg2', [ 'cmd2', 'arg21', 'arg22'] ]


A configurations specifies which packages to install and defines parameters for the current deployment. The configuration is expressed in a TOML configuration file. By default, igor looks for a file named config.toml in the pwd. This default can be overwritten by passing an alternative filename to -c|--config.

The configuration file stores different configurations as TOML tables:




Configuration format

Each configuration block describes the various attributes of the desired system state.

  • Repositories and Packages

    Most importantly, the configuration defines which repositories to consult when resolving package names and the list of packages to be installed:

          repositories = {
                  repository1 = { path = './repo1' }
                  repository2 = { path = './repo2' }
          packages = ['pkg1', 'repository1/pkg2', 'repository2/pkg2', 'repository2/pkg42']

    The above snippet configures igor to search for packages in two repositories located at ./repo1 and ./repo2 relative to the configuration file and installs three packages from those repositories. Repositories are named (repository1 and repository2). The list of packages to be installed is specified in the packages list. By default, igor tries to resolve packagenames in all configured repositories. However, in case the package name is ambiguous, an error will be reported and the execution is terminated. In that case, the packagename can be explicitly namespaced by the repository name (e.g. repository1/pkg2 and repository2/pkg2).

  • Facts

    Templates as well as perl-style packages allow to tailor packages and package contents to the host environment. facts allow to describe attributes of the current configuration. Examples include: the username of the current user, the git commit email address that should be used, which development plugins for which programming languages should be configured in the vimrc, ...

    In the configuration, facts are represented as a (potentially nested) hash:

          git_email =
          dev = { languages = { viml = true, perl = true, haskell = false }}
          mailaccounts = [
                  { user = '', server = '' },
                  { user = '', server = '' },
          hostname = 'luggage'

    In addition to explicitly specified facts, some facts (e.g. hostname above) can be automatically gathered for all hosts using factors. Inside templates, those automatic facts are stored in the hash %automatic.

  • Vaults

    Sometimes, credentials are required within configuration files. While it may be unproblematic to have these stored in plaintext on certain boxes (e.g. my feedreader password on my private laptop), it is often not desireable to have them stored in the clear on all other (potentially less trusted) computers igor is run on. While this problem can be mitigated by using multiple repositories, it is overkill for only this paticular item. Vaults offer a way to store facts in an encrypted fashion and decrypt them automatically when required.

          path      = './vaults/newsboat.gpg'
          type      = 'shell'
          cacheable = 1
          command   = 'gpg --batch --yes -o "${IGOR_OUTFILE}" -d "${IGOR_VAULT}"'

    Each configuration can store a list of vaults that will automatically be unlocked when the configuration is activated on the host.

    A vault consists of a filepath to the vault and a type. Currently, only the shell type is implemented. It allows to run a provided command to decrypt the vault. The commandline used may refer to two environment variables for the filepath to the vault file ($IGOR_VAULT) and the output file ($IGOR_OUTFILE).

    The vault itself should decrypt to a TOML-File containing the secrets. After decryption, the vault will be merged into the context and available to Perl-style packages and Templates as %secrets.

    However, it is laborous to repeatedly enter the vault password for every igor run being performed. So igor can cache unlocked faults for you. the unlocked vaults are stored in defaults.cachedirectory (defaulting to ./.cache):

          cachedirectory = './.cache'

    IMPORTANT: The cache is currently not cleared by igor itself. Old unlocked vaultfile-states will be cached indefinitly. It is the responsiblity of the user to clean the cache (by deleting the files within the cache directory).

    Caching has to be manually activated for the individual vaults by setting cacheable to 1. Setting it to 0 (default) will disable caching.

  • Collections

    Often, certain files store configuration that relates to different system components and as such to different packages (e.g. your shells environment file, which might export environment variables for your editor (e.g. EDITOR, your own PATH, ...)). Collections allow to receive input from multiple packages and merge those into a single file.

          '' = {
                  destination = '~/',  # Storage location of the merged file
                  perm = "0644",             # Permissions for the generated file

    If no permissions (perm) are specified, the default umask is used. Inside the packages, collections can be used as a substitute to the dest parameter:

          source     = "./files/"
          collection = ""

    By default, all entries are merged by sorting the components by packagename and concatenating those together. As this simplistic strategy is not sufficient for complex files (e.g.: we always need the env package first, which declares important variables like HOME, XDG_*, ... and are used by other components within the generated collection file Therefore, alternative merge strategies can be specified:

          mergers = { envmerger = './mergers/' }
          collections = {
                  '' = {
                          destination = '~/'
                          merger = 'envmerger' # name in the mergers hash

    For the contents of ./mergers/ see the section on custom mergers

  • Advanced features: dependencies, factors, mergers and mergeconfigs

    For the advanced features like dependencies, factors, mergers and mergeconfigs, see below.


However, igor does not confine itself to merely defining individual configurations. Instead, at the core of igor is a cascading configuration system: The basic idea is that each system's configuration actually consists of several aspects.

For instance, all configurations share a common set of default values and basic packages (e.g. I use a z-Shell everywhere,...) and on top of that, I have configurations for developing Haskell, reading Mail, running graphical environments, etc. These actually (hopefully) form a directed acyclic graph, as displayed in the image below:

|                       defaults                                            |
|    repositories = { repo1 = ... }                                         |
|    facts = {                                                              |
|              opt1 = false, opt2 = 'def', opt3 = 1, opt4 = { rec = true }, |
|              opt5 = [ 1, 2, 3 ]                                           |
|            }                                                              |
|    packages = [ 'pkg1', 'pkg2' ]                                          |
|                                                                           |
          ^                          ^                            ^
          |                          |                            |
+-------------------+       +-------------------+       +-------------------+
|       cfg1        |       |       cfg2        |       |       cfg3        |
| facts =           |       | facts =           |       | facts =           |
|   {opt1 = false}  |       |  {opt1 = false,   |       |  {opt4 =          |
+-------------------+       |   optX = 'hallo'} |       |    {rec = false}  |
          ^                 | packages =        |       |   opt3 = 42}      |
          |                 |  ['pkg2', 'pkg3'] |       +-------------------+
          |                 +-------------------+                 ^
          |                            ^      ^                   |
          |                            |      |                   |
+-------------------+                  |      +-------------------+
|       cfg4        |                  |      |       cfg5        |
| facts =           |                  |      | facts =           |
|   {opt1 = false}  |                  |      |   {opt1 = true}   |
+-------------------+                  |      +-------------------+
                                       |               ^
                                       |               |
                                     |       cfg6        |
                                     | packages =        |
                                     |   [ 'pkg42' ]     |
                                     active configuration

Dependencies between configurations are declared by the dependencies member inside the configuration block in config.toml.

            dependencies = ['cfg2', 'cfg5']

Igor merges the set of (transitively) active configurations from top to bottom:

    defaults -> cfg2 -> cfg3 -> cfg5 -> cfg6

Therefore, the above results in the following effective configuration:

    repositories = { repo1 = ...}
    facts = {
            opt1 = true,
            opt2 = 'def',
            opt3 = 42,
            opt4 = {rec = false },
            opt5 = [1, 2, 3],
            optX = 'hallo'
    packages = ['pkg1', 'pkg2', 'pkg3', 'pkg42']

repositories and facts are merged by the NestedHash merge strategy. Descend into the nested hash as far as possible. As soon as something is found that is not a hash, its value is replaced by the value of the overlay. That way, the key facts.opt4.rec will be toggled from true to false when cfg3 is merged into defaults.

The list packages on the other hand is merged by concatenation of the lists (and eliminating duplicates).

To configure such context-preserving merge strategies for individual keys within facts, custom mergers can be defined (see "Custom fact mergers").

Custom fact mergers

Custom fact mergers allow to specify how multiple values inside the facts section of configurations should be merged inside the cascade described in the preceding section. The declaration consists of three components.

  1. Description of the modified merge strategy as a file (e.g. ./mergers/

         sub {
                 my ($l, $r, $breadcrumbs) = @_;
                 # $l : left  (= less specific) fact value
                 # $r : right (= more specific) fact value
                 # $breadcrumbs: arrayref describing the position in the facts hash,
                 #               e.g. ['dev', 'languages'] for key ''
                 # Here, we simply take the more specific value (default behaviour)
                 return $r;

    Of course, you can call utility functions from igors codebase where useful:

         sub {
                 # Cheating, actually we simply call the default hash merging strategy... :)
  2. The declaration of the merger inside the main configuration file. This is the path to a file containing the code as a perl subroutine, which we symbolically bind to the name altmerger:

         mergers = { altmerger = './mergers/' }

    Note: As fact-mergers are used to merge configurations, they can only be specified within the [defaults] section.

  3. A description to what elements this merger should be applied. This configuration is represented as a nested hash, where the leafs name the merger that should be used to merge the specified values inside configurations. In the example, it registers the altmerger declared above for the facts in recursive.hell.

         mergeconfig = { facts = { recursive = {hell = 'altmerger' } } }

    Note: As fact-mergers are used to merge configurations, they can only be specified within the [defaults] section.

Custom collection mergers

Custom collection mergers are declared analogous to custom fact mergers by defining the merge routine as a perl sub inside a file and symbolically naming it insed the main config file:

    mergers = {
            envmerger = './mergers/',

Contents of ./mergers/, which ensures that the contents of the main/base package will be at the head of the merged configuration file:

    sub {
            my $hash = shift;
            # Hash of packagename -> filecontens

            # Perform a copy as we will do destructive updates below
            my %copy = %$hash;

            # Extract the contents of the "base"-packages, as we want to prepend it
            my $base = $copy{'main/base'};
            delete $copy{'main/base'};

            # Order the other artifacts in alphabetic order by package name
            my @keys = sort { $a cmp $b } keys %copy;
            join('', $base, map {$copy{$_}} @keys)

Those custom mergers can then be referenced by setting the merger parameter for specified collections:

    collections = {
            '' = {
                    destination = '~/',
                    merger = 'envmerger',

Custom factors

Some facts can be automatically obtained from the execution environment by executing so called factors, which are declared in the defaults.factors array in the main configuration file:

    factors = [
            {path = './factors/', type = 'script'},
            {path = './factors/', type = 'perl'},

There are two types of factors:

  • script factors

          factors = [
                  {path = './factors/', type = 'script'},

    Execute scripts using system und parse the scripts stdout as TOML, e.g.:

          # ./factors/
          #!/usr/bin/env sh
          # Find all executable binaries in PATH and store them in the "automatic.executables"
          # fact as an array.
          echo "executables = ["
          for i in $PATH; do
                  test -d "$i" && find "$i" -maxdepth 1 -executable -type f -exec basename {} \;;
          done | sort -u | sed 's/^/\t"/g;s/$/",/g'
          echo "]"
  • perl factors

          factors = [
                  {path = './factors/', type = 'perl'},

    Execute a perl sub and use the returned perl datastructure as automatically generated facts, e.g.:

          # ./factors/
          sub {
                  # store the environment variables as an automatic fact in "automatic.env"
                  {env => \%ENV}

Task selection

If no task/configuration is specified at the command line using the --task command line argument, igor tries to autodetect the configuration to apply. The first step is guessing an identifier by determining the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and falling back to the plain hostname if the FQDN is unavailable.

The configuration.pattern options and configuration names are matched against this guessed identifier. If the selection is unique, this configuration will be automatically used and applied. If multiple patterns match, an error will be signaled instead. Patterns are matched as perl-style regexes.


Here, a more complete example showing of the different features in TOML syntax.

            repositories = {
                    main = { path = './repo' }
            facts = {
                    haskell = true,
            factors = [
                    {path = './factors/', type = 'script'},
                    {path = './factors/', type = 'perl'},
            mergers = { altmerger = './mergers/' }
            mergeconfig = { facts = { recursive = {hell = 'altmerger' } } }

            packages = ['tmux']
            facts = {
                    haskell = true,
                    perl = true,
                    recursive = {
                            hell  = ['hades'],
                            truth = 42,

            dependencies = ['interactive']
            packages = ['vim', 'file-test', 'perlpackage-test']
            facts = {
                    haskell = false,
                    recursive = {hell = ['hades', 'hel']},
            mergers = {
                    envmerger = './mergers/',
            collections = {
                    '' = {
                            destination = '~/',
                            merger = 'envmerger',
                    'test1.collection' = {
                            destination = '~/test/test1.collection',
                            perm = "0644",
                    'test2.collection' = {
                            destination = '~/test/test2.collection',


Igor is designed to be portable and not require an actual installation on the host system (even more: it is actually designed with public systems such as university infrastructure in mind, where the user might not possess administrator privileges).

Instead, igor is best distributed as a single script file (fatpacked, that is containing all dependencies) alongside your dotfiles.

To obtain the fatpacked script, either download it from the official release page or build it yourself:

    # Install all dependencies locally to ./local using carton
    # See DEVELOPMENT SETUP below for details
    carton install

The fatpacked script can be found in ./ and be executed standalone.



App::Igor::CLI::main in lib/Igor/ constitutes igor's entrypoint and outlines the overall execution flow.

The main steps are:

    1. Command line parsing and setup
    1. Parsing the config
    1. Using the layering system to determine the config to apply
    1. Building the package database and configuring the individual packages
    1. Applying the relevant subcommand (eiter applying a configuration, diff, gc...)

The last step (5.) borrows a lot of its internal structure from the layout of compilers: Each package is deconstructed into a set of transactions. These transactions describe the operations to install the package. Available operations include: Collecting facts (RunFactor), executing commands (RunCommand), symlinking or copying files (FileTransfer) and installing templates (Template) and finally merging and emitting collections (EmitCollection). Each transaction has an attribute (Operation::order) that defines the execution order of the individual transaction.


Igor uses a couple of external libraries that ease development and foster code reuse. However, to maintain portability and the ability to fatpack igor for distribution, all libraries used have to be pure perl libraries. All libraries used can be found in the cpanfile.

The most ubiquitous libraries that you will notice when working with the code are:

  • Class::Tiny

    Igor uses an object-oriented design. Class::Tiny is used to ease class construction in a lightweight fashion.

  • Log::ger

    Used internally for logging. Provides log_(trace|debug|info|warn|error) functions to log on different verbosity levels. App::Igor::Util::colored can be used to modify the text printed to the terminal (e.g. log_info colored(['bold blue'] "Text") will print Text to stdout in bold blue).

  • Path::Tiny

    All variables describing filepaths are converted to Path::Tiny at first opportunity. The objects provide a wide variety of auxiliary functions for dealing with files.

  • Types::Standard

    Types::Standard is used to verify conformance of parsed, nested configuration data structures with the expected format.


Installing dependencies

Igor provides a cartonfile to declare and manage its library dependencies. Therefore carton can be used to install the required nonstandard libraries:

    carton install

Carton can then be used to execute igor with those locally installed libs:

    carton exec -- perl -Ilib ./scripts/ --help

Running tests

Several unittests are provided. They are written with Test::More and reside in the folder ./t and can be executed using prove or, when using carton by running carton exec prove.

In addition, an example configuration is provided in ./test/test_minimal as an integration test case. WARNING: Running the following command on your development machine might overwrite configuration files on the host. Only execute them in a virtual machine or container.

    ./scripts/ apply -vv --dry-run -c ./test/test_minimal/config.toml --task computer

To ease development, two scripts are provided to create and manage docker containers for igor development. maint/ will generate a set of dockerfiles in the folder ./docker for minimal configurations of various operating systems configured in maint/ and builds the corresponding images. maint/ will start the archlinux-image and mount the igor-folder into the container in read-only mode. There, new changes of igor can be tested. Instead of using carton, you can use the fatpacked script inside the container, which emulates the behaviour on typical hosts. (Yet, igor will prefer local modules from the lib/Igor folder to those fatpacked: that way, changes can be tested without rerunning maint/

    # On host
    # Build/Prepare
    ./maint/ # just once
    ./maint/     # just once
    # Start the container

    # In the container
    ./ --help


Simon Schuster perl -e 'print "git . remove stuff like this ." =~ s/ . remove stuff like this . /@/rg'


Copyright 2019- Simon Schuster


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.