Alpacka by modmore is a base service class for MODX packages, and a (growing) collection of common utilities for MODX packages. It is meant to be included as a composer package.
To use Alpacka, your base service class will need to extend the modmore\Alpacka\Alpacka
class. There is a (very) simple
example service implementation in tests/Example.php.
The service class includes a Pimple dependency injection container as $class->services.
Documentation (work in progress) can be found in the wiki.
composer require modmore/alpacka
To contribute to Alpacka you will first need to install the local dependencies:
composer install
Please follow the existing coding style. In particular:
- Array properties and MODX settings are in snake_case
- Variable, property and method names are in camelCase
- Inline documentation please! At the very least PHPDoc on every method and public properties.
One pull request per feature/improvement/bugfix.