Thank you for your interest in our paper:
Yingzhen Li and Yarin Gal
Dropout inference in Bayesian neural networks with alpha-divergences
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017
Please consider citing the paper when any of the material is used for your research.
Contributions: Yarin wrote most of the functions in, and Yingzhen (me) derived the loss function and implemented the adversarial attack experiments.
I've got quite a few emails on how to incorporate our method into their Keras code. Thus here I also provide a template file, and you can follow the comments inside to plugin your favourate model and dropout method.
template file:
We also provide the adversarial attack detection codes. The attack implementation was adapted from the cleverhans toolbox (version 1.0), and I rewrote the targeted attack to make it an iterative method.
To reproduce the experiments, first train a model on mnist:
python K_mc alpha nb_layers nb_units p model_arch
with K_mc the number of MC samples for training, nb_layers the number of layers of the NN, nb_units the number of hidden units in each hidden layer, p the dropout rate (between 0 and 1), and model_arch = mlp or cnn
This will train a model on MNIST data for 500 iterations and save the model. Then to test the FGSM attack, run
and change the settings in that python file to pick a saved model for testing. If wanted to see targeted attack, run instead
Both files will produce a png file visualising the accuracy, predictive entropy, and some samples of the adversarial image (aligned with the x-axis in the plots).