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Web Monetization

This is the source code for the website hosted at

The website is the home of the proposed Web Monetization standard currently incubating at the WICG.

You can read the docs, or read the proposed specification.


The Web Monetization website is built with Starlight, a documentation framework based on Astro.

Get Set Up

We use Bun in this repository, but you could theoretically use the package manager of your choice.

Install Bun

curl -fsSL | bash

Install dependencies

cd webmonetization
bun install

Other commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
bun run start Starts local dev server at localhost:1100
bun run build Build your production site to ./dist/
bun run preview Preview your build locally before deploying
bun run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
bun run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CLI

You can substitute the bun commands with your chosen package manager's commands.

Specification Development

Please refer to the


Starlight looks for .md or .mdx files in the src/content/docs/ directory. Each file is exposed as a route based on its file name.

⭐ We recommend using the .mdx extension whenever possible.

Double docs sub-folder

Our documentation uses a sub-folder URL style of for the doc section. This means we have a double docs folder situation due to how Starlight deals with content and generated URLs (src/content/docs/docs).

The docs.mdx file in the root of the content/docs folder is essentially the landing page for our documentation and is what users see when they land on

Editing content

Static image assets

Static image assets should be placed in the public/img/docs directory. When referencing these assets in the Markdown, don't include public/ in the file path. For example:

![A lovely description of your beautiful image](/img/your-beautiful-image.png)

⭐ Make your image accessible by including helpful alt text that describes the image. ⭐ Ensure your file name is descriptive. A file name of img01.png isn't helpful. ⭐ Use hyphens instead of underscores in file names to keep our naming conventions consistent.


Some of the commonly repeated patterns within the documentation pages are extracted into custom doc components that can be reused. Some components are shared across other Interledger-related documentation sites and others are specific to Web Monetization. Whether a component is shared determines its import path.

The BrowserCompat and Specification components are specific to Web Monetization.

  • BrowserCompat generates a compatibility table based on the browser compatibility data passed into it. Additional information can be found here.
  • Specification displays a link to the relevant section of the Web Monetization specification in a table. Additional information can be found here.

Documentation on how to import and use shared components is available on If you are using multiple shared components on the same page, you can import them like so:

import { CodeBlock, LinkOut } from '@interledger/docs-design-system'

Edit existing doc

Navigate to /src/content/docs/docs and locate the page you want to edit. For example:


title: This Doc Needs To Be Edited

Edit me...

Refer to the Starlight documentation on authoring content for more detailed guidance.

Add a new doc

Create your Markdown file in in /src/content/docs/docs/RELEVANT_FOLDER. For example, within /src/content/docs/docs/RELEVANT_FOLDER/newly-created-doc.mdx.

⭐ We recommend using the .mdx extension whenever possible.

If you need help with authoring content, we suggest you refer to the Starlight documentation for more detailed guidance.

Be sure to add your new doc to the sidebar! The sidebar is configured in astro.config.mjs. Refer to the Starlight documentation on sidebar configuration for more information.

Add a custom page

Astro is a content-focused web framework that integrates with a lot of existing framework libraries, making it relatively flexible for building customised sites.

Custom pages exist in the /src/pages directory, and out-of-the-box come with absolutely nothing. For the Web Monetization website, we have created custom layout components that form the frame of a basic HTML web page, and allow you to add content that would populate the main element of the page via a concept known as slots. A <slot /> allows you to specify where individual page content should be injected.

import i18next, { t, changeLanguage } from "i18next";
import Base from '../layouts/Base.astro';
  /* Page content goes here */

Refer to the Astro documentation on pages for additional details.



Starlight supports Internationalization (i18n) out-of-the-box. The Web Monetization site follows the root locale pattern documented at

If you want to contribute documentation in a language that has not been configured, you must edit astro.config.mjs to add the language to the locales option. As of January 2024, Web Monetization is configured for English (en) and Español (es).

Translated content should be in its respective language folder within /src/content/docs/. English content is located within /src/content/docs/docs. Content in Español is located within src/content/docs/es. Create the language folder if it doesn't exist.

The file path should follow its corresponding source English path exactly. Once a new language is "activated", translated content should be accessible via the language select drop-down in the documentation site's header.

If an English source page does not have corresponding translations in the selected language, a note will appear at the top of the page informing the user that the page has not been translated yet.


After a translation is provided, it must be reviewed by an additional contributor to ensure it's free from typos and that the content is accurate and complete. We won't approve a localization PR that hasn't been reviewed. In some cases, it may take some time to find a reviewer.

Reviews and Approvals

After a PR is submitted, it will be reviewed by a member of the Web Incubator Community Group (WICG). Ensure you're able to receive GitHub notifications so you'll know when the PR is approved and can be merged or if updates are required before approval is given.

Web Monetization Catchup Call

Our catchup calls are open to our community. We have them every other Thursday at 14:00 GMT, via Google Meet.

To join the video meeting, click this link: Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +49 30 300195060 and enter this PIN: 982 511 322 1488# To view more phone numbers, click this link:

Video call link:

Or dial: (DE) 49 30 300195060 and enter this PIN: 982 511 322 1488#

More phone numbers:

Add to Google Calendar