name: shlchen | ULong2
this is a simple 'program-command-line-parameter-parsing' library with cpp-17.
test code
#include "flags-v2.hpp"
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
try {
using namespace ns_flags;
parser.SetProgDescription("This is a test program for lib-flags.");
const auto &age = parser.AddOption<Int>(
"age", 'a', 18, "the age of the student", OptionProp::OPTIONAL,
[](const Int::data_type &val) -> std::optional<std::string> {
if (val > 0) {
return {};
return "age must be greater than 0";
const auto &sex = parser.AddOption<Bool>(
"sex", 's', false, "the sex of the student", OptionProp::OPTIONAL,
[](const Int::data_type &val) -> std::optional<std::string> {
return {};
// ...
const auto &name = parser.AddOption<String>(
"name", "null", "the name string", OptionProp::REQUIRED,
[](const String::data_type &str) -> std::optional<std::string> {
if (str.empty()) {
return "the name string cannot be an empty string";
return {};
const auto ¬e = parser.AddDefaultOption<String>(
"hello, world!", "a note", OptionProp::OPTIONAL
parser.SetupFlags(argc, argv);
LOG_VAR(age, odds, height, note)
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
return 0;
before setup:
{'optionLongName': "def-opt", 'optionShortName': "", 'defaultValue': hello, world!, 'value': hello, world!, 'desc': "a note", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': String, 'hasAssertor': false}
{'optionLongName': "name", 'optionShortName': "", 'defaultValue': null, 'value': null, 'desc': "the name string", 'prop': Required, 'argType': String, 'hasAssertor': true}
{'optionLongName': "height", 'optionShortName': "", 'defaultValue': 174.5, 'value': 174.5, 'desc': "the height", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': Float, 'hasAssertor': true}
{'optionLongName': "odds", 'optionShortName': "o", 'defaultValue': [1, 3], 'value': [1, 3], 'desc': "the odd number(s)", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': IntVec, 'hasAssertor': true}
{'optionLongName': "sex", 'optionShortName': "s", 'defaultValue': false, 'value': false, 'desc': "the sex of the student", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': Bool, 'hasAssertor': true}
{'optionLongName': "age", 'optionShortName': "a", 'defaultValue': 18, 'value': 18, 'desc': "the age of the student", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': Int, 'hasAssertor': true}
{'optionLongName': "help", 'optionShortName': "h", 'defaultValue': "...", 'value': "...", 'desc': "show this help message and exit", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': Version, 'hasAssertor': false}
{'optionLongName': "version", 'optionShortName': "v", 'defaultValue': "...", 'value': "...", 'desc': "show the version message and exit", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': Version, 'hasAssertor': false}
run this command below to set up parser:
./flags_v3 "I'm ULong2" --name ULong2 -a 22 -s 1 --height 174.0f --odds 9 11 97
will output:
{'optionLongName': "def-opt", 'optionShortName': "", 'defaultValue': hello, world!, 'value': I'm ULong2, 'desc': "a note", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': String, 'hasAssertor': false}
{'optionLongName': "name", 'optionShortName': "", 'defaultValue': null, 'value': ULong2, 'desc': "the name string", 'prop': Required, 'argType': String, 'hasAssertor': true}
{'optionLongName': "height", 'optionShortName': "", 'defaultValue': 174.5, 'value': 174, 'desc': "the height", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': Float, 'hasAssertor': true}
{'optionLongName': "odds", 'optionShortName': "o", 'defaultValue': [1, 3], 'value': [9, 11, 97], 'desc': "the odd number(s)", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': IntVec, 'hasAssertor': true}
{'optionLongName': "sex", 'optionShortName': "s", 'defaultValue': false, 'value': true, 'desc': "the sex of the student", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': Bool, 'hasAssertor': true}
{'optionLongName': "age", 'optionShortName': "a", 'defaultValue': 18, 'value': 22, 'desc': "the age of the student", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': Int, 'hasAssertor': true}
{'optionLongName': "help", 'optionShortName': "h", 'defaultValue': "...", 'value': "...", 'desc': "show this help message and exit", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': Version, 'hasAssertor': false}
{'optionLongName': "version", 'optionShortName': "v", 'defaultValue': "...", 'value': "...", 'desc': "show the version message and exit", 'prop': Optional, 'argType': Version, 'hasAssertor': false}
help option:
./flags_v3 --help
This is a test program for lib-flags.
Usage: ./flags_v3 [def-opt argv(s)] [opt-name argv(s)] ...
Options Property Type Describes
--def-opt Optional String a note
--name Required String the name string
--height Optional Float the height
--odds, -o Optional IntVec the odd number(s)
--sex, -s Optional Bool the sex of the student
--age, -a Optional Int the age of the student
--help, -h Optional Version show this help message and exit
--version, -v Optional Version show the version message and exit
help docs for program "./flags_v3"
version option:
./flags_v3 --version
./flags_v3: ['version': '1.0.0']
run the command:
./flags_v3 --name ""
will output:
[ error from 'lib-flags':'AssertOptionValue' ] the value(s) for option "--name" is(are) invalid: "the name string cannot be an empty string". (use option '--help' to get more info)
void SetVersion(const std::string &version);
void SetHelp(const std::string &help);
void SetupFlags(int argc, char const *argv[]);
void SetProgDescription(const std::string &progDesc);
* @tparam ArgumentType the type of the option's argument
* @param optionLongName the option long name
* @param optionShortName the option short name
* @param defaultValue the default value of the option argument
* @param description the description of this option
* @param property the property of this option
* @param assertor the assertor to judge whether the entered args are valid
* @return the value address of the option argument
* @attention user should use reference to receive the return value
template<class ArgumentType>
const typename ArgumentType::data_type &
AddOption(const std::string &optionLongName, char optionShortName,
const typename ArgumentType::data_type &defaultValue, const std::string &description,
const OptionProp &property, assertor_type<ArgumentType> assertor = nullptr);
* @tparam ArgumentType the type of the option's argument
* @param optionLongName the option long name
* @param defaultValue the default value of the option argument
* @param description the description of this option
* @param property the property of this option
* @param assertor the assertor to judge whether the entered args are valid
* @return the value address of the option argument
* @attention user should use reference to receive the return value
template<class ArgumentType>
const typename ArgumentType::data_type &
AddOption(const std::string &optLongName, const typename ArgumentType::data_type &defaultValue,
const std::string &description, const OptionProp &property,
assertor_type<ArgumentType> assertor = nullptr);
* @tparam ArgumentType the type of the option's argument
* @param defaultValue the default value of the default option argument
* @param description the description of this default option
* @param property the property of this default option
* @param assertor the assertor to judge whether the entered args are valid
* @return the value address of the default option argument
* @attention user should use reference to receive the return value
template<class ArgumentType>
const typename ArgumentType::data_type &
AddDefaultOption(const typename ArgumentType::data_type &defaultValue,
const std::string &description, const OptionProp &property,
assertor_type<ArgumentType> assertor = nullptr)
firstly, you should write the code below:
struct Person {
std::string name;
float age;
bool sex;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Person &person) {
os << std::boolalpha;
os << "name: " << << " age: " << person.age << " sex: " <<;
return os;
std::optional<std::string> DataFromStringVector(const std::vector<std::string> &strVec) override {
if (strVec.size() < 3) {
return "3 elems are needed to create a person";
} =;
data.age = std::stof(; = ns_flags::Utils::StrToBool(;
return {};
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
try {
using namespace ns_flags;
const auto &p = parser.AddOption<PersonOption>("p", {}, "the person", OptionProp::REQUIRED);
parser.SetupFlags(argc, argv);
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
return 0;