A tool for searching Phoible, an online repository of phonological inventories (the sounds a language uses and how they are organized). This is a cli tool that can count and list languages satisfying arbitrary boolean functions of sounds. For example, you can search for languages with [k] and [g], or for languages with [b], but not [p], or even languages containing [k] and [g] or containing [b] but not [p]!
A tool for generating minecraft maparts, uses dithering to improve quality when working in the limited minecraft map color palette.
A colorful implementation of boids. Written in Javascript using the <canvas> API for rendering.
These projects are complete enough to be generally usable. For projects in earlier stages of development, see:
Descriptions represent plans, for current states, see repository.
Simple, efficent programming language that compiles to WebAssembly. This is a group project and the repository will not be public until it is ready for beta-testing.
I use Nix for my system configurations; my config is available here.