A script facilitating multithreaded processing of lots of images using the power of G'MIC and various NCNN-Vulkan CLI tools, such as:
bip.sh [options] <input> <output> <cmd_file> [output_ext]
For detailed description of the arguments run the script without any arguments or with -h.
To use the G'MIC filters from the "Testing" section you must update the filter definitions in the G'MIC plugin and then copy the latest update file to your home directory naming it .gmic
cp $(ls "$HOME/.config/gmic/"*.gmic | sort -n -r | head -n1) $HOME/.gmic
Or in case you're using GIMP in a Flatpak:
cp $(ls "$HOME/.var/app/org.gimp.GIMP/config/gmic"/*.gmic | sort -n -r | head -n1) $HOME/.gmic