Author: CrBoy (
This project is a set of vim configurations (vimrc, or vimfiles), which is convenient to the author. If git is installed on the machine, these settings could be installed by only one line of command on Linux or MacOSX.
Prerequisite: Make sure GIT is installed
Using curl (Mac (OSX) should have curl):
curl -o- | sh
or wget (Linux often has wget):
wget -O- | sh
- Convenient for Traditional Chinese users (set fileencodings)
- Tabline with a number for each tab, making tab switching more easily
- Using NeoBundle to manage the plug-ins in a better way
- The project refers to vgod and vgod's vimrc. I'm really thanks to him showing amazing tips. :D
- c9s brings me spirits of vim and git.
- I learned the usage of git-submodule from here. (Older version uses git-submodule to manage plugins)