Awesome work on Hand-Object Interaction Synthesis and Reconstruction
ArtiGrasp: Physically Plausible Synthesis of Bi-Manual Dexterous Grasping and Articulation (3dv 2024)
- github: (
- main idea: bi-manual hand-object interactions(grasping and articulation) || curriculum learning || Reinforcement learning
- disadvantage: focuses on a few grasping and articulation tasks and objects
GraspXL: Generating Grasping Motions for Diverse Objects at Scale
- github:
- main idea: Generating Grasping Motions for Diverse Objects at Scale
- disadvantage: single hand,
InterHandGen: Two-Hand Interaction Generation via Cascaded Reverse Diffusion (CVPR 2024)
- github: (
- main idea: (1) decompose the modeling of joint distribution. (2) Combine anti-penetration and classifier-free guidance to enable plausible generation.
HOLD: Category-agnostic 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Hands and Objects from Video (CVPR 2024 Highlight)
- github: (
- main idea: the first method that jointly reconstructs articulated hands and objects from monocular videos without assuming a pre-scanned object template and 3D hand-object training data.
HOIDiffusion: Generating Realistic 3D Hand-Object Interaction Data (CVPR 2024)
- github:
- main idea: controllable(eg. object, baackground) and realistic Hand-Object Interaction image synthesis
GeneOH Diffusion: Towards Generalizable Hand-Object Interaction Denoising via Denoising Diffusion (ICLR 2024)
- webpage:
- main idea: contact-centric representation, focus on hand trajectory
DiffH2O: Diffusion-Based Synthesis of Hand-Object Interactions from Textual Descriptions (SIGGRAPH Asia 2024)
- webpage:
ManiDext: Hand-Object Manipulation Synthesis via Continuous Correspondence Embeddings and Residual-Guided Diffusion
DexGraspNet 2.0: Learning Generative Dexterous Grasping in Large-scale Synthetic Cluttered Scenes