Packed Bar Charts in R with Plotly (Introducing Packed Bars)
This small package is an adaptation of the packed bar chart introduced by XanGregg in a JMP User Community Post (XanGregg's packed bar git repo). The package currently consists of only 1 function to make a packed bar chart using plotly.
#install package from github
#use sample data from treemap package
data(GNI2014, package = 'treemap')
#inspect raw data
# iso3 country continent population GNI
# 1: BMU Bermuda North America 67837 106140
# 2: NOR Norway Europe 4676305 103630
# 3: QAT Qatar Asia 833285 92200
# 4: CHE Switzerland Europe 7604467 88120
# 5: MAC Macao SAR, China Asia 559846 76270
# 6: LUX Luxembourg Europe 491775 75990
#summarize data to plot
my_input_data = GNI2014[,sum(population), by=country]
#inspect data to plot
# country V1
# 1: Bermuda 67837
# 2: Norway 4676305
# 3: Qatar 833285
# 4: Switzerland 7604467
# 5: Macao SAR, China 559846
# 6: Luxembourg 491775
#packed bar with default settings
label_column = 'country',
value_column = 'V1')
#customized packed bar
label_column = 'country',
value_column = 'V1',
number_rows = 4,
plot_title = 'Population 2014',
xaxis_label = 'Population',
hover_label = 'Population',
min_label_width = .025,
color_bar_color ='orange')