MaulingMonKey's Format Macros.
Currently just provides MMK_FORMAT_TRUNC(name, length, format, ...) shorthand with all the warnings turned up.
License: Apache 2.0
#include <mmk/format.h> // MMK_FORMAT_TRUNC
#include <stdio.h> // puts
int main() {
const char* const name = "World";
MMK_FORMAT_TRUNC(hello_world, 1024, "Hello, %s!", name);
// Roughly equivalent to: char hello_world[1024] = "Hello, World!";
Add libMmkFormat to your project via nuget. Done!
Alternatively, clone and add libMmkFormat/include/ to your #include paths. There is currently no source/.lib/.dll/.a/.so component to worry about. There are no configuration options.
Supported compilers:
- MSVC 2005+
- GCC 3.0+
- Clang
- Variadic macro support (via C99, C++11, or compiler extension)
Other compilers likely work, although they may not generate appropriate warnings.
- Public CI
- Support ICC
- 'nix friendly packaging?
- Proof of concept for publishing native nuget packages via my local build chain.
- Need a C-friendly, non-error-prone formatting shorthand option for all my impending debug library shenannigans.
- Josh Wittner says "Always be Shipped", which is even better than "Always be Shipping"