Hi, I’m Mathy Vanvoorden
I've been an open-source enthousiast ever since I took my first steps in the Linux world back around 2000. Over the course of time I've joined (and left) communities providing small patches here and there.
The one constant has been Gentoo running on my personal devices which I love for its high configurability. I've tried many other distributions but none ever really stuck, apart from Debian/Ubuntu LTS which is kind-of my goto now for servers, I used to run Gentoo on servers too, but ever since the advent of containers, Docker and k8s there's little to no reason in my eyes.
My main desktop has been Plasma for several years now, I've been in the KDE ecosystem since just before KDE4 alpha. I don't run the full KDE suite but rather a minimal set of just the window manager and a selection of individual applications. Again Gentoo is a great help here as you can just pick&mix whatever you feel like.
I've dabled in a lot of programming languages and technologies but my main focus is on:
- Rust / Python / C++
- Embedded development
- Docker / Kubernetes
- Pulumi
You can contact me per email to mathy at draca dot be