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Daniel Schulz danielschulz

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danielschulz /
Created March 19, 2023 14:17 — forked from veekaybee/
Everything I understand about chatgpt

ChatGPT Resources


ChatGPT appeared like an explosion on all my social media timelines in early December 2022. While I keep up with machine learning as an industry, I wasn't focused so much on this particular corner, and all the screenshots seemed like they came out of nowhere. What was this model? How did the chat prompting work? What was the context of OpenAI doing this work and collecting my prompts for training data?

I decided to do a quick investigation. Here's all the information I've found so far. I'm aggregating and synthesizing it as I go, so it's currently changing pretty frequently.

Model Architecture

danielschulz /
Created February 8, 2023 09:11 — forked from FrankSpierings/
Linux Container Escapes and Hardening
danielschulz /
Created February 2, 2023 17:47 — forked from mikepea/
Pull Request Etiquette

Pull Request Etiquette

Why do we use a Pull Request workflow?

PRs are a great way of sharing information, and can help us be aware of the changes that are occuring in our codebase. They are also an excellent way of getting peer review on the work that we do, without the cost of working in direct pairs.

Ultimately though, the primary reason we use PRs is to encourage quality in the commits that are made to our code repositories

Done well, the commits (and their attached messages) contained within tell a story to people examining the code at a later date. If we are not careful to ensure the quality of these commits, we silently lose this ability.

danielschulz / Clean Python Deep Learning GPU setup with TensorFlow 2.X.X & PyTorch 1.X and GPU installation instructions for Ubuntu 20.04 - CUDA 11.X


I. Clean Python setup from scratch. (~1h) Skip if you already have a python environment setup or want to use your own python virtualenv setup

0. Pre-install (skip if already done)

sudo apt-get install python3-pip python-dev
danielschulz /
Created February 22, 2022 14:47 — forked from JPvRiel/
Notes on linux memory management options to prioritize and control memory access using older ulimits, newer cgroups and overcommit policy settings. Mostly as an attempt to keep a desktop environment responsive and avoid swap thrashing under high memory pressure.


Some notes about:

  • Explaining why current day Linux memory swap thrashing still happens (as of 2016).
  • Mitigating "stop the world" type thrashing issues on a Linux workstation when it's under high memory pressure and where responsiveness is more important than process completion.
  • Prioritizing and limiting memory use.
  • Older ulimit versus newer CGroup options.

These notes assume some basic background knowledge about memory management, ulimits and cgroups.

danielschulz /
Created December 6, 2021 20:57 — forked from hslatman/
Fluentd Fluent-bit FileBeat memory and cpu resources

Fluent-bit rocks

A short survey of log collection options and why you picked the wrong one. 😜

Who am I? Where am I from?

I'm Steve Coffman and I work at Ithaka. We do JStor (academic journals) and other stuff. How big is it?

Number what it means
101,332,633 unique visitors in 2017
danielschulz / names.json
Created May 17, 2021 17:00 — forked from d-oliveros/names.json
Names List
danielschulz / schnelltest-availability.js
Created March 12, 2021 10:38 — forked from marco79cgn/schnelltest-availability.js
Shows the available amount of Covid Tests in your local drug store and online
let country = "de"; // replace with 'at' for shops in Austria
let storeId = 251;
let param = args.widgetParameter;
if (param != null && param.length > 0) {
if (param.indexOf(";") > 0) {
const paramSplit = param.split(";");
storeId = paramSplit[0];
country = paramSplit[1].toLowerCase();
} else {
storeId = param;