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This article forms an investigation of seventeenth-century Bolognese artist Guido Reni’s use of silk as a painting support. Despite the high cost of the fabric when compared to conventional canvas materials such as linen, Reni chose to... more
This article examines a selection of paintings by Guido Reni (1575–1642) and his studio that display comparable stylistic, compositional, and technical characteristics, all of which have been ascribed dates loosely between 1620 and 1630.... more
This volume has been published to celebrate the recent and extensive conservation of the National Gallery of Ireland’s Prodigal Son series, a cycle of six paintings by master storyteller of the Spanish Golden Age, Bartolomé Esteban... more
Publicado con motivo de la exposición El Hijo pródigo de Murillo y el arte de narrar en el Barroco andaluz, celebrada en el Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, entre el 21 de septiembre de 2021 y el 23 de enero de 2022. Autores: Javier... more