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TERMS & CONDITIONS Google Developer Groups

The following terms and conditions apply to Organizers of standalone Google Developer Groups and Organizers of Google Developer Groups on Campus (both referred to as “GDG” or “the “ Program”). We are excited to have you as an Organizer and are looking forward to collaborating with you.


Before you officially are recognized as an Organizer, you, the individual who completes this form, will need to review and agree to the following terms and conditions. We will use any information that you provide to us in connection with the Program in accordance with Google's Privacy Policy [].


Terms & Conditions


  1. Violate the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement you sign with Google (included in the next section of this page).
  2. Make any untrue statements or representations about Google or any of Google's products or services.
  3. Make any statements on behalf of Google or any Google company. You should ensure that any opinions you express are clearly stated as being your own and not those of Google.
  4. Make any statements or representations in the course of your activities as an Organizer that are in Google's sole opinion misleading, defamatory, infringing, libelous, disparaging, obscene, or otherwise objectionable to Google.
  5. Misrepresent the purpose of the Program, how the Program functions or your role as a GDG organizer.
  6. Claim to be an active participant of the Program if you are no longer a member of the Program.

YOU AGREE as a Program organizer:

  1. That your participation in the  Program is completely voluntary. 
  2. Though your chapter name may reference the university or place of higher learning attended by your chapter members, that does not reflect any program sponsorship by the university or place of higher learning mentioned.
  3. That Google may immediately exit any Organizers from the Program for any reason; Organizers may also exit the Program at any time.
  4. That you do not have a partnership, agency or employer-employee relationship with Google or any Google entity, and that the provision by Google to you of anything of value of any kind does not and will not establish any such relationship.
  5. That you are not and will not be entitled to any compensation, options, stock or other rights or benefits accorded to Google employees; and you waive any right to them and promise never to claim them.
  6. When promoting or speaking about the Program (in person or online), to always mention your connection with the Program.
  7. To follow our branding and community guidelines.
  8. That Google may change the terms or scope of the Program at any time for any reason.
  9. That GDG chapters must remain active,  run at least 1 event every 90 days, and must publish all events on the GDG Event Platform ( . Failure to publish and host events,  and to log activity to the Program may result in removal from the Program.
  10. That you are expected to be willing and available to communicate with your Google Regional Lead in a timely fashion when requested.
  11. That the GDG logo and name is granted for your use as an Organizer as long as you are in good standing with the Program and follow the GDG brand guidelines.
  12. That you will not use the Program for profit. Organizers should only charge attendees for ticket entry and/or get sponsorships to cover the costs of event operations (e.g., food and drinks, venue, set up, speakers) if needed.
  13. That it is okay to collaborate with other groups and companies. Collaborating with other groups and companies is a great way to arrange additional speakers, venues and sponsorships.
  14. That it is okay to talk about non-Google technologies in your community in order to promote learning across technologies, but you may not disparage Google or any other company.
  15. To let Google use any information that you provide to it in connection with the Program in accordance with Google's Privacy Policy []; and you agree that we may display any information that you provide to us on Google websites.
  16. That you consent to Google sharing your personal information with partners and vendors affiliated with the Program.
  17. To follow the Google Event Community Guidelines and Anti Harassment Policy (set forth below) at all times.
  18. To follow the Organizers Code of Conduct (set forth below) at all times.


Google Developer Group Confidentiality Agreement

In order to participate as an Organizer of a standalone Google Developer Group or a Google Developer Group on Campus (both referred to as the “Program”), you understand and agree to this Confidentiality Agreement (the “Agreement”):

  1. This Agreement is effective on the date you accept it.
  2. As part of your participation in the Program, you may disclose to Google, or Google may disclose to you, information considered confidential (“Confidential Information”).
  3. The one who receives the Confidential Information may use it only for the intended purpose for which it was disclosed (“Purpose”). The one receiving the Confidential Information must use a reasonable degree of care to protect it and to prevent its unauthorized use or disclosure. Google may share Confidential Information with its employees, directors, agents or third party contractors who need to know it and if they have agreed to keep the information confidential. However, you may not share Confidential Information.
  4. Confidential Information does not include information that: (a) was known to the one who received it before it was disclosed; (b) is publicly available; (c) was rightfully received from a third party without a duty of confidentiality; or (d) was independently developed by the recipient. You or Google may disclose Confidential Information when compelled to do so by law if it provides reasonable prior notice to the other, unless a court orders that the other party not be given notice.
  5. Either you or Google may terminate this Agreement with thirty days (30) prior written notice (email is OK), but this Agreement’s provisions will survive as to Confidential Information disclosed before termination.
  6. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the duty to protect Confidential Information expires five years from disclosure.
  7. This Agreement imposes no obligation to proceed with this voluntary Program.
  8. You and Google do not acquire any intellectual property rights under this Agreement.
  9. This Agreement is not assignable or transferable by either party without the prior written consent of the other party.
  10. This Agreement is the parties’ entire agreement on this topic, superseding any prior or contemporaneous agreements. Any amendments must be in writing. Failure to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver.
  11. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California, excluding its conflict-of-laws principles. The exclusive venue for any dispute relating to this Agreement shall be Santa Clara County, California.


Google Community Guidelines and Anti-Harassment Policy for In-Person and Virtual Events

Google is dedicated to providing a harassment-free and inclusive event experience for everyone regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, religion, or other protected category. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants in any form. Google takes violations of our policy seriously and will respond appropriately.

All participants of Google events, including in-person and online attendees, event staff, speakers, and Googlers, must abide by the following policy:

Be respectful to each other. Treat everyone with respect. Participate while acknowledging that everyone deserves to be here — and each of us has the right to enjoy our experience without fear of harassment, discrimination, or condescension, whether blatant or via micro-aggressions. All forms of communication should not demean others. Consider what you are saying and how it would feel if it were said to you or about you.

Speak up if you see or hear something. Harassment is not tolerated, and you are empowered to politely engage when you or others are disrespected. The person making you feel uncomfortable may not be aware of what they are doing, and politely bringing their behavior to their attention is encouraged.

We have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for in-person or online harassment of any kind, including but not limited to:

  • Stalking/following
  • Deliberate intimidation
  • Harassing photography or recording
  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events
  • Offensive verbal language
  • Verbal language that reinforces social structures of domination
  • Sexual imagery and language in public spaces
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Unwelcome sexual or physical attention
  • Physical or cyber threats

In relation to, but not limited to:

  • Neurodiversity
  • Race
  • Color
  • National origin
  • Gender identity
  • Gender expression
  • Sexual orientation
  • Age
  • Body size
  • Disabilities
  • Appearance
  • Religion
  • Pregnancy
  • Military status
  • Social demographic

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Our zero tolerance policy means that we will look into and review every allegation of violation of our Event Community Guidelines and Anti-Harassment Policy and respond appropriately. To report any behavior that makes you or others feel uncomfortable, visit your event's website to file a report to your event's organizers.

This policy extends to talks, forums, workshops, codelabs, social media, all attendees, partners, sponsors, volunteers, staff, etc. You catch our drift.

Google reserves the right to refuse admittance to, or remove any person from, any Google hosted event (including future Google events) at any time in its sole discretion. This includes, but is not limited to; attendees behaving in a disorderly manner or failing to comply with this policy, and the terms and conditions herein. If a participant engages in harassing or uncomfortable behavior, the conference organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning or expelling the offender from the conference with no refund or blocking the offender’s account from participating online.


 Google Developer Group Organizer Code of Conduct

When you join our programs, you're joining a community. And like any growing community, a few ground rules about expected behavior are good for everyone. This Code of Conduct covers both online (e.g. mailing lists, social channels) and offline (e.g., in-person meetups) behavior.

Violations of this code of conduct can result in members being removed from the program. Use your best judgment , and if you'd like more clarity or have questions feel free to reach out.


Be nice. We're all part of the same community, so be friendly, welcoming, and generally a nice person. Be someone that other people want to be around.

Be respectful and constructive. Remember to be respectful and constructive with your communication to fellow members. Don't get into flamewars, make personal attacks, vent, or rant unconstructively. Everyone should take responsibility for the community and take the initiative to diffuse tension and stop a negative thread as early as possible.

Be collaborative. Work together! We can learn a lot from each other. Share knowledge, and help each other out.

Participate. Join in on discussions, show up for in-person meetings regularly, offer feedback, and help implement that feedback.

Step down considerately. If you have some form of responsibility in your community, be aware of your own constraints. If you know that a new job or personal situation will limit your time, find someone who can take over for you and transfer the relevant information (contacts, passwords, etc.) for a smooth transition.

Basic etiquette for online discussions. Don't send messages to a big list that only need to go to one person. Keep off topic conversations to a minimum. Don't be spammy by advertising or promoting personal projects which are off topic.


By agreeing to this document, you acknowledge and accept the above Terms & Conditions and the Confidentiality Agreement.  You also further agree to abide by the Google Community Guidelines and Anti-Harassment Policy and the Google Developer Group Organizer Code of Conduct.