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Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Sword and Shield Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Sword and Shield Guide

This is a guide to the Sword and Shield (SNS), a weapon in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (MH Rise). Read on to learn about new Sword and Shield controls and combos, how to use Sword and Shield Perfect Rush, the Sword and Shield's new Guard Point move, Sword and Shield Oils, as well as details on Sword and Shield Switch Skills.

All Sword and Shield Guides
Sword and Shield 1Trees & Full List Sword and Shield 2How to Use Sword and Shield 3Best Builds

Sword and Shield Balance Changes

Sword and Shield Balance Changes and Fixes
(Update 15.0)
・Fixed a bug causing the Sword & Shield's Jumping Slash to combo into a Rising Slash instead of a Roundslash if performed right after landing.

This update is mostly aimed at fixing a bug with Jumping Slash. No major changes for the Sword and Shield this time.

Update 13.0

Sword and Shield Balance Changes and Fixes
(Update 13.0)
・Applying Destroyer Oil now also restores some sharpness (in addition to its current effect).
・Fixed an issue with the timing of chaining a Rising Slash into a Roundslash, where using the button assigned for a Roundslash would mistakenly chain into a Lateral Slash or Shield Attack instead.

・Followers: attack power for follower using the weapon type Sword & Shield has been increased.

With the buff to Destroyer Oil, we'll be seeing more potential in its damage output thanks to it now being able to restore some sharpness.

A bug has been fixed regarding the chaining of Rising Slash into a Roundslash mistakingly leading into a Lateral Slash or Shield Attack instead. With this fix, we'll be able to see more proper Sword & Shield combos for better damage output and survivability.

Update 10.0

Sword and Shield Balance Changes and Fixes
(Update 10.0)
・ Adjusted all of the following weapon actions:
・ Advancing Slash: Attack power slightly increased
・ Rising Slash: Attack power slightly increased
・ Chop: Attack power slightly increased
・ Side Slash: Attack power slightly increased
・ Lateral Slash: Attack power slightly increased
・ Return Stroke: Attack power slightly increased
・ Spinning Rising Slash: Attack power slightly increased
・ Roundslash: Attack power slightly increased
・ Spinning Reaper: Attack power increased
・ Shield Attack: Attack power slightly increased
・ Shield Bash: Attack power increased
・ Sword/Shield Combo (Shield): Attack power slightly increased
・ Sword/Shield Combo (Sword): Attack power increased
・ Sliding Slash: Attack power increased
・ Falling Shadow (Chop): Attack power increased
・ Falling Bash (Heavy): Attack power increased
・ Falling Bash (Heavy, landing): Attack power increased
・ Drill Slash: Elemental scaling increased
・ Windmill: Attack power slightly increased; Elemental scaling increased; Sharpness consumption reduced
・ Perfect Rush 1: Attack power increased
・ Perfect Rush 2 (1st Hit - Strong): Attack power increased
・ Perfect Rush 2 (2nd Hit - Strong): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased
・ Perfect Rush 2 (3rd Hit - Strong): Attack power increased
・ Perfect Rush 3 (Strong): Attack power increased
・ Perfect Rush 4 (Strong): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased
・ Perfect Rush 2 (2nd Hit - Weak): Attack power increased
・ Perfect Rush 2 (3rd Hit - Weak): Attack power increased
・ Perfect Rush 4 (Weak): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased
・ Perfect Rush 4 (Thrust): Slightly enlarged the hit detection.

・ Fixed a bug where you couldn't cancel your blocking stance after performing a Guard Slash immediately after entering a blocking stance after a Rising Slash.

The buff on Perfect Rush and Windmill makes the Sword and Shield a powerful weapon after the update. This opens up other possibilities for the Sword and Shield that maybe people would use Windmill more than Metsu Shoryugeki.

They're pushing for more elemental damage too, with increased Elemental Scaling for Perfect Rush introduced in the patch.

Weapon Changes in Sunbreak

Sword and Shield New Sunbreak Attacks and Moves

Official Sword and Shield Preview Video

Silkbind Attack: Destroyer Oil

MH Rise Sunbreak - Sword and Shield Destroyer Oil

Destroyer Oil makes its return from MHGU as a Silkbind Attack for the Sword and Shield in Sunbreak! While active, the oil makes it easier to stagger monsters. Use this opportunity to deal more damage!

Switch Skill: Twin Blade Combo

MH Rise Sunbreak - Sword and Shield Twin Blade Combo

This Switch Skill replaces the end of the basic Sword/Shield Combo with a circular slash followed by a thrust. The additional hits make this useful for applying more elemental and status damage.

Silkbind Attack: Shield Bash

MHRise Sunbreak - SNS Shield Bash

Not introduced in any trailer, Shield Bash is an additional Silkbind Attack added to the Sunbreak Expansion. A great gap closer tool for all Sword and Shield users, it also deals stun damage after making contact with the monster! If your Guard skill is high enough, you might be able to take on hits when timed right!

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Release Date and New Monsters

How Good is the Sword and Shield?

Tier List Ranking

MHRise Ranking Sunbreak Ranking
A Rank Icon
(S - A - B)
3 Level Tier
A Rank Icon
(SS - S - A)
3 Level Tier

The Sword and Shield continues to be the well-rounded weapon we know and love in the Sunbreak expansion. The buff on Perfect Rush gives it the power it needed to go toe-to-toe with monsters. The additions for it is kind of mediocre though, with Destroyer Oil not delivering as much as we expected and many more. Still, it remains to be a viable choice for Hunters that loves to balance offense and defense effectively.

Weapon Tier List

Sword and Shield Strengths

Check IconHigh Elemental damage and number of hits

Check IconPerfect Rush is powerful

Check IconStun with Shield

Check IconNo need to sheathe to use items

Check IconGuarding with Shield

High Elemental Damage and Number of Hits

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Has High Elemental Damage
Sword and Shield's weapons often have high Elemental damage. Sword and Shield attacks also hit multiple times, allowing them to deal elemental damage and apply status ailments faster.

Perfect Rush is Powerful

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Perfect Rush is Very Powerful
Perfect Rush, while difficult to execute, has one of the highest DPS rates of any move in the game. Players must execute it with proper timing, and it can take a long time to get used to. In Monster Hunter Rise, players can now perform a Perfect Rush from a Guard Slash, increasing the potential to combo into a Perfect Rush.

Stun with Shield

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Stun with the Shield
Attacks with the Shield, including Charged Slash, count as stun damage and can be used to knock out a monster.

No Need to Sheathe to Use Items

The Sword and Shield is the only weapon that can use items without having to sheathe the weapons. This gives it incredible utility when setting up traps or healing during emergencies.

Guarding with Shield

While it is far from being the best shield in the game, being able to guard against attacks on the fly is incredibly valuable. Not to mention the existence of a Guard Point whenever you Guard Slash.

Sword and Shield Weaknesses

Check IconEasily flinched

Check IconShort reach

Easily Flinched

If you get hit by an ally's attack, you can easily get flinched out of your combos. In Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise), there is a skill called Flinch Free that a lot of hunters utilize as a countermeasure to this problem.

Short Reach

The Sword and Shield has a shorter reach than most weapons, making it difficult to attack parts that are high up (often the head or the tail). Hunters can mitigate this with jumping moves like Metsu Shoryugeki or the Sliding Slash Switch Skill.

Sword and Shield Controls

Controls Action
MH Rise - Left Click
Left Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png
XBOX - Y Button.png
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
PS4 - Circle Button.png
Lateral Slash
XBOX - B Button.png
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Right Click

Directional Button + Right Click
PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

Left Stick + Circle
Shield Attack
NSW - Left Analog + NSW - A

Left Stick + A
XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - B Button.png

Left Stick + B
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

Triangle + Circle
Advancing Slash
NSW - X + NSW - A

X + A
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png

Y + B
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Left Click

MB4 + Left Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

R2 + Triangle
Rising Slash
NSW - ZR + NSW - X

zR + X
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

RT + Y
MH Rise - M4 Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png
XBOX - Right Trigger.png
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right Click

MB4 + Right Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

R2 + Circle
Guard Slash
NSW - ZR + NSW - A

zR + A
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

RT + B
During a combo, hold MH Rise - S Button + MH Rise - Right Click

Down Direction + Right Click
During a combo, hold PS4 -  Left Stick.png ↓ + PS4 - Circle Button.png

Down Left Stick + Circle
During a combo, hold NSW - Left Analog ↓ + NSW - A

Down Left Stick + A
During a combo, hold XBOX - Left Stick.png ↓ + XBOX - B Button.png

Down Left Stick + B
During a backstep, hold MH Rise - Right Click

Right Click
During a backstep, hold PS4 - Circle Button.png

Charged Slash
During a backstep, hold NSW - A

During a backstep, hold XBOX - B Button.png

After a backstep, MH Rise - Left Click

Left Click
After a backstep, PS4 - Triangle Button.png

Leaping Slash
After a backstep, NSW - X

After a backstep, XBOX - Y Button.png

After a Leaping Slash or Guard Slash, MH Rise - Left Click

Left Click
After a Leaping Slash or Guard Slash, PS4 - Triangle Button.png

Perfect Rush
After a Leaping Slash or Guard Slash, NSW - X

After a Leaping Slash or Guard Slash, XBOX - Y Button.png

MH Rise - M4 Click or MH Rise - Middle Click + E

MB4 or Middle Click + E
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Square Button.png

R2 + Square
Use Item
NSW - ZR + NSW - Y
zR + Y
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - X Button.png
RT + X
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

L2 + Triangle
Falling Shadow
NSW - ZL + NSW - X

zL + X
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

LT + Y
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle

zL + A
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

Useful Combos

Basic Combo
Chop Side Slash Lateral Slash Return Stroke
MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Right Click Right Click MH Rise - Right Click Right Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle
XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - B Button.png B XBOX - B Button.png B
Powerful Combo
Chop Side Slash Lateral Slash Return Stroke
NSW - X + NSW - A
X + A
MH Rise - Right Click Right Click MH Rise - Right Click Right Click MH Rise - Right Click Right Click
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Left Click + Right Click
PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
Triangle + Circle
XBOX - B Button.png B XBOX - B Button.png B XBOX - B Button.png B
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Y + B
Monster-Stunning Combo
Chop Side Slash Lateral Slash
NSW - Left Analog + NSW - A
Left Stick + A
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Right Click
Directional Button + Right Click
MH Rise - Right Click Right Click MH Rise - Right Click Right Click
PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
Left Stick + Circle
PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Left Stick + B
XBOX - B Button.png B XBOX - B Button.png B
Charged Slash Combo
Chop Charged Slash Hit Monster Jump Slash Falling Bash
NSW - X Down + X
NSW - Left Analog
+ Hold NSW - A Down + A
Any attack, then lead to either a Jump Slash or a Falling Bash NSW - X X NSW - A A
MH Rise - Left Click Left Click
MH Rise - S Button + Hold MH Rise - Right Click
S + Right Click
MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Right Click Right Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle
PS4 -  Left Stick.png
+ Hold PS4 - Circle Button.png Down + Circle
PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle
XBOX - Y Button.png Y
XBOX - Left Stick.png
+ XBOX - B Button.png Down + B
XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - B Button.png B

Sword and Shield Silkbind Attacks

Falling Shadow

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Falling Shadow

Switch Controls

zL + X
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

L2 + Triangle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

LT + Y

Falling Shadow is a Silkbind Attack that makes you jump up into the air. When you land the attack, you can combo it to fly into the air again and land another hit with an attack like Falling Bash (A, Right Click, Circle, or B) to stun or Plunging Thrust (X + A, Left Click + Right Click, Triangle + Circle, or Y + B) to deal big damage. It uses one Wirebug has fast Wirebug recovery.


MH Rise - Sword and Shield Windmill

Switch Controls
NSW - ZL + NSW - A

zL + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

Windmill is a Silkbind Attack that attaches your sword to the end of the Ironsilk and whips it around. This attack grants invincibility frames, so using it with good timing will allow you to avoid Monsters' fierce attacks. This uses two Wirebugs and has fast Wirebug recovery. It can also be swapped with Metsu Shoryugeki or Destroyer Oil.

Metsu Shoryugeki

MH Rise - SnS Metsu Shoryugeki

Switch Controls
NSW - ZL + NSW - A

zL + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

Back from MHGU, this nod to the famous Shoryuken attack from Street Fighter returns as a newly announced Silkbind Attack which can be switched out with the Windmill or Destroyer Oil.

Like its namesake, this attack causes the hunter to jump up and uppercut the target with the Shield. You can also follow it up with a Falling Bash (A, Right Click, Circle, or B) to stun or Plunging Thrust (X + A, Left Click + Right Click, Triangle + Circle, or Y + B) to deal big damage.

The user has a short timeframe to Guard against an attack at the beginning of this attack A successful counter here will cause the damage from Metsu Shoryugeki to increase further. This move uses two Wirebugs and has medium recovery speed.

Destroyer Oil

MH Rise Sunbreak - Sword and Shield Destroyer Oil

Switch Controls
NSW - ZL + NSW - A

zL + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

Destroyer Oil makes its return from MHGU as a Silkbind Attack for the Sword and Shield in Sunbreak! However, it is no longer an item and is now an attack that powers up your ability to stagger monsters. The first part of the attack is a sword thrust that can deal damage, while the second part is quickly applying the oil to the sword.

This Silkbind Attack uses one Wirebug, has medium recovery speed, and can be swapped with Metsu Shoryugeki or Windmill. You'll know the effect is active when your arm glows blue. It lasts for 45 seconds, and you can keep using Destroyer Oil again to extend the duration. As of Version 13, Destroyer Oil also restores 20 sharpness when used.

Shield Bash

MHRise Sunbreak - SNS Shield Bash

Switch Controls

zL + X
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

L2 + Triangle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

LT + Y

A great gap closer tool for all Sword and Shield users. This also deals stun damage after making contact with the monster so use this whenever you can! If your Guard skill is high enough, you might be able to take on hits when timed right!

Sword and Shield Switch Skills

Switch Skills are unlocked with different conditions as you progress in the game. Base game MHRise provides Hunters with three (3) slots of Switch Skills, with the Sunbreak expansion adding two (2) more.

Note: Skills in red are exclusive to the Sunbreak expansion.

Skill Slot Switch Skill Choices
1 ・Advancing Slash
・Sliding Slash
2 ・Hard Basher Combo
・Drill Slash Combo
3 ・Sword/Shield Combo
Twin Blade Combo
4 ・Windmill
・Metsu Shoryugeki
Destroyer Oil
5 ・Falling Shadow
Shield Bash

Switch Skills Guide: How to Unlock Switch Skills

Drill Slash Combo

MH Rise - SnS Drill Slash Combo

Switched With
Hard Basher Combo
This is a derivative of the Shield Slam that converts Thrust to a Drill Slash. Basically, it is a multi-hit attack with great potential when combined with an elemental weapon.
After a Shield Bash,
NSW - A MH Rise - Right Click, PS4 - Circle Button.png or XBOX - B Button.png

After a Shield Bash, press
A, Right Click, Triangle, or B

This Switch Skill has a different finisher for the Sword and Shield's Shield Bash. The hunter sticks the sword through a monster and then pulls it out to deal lingering damage. Useful for element and status Sword and Shield builds.

Sliding Slash

MH Rise - SnS Sliding Slash

Switched With
Advancing Slash
A sliding attack that slashes the target twice. High reach but no ability to turn. Allows for a follow-up jumping attack.
Draw Attack when sheathed,
NSW - X + NSW - A
X + A
Draw Attack when sheathed,
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Left Click + Right Click
Draw Attack when sheathed,
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
Triangle + Circle
Draw Attack when sheathed,
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Y + B
X + A, Left Click + Right Click, Triangle + Cricle, or Y + B when unsheathed.
Pressing A, Right Click, Circle, or B while sliding changes attack to Jumping Rising Slash

A draw attack (or advancing move) that slides the hunter forward and slashes the target twice. You can also follow it up with a jumping slash.

Metsu Shoryugeki

MH Rise - SnS Metsu Shoryugeki

Switched With
A jumping Wirebug attack that uses the shield to uppercut the target. Can perform a Guard at the start and finish off with a Falling Bash.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 2
NSW - ZL + NSW - A
zL + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

A Silkbind Attack Switch Skill for Windmill, Metsu Shoryugeki pushes the hunter upward while uppercutting the monster with the shield for blunt damage. Like Windmill, the start of the move also has invincibility frames. Use this to deal insane amount of stun damage to monsters!

Twin Blade Combo

MH Rise Sunbreak - Sword and Shield Twin Blade Combo

Switched With
Sword/Shield Combo
Opens the combo with a circular attack then follows up with a blade thrust - both using the sword. Effective for dealing status and elemental damage.
Press NSW - X after a Side Slash.
Use NSW - Left Analog to change direciton.

Press MH Rise - Left Click after a Side Slash.
Use MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button to change direction.

Press PS4 - Triangle Button.png after a Side Slash.
Use PS4 -  Left Stick.png to change direction.

Press XBOX - Y Button.png after a Side Slash.
Use XBOX - Left Stick.png to change direction.

A more elemental/status inclined combo that replaces the shield bash in the middle of the combo into another sword attack, applying status/element procs more than stun. Pretty good choice if you're fighting a monster that is hard to KO.

Destroyer Oil

MH Rise Sunbreak - Sword and Shield Destroyer Oil

Switched With
Uses a Wirebug to cover your blade with a special ointment whose effects triggered by the friction with the shield. Also restores 20 Sharpness when used. While active, monsters flinch easily, creating more opening for attack.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - A
zL + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

An boost-type Silkbind attack that increases the likelihood of flinching monsters that can create openings for attack. Pretty simple and can be used at any time with no timings needed.

Shield Bash

MHRise Sunbreak - SNS Shield Bash

Switched With
Falling Shadow
A mix of offense and defense, allows the Hunter to use a Wirebug to dash forward with the shield raised. If the attack connects with a monster, the Hunter can follow up with more attacks. Can also parry an incoming attack - if timed right.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Fast
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
zL + X
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
L2 + Triangle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
LT + Y

A great gap closer tool for all Sword and Shield users. This also deals stun damage after making contact with the monster so use this whenever you can! If your Guard skill is high enough, you might be able to take on hits when timed right!

Sword and Shield Attacks and Moves

Guard Point Counter Added to the Sword and Shield

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Cross Counter

Switch Controls
zR + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - M4 Click+ MH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

A Guard Point counter has been added to the Guard Slash move of the Sword and Shield! Whenever you successfully trigger the Guard Point, you can counter with Perfect Rush!

Perfect Rush

MH Rise - Perfect Rush Combo

Switch Controls
After a Backstep, NSW - X

Down Left Stick + AX
PC Controls
After a Backstep, MH Rise - Left Click

S + Right ClickLeft Click
PS Controls
After a Backstep, PS4 - Triangle Button.png

Down Left Stick + CricleTriangle
Xbox Controls
After a Backstep, XBOX - Y Button.png

Down Left Stick + BY

The strongest potential combo for the Sword and Shield is the Perfect Rush. It's a specific move that can only be combined from a Backstep → Leaping Slash or a Guard Slash, making it tricky to pull off but worth your while.

If you time your inputs correctly, you'll be able to deal significantly more damage with this attack. The timing is usually denoted by a red glow on the weapon so hit either X or A (Switch), Left Click or Right Click (PC), Triangle or Circle (PS), or Y or B (Xbox) to execute Perfect Rush perfectly.

End Airborne or with Spinning Reaper

When you choose X (Switch), Left Click (PC), Triangle (PS), or Y (Xbox) as the final input for the Perfect Rush combo, your hunter will jump up then you may end the combo with a Falling Bash (A, Right Click, Circle, or B) to stun or Plunging Thrust (X + A, Left Click + Right Click, Triangle + Circle, or Y + B) to deal big damage.

If you choose to input A, Right Click, Circle, or B, your hunter will just execute a smaller roundslash move called Spinning Reaper. It is mostly used when you don't want to go airborne because of poor positioning.

Charged Slash

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Charged Slash

Switch Controls
Execute Backstep (↓ + A) while holding NSW - A then release

Down + A while holding A then release
PC Controls
Execute Backstep (Hold S + Right Click) while holding MH Rise - Right Click then release

Hold S + Right Click while holding Right Click then release
PS Controls
Execute Backstep (↓ + Circle) while holding PS4 - Circle Button.png then release

Down + Circle while holding Circle then release
Xbox Controls
Execute Backstep (↓ + B) while holding XBOX - B Button.png then release

Down + B while holding B then release

The Charged Slash also makes a triumphant return together with the Perfect Rush move. After a backstep, the hunter can charge the Sword and Shield to leap high and unleash combos. You can end with a Falling Bash (A or Right Click) to stun or Jumping Slash (X or Left Click) to deal more damage.

Can Use Items While Unsheathed

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Items While Unsheathed

Switch Controls
zR + Y
PC Controls
MH Rise - M4 Click or MH Rise - Middle Click + E
MB4 or Middle Click + E
PS Controls
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Square Button.png
R2 + Square
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - X Button.png
RT + X

The Sword and Shield is the only weapon that allows for Items to be used without sheathing. This makes it easy to lay traps or handle emergencies quickly, and makes it suitable for support players in a multiplayer setting.

Recommended Combos for the Sword and Shield

Elemental-Centric Combo

MH Rise Sunbreak - SNS Elemental Centric Combo

Switch Controls
PC Controls
MH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left Click
PS Controls
PS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.png
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.png

This combo makes use of the new Switch Skill Twin Blade Combo. This replaces the mid-combo shield bash with another sword attack. It promotes more elemental and status attacks since those procs more easily using the blade, not the shield.

Shield Bash to Perfect Rush

MH Rise Sunbreak - Shield Bash to Perfect Rush Combo

Switch Controls
NSW - ZL + NSW - XNSW - XNSW - XNSW - X → ↓ NSW - Left Analog + NSW - ANSW - X ...
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - S Button + MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Left Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 -  Left Stick.png ↓ + PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.png ...
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Left Stick.png ↓ + XBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.png ...
Sequence Shield BashSword CombosPerfect Rush

This combo uses Shield Bash as a way to close the gap between you and the enemy. After a few hits, you gan follow it up with your powerful Perfect Rush Combo!

Bread-and-Butter Combo

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Bread and Butter Combo

Switch Controls
NSW - XNSW - Left Analog + NSW - ANSW - ANSW - ANSW - X + NSW - A

XLeft Stick + AA (x2) → X + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Left ClickDirectional Button + Right ClickRight Click (x2) → Left Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

TriangleLeft Stick + CircleCircle (x2) → Triangle + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png

YLeft Stick + BB (x2) → Y + B

This is the bread-and-butter combo for Sword and Shield. Use this when there is not enough of an opening for a Perfect Rush. It is not as powerful, but it is better than waiting. You can also turn the Left Stick (or WASD) to any direction and hit X + A, Left Click + Right Click, Triangle + Circle, or Y + B to change the direction your hunter is facing! You can also execute a back hop to follow-up with Perfect Rush.

High Damage Perfect Rush - Metsu Shoryugeki Combo

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Perfect Rush Metsu Shoryugeki Combo

Switch Controls
NSW - Left Analog + NSW - ANSW - XNSW - XNSW - XNSW - ANSW - ZL + NSW - A

Down + AX (x3) → AzL + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - S Button + MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

S + Right ClickLeft Click (x3) → Right ClickMiddle Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

Down + CircleTriangle (x3) → CircleL2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

Down + BY (x3) → BLT + B

This combo utilizes the power of both Perfect Rush and Metsu Shoryugeki. Use this whenever you have a huge opening like when a monster is down or trapped! What's more, Metsu Shoryugeki can stun a monster when used repeatedly!

High Damage Perfect Rush Combo

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Perfect Rush Combo

Switch Controls
NSW - ZR NSW - Left Analog + NSW - ANSW - XNSW - XNSW - XNSW - XNSW - X + NSW - A

zRDown + AX (x4) → X + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - M4 ClickMH Rise - S Button + MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click

MB4S + Right ClickLeft Click (x4) → Left Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - R2 Button.png → ↓ PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

R2Left Stick + CircleTriangle (x4) → Triangle + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png → ↓ XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LTLeft Stick + BY (x4) → Y + B

This combo utilizes the Sword and Shield's most powerful move—the Perfect Rush and combines it with the new Plunging Thrust finisher while airborne. Always remember to time the Perfect Rush hits properly for maximum damage (Clue: When red, hit X, Left Click, Trangle, or Y). This combo is great whenever there is an opening to attack the monster so you can time a Perfect Rush properly!

Falling Shadow Combo

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Fallling Shadow Combo

Switch Controls
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
NSW - A for Shield Bash or
NSW - X + NSW - A for Plunging Thrust

zL + XA (Shield Bash) or X + A (Plunging Thrust)
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click then either
MH Rise - Right Click for Shield Bash or
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click for Plunging Thrust

Middle Click + Left ClickRight Click or Left Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
PS4 - Circle Button.png for Shield Bash or
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png for Plunging Thrust

L2 + TriangleCircle (Shield Bash) or Triangle + Circle (Plunging Thrust)
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
XBOX - B Button.png for Shield Bash or
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png for Plunging Thrust

LT + YB (Shield Bash) or Y + B (Plunging Thrust)

This combo utilizes the Silkbind Attack Falling Shadow. After the Shield Bash or Plunging Thrust, you can backstep and then proceed to a Perfect Rush!

Tips on How to Use the Sword and Shield

Check IconUse the Shield to Stun

Check IconUtilize Windmill or Metsu Shoryugeki

Check IconMaximize wirebug usage

Check IconExecute Perfect Rush... perfectly

Check IconUse Guard Slash Guard Point during emergencies

Stun to Create Opportunities for Perfect Rush

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Opportunities for Perfect Rush

We recommend using shield attacks like Shield Bash and Metsu Shoryugeki on the head of the monster to accumulate stun. This will give you a big opening to execute a Perfect Rush.

Utilize Windmill or Metsu Shoryugeki

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Use Windmill
Windmill and Metsu Shoryugeki both have invincibility frames at the start of their animations. This can be used as an emergency button when you need to nullify an attack.

Maximize Wirebug Usage

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Maximize Wirebug Usage
Wirebugs can easily close the gap between you and a monster, making up for the Sword and Shield's short reach.

Execute Perfect Rush... perfectly

MH Rise - Perfect Rush 2
As mentioned earlier, the Perfect Rush can dish out a ton of damage when done correctly. So when an opening presents itself, always try to execute it perfectly.

Only Use the Guard Slash Guard Point During Emergencies

MH Rise - Sword and Shield Only Use Guards during Emergencies
Sword and Shield's guarding ability is not the best, so do not be overly reliant on guarding. However, Sword and Shield now has a Guard Point whenever you execute a Guard Slash. We recommend using this over the default Guard during emergencies. You can even increase the performance of Guarding by investing in Guard or Guard Up armor skills.

Sword and Shield Known Bugs and Fixes

Update 3.5 Bug Fix

MH Rise - Update 3.5 Partial Banner

Update 3.5 fixed a gameplay bug related to Sword and Shield! Whenever Sword and Shield players perform the Falling Bash attack and then move back while pressing X and A (Left Click and Right Click), they will now correctly perform a Roundslash instead of a Backstep.

Update 3.5: Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection Collaboration, DLC, and Patch Notes

Changes from the Past Games

Check IconTurning Slash is now gone

Check IconPerfect Rush finisher changed

Check IconGuard Slash has a Guard Point now

Check IconSword and Shield oils are gone

Turning Slash is Gone

In Iceborne, you could execute a turning slash to change the direction your hunter is facing. This is now gone in Monster Hunter Rise.

Perfect Rush Finisher has Changed

The Perfect Rush finisher in Monster Hunter Rise can end with a jumping slash or a simple roundslash. You can follow up the jump attack with Falling Bash (A or Right Click) to stun or Plunging Thrust (X + A or Left Click + Right Click) to deal big damage.

Guard Slash has a Guard Point

The Guard Slash receives a Guard Point in Monster Hunter Rise that can be useful for emergencies. It can even be used to follow up with a Perfect Rush.

Sword and Shield Oils are Gone

One of the best items to use for the Sword and Shield in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (MHGU) were Sword and Shield oils. All oils are sadly not present in the base Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise), but Destroyer Oil is making a return in Sunbreak.

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Guides

MH Rise - Weapons Partial Banner

Weapon Type Guides
MH Rise - Weapons Page BannerWeapons and Weapon Types MH Rise - Weapon Tier ListWeapon Type Tier List MH Rise - Builds for Each WeaponBuilds for Each Weapon Type

Melee Weapon Guides

Melee Weapons
MH Rise - Great Sword IconGreat Sword
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Long Sword Icon Long Sword
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Sword & Shield IconSword and Shield
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Dual Blades IconDual Blades
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Lance IconLance
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Gunlance Icon Gunlance
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Hammer Icon Hammer
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Hunting Horn IconHunting Horn
Guide | Weapon Tree | Melodies
MH Rise - Switch Axe IconSwitch Axe
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Charge Blade IconCharge Blade
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Insect Glaive IconInsect Glaive
Guide | Weapon Tree | Kinsects

Ranged Weapon Guides

Ranged Weapons
MH Rise - Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Bow IconBow
Guide | Weapon Tree


3 Anonymousalmost 4 years

XA mid combo is turning slash...

2 Nehniualmost 4 years

Press X + A in mid air to do a downward trust


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