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Recordings are online!

Bonnie Ruberg, speaking at the Gotland Game Conference 2017
Bonnie Ruberg, speaking at the Gotland Game Conference 2017

All* the presentations and the Award Ceremony are finally available on our YouTube-channel. Even better – if you prefer reading you can click through these links to find a) a description and the video for each talk and b) our live twitter coverage of each talk. Highly recommended!

The Awards Ceremony

Best 1st Year Project: Pump The Frog
Best 2nd Year Project: Somnium
Best 3rd Year Project: Penny’s Farm
Pwnage: Pump The Frog
Cha-Ching!: Pump The Frog
Innovation Award: Grave Call
Students’ Choice: Penny’s Farm
Almedalen Library Award: Pump The Frog
Alumni of The Year: Pernilla Sparrhult and Joakim Andreason

Bighuge THANKS to all of our speakers, faculty and students for making the GGC such a great experience this year!

* (all presentations but one: Adam Mayes’ “M for Mature” unfortunately had technical issues, and the recording was unrecoverable.)

Gotland Game Conference 2017 coverage

Nytt deltagarrekord för spelmässan i Visby

Nytt deltagarrekord för spelmässan i Visby

Spelmässa Gotland Game Conference lockade dubbelt så många besökare till årets mässa. “Vi har över 550 registrerade deltagare i år”, berättar arrangören Ulf Benjaminsson.

SPELGALA: Gotland med på spelkartan

SPELGALA: Gotland med på spelkartan

Spelbranschen (GA) Spelbranschen växer med raketfart, och arbetsgivarnas största utmaning är att hitta personal. På Swedish Game Awards i Visby får de chansen, då studenter och representanter från spelutvecklingsbranschen möts.

SPELMÄSSA: Här kan du bli levande begravd

SPELMÄSSA: Här kan du bli levande begravd

gotland game conference Sista helgen i maj är det dags för årets Gotland Game Conference, det tolfte i ordningen. Temat i år är “M for mature” och omfattar ämnen som sex, våld, sorg och empati inom spelvärlden. Gotland Game’s most wacky custom controllers

Image by Sabine Harrer, from the
Gotland Game Conference Speech | Christopher Franklin on Patreon

Gotland Game Conference Speech | Christopher Franklin on Patreon

Official Post from Christopher Franklin: This isn’t a new ES episode (I’m working on that now!) but this is what I went away in June all the way out to Sweden to do!  I’m a little awkward – this is my first public speaking gig – but it’s a decent remix of the video I did on violence a few years back, re-framed as a piece on computational p

Headed to Gotland Game Conference with talk on “Interrogating Empathy” / Our Glass Lake

Headed to Gotland Game Conference with talk on “Interrogating Empathy” / Our Glass Lake

I first spoke at the Gotland games program (now “Uppsala University campus Gotland”) back in 2010 and then again in 2011. The faculty and students are all warm, thoughtful, and talented folks and I’m really looking forward to spending some time in Visby again this year.

Headed to Gotland Game Conference with talk on “Interrogating Empathy”

GGC 2017, Day 2

The second day of the Gotland Game Conference is split in two; with the first part being another day of games and insightful lectures, and the second part being the epic award ceremony and party in the evening. To avoid completely swamping this post, we’re putting only a few photos here and sharing the full set on Facebook. There’s also a lot of activity on the Instagram tag – #GGConf2017.

Recordings of all the talks will be available on our YouTube-channel later this summer, but you don’t need to wait to see the Award Ceremony – just keep scrolling. 🙂

The Awards Ceremony

Best 1st Year Project: Pump The Frog
Best 2nd Year Project: Somnium
Best 3rd Year Project: Penny’s Farm
Pwnage: Pump The Frog
Cha-Ching!: Pump The Frog
Innovation Award: Grave Call
Students’ Choice: Penny’s Farm
Almedalen Library Award: Pump The Frog
Alumni of The Year: Pernilla Sparrhult and Joakim Andreason

Bighuge THANKS to all of our speakers, faculty and students for making the GGC such a great experience this year! Please head on over to the facebook gallery and help us tag everyone. 🙂

GGC 2017, Day 1

Just a brief update with few pics from the first day of #GGConf2017! It’s been such a blast!

Join us again tomorrow, Tuesday, for:
09:00 – Human Rights in Virtual Worlds
10:00 – Designing games as an expression of grief
11:00 – followed by three hours of games on the show floor (11:00-14:00)!
14:00 – After the final talk by Bonnie Ruberg (14-15) there are just a two more hours to try the games before the show floor is shut down for this year (17:00, sharp)!

See you there!