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Get information about education programs and tuition fees. View photos of the university, required documents for admission, and more.

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Press “Apply now” button to submit a simple application form to apply to the program you want to study.

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Complete your admission process using our system

Follow the university’s instructions to complete your admission and be enrolled. Contact the university in the live chat to get information about admission.

Complete your admission process using our system

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The stories of successful university admissions through

Muslim photo
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I would like to mention that really helped me with applying to my dream university. It is very convenient to use and to apply. Also, it is completely free to apply.


Stetson University

Nadin photo
Watch video gave me the opportunity to contact universities all over the world. With its help I chose a university and easily asked all the questions directly from the admissions office. Thank you very much!


Bahcesehir University

Ammar photo
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I have found my program thanks to the online portal The main thing for me is that it’s easy to use and all the information is organized. I advise to all students who are looking to study abroad!


University of Nantes

David photo
Watch video was able to match me with a perfect university. I just filtered my choices and matched the university within minutes. The whole admission process took me less than a month. It’s definitely good if you are looking for universities anywhere in the world.


Vistula University

Jacinta photo
Watch video helped me get in touch with my university. I requested admission through and thanks to the timely response, I am now admitted to my dream university. Thank you and I wish you all the best!


Hawassa University

Osman photo
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Thanks to for everything. I applied to many different universities in different countries and 10 minutes later I had a lot of messages from international admissions offices. This is the best website to find universities to apply to.


Ivan Franko University

Everything you need

Why students choose us to research universities

The main benefits you get by using platform.

  • The main benefits you get by using platform.

    Up-to-date information on official university pages.

  • Searching for universities without intermediaries

    Messages are sent directly to the university.

  • Choose the best offer for your study

    Send questions to multiple universities before making your choice.

  • Comfortable and easy

    Access information on universities all around the world, in just three clicks.

  • Find your ideal university without leaving your home

    You can find all the information you need about any university.

  • Saving with

    Get information about discounts and special offers from universities.

The easy way to find universities! The easy way to apply!

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