World Wide Web">
Social Media
Social Media
Social Media
Social media
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The use of social media
Whilst browsing the internet, you find this French advertisement to promote the good use
of social media.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
(Total 5 marks)
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Your teacher will ask you the following three questions and then two more questions
which you have not prepared.
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Your teacher will ask you the following three questions and then two more questions
which you have not prepared.
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Les réseaux sociaux
En vacances en Belgique, vous lisez un article sur les réseaux sociaux dans un
2 Quand les jeunes sont connectés aux réseaux sociaux, ils ...
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(Total 3 marks)
Les réseaux sociaux
Vous écoutez un élève français faire une présentation sur les réseaux sociaux.
(Total 4 marks)
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Candidate's Role
Your teacher will play the part of your French friend and will speak first.
When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.
Your teacher will ask you the following three questions and then two more questions
which you have not prepared.
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• Comment as-tu utilisé la technologie la semaine dernière ?
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Candidate's Role
Your teacher will play the part of your French friend and will speak first.
When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.
Your teacher will ask you the following three questions and then two more questions
which you have not prepared.
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• Est-ce que les portables sont nécessaires ? Pourquoi / pourquoi pas ?
• Comment as-tu utilisé la technologie pendant un récent voyage ?
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Social media
Your Belgian friend shows you this blog advising young people how to use social media
Which two statements are true? Write the correct letters in the boxes.
(Total 2 marks)
Vous écrivez un article sur votre vie d’adolescent pour un magazine français.
Décrivez :
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• l’importance de la technologie et des médias dans votre vie
• un week-end spécial.
Ecrivez environ 150 mots en français. Répondez aux deux aspects de la question.
(Total 32 marks)
Social media
A newspaper has published the results of an online survey about the use of social
networks in Belgium. Read the summary of the results.
What percentage of people use social networks for the following reasons?
1 To meet people %
3 To play games %
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4 What is the least popular reason? Answer in English.
(Total 4 marks)
Social networking sites
You hear these stories in the news on the radio about issues people have had with a
social networking site.
(Total 3 marks)
Online Announcements
Read these two extracts from the official website of a town in France.
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distribueront des fleurs pour symboliser la paix mondiale.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
(Total 5 marks)
Keeping in touch
Read these views about the best way to keep in touch with others.
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mes copains au lycée.
Meeting customers in
(Total 5 marks)
A An airline
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B A bank
C A beauty product
D An insurance company
E A dating agency
F An estate agency
G A leisure centre
H A shopping centre
(Total 4 marks)
Magazine advertisement
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Answer the questions in English.
(Total 3 marks)
Online friendships
Choose a word from the grid and write the correct letter in each of the boxes.
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Il est simple de avec ses amis partout dans le
rester en monde.
A contact
B écran
C mot
D partager
E réseau
F siècle
G souris
H supporter
(Total 5 marks)
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Mark schemes
you can delete them you can delete / you can change posts 1
suppress / remove / nobody will / can see
take away / take down / them (with no reference
4 erase / get rid of your to deletion) it’s easy to
posts / what you have stop people from
written. It’s easy to seeing them (too
delete them vague)
For general marking of this question please refer to the [Marking Guidance].
For general marking of this question please refer to the [Marking Guidance].
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Accept Mark
1 B 1
2 A 1
3 C 1
For general marking of this question please refer to the Marking Guidance.
For general marking of this question please refer to the Marking Guidance.
For general marking of this question please refer to the Marking Guidance.
For general marking of this question please refer to the Marking Guidance.
Accept Mark
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For this question there are two compulsory bullet points, which are assessed for Content
(15 marks), Range of language (12 marks) and Accuracy (5 marks), as specified in the
criteria below. The maximum mark is 32. The student is expected to produce
approximately 150 words over the whole question. The number of words is approximate
and you must mark all work produced by the student.
The content does not meet the standard required for Level
0 0
1 at this tier.
There may be some imbalance in the coverage of the two compulsory bullet points but,
provided at least some coverage of both bullet points is evident, students will have access
to full marks where the other criteria are met.
Range of language
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More complex sentences are regularly attempted and are
mostly successful, producing a mainly fluent piece of
coherent writing with occasional lapses. The style and
register are appropriate
A mark of zero for Content automatically results in a mark of zero for Range of language.
Apart from that, the Content mark does not limit the mark for Range of language.
The accuracy does not meet the standard required for Level
0 0
1 at this tier.
(b) A mark of zero for Content automatically results in a mark of zero for Accuracy. Apart
from that, the Content mark does not limit the mark for Accuracy.
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The following indicative content is an example of the response that students may give to
this question. It demonstrates a balanced coverage of the compulsory bullet points.
Je ne peux pas vivre sans mon téléphone portable. Je l’utilise tout le temps pour
télécharger et écouter de la musique. J’ai aussi plein de jeux sur ma tablette que j’adore.
Avec mon portable et ma tablette je peux envoyer des messages et des images tout le
temps à mes amis. Je regarde souvent la télévision. Nous avons la télé par satellite et je
regarde n’importe quoi. En général la télé en Angleterre est de bonne qualité mais
quelquefois il y a trop de télé-réalité. C’est ridicule. Le week-end dernier c’était
l’anniversaire de mon ami et il a invité 10 amis chez lui. Nous sommes arrivés vers 20h30
et nous avons commandé des pizzas et regardé un film d’action à la télé. J’ai beaucoup
aimé le film et la soirée était excellente. Le dimanche mes grandsparents sont venus chez
moi et ils m’ont donné de l’argent de poche. Le week-end était super !! (153 words)
1 10 1
2 15 1
3 35 1
4 (To) save time / be (To) gain time / organise Any reference to "winning"
organised my life
(He) got burgled. People stole Reject ‘he was robbed’ (t.c.)
things / furniture / jewellery from
1 his house / whilst he was away / 1 Any reference to a specific
on holiday item other than furniture /
jewellery e.g. phone
(She) lost her job / got sacked / Reject wrong reason for
2 dismissed / is now unemployed / 1 losing job
no longer has a job
Reject ‘no job’ (t.c.)
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Accept Mark Reject
Accept Marks
(a) G 1
(b) E 1
(c) D 1
(d) C 1
(e) B 1
Accept Mark
1 G 1
2 H 1
3 E 1
4 A 1
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1 subscribe / buy a subscription / 1 sign in / apply
join up / register / sign up /
create an account / join
Accept Mark
1 A 1
2 E 1
3 D 1
4 B 1
5 C 1
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Examiner reports
These questions were aimed at the most able students and discriminated pretty well. In
question 1, very few students successfully conveyed the key idea required by the mark
scheme. A large majority of answers lacked the precision required at this level and were
therefore not awarded a mark. Only 4.7% of students were successful here. In question 2,
‘lieu de naissance’ was not understood by many. Question 3 led to some guess work as to
when you should alert an adult, rather than the actual information provided by the
speaker. The mark scheme for this question accepted a range of possible synonyms for
‘désagréable’. Vague answers, or answers which did not make it clear that the comments
were written, were rejected.
For general marking of this question please refer to the Examiners Report.
For general marking of this question please refer to the Examiners Report.
Question 1 was very well answered (82% correct). Question 2 was less successfully
answered (just under 50% correct), though utilisent leur vrai nom could have been linked
to utilisent leur vraie identité in the passage. Many students struggled in question 3 where
A (très peu d’amis) was often wrongly chosen suggesting the vocabulary here is not well
Lower Tier
Students did better than expected in this first overlap question, with high marks in three of
the five parts. Less than half gained the mark in parts (c) and (e). A study of wrong
answers did not indicate clearly why this had occurred, in that chosen responses had no
obvious justification in the texts.
Higher Tier
This third overlap question was also well answered at this tier. It was common to find
responses to all five parts being correct.
Students found this section difficult. part 1 was done well by the majority of students as
the words piscine and natation are usually well known. Part 2 was the least well-answered
question in this section and in the paper, with just over two-thirds of students not gaining a
mark. Those who scored were able to identify the meaning of the word boutique, but that
also misled many into choosing answer C. Students should be reminded to always listen
to the whole utterance before making a judgement. In this instance, the clues parking
gratuit and sept jours sur sept may have helped them realise that the advertisement could
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not have been about a product. Parts 3 and 4 were better attempted but the necessity to
listen to the whole utterance applies once again here.
Vocabulary on this topic such as écran tactile and imprimer was known by few students. In
part 1, abonnez-vous was tested, but careful use of English was required to gain the
mark: while ‘sign up’ is an acceptable alternative to ‘subscribe’ in an on-line context, ‘sign
in’ is not.
The vocabulary relating to using information technology in social settings is a major part of
young people’s lives today, and the relevant vocabulary from the specification used in this
question such as rester en contact, un réseau social, partager la musique and votre mot
de passe should be known. The wide range of incorrect answers given indicates that
many students simply guessed at the missing words. An understanding of sentence
structure is useful in reading comprehension and would be an advantage in tackling this
type of question.
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1 F3 Quand vous partagez des photos, respectez le choix de vos amis qui n'aiment
pas être identifiés. Ne le faites pas si vous n’avez pas leur permission.
4 F3 Si vous écrivez quelque chose que vous regrettez ensuite, pas de panique !
Vous pouvez supprimer votre message facilement. Quand il est effacé, on ne
peut plus le voir.
Teacher’s Notes
The maximum time for this part of the test is two minutes but may well be less than that
for some candidates.
Candidates may use any notes they have made during the preparation time.
You begin the conversation by asking the candidate the first question ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
sur la photo ?’ You then ask the remaining four questions in order. No supplementary
questions must be asked. You may paraphrase the questions provided the same meaning
is maintained, and you may repeat or paraphrase a question that the candidate does not
understand. You should allow the candidates to develop their responses as well as they
are able. However, do not go over the maximum time of two minutes for the questions and
answers on the Photo card.
General Conversation
The questions on the Photo card are followed by a General Conversation. The first part of
this conversation should be on the candidate’s nominated Theme and the second part on
the remaining Theme from the ones listed below. The total time of the General
Conversation should be between three and five minutes and a similar amount of time
should be spent on each Theme.
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• Current and future study and employment
It is a requirement for the candidate to ask you at least one question during the General
Conversation; this can happen at any time during this section of the test. If, towards the
end of the General Conversation, the candidate has not asked you a question, you must
prompt this by asking the candidate in French, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?’.
Teacher’s Notes
The maximum time for this part of the test is three minutes but may well be less than that
for some candidates.
Candidates may use any notes they have made during the preparation time.
You begin the conversation by asking the candidate the first question ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
sur la photo ?’ You then ask the remaining four questions in order. No supplementary
questions must be asked. You may paraphrase the questions provided the same meaning
is maintained, and you may repeat or paraphrase a question that the candidate does not
understand. You should allow the candidates to develop their responses as well as they
are able. However, do not go over the maximum time of three minutes for the questions
and answers on the Photo card.
General Conversation
The questions on the Photo card are followed by a General Conversation. The first part of
this conversation should be on the candidate’s nominated Theme and the second part on
the remaining Theme from the ones listed below. The total time of the General
Conversation should be between five and seven minutes and a similar amount of time
should be spent on each Theme.
It is a requirement for the candidate to ask you at least one question during the General
Conversation; this can happen at any time during this section of the test. If, towards the
end of the General Conversation, the candidate has not asked you a question, you must
prompt this by asking the candidate in French, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?’.
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1 M1 Je suis sur Facebook depuis deux ans. Au début, je regardais souvent les
photos de mes amis. Maintenant, je partage seulement des documents.
Quand j'évite les réseaux sociaux, je peux bien dormir et je suis moins fatigué
le matin.
2 F2 Voici deux règles à respecter. Ne donnez pas votre mot de passe, même à un
membre de votre famille. Quelqu'un vous envoie des messages
désagréables ? N'hésitez pas à appeler le commissariat tout de suite.
You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.
Introductory text: Tu parles de la technologie et des réseaux sociaux avec ton ami(e).
Moi, je suis ton ami(e).
1 Ask the candidate what he / she does on the internet. (Elicit one activity).
Tu utilises l’Internet ?
2 Allow the candidate to say one activity he / she does on the internet.
Ask the candidate what he / she thinks is dangerous about the internet. (Elicit one
3 Allow the candidate to give one detail about what he / she thinks is dangerous
about the internet.
Ask the candidate what he / she thinks about Facebook. (Elicit one opinion).
5 Allow the candidate to say how often he / she uses a computer in school.
Ça me semble bien.
? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about your use of technology at home.
Theme: Identity and culture
Topic: Technology in everyday life.
The maximum time for this part of the test is two minutes but may well be less than that
for some candidates.
Candidates may use any notes they have made during the preparation time.
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You begin the conversation by asking the candidate the first question ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
sur la photo ?’ You then ask the remaining four questions in order. You may paraphrase
the questions provided the same meaning is maintained, and you may repeat or
paraphrase a question that the candidate does not understand. You should allow the
candidates to develop their responses as well as they are able. However, do not go over
the maximum time of two minutes for the questions and answers on the Photo card.
General Conversation
The questions on the Photo card are followed by a General Conversation. The first part of
this conversation should be on the candidate’s nominated Theme and the second part on
the remaining Theme from the ones listed below. The total time of the General
Conversation should be between three and five minutes and a similar amount of time
should be spent on each Theme.
It is a requirement for the candidate to ask you at least one question during the General
Conversation; this can happen at any time during this section of the test. If, towards the
end of the General Conversation, the candidate has not asked you a question, you must
prompt this by asking the candidate in French, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?’
You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.
Introductory text: Tu parles de la technologie et des réseaux sociaux avec ton ami(e).
Moi, je suis ton ami(e).
1 Ask the candidate how they used technology last week. (Elicit two details).
2 Allow the candidate to give two details about how he / she used technology last
Ask the candidate what he / she thinks is the best mobile phone and why.
3 Allow the candidate to say which phone is the best and why
Ask the candidate about the disadvantages of using social media. (Elicit two
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Quels sont les désavantages des réseaux sociaux ?
4 Allow the candidate to give two details about the disadvantages of social media.
! Ask the candidate for how often he / she uses social media per week.
5 Allow the candidate to say how often he / she uses social media per week.
Ça me semble bien
? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about a new mobile phone.
Theme: Identity and culture
Topic: Technology in everyday life.
The maximum time for this part of the test is three minutes but may well be less than that
for some candidates.
Candidates may use any notes they have made during the preparation time.
You begin the conversation by asking the candidate the first question ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
sur la photo ?’ You then ask the remaining four questions in order. You may paraphrase
the questions provided the same meaning is maintained, and you may repeat or
paraphrase a question that the candidate does not understand. You should allow the
candidates to develop their responses as well as they are able. However, do not go over
the maximum time of three minutes for the questions and answers on the Photo card.
General Conversation
The questions on the Photo card are followed by a General Conversation. The first part of
this conversation should be on the candidate’s nominated Theme and the second part on
the remaining Theme from the ones listed below. The total time of the General
Conversation should be between five and seven minutes and a similar amount of time
should be spent on each Theme.
It is a requirement for the candidate to ask you at least one question during the General
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Conversation; this can happen at any time during this section of the test. If, towards the
end of the General Conversation, the candidate has not asked you a question, you must
prompt this by asking the candidate in French, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?’.
1 M2 On a vu que j’avais posté sur mon mur « Je serai à la plage du 10 au 20 juillet
». Pendant que nous étions en vacances, des gens sont entrés chez nous et
ils ont tout volé, y compris les meubles et les bijoux.
2 F1 Je ne travaille plus dans mon entreprise car quelqu’un a dit à mon patron que
je l’avais critiqué sur les réseaux sociaux. Il m’a licenciée et résultat, je suis
sans boulot.
3 M1 Un samedi soir, j’ai dit à ma mère que j’étais chez mon meilleur ami. Mais
j’avais menti pour aller à une fête avec lui. Le problème, c’est qu’elle nous a
vus sur des photos. Depuis, elle ne me permet plus de voir cet ami.
1 M1 Venez apprendre à nager dans notre nouvelle piscine. Réservez votre cours
de natation en ligne.
2 F2 Toutes nos boutiques sont ouvertes sept jours sur sept. Parking gratuit pour
3 F1 Vous cherchez l’amour ? Vous voulez rencontrer votre partenaire idéal ? C’est
ici que votre nouvelle vie commence.
4 F2 Pas de limite de bagages sur nos vols ! Achetez votre billet tout de suite !
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