PHD Thesis
PHD Thesis
PHD Thesis
Gabriel Radanne
Dirigée par
Roberto Di Cosmo et Jérôme Vouillon
Résumé Eliom est un dialecte d’OCaml pour la programmation Web qui permet, à
l’aide d’annotations syntaxiques, de déclarer code client et code serveur dans un même
fichier. Ceci permet de construire une application complète comme un unique programme
distribué dans lequel il est possible de définir des widgets aisément composables avec des
comportements à la fois client et serveur.
Eliom assure un bon comportement des communications grâce à un système de type et
de nouvelles constructions adaptés à la programmation Web. De plus, Eliom est efficace :
un découpage statique sépare les parties client et serveur durant la compilation et évite
de trop nombreuses communications entre le client et le serveur. Enfin, Eliom supporte
la modularité et l’encapsulation grâce à une extension du système de module d’OCaml
permettant l’ajout d’annotations indiquant si une définition est présente sur le serveur,
le client, ou les deux.
Cette thèse présente la conception, la formalisation et l’implémention du langage
Ceux qui me connaissent savent que je ne suis pas particulièrement expansif, je serai
donc bref: je remercie ma famille, mes amis, mes collègues et l’univers.
Remerciements, Deuxième essai
Je voudrais tout d’abord remercier mes deux directeurs de thèse, Roberto et Jérôme, qui
ont formé une paire remarquablement complémentaire et m’ont beaucoup aidé dans tous
les aspects de ma recherche, scientifiques ou non.
Je remercie l’équipe Ocsigen et les membres de l’Irill pour leur compagnie, conseils et
pour avoir pris le temps d’écouter mes idées farfelues sur les prochaines fonctionnalités
révolutionnaires qui vont faire d’Eliom le langage de programmation Web le plus mieux
au monde!
Je remercie Jacques, pour cette petite remarque pendant ICFP 2015: “Tu devrais
parler avec Oleg, ce que tu fais ressemble à MetaOCaml”. Merci également à Oleg, pour
ses remarques et ses encouragements.
Avant de commencer cette thèse, j’ai eu la chance de faire de nombreux stages. Je
voudrais remercier tous les gens avec qui j’ai pu interagir à Édimbourg, Gotheborg et
Grenoble. Ces stages m’ont beaucoup appris et surtout, je m’y suis énormément amusé!
Merci également aux membres d’OCamllabs qui m’ont donné l’occasion de m’échapper
de ma thèse pendant 3 mois pour faire joujou avec Mirage et boire du cidre dans les pubs
de Cambridge.
En parlant de cidre, merci à tous les potes de promo de Rennes: Benoit, Simon, Nicolas,
Clément, Gael et tous les autres. Merci également à David pour son encadrement pendant
mes études et pour m’avoir orienté vers d’excellents stages.
Merci aux membres de l’IRIF avec qui j’ai pu interagir, notamment Vincent, Ralf,
Jean-Baptiste et Michele avec qui j’ai eu le plaisir de faire mes enseignements et Alexis
et Delia, pour leurs discussions et coups de pouce occasionnels. Je remercie particulière-
ment Odile, sans qui, soyons honnête, je n’aurais jamais réussi à faire quoi que ce soit.
Merci à tous les doctorants de PPS, en particulier la folle équipe du bureau 3026: Clé-
ment, Yann, Rémi, Pierre, Amina, Charles, Léo, mon quotidien aurait été nettement plus
terne sans vous.
1 Introduction 13
1.1 On Web programming languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.1.1 The client-server dichotomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.1.2 Tierless programming languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.1.3 Functional programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.1.4 Static type systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.1.5 Modularity and encapsulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.2 Eliom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2.1 The Ocsigen project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2.2 Principles of the Eliom language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.3 Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.4 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3 The ML programming language 41
3.1 Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.2 Type system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.2.1 The expression language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.2.2 The module language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2.3 Inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.3 Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.3.1 Traces and Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.3.2 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.3.3 Notes on Soundness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.4 Related works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.4.4 Mixed structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.4.5 Proof of the main theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5.5 Discussion around mixed functors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
6 Implementation 121
6.1 The OCaml compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
6.2 The Eliom compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.2.1 Notes on OCaml compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.3 Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.3.1 Modular implicits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
6.3.2 Wrapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
6.4 Typechecking and Slicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.4.1 Technical details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.5 Runtime and Serialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
6.5.1 Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
6.5.2 Serialization format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.5.3 Optimized placement of sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
8 Conclusion 145
Bibliography 148
1 Introduction
At the beginning, there was nothing. Suddenly, a burst of light, information and heated
discussions: the Internet was born. And for a time, it was enough: Plain text information
was exchanged between researchers, computers had 10Mb of RAM and there was no time
for frivolous graphical Web pages. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee disagreed and created the
Encyclopedia Of Cats. To make his masterpiece accessible to everyone, he also created
the World Wide Web: each page of the encyclopedia was accessed using the HyperText
Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Pages were written using the HyperText Markup Language
(HTML) and viewed through a Web browser. Related Web pages could be accessed by
using Hyperlinks. Web pages could be easily published on the Internet using a Web
server. This initiative was so successful that the World Wide Web now counts several
billions of Web pages and consolidated cats as the dominant species on Earth.
Early websites such as Tim Berners-Lee’s encyclopedia were static: the Web pages
were written by hand and didn’t contain any form of dynamic content. Quickly, people
wrote programs to generate Web pages dynamically. In this case, pages are created when
the user tries to access them. The programming of Web pages, or Web programming,
has been done using a wide array of methods: CGI scripts, dedicated languages such as
PHP, but also more generic languages using Web libraries such as Java, C# or Ruby.
In all these cases, the idea is the same: a program written in the language in question
receives a request from a client, usually a Web browser, and answers it by generating an
HTML Web page. The Web page is then sent back to the client. This form of server-
side dynamic website was embraced by early dedicated Web programming languages
such as PHP (1994) and led to the creation of many popular “Web applications” such
as Web search engines (1993), Web forums (around 19941 ), Wikis (1995), etc. Many
modern popular websites still mostly rely on this form of Web programming, for example
Wikipedia and Google search.
An important limitation of these websites is that their dynamic behavior is limited to
the server. Once the Web page is generated and sent to the client, it doesn’t change until
the client requested a new page. To obtain a more dynamic behavior, it was necessary
to run programs inside the user’s Web browser. Around 1995, multiple solutions for
client-side scripting were developed: Java applets, Flash, and JavaScript. Numerous
websites took advantage of these new capabilities to create interactive experiences avail-
able directly in the browser. In particular, Flash and Java allowed the developments of
many browser-based games but also more serious applications such as interactive Web
maps, music streaming websites, etc.
The combination of both server-side dynamic Web page generation and client-side
scripting expanded the capability of websites and allowed to create rich Web applications
that rival traditional desktop applications. This paved the way for many modern Web
sites such as email clients, browser-based chats, collaborative text editors and more
complex websites such as Facebook.
Unfortunately, this situation didn’t come without some complexity. Consider the com-
position of an email in a Web client such as Gmail: While you type your message, a
JavaScript program provides a rich text editor with bold, italic and emojis. The rich
text is rendered in your browser using HTML for the content and CSS for the appear-
ance. When you hit the send button, a dynamic AJAX request, which does not load
a new page Web, sends a message containing your email to Google servers. On these
servers, a Java program will store the content of the email in a database and send it to
the desired recipient. This single task used two programming languages (JavaScript
and Java), at least two description languages (HTML and CSS), all of it spread over
two code bases and several distinct communication protocols. While Web applications
grew more and more complex, with some subtle interplay of client and server behaviors
and very large website with millions of line of code, the way we write Web application
stayed similar: a client program, usually called “the frontend”, handles the interactive
part and communicates, usually through loosely structured text messages, to a server
Although grumpy old-timer will say that Usenet and BBS did it all before.
program called “the backend”. These two programs usually do not share code, not even
the definition of the messages communicated, and are usually written by different teams
in different programming languages, despite the fact that features used by users usually
span client and server side indiscriminately.
The core of this issue is, of course, programming languages themselves. While the design
of early Web programming languages might have been adapted to how the Web was
used at the time, this is not the case anymore. We shall now explore some of the issues
prevalent with existing Web languages.
Websites are usually split in two parts, also called “tiers”: a backend that runs on a
Web server and a frontend that runs in a browser. Hence, Web programmers must deal
with communications between the backend and the frontend. These communications are
often static: the backend generates (dynamically or not) a Web page associated with its
frontend code and sends it to the browser, which then shows and executes it. Already
with this simple scheme, problems can arise: the backend and the frontend should agree
about the type and the shape of the generated Web page. For example, if the JavaScript
program tries to find the HTML element named “user”, the backend must have generated
it; if the client program is generated dynamically, it should be correct; and so on.
Communications between frontend and backend can also be more complex. Consider
the email client example given above: the request to send an email from the client to
the server is dynamic and does not generate a new Web page. Communications can
be done arbitrarily between client and server through various protocols (AJAXs, Web
sockets, Comet, . . . ). In all these cases, the frontend and the backend must agree on
which kind of data is sent. If the backend sends potatoes, the frontend should not
expect tomatoes. All these guarantees are difficult to provide statically in today’s Web
programming languages and are usually enforced manually by the programmer. This is
both time-consuming and error-prone.
This separation of Web applications as separate client and server programs is also
problematic from a modularity point of view. Code must now be organized according to
where it should run, and not what it does. Indeed, client and server functions can not
be mixed arbitrarily, they can not even be in the same file! While this poses significant
constraints on how a Web application is organized, it also severely restricts encapsula-
tion. Internal details regarding communications must be accessible to the other side of
the application, which often involves exposing them as a protocol to the whole applica-
tion thus preventing the construction of good abstraction boundaries around individual
1.1.2 Tierless programming languages
Tierless Web programming languages aim to solve these issues by allowing programmers
to build dynamic Web pages in a composable way. They allow programmers to define
on the server functions that create fragments of a Web page together with their associ-
ated client-side behavior. This is done by allowing to freely intersperse client and server
expressions with seamless communication in a unique programming language. A tierless
program is then sliced in two: a part which runs on the server and a part which is com-
piled to JavaScript and runs on the client. This slicing can be done either dynamically,
by generating JavaScript code at runtime, or statically, by cutting the program in two
during compilation. Such tierless languages can also leverage both functional program-
ming and static typing. Functional programming provides increased expressiveness and
flexibility while static typing gives strong guarantees about client-server separation, in
particular ensuring that communications are consistent across tiers.
1.1.4 Static type systems
Type systems are an essential component of programming languages. They allow to label
each element of the language by its “type” in order to ensure that it is used properly.
This can be done dynamically at runtime, statically during a preliminary typechecking
phase at compilation, or a mix of both. The choice between dynamically and statically
typed languages is a long standing and very heated debate among programmers and
numerous essays on the topic can be found online. In the context of this thesis, we will
mostly consider the use of statically typed languages as the programming tool of choice.
One reason is simply a strong preference from the author of this thesis. More objectively,
static typing has been used to great effect in numerous contexts both to prevent bugs, but
also to guide and inform the design of programs. Static typing can be further improved
through type inference, which allows the programmer to partially or completely omit
types annotations. This is notably the case of the ML family of functional programming
languages, which combines static typing with a very powerful type inference mechanism
to provide both the safety of statically typed languages and the flexible programming
style of the more dynamic approaches.
In the context of tierless programming languages, a type system can also provide
location information such as “where this code should run” and communication information
such as “what am I sending”. Combined with a strong static typing discipline, this
ensures that the correctness of communications and library usage is checked statically
by the compiler. This can even be done in a fairly non-intrusive way by leveraging type
inference, ensuring that client and server expressions can be nested without the need for
too many annotations.
safety by ensuring that programmers can not misuse the internal details of a library by
mistake. Encapsulation is essential for tierless Web programming: the details of how
the server and client parts of a widget communicate with each other should not matter,
as long as it provides the intended functionality. Communications should only be an
internal implementation detail.
To solve these problems, we propose to leverage a well-known tool: ML-style modules.
1.2 Eliom
The Eliom language proposes to solve both fine-grained and large-scale modularity is-
sues. Eliom is an extension of OCaml, an industrial-strength programming language
of the ML family, for tierless web programming. Through the use of new syntactic
constructs, it allows to create complete web applications as a single Eliom program
describing both the client and the server behaviors. These new constructions allow
statically-checked client-server communications, along with the ability to express rich
client-server behaviors in a modular way. Although this increased expressivity could
induce significant performance penalties, this is not the case thanks to an efficient com-
pilation and execution scheme. Eliom programs are compiled statically in two parts: the
first part runs on the server while the second part is compiled to JavaScript and runs
on the client. Eliom also inherits the powerful type system and module system from
OCaml, along with a rich ecosystem. This allows us to take advantage of numerous
OCaml libraries, such as the rest of the Ocsigen project.
where the program is executed and the resulting trade-offs. Programmers can thus ensure
that some data stays on the client or on the server, and choose how much communication
takes place.
A simple and efficient execution model. Eliom relies on a novel and efficient execution
model for client-server communication that avoids back-and-forth communication. This
model is simple and predictable. Having a predictable execution model is essential in the
context of an impure language, such as OCaml.
Leveraging the type system. Eliom introduces a novel type system that allows com-
position and modularity of client-server programs while preserving type-safety and ab-
straction. This ensures, via the type-system, that client functions are not called by
mistake inside server code (and conversely) and ensures the correctness of client-server
Modularity and encapsulation. Module and type abstractions are very powerful pro-
gramming tools. By only exposing part of a library, the programmer can safely hide
implementation details and enforce specific properties. Eliom leverages module abstrac-
tion to provide encapsulation and separation of concern for widgets and libraries. By
combining module abstraction and tierless features, library authors can provide good
APIs that do not expose the fine-grained details of client-server communication to the
Composition. The Eliom language allows to define and manipulate on the server, as
first class values, fragments of code which will be executed on the client. This gives us
the ability to build reusable widgets that capture both the server and the client behaviors
transparently. This makes it possible to define client-server building blocks (and libraries
thereof) without further explicit support from the language.
This thesis will explore the consequences of these properties by presenting the design,
the formalization and the implementation of the Eliom language.
1.3 Plan
Eliom aims to be a usable programming language. As such, we introduce Eliom from
a programming perspective in Chapter 2. Tierless programming goes further than just
gluing client and server pieces of code together. Through the various examples, we show
that Eliom enables new programming idioms that allows to build web applications and
libraries safely and easily while providing very good encapsulation and modularity prop-
This theorem, however, is not the end of the story. The implementation of program-
ming languages rarely fits directly to the idealized formalization. This certainly applies
to OCaml, and thus also to Eliom. In Chapter 6, we present the implementation of
Eliom as an extension of OCaml. We expose its challenges and the choices we made
to make the implementation possible. One particularly important property is the inte-
gration between Eliom and the vanilla OCaml compiler.
Finally, Chapter 7 explores the competitors and inspirations of the Eliom language,
both in the field of tierless Web programming but also in various other domains such
as distributed programming and staged meta-programming. Chapter 8 concludes with
various remarks on tierless Web programming.
1.4 Contributions
Eliom, and the Ocsigen project, were initiated by Vincent Balat and Jérôme Vouil-
lon several years ago. It enjoyed the input of many contributors along the years, who
participated to the improvement and the refinement of various ideas you will find in this
thesis. In particular, fragments and sections and their compilation were already present
in Eliom before this thesis started.
My contribution can be summarized as follows:
• A new type system for the Eliom constructs as an extension of the OCaml type
system, including the notion of converters. Previous attempts at typing were limited
at best, and unsound and hackish at worst.
• A new module system which fits the programming model of Eliom while preserving
the good properties of the OCaml module system such as abstraction and modularity.
• A formalization of the type system, the interpreted semantics and the compilation
• A new implementation of the type checker, the compiler and the runtime of Eliom
which more closely reflects the formalization.
More precisely, many examples and libraries presented in Chapter 2 have been de-
veloped along the years as part of the Ocsigen ecosystem, most recently by Vasilis
Papavasilieou, Vincent Balat and Jérôme Vouillon. Furthermore, the compilation
of sections, fragments and injections, along with the basic primitives that are presented
in Chapter 5, are distilled versions of the original Eliom implementation due to Pierre
Chambart, Grégoire Henry, Benedikt Becker and Vincent Balat.
2 Programming with Eliom
"A training course." I look at him. "What in? Windows NT
system administration?"
He shakes his head. "Computational demonology for dummies."
Charles Stross, The Atrocity Archive
One of the goal of the Eliom language is to provide the essential building blocks for
type-safe, efficient, tierless web programming. In order to demonstrate this, we first
introduce Eliom’s core concept in Section 2.1, then provide numerous examples. Our
examples are extracted from code that appears in the Ocsigen tutorial [Tutorial] and
in the Eliom library [Eliom]. Each example was chosen to illustrate a particular new
programming pattern that is used pervasively in the Eliom ecosystem.
For clarity, we add some type annotations to make the meaning of the code clearer.
These annotations are not necessary. While we use the OCaml language, we only assume
some familiarity with functional languages.
2.1.1 Sections
In Eliom, we explicitly mark where a definition should be executed through the use of
section annotations. We can specify whether a declaration is to be performed on the
server or on the client as follows:
1 let%server s = ...
2 let%client c = ...
A third kind of section, written shared, is used for code executed on both sides. Sections
allow the programmer to group related code in the same file, regardless of where it is
In the rest of this thesis, we use the following color convention: client is in yellow,
server is in blue and shared is in green. Colors are however not mandatory to understand
the rest of this thesis.
2.1.2 Client fragments
While section annotations allow programmers to gather code across locations, it doesn’t
allow convenient communication. For this purpose, Eliom allows to include client-side
expression inside a server section: an expression placed inside [%client ... ] will be
computed on the client when it receives the page; but the eventual client-side value of
the expression can be passed around immediately as a black box on the server. These
expressions are called client fragments.
1 let%server x : int fragment = [%client 1 + 3 ]
For example, here, the expression 1 + 3 will be evaluated on the client, but it’s possible
to refer server-side to the future value of this expression (for example, put it in a list).
The variable x is only usable server-side, and has type int fragment which should be
read “a fragment containing some integer”. The value inside the client fragment cannot
be accessed on the server.
2.1.3 Injections
Fragments allow programmers to manipulate client values on the server. We also need
the opposite direction. Values that have been computed on the server can be used on
the client by prefixing them with the symbol ~%. We call this an injection.
1 let%server s : int = 1 + 2
2 let%client c : int = ~%s + 1
Here, the expression 1 + 2 is evaluated and bound to variable s on the server. The
resulting value 3 is transferred to the client together with the Web page. The expression
~%s + 1 is computed client-side.
An injection makes it possible to access client-side a client fragment which has been
defined on the server:
1 let%server x : int fragment = [%client 1 + 3 ]
2 let%client c : int = 3 + ~%x
The value inside the client fragment is extracted by ~%x, whose value is 4 here.
Fragments and injections are not novel to this thesis. They draw inspiration from
the very rich history of quotations for staging and macros [Bawden, 1999, Taha, 1999,
Sheard and Peyton Jones, 2002] and have been used for several years in various tierless
Web programming languages such as Hop [Serrano et al., 2006] and Eliom. These
constructions are quite powerful and allow to express complex client-server interactions
in convenient and safe ways, as we see in the rest of this section.
string that is given as argument to the function hint_button. One additional property
is that the HTML is generated server-side and sent to the client as a regular HTML page.
For this purposes, we use an HTML DSL [TyXML] that provides combinators such
as button and a_onclick (which respectively create an HTML tag and an HTML
attribute). See Section 2.5.1 for more details on this DSL. The ~a is the OCaml syntax
for named arguments. Here, it is used for the list of HTML attributes.
Our function is implemented using a handler for the onclick event: since clicks are
performed client-side, this handler needs to be a client function inside a fragment. Inside
the fragment, an injection is used to access the argument msg that contains the string
to be showed to the user. The produced HTML fragment is shown in Example 2.1b
and the inferred type in Example 2.1a. As we can see, this type does not expose the
internal details of the widget’s behavior. In particular, the communication between
server and client does not leak in the API: This provides proper encapsulation for client-
server behaviors. Furthermore, this widget is easily composable: the embedded client
state cannot affect nor be affected by any other widget and can be used to build larger
7 [pcdata "Increment"]
environments. Eliom properly models this heterogeneous aspect by allowing to relate
a client and a server datatype that share a similar semantics while having different
definitions. We use this feature to present a safe and easy to use API for remote procedure
calls (RPCs).
Figure 2.1: Rpc signature Figure 2.2: Usage of the Rpc module
In Figure 2.2, we first create server-side an RPC endpoint using the function Rpc.create.
Our example RPC adds 1 to its argument. The endpoint is therefore a value of type
(int,int)Rpc.t, i.e., an RPC whose argument and return values are both of type int.
The type Rpc.t is abstract on the server, but is a synonym for a function type on the
client. Of course, this function does not contain the actual implementation of the RPC
handler, which only exists server-side.
To use this API, we leverage injections. By using an injection in ~%plus1, we obtain
on the client a value of type Rpc.t. We describe the underlying machinery that we
leverage for converting RPC endpoints into client-side functions in Section 2.3.2. What
matters here is that we end up with a function that we can call like any other; calling it
performs the remote procedure call.
We can now combine the RPC API with the counter widget defined in Section 2.2.1 to
create a button that saves the value of the counter on the server. This is presented in Ex-
ample 2.2. We assume the existence of a save_counter function, which saves the counter
in a database, and of the counter function defined previously. The signature of these
functions are shown in Example 2.2a. We then proceed to define save_counter_rpc
(i.e., the server-side RPC interface for save_counter), and inject it into a fragment f.
This fragment is subsequently used as the user-provided callback for counter. This way,
each time the counter is incremented, its new value is saved server-side.
The RPC API we proposed is “blocking”: the execution waits for the remote call to
finish before pursuing, thus blocking the rest of the client program. Remote procedure
calls should, on the contrary, be made asynchronously: the client program keeps running
while the call is made and the result is used when the communication is done. In the
actual implementation, we use the Lwt library [Vouillon, 2008] to express asynchronous
calls in a programmer-friendly manner through promises. The use of Lwt is pervasive in
the Eliom ecosystem both on the server and on the client. In this thesis, we will simply
omit mentions of the Lwt types and operators for pedagogic purposes.
2.3.2 Converters
In the RPC API, we associate two types with different implementation on the server
and on the client. We rely on injections to transform the datastructure when moving
from one side to the other. This ability to transform data before it is sent to the client
via an injection is made possible by the use of converters. Figure 2.3 broadly presents
the converter API. Given a serialization format serial, a converter is a pair of a server
serialization function and a client de-serialization function. Note that the client and
server types are not necessarily the same. Furthermore, we can arbitrarily manipulate
the value before returning it. Several predefined converters are available for fragments,
basic OCaml datatypes, and tuples in the module Conv. Implementation details about
converters can be found in Section 4.2.1.
We can use converters to implement the RPC API (Example 2.3). The server imple-
mentation of Rpc.t is composed of a handler, which is a server function, and a URL to
which the endpoint answers. Our serialization function only sends the URL of the end-
point. The client de-serialization function uses this URL to create a function performing
an HTTP request to the endpoint. This way, an RPC endpoint can be accessed simply
with an injection. Thus, for the create function, we assume that we have a function
serve of type string -> (request -> answer)-> unit that creates an HTTP han-
dler at a specified URL. When Rpc.create is called, a unique identifier id is created,
along with a new HTTP endpoint "/rpc/id" that invokes the specified function.
This implementation has the advantage that code using the Rpc module is completely
independent of the actual URL used. The URL is abstracted away. Converters preserve
abstraction by only exposing the needed information.
Example 2.2: Combination of the counter widget and the RPC API.
2.3.3 Client-server reactive broadcasts
In the previous example, we used converters on rather simple datatypes: only a URL
was sent, and a closure was created client-side. In this example, we use converters for
a more ambitious API: lift Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) to be usable across
client-server boundaries.
FRP is a paradigm that consists in operating on streams of data, either discrete (events)
or continuous (signals). It has been used successfully to program graphical interfaces in
a functional fashion, and can also be used to implement Web interfaces. Here, we show
how to create an API that allows broadcasting server reactive events to a set of clients.
We assume pre-existing libraries implementing the following two APIs: An untyped
broadcast API (Figure 2.4) and an FRP event API (Figure 2.5). Both of these APIs
are orthogonal to Eliom’s primitives; we can implement broadcast with standard Web
techniques, and use the OCaml library React for FRP events. The broadcast API
operates on messages of type serial, the serialization type introduced in Figure 2.3.
Let us now implement the typed broadcast API shown in Figure 2.6. It is quite similar
to the RPC API: we have a type t with different implementations on the client and
the server, and a server function create that takes a converter and an event stream as
argument and produces a value of type t. Here, we use a converter explicitly in order to
transfer elements on the broadcast bus.
The implementation of the Broadcast module is shown in Figure 2.7. On the server, a
BroadcastEvent.t is composed of a converter that is used to transfer elements together
with a URL. The create function starts by creating an untyped broadcast endpoint. We
then use Event.iter to serialize and then send each occurrence of the provided event.
1 type%server (’i,’o) t = {
2 url : string ;
3 handler: ’i -> ’o ;
4 }
6 type%client (’i, ’o) t = ’i -> ’o
8 let%server serialize t = serialize_string t.url
9 let%client deserialize x =
10 let url = deserialize_string x in
11 fun i -> XmlHttpRequest.get url i
13 let conv = {
14 serialize = serialize ;
15 deserialize = [%client deserialize] ;
16 }
18 let%server create handler =
19 let url = "/rpc/" ^ generate_new_id () in
20 serve url handler ;
21 { url ; handler }
We now need to create a converter for BroadcastEvent.t. We need to transmit two
values: the URL of the broadcast endpoint, so that the client can subscribe, and the
deserialization part of the provided converter, so that the client can decode the broad-
casted messages. raw_conv provides a converter for a pair of a URL and a fragment. In
addition to receiving this information, the client deserializer creates a new event stream
and subscribes to the broadcast endpoint. We connect the broadcast output to the event
stream by passing along all the (deserialized) messages.
As we can see in this example, we can use converters explicitly to setup very sophis-
ticated communication schemes in a safe and typed manner. We also use the client
deserialization step to execute stateful operations as needed on the client. Note that
using a converter here allows effective use of resources: the only clients that subscribe to
the broadcast are the ones that really need the event stream, since it has been injected.
language allows to program “in the large”. In most languages, modules are compila-
tion units: a simple collection of type and value declarations in a file. The ML module
language uses this notion of collection of declarations (called structure) and extends it
with types (module specifications, or signatures), functions (parametrized modules, or
functors) and function applications, forming a small typed functional language.
In the previous examples, we already implicitely used the module system: each .ml
file form a structure containing the list of declarations included in the file. It is also
possible to specify a signature for such module by adding a .mli file. Let us now give
a very simple example of functors. For a longer (and better) introduction to modules
and functors, please consult the manual [Leroy et al., 2016] or the Real World OCaml
1 type%server (’i,’o) t = {
2 conv : (’i, ’o) converter ;
3 url : string ;
4 }
5 type%client (’i,’o) t = ’o Event.event
7 let%server create
8 (conv : (’i, ’o) conv) (event : ’i Event.event) =
9 let url = "/broadcast/" ^ generate_new_id () in
10 let t = Broadcast.create url in
11 let send x =
12 Broadcast.send t (conv.serialize x)
13 in
14 let () = Event.iter send event in
15 { conv ; url }
17 type%client (’i, ’o) t = ’o Event.event
19 let%server raw_conv
20 : (url * ’a fragment, url * ’a) converter
21 = Conv.pair Conv.url Conv.fragment
23 let%server serialize t =
24 raw_conv.serialize (t.url, t.conv.deserialize)
25 let%client deserialize s =
26 let url, deserial_msg =
27 ~%raw_conv.deserialize s
28 in
29 let event, send = Event.create () in
30 let handler msg = send (deserial_msg msg) in
31 Broadcast.subscribe url handler ;
32 event
34 let%server conv = {
35 serialize ;
36 deserialize = [%client deserialize] ;
37 }
Figure 2.7: BroadcastEvent: Shared reactive events. API shown in Figure 2.6.
book [Minsky et al., 2013].
Functors are simply functions that take a module and return another module. They
can be used for a large variety of purposes. Here, we use them to build up data structure
based on some primitive operations. Let us say we want to create dictionaries with
keys of type t. One method to implement efficient dictionaries is to use Binary Search
Trees, which requires a comparison function for values of type t in order to search in
the tree. Map.Make is a pre-defined functor in the OCaml standard library that takes
a module implementing the COMPARABLE signature as argument and returns a module
that implements dictionaries whose keys are of the type t in the provided module. In
Figure 2.9, we use this functor to create the StringMap module which defines dictionaries
with string keys. We then define d, a dictionary which associates "foo" to 3.
1 module%client JStr = struct
2 type t = Js.string
3 let compare = Js.compare_string
4 end
6 module%client JStrMap = Map.Make(JStr)
base code will be executed on both the client and the server. Eliom guarantee that
pieces of code inside base locations can only contain pure OCaml code, without any of
the additional Eliom constructs. The semantics of base code is guaranteed to be exactly
the same as the vanilla OCaml semantics. Furthermore, OCaml library can be im-
ported and linked inside Eliom projects freely. It is even possible to use the compilation
output of the regular OCaml compiler.
Additionally, it is possibly to decide that a given OCaml library should be imported
in Eliom only client or server side. For example, we might want to use a vanilla OCaml
database library in our Eliom project. We can simply specify that this library should
only be loaded on the server and the Eliom type system will prevent its use it in client
We can use this function to write widgets that can be used either on the client or on the
1 let%shared person_widget name =
2 div ~a:[a_class "person"] [
3 text (name^" : "^string_of_int(get_age name))
4 ]
This technique is used pervasively in Eliom to expose implementations than can be used
either on the client or on the server with similar semantics, in a very concise way.
1 let%server button_list
2 (lst : (string * handler fragment) list) =
3 ul ( (fun (name, action) ->
4 li [button
5 ~button_type:‘Button
6 ~a:[a_onclick ~%action]
7 [pcdata name]])
8 lst)
2.5.1 HTML
A common idiom in Web programming is to generate the skeleton of a Web page on
the server, then fill in the holes on the client with dynamic content, or bind dynamic
client-side behaviors on HTML elements. In order to do that, the usual technique is to
use the id or class HTML properties to identify elements, and to manually make sure
that these identifiers are used in a coherent manner on the client and the server.
Eliom simplifies this process by mean of a client-server HTML library that allows
injections of HTML elements to the client. Figure 2.11 shows a simplified API, which
is uniform across clients and servers. The API provides combinators such as the div
function shown below, which builds a div element with the provided attributes and child
elements. We already used this HTML API in several previous examples.
On the server, HTML is implemented as a regular OCaml datatype. When sending
the initial HTML document, this datatype is converted to a textual representation. This
ensures compatibility with JavaScript-less clients and preserves the usual behavior of
a Web server.
On the client, we represent HTML nodes directly as DOM trees. The mismatch
between client and server implementations does not preclude us from providing a uniform
API. However, to permit injections of HTML nodes from the server to the client, special
care must be taken. In particular, we equip each injected node with an id, and id is the
only piece of data sent by the serialization function. The deserialization function then
1 type%shared attribute
2 type%shared element
4 val%shared div :
5 ?a:(attribute list) -> element list -> element
7 val%server a_onclick :
8 (Event.t -> bool) fragment -> attribute
10 module%server Client : sig
11 val node : element fragment -> element
12 end
finds the element with the appropriate id in the page. The a_onclick function finds
the appropriate HTML element on the client and attaches the specified handler.
The fact that we use a uniform API allows us to abstract the specificities of the
DOM and to provide other kinds of representations, such as a virtual DOM approach.
A further improvement that fits in our design is nesting client HTML elements inside
server HTML documents without any explicit DOM manipulation. This is done by the
Client.node function (Figure 2.12), which takes a client fragment defining an HTML
node and converts it to a server-side HTML node that can be embedded into the page.
This function works by including a placeholder element server-side. The placeholder is
later replaced by the actual element on the client.
1 type%server (’a, ’b) shared_value = 1 let%server local x = x.srv
2 { srv : ’a ; cli : ’b fragment } 2 let%client local x = x
3 type%client (’a, ’b) shared_value = ’b 3
4 4 let%server cli x = x.cli
5 val%server local : (’a, ’b) shared_value -> ’a 5 let%client cli x = x
6 val%client local : (’a, ’b) shared_value -> ’b
Figure 2.14: Shared values Imple-
8 val%server cli : mentation
9 (’a, ’b) shared_value -> ’b fragment
10 val%client cli : (’a, ’b) shared_value -> ’b
1 let%server shared_conv
2 : ((’a, ’b) shared_value, (’a, ’b) shared_value) converter
3 = {
4 serialize = (fun x -> Conv.fragment.serialize x.cli);
5 deserialize = Conv.fragment.deserialize
6 }
we can transmit values from the server to the client. For simplicity, we consider that
the type of our keys is an OCaml base type. The type of our shared dictionaries
(’a, ’b)table contains two type variables ’a and ’b, corresponding to the server-
and client-side contents respectively. The API in Figure 2.16a provides add and find
operations, as is typical for association tables, which are available on both sides. The
implementation is shown in Figure 2.16b. A dictionnary is implemented as a pair of a
server-side dictionary and a client-side one. The server-side add implementation stores
a new value locally in the expected way, but additionally builds a fragment that has the
side-effect of performing a client-side addition. The retrieval operation (find) returns a
shared value that contains both the server side version and the client side. On the client,
however, we can directly use the local values. Note that since the client-side type exactly
corresponds to a regular map, we can directly use the usual definitions for the various
map operations. This is done by including the M module on the client.
Several extensions of this API are possible. For pedagogic purposes, the type of key we
used here is a pure OCaml type on the base location (Section 2.4.3). We could also have
two different kinds of keys on the server and on the client, for example OCaml strings on
the server and JavaScript strings on the client, which would ensure better efficiency.
The function would then need two comparison functions and a converter between the
two types. Alternatively, we could also easily create a full blown replicated dictionary:
by using the RPC API, the client can require the server dictionary to be updated and
by using the broadcast API, we can distribute new additions to all clients.
Going further, shared values empower an approach to reactive programming that is
well-adapted for Eliom’s client-server paradigm [Shared reactive programming]. This
approach is the subject of ongoing work. One notable possible improvement is the notion
of shared fragment, the analogous of shared declarations for expressions, which allow to
avoid some code duplication present in the implementation in Figure 2.16b.
1 module type T = sig 1 module Cache (Key : T) = struct
2 type t 2 module M = Map.Make(Key)
3 val comparable : t -> t -> int 3
4 val%server conv : (t, t) conv 4 type%shared (’a, ’b) table =
5 end 5 (’a M.t, ’b M.t) Shared.t
6 6
7 module Cache (Key : T) : sig 7 include%client M
8 module M = Map.Make(Key) 8
9 9 let%server add id v tbl =
10 type%shared (’a, ’b) table = 10 [%client M.add ~%id ~%v ~%tbl ];
11 (’a M.t, ’b M.t) Shared.t 11 M.add id v.srv tbl.srv
12 12
13 val%shared add : 13 let%server find id tbl =
14 Key.t -> (’a, ’b) Shared.t -> 14 { srv = M.find id tbl ;
15 (’a, ’b) table -> (’a, ’b) table 15 cli = [%client M.find ~%id ~%tbl]
16 16 }
17 val%shared find : 17
18 Key.t -> (’a, ’b) table -> 18 (* ... *)
19 (’a, ’b) Shared.t 19 end
20 (b) Implementation
21 (* ... *)
22 end
(a) Signature
This widget can be used in numerous contexts such as the body of news articles, trip
details in a train ticket search, etc.
In our example, sections are implemented independently and attached to the accordion
given as parameter. The distinctive characteristic of our implementation, made possible
by the two-level language, is that a section can be generated freely either on the server
or on the client, and attached to an existing accordion. The example contains three
sections, two generated server-side and one added dynamically client-side to the same
The code is shown in Figure 2.17. The data structure representing the accordion
contains only a reference to a client-side function that closes the currently open section.
Functions new_accordion and accordion_section are included in both the server and
client programs (shared sections). Function switch_visibility is implemented client-
side only. It just adds or removes an HTML class to the element, which has the effect
of hiding or showing the element through CSS rules. Function my_accordion builds
a server-side HTML page containing an accordion with two sections. It also sends to
the client process, together with the page, the request to create the accordion (client
fragment in function new_accordion) and to append a new section to the accordion.
For this purpose, we use function Client.node on line 40.
1 let%client switch_visibility elt =
2 if Class.contain elt "hidden"
3 then Class.remove elt "hidden"
4 else Class.add elt "hidden"
6 type%shared toggle =
7 (unit -> unit) ref fragment
9 let%shared new_accordion () : toggle =
10 [%client ref (fun () -> ()) ]
12 let%shared accordion_section
13 (accordion : toggle) s1 s2 =
14 let contents =
15 div ~a:[a_class ["contents"; "hidden"]]
16 [text s2]
17 in
18 let handler = [%client fun _ ->
19 let toggle = ~%accordion in
20 !toggle (); (*close previous section*)
21 toggle :=
22 (fun () -> switch_visibility ~%contents);
23 switch_visibility ~%contents
24 ]
25 in
26 let title =
27 div
28 ~a:[a_class ["title"]; a_onclick handler]
29 [text s1]
30 in
31 div ~a:[a_class ["section"]] Figure 2.18: Resulting web page
32 [title; contents]
34 let%server my_accordion () =
35 let accordion = new_accordion () in
36 div [
37 accordion_section
38 accordion
39 "Item 1" "Server side generated" ;
40 Client.node [%client
41 accordion_section
42 ~%accordion
43 "Item 2" "Client side generated"
44 ] ;
45 accordion_section
46 accordion
47 "Item 3" "Server side generated" ;
48 ]
2.8 Going further
Our examples demonstrate how the combination of fragments, injections and converters,
along with the abstraction and modularity provided by the module system, can be used
to build rich Web development libraries that provide convenient programming interfaces.
While the module system and the notion of converter presented here are novel to this
thesis; fragments, injections and abstraction have been leveraged in the Eliom library for
many years to build very rich structures. In particular, the Eliom library provides uni-
and bi-directional channels, progressive fetching of data, correct-by-construction links,
and client-server reactive programming. Interestingly, a common pattern arising across
these examples (just like for our RPC and HTML examples of Sections 2.3.1 and 2.5.1)
is relating server and client datatypes that differ in their structure and APIs, but that
have related intuitive meaning. Of course, the same building blocks and patterns can be
used by the programmer to implement additional components outside the Eliom library,
thus catering for their specific use cases.
3 The ML programming language
When I was a child, I was told that Santa Claus came in through
the chimney, and that computers were programmed in binary code.
Since then, I have learned that programming is better done in
higher-level languages, more abstract and more expressive.
Xavier Leroy, Polymorphic typing of an algorithmic language
Programming languages of the ML family are like curry: everyone cook them differently
and nobody agrees on the perfect ingredients, but they all end up being delicious. For
ML, the original ingredients [Milner, 1978] are first class functions, parametric polymor-
phism, let bindings, algebraic datatypes and mutable references. With the years, several
new ingredients have been added to the mix; in particular pattern matching and a mod-
ule system; which form the base of many languages in the ML family [Milner et al., 1990,
Leroy et al., 2016].
Our version of ML contains the minimal amount of ingredients that allows us to
describe the Eliom extensions: a core calculus with polymorphism, let bindings and
parametrized datatypes in the style of Wright and Felleisen [1994], accompanied by a
fully featured module system in the style of Leroy [1995]. We first present the syntax
of the language in Section 3.1 and its type system in Section 3.2. We then present the
semantics of this language in Section 3.3. Finally we indicate some relevant work in
Section 3.4.
3.1 Syntax
Let us first define some notations and meta-syntactic variables. As a general rule, the
expression language is in lowercase (e) and the module language is in uppercase (M ).
Module types are in calligraphic letters (M). More precisely: x are variables, p are
module paths, X are module variables, τ are type expressions and t are type constructors.
xi , Xi and ti are identifiers (for values, modules and types). Identifiers (such as xi ) have a
name part (x) and a stamp part (i) that distinguish identifiers with the same name. Only
the name part of identifiers is exposed in module signature. α-conversion should keep
the name intact and change only the stamp, which allow to preserve module signatures.
Sequences are noted with a star; for example τ ∗ is a sequence of type expressions. Indexed
sequences are noted (τi ), with an implicit range. Substitution of a by b in e is noted
e[a 7→ b]. Repeated substitution of each ai by the corresponding bi is noted e[ai 7→ bi ]i .
The syntax is presented in Figure 3.1.
Expressions The expression language is a fairly simple extension of the lambda calculus
with a fixpoint combinator Y and let bindings let x = e1 in e2 . The language is
parametrized by a set of constants Const. Variables can be qualified by a module path
p. Paths can be either module identifiers such as Xi , a submodule access such as Xi .Y ,
or a path application such as Xi (Yj .Z). Note that, as said earlier, that fields of modules
are only called by their name, without stamp.
Types Types are composed of type variables α, function types τ1 → τ2 and parametrized
type constructors (τ1 , τ2 , . . . , τk )ti . Type constructors can have an arbitrary number of
parameters, including zero. Type constructors can be qualified by a module path p. Type
schemes, noted σ, are type expressions that are universally quantified by a list of type
Expressions Path
e ::= c (Constant) p ::= Xi | p.X | p1 (p2 )
| xi | p.x (Variables) Type Schemes
|Y (Fixpoint) σ ::= ∀α∗ .τ
| (e e) (Application) Type Expressions
| λx.e (Function) τ ::= α (Type variables)
| let x = e in e (Let binding) | τ →τ (Function types)
∗ ∗
c ∈ Const (Constants) | (τ )ti | (τ )p.t (Type constructors)
(a) The expression language
variables. Type schemes can also have free variables. For example: ∀α.(α, β)ti .
Modules The module language is quite similar to a simple lambda calculus: Functors
are functions over module (except that arguments are annotated with their types). Mod-
ule application is noted M1 (M2 ). Modules can also be constrained by a module type:
(M : M). Finally, a module can be a structure which contains a list of value, types or
module definitions: struct let xi = 2 end. Programs are lists of definitions.
Module types Module types can be either the type of a functor or a signature, which
contains a list of value, types and module descriptions. Type descriptions can expose their
definition or can be left abstract. Typing environments are simply module signatures.
We note them Γ for convenience.
From a type checking point of view, this is possible thanks to two operations: instan-
ciation and abstraction. Instanciation takes a type scheme, which is a type where some
variables have been universally quantified, and replace all the quantified type variables by
some type. It is used when looking up a variable (rule Var) or typechecking a constant
(rule Const). For example, the type of map can be instantiated to the following type.
Once instantiated, the map function can be applied on a list with concretes types. Nat-
urally, we also need the converse operation: constructing a type scheme given a type
containing some type variables. Closing a type depends on the current typing envi-
ronments, we only abstract type variables that have not been introduced by previous
binders. Close(Γ, τ ) returns the type scheme ∀α1 . . . αn .τ where the αi are free variables
of τ that are not present in Γ. While it is possible to apply the closing operation at any
step of a typing derivation, it is only useful at the introduction point of type variables,
in let bindings (rule LetIn). In the following example, we derive a polymorphic type
for a function that constructs a pair with an element from the environment. We first
use the close operation to obtain a type scheme for f . Note that since α is present in
the environment, it is not universally quantified. We then use the instance operation to
apply f to an integer constant.
. ∀β. β → α ∗ β int → α ∗ int Const(3) int
(val a : α; val b : β) .(a, b) : α ∗ β Γ . f : int → α ∗ int Γ . 3 : int
(val a : α) . λb.(a, b) : β → α ∗ β (val a : α; val f : ∀β. β → α ∗ β) . f 3 : (α ∗ int)
(val a : α) . let f = λb.(a, b) in f 3 : (α ∗ int)
TypeVal ArrowVal
(type (αi )t) ∈ Γ ∀i, Γ τi Γ τ1 Γ τ2
Γ (τi )t Γ τ1 → τ2 Γα
This is similar to the handling of free symbols in the unification literature.
Var Lambda Const
(val x : σ) ∈ Γ στ Γ; (val x : τ1 ) . e : τ2 TypeOf(c) τ
Γ.x:τ Γ . λx.e : τ1 → τ2 Γ.c:τ
LetIn Equiv
Γ . e1 : τ1 Γ; (val x : Close(τ1 , Γ)) . e2 : τ2 Γ . e : τ1 Γ . τ1 ≈ τ2
Γ . let x = e1 in e2 : τ2 Γ . e : τ2
Γ . e1 : τ1 → τ2 Γ . e2 : τ1
Γ .(e1 e2 ) : τ2 Γ . Y : ((τ1 → τ2 ) → τ1 → τ2 ) → τ1 → τ2
DefTypeEq AbsTypeEq
(type (αi )t = τ ) ∈ Γ (type (αi )t) ∈ Γ ∀i, Γ . τi ≈ τi0
Γ .(τi )t ≈ τ [αi 7→ τi ]i Γ .(τi )t ≈(τi0 )t
Applicative Functors Let us consider the following scenario: we are given a module
G implementing a graph data-structure and would like to implement a simple graph
algorithm which takes a vertex and returns all the accessible vertices. We would like the
returned module to contain a function of type G.graph → G.vertex → set_of_vertices.
How to implement set_of_vertices? An easy but inefficient way would be to use lists. A
better way is to use proper sets (implemented with balanced binary tree, for example).
In OCaml, this is provided in the standard library by the functor Set.M ake, presented
in Section 2.4.1, which takes a module implementing comparison functions for the given
type. We would obtain a signature similar to the one below.
However, this means we need to expose a complete module implementing set of vertices
that is independent from any other set module. This prevents modularity, since any
usage of our new function must use this specific set implementation. Furthermore, this
make the signature bigger than strictly necessary. What we really want to expose is that
the return type comes from an application of Set.M ake. Fortunately, we can do so by
using the following signature.
Here, we export the fact that the set type must be the result of a functor application
on a module that is compatible with G.V ertex. The type system guarantees that any
such functor application will produces types that are equivalent. In particular, if mul-
tiple libraries uses the Access functor, their sets will be of the same types, which make
composition of libraries easier. This behavior of functors is usually called applicative.
Strengthening Let us now consider the program presented in Example 3.1. We assume
the existence of two modules, presented in Example 3.1a. The module Showable exposes
the abstract type t, along with a show function that turns it into a string. The module Elt
exposes a type t equal to Showable.t and a value that inhabits this type. The program is
presented in Example 3.1b. We define a functor F taking two arguments E and S whose
signature are similar to Elt and Showable, respectively. The main difference is that E
comes first and S.t is defined as an alias of E.t. The functor uses the show function
on the element in E to create a string. It is natural to expect the functor application
F (Elt)(Showable) to type check, since Elt.t = Showable.t. We must, however, check
for module inclusion. While Elt is clearly included in the signature of the argument
E, the same is not clear for Showable. We first need to enrich its type signature with
additional type equalities. We give Showable the type sig type t = Showable.t . . . end.
It makes sense to enrich the signature in such a manner since Showable is already in
module Showable : sig
module F
type t
(E : sig type t val v : t end)
val show : t → string
(S : sig type t = E.t val show : t → string end)
= struct
module Elt : sig
let s = ( E.v)
type t = Showable.t
val v : elt
module X = F (Elt)(Showable)
(b) Application of multi-argument functor using manifests
(a) Typing environment
the environment. Given this enriched signature, we can now deduce that I(type t =
Showable.t) <: (type t = E.t) since E.t = Elt.t = Showable.t.
The operation that consists in enriching type signatures of module identifiers with new
equalities by using elements in the environment is called strengthening [Leroy, 1994].
Typing rules
In the previous two examples, we showcased some delicate interactions between functor,
type equalities and modularity in the context of an ML module system. We now see in
details how the rules presented in Figures 3.5 to 3.7 produce these behaviors.
Qualified access Unqualified module variables are typechecked in a similar manner than
regular variables in the expression language, with the ModVar typing rule. Qualified
access (of the form X.a), both for the core and the module language, need more work.
As with the expression language, the typing environment is simply a list of declaration.
In particular, typing environments do not store paths. This means that in order to prove
Γ . p.a : τ , we must first verify that the module p typechecks in Γ: Γ I p : M. We then
need to verify that the module type M contains a declaration (val a : τ ). This is done in
the QualModVar rule for the module language. The rules for the expression language
are given in Figure 3.8.
Let us now try to apply these rules to the module X with the following module type.
X contains a type t and a value a of that type. We note that module type X .
We wish to typecheck X.a. One expected type for this expression is X.t. However,
the binding of v in X gives the type t, with no mention of X. We need to prefix the
type variable t by the access path X. This is done in the rule QualModVar by the
substitution M[ni 7→ p.n | ni ∈ BV(S1 )] which prefixes all the bound variables of S1 ,
noted BV(S1 ), by the path p. Note here that we substitute only by the names declared
before the variable a. Indeed, a variable or a type can only reference names declared
previously in ML. To prove that X.a has the type X.t, we can write the following type
(module X : X ) ∈ (module X : X )
(module X : X ) I X : sig type t; val a : t end
QualVar with X.t = t[t 7→ p.t]
(module X : X ) . X.a : X.t
Strengthening The strengthening operation, noted M/p, is defined in Figure 3.9 and
is used in the Strength rule. It takes a module type M and a path p and returns a
module type M0 where all the type declarations, abstract or not, have been replaced by
type aliases pointing to the path p. These type aliases are usually called “manifest types”.
This operator relies on the following idea: if p is of type M, then p is available in the
environment. In order to expose as many type equalities as possible, it suffices to give
p a type where all the type definition point to definitions available in the environment.
This way, we preserve type equalities even for abstract types. This also mean that type
equalities can be deduced by only looking at the path and the module type. In particular,
we do not need to look at the implementation of p, which is important for the purpose
of separate compilation.
Applicative functors Let us consider a functor F with the following type. It takes a
module containing a single type t and return a module containing an abstract type t0
and a conversion function.
If we consider two modules X1 and X2 , does X1 = X2 imply F (X1 ).t = F (X2 ).t ? If
that is the case, we say that functors are applicative. Otherwise, they are generative 2 .
Here, we consider the applicative behavior of functors. This is implemented with the
last strengthening rule which ensures that the body of functors is also strengthened. For
example, if M is the type of the functor above, M/F is the following module type:
functor(X : sig type t end)(sig type t0 = F (X).t; val make : X.t → t0 end)
This justifies the presence of application inside paths. Otherwise, such type manifests
inside functors could not be represented. A more type-theoretic description of generative
and applicative functors can be found in Leroy [1996].
it or to transform it into another representation), we only need to look at the type of its
dependencies, not their implementation.
It turns out that the ML module system with manifest types lends itself very well
to separate typechecking [Leroy, 1994]. Indeed, let us consider a program as a list of
modules. Each module represents a compilation unit (i.e., a file). Since module bindings
in the typing environment only contains module types, and not the actual module, type-
checking a file only needs the module type of the previous files, which ensure that we
can typecheck each file separately, as long as all its dependencies have been typechecked
before. This is expressed more formally in Theorem 1.
I(D1 ; . . . ; Dn ) : S
3.2.3 Inference
Full inference is one of the greatest strength of the ML programming language. While
we do not address inference formally in this thesis, here are some remarks. Inference
is of course decidable for the core language using the well known W algorithm. It is
“efficient”, which means here that it is fast for usual programs, though pathological cases
can be constructed. The typechecking rules for modules are not syntax directed. The
Strength rule, in particular, is free floating. Leroy [1994] presents how to turn this
into a syntax-directed type system, which allows inference as long as functor arguments
are annotated.
3.3 Semantics
We now define the semantics of our ML language. We use a rule-based big step semantics
with traces. Traces allows us to reason about execution order in a way that is compatible
with modules, as we will see in Section 3.3.1.
We note v for values in the expression language and V for values in the module lan-
guage. Values are defined in Figure 3.11. Values in the expression language can be either
constants or lambdas. Module values are either structures, which are list of bindings of
ModVar QualModVar Strength
(module Xi : M) ∈ Γ Γ I p :(sig S1 ; module Xi : M; S2 end) ΓIp:M
Γ I Xi : M Γ I p.X : M[ni 7→ p.n | ni ∈ BV(S1 )] Γ I p : M/p
ΓM Xi ∈
/ BV(Γ) Γ; (module Xi : M) I M : M0 ΓM ΓIM :M
Γ I functor(Xi : M)M : functor(Xi : M)M Γ I(M : M) : M
Γ.e:τ xi ∈
/ BV(Γ) Γ; (val xi : Close(τ, Γ)) I S : S
Γ I(let xi = e; s) :(val xi : τ ; S)
Γτ ti ∈
/ BV(Γ) Γ; (type (α∗ )ti = τ ) I S : S
Γ I(type (α∗ )ti = τ ; s) :(type (α∗ )ti = τ ; S)
ΓIM :M Xi ∈
/ BV(Γ) Γ; (module Xi : M) I S : S
Γ I(module Xi = M ; s) :(module Xi : M; S)
Γ I struct S end : sig S end ΓIε:ε
π : [1; m] → [1; n] ∀i ∈ [1; m], Γ; D1 ; . . . ; Dn I Dπ(i) <: Di0
Γ I(sig D1 ; . . . ; Dn end) <: (sig D10 ; . . . ; Dm
Γ . τ1 ≈ τ2 Γ I M1 <: M2
Γ I(val xi : τ1 ) <: (val xi : τ2 ) Γ I(module Xi : M1 ) <: (module Xi = M2 )
Γ . τ1 ≈ τ2
Γ I(type (α )ti = τ1 ) <: (type (α∗ )ti = τ2 )
Γ I(type (α∗ )ti ) <: (type (α∗ )ti )
Γ .(α∗ )ti ≈ τ
Γ I(type (α∗ )ti ) <: (type (α∗ )ti = τ ) Γ I(type (α∗ )ti = τ1 ) <: (type (α∗ )ti )
ΓS Γ Ma xi ∈
/ BV(Γ) Γ; (module Xi : Ma ) Mr
Γ sig S end Γε Γ functor(Xi : Ma )Mr
ti ∈
/ BV(Γ) Γ; (type (α∗ )ti ) S ΓM xi ∈
/ BV(Γ) Γ; (module Xi : M) S
Γ type (α )ti ; S Γ module Xi : M; S
Γτ ti ∈
/ BV(Γ) Γ; (type (α∗ )ti = τ ) S
Γ type (α∗ )ti = τ ; S
Γτ xi ∈
/ BV(Γ) Γ; (val xi : τ ) S
Γ val xi : τ ; S
QualVar QualDefTypeEq
Γ I p :(sig S1 ; val xi : τ ; S2 end) Γ I p :(sig S1 ; type (α∗ )ti = τ ; S2 end)
Γ . p.x : τ [ni 7→ p.n | ni ∈ BV(S1 )] Γ .(τi )p.t ≈ τ [ni 7→ p.n | ni ∈ BV(S1 )][αi 7→ τi ]i
Γ I p :(sig S1 ; type (α∗ )ti ; S2 end) ∀i, Γ . τi ≈ τi0
Γ .(τi )p.t ≈(τi0 )p.t
ε/p = ε
(sig S end)/p = sig S/p end
(module Xi = M; S)/p = module Xi = M/p; S/p
(type (α∗ )ti = τ ; S)/p = type (α∗ )ti = (α∗ )p.t; S/p
(type (α∗ )ti ; S)/p = type (α∗ )ti = (α∗ )p.t; S/p
(val xi : τ ; S)/p = val xi : τ ; S/p
values, or functors. We note ρ the execution environment. Execution environments are
a list of value bindings. Note here that the execution environment is not mutable, since
reference cells are not in the language. We note the concatenation of environment +.
Environment access is noted ρ(x) = v where x has value v in ρ. The same notation is
also used for structures. Traces are lists of messages. For now, we consider messages
that are values and are emitted with a print operation. The empty trace is noted hi.
Concatenation of traces is noted @.
Given an expression e (resp. a module m), an execution environment ρ, a value v
(resp. V ) and a trace θ,
e =⇒ v, θ
means that e reduces to v in ρ and prints θ. The reduction rules are given in Figure 3.12.
The rules for the expression language are fairly traditional. Variables and paths must
be resolved using the Var and QualVar rules. Applications are done in two steps:
first, we reduce both the function and the argument with the App rule, then we apply
the appropriate reduction rule for the application: Beta for lambda expressions, Y for
fixpoints and Delta for constants. The δ operation gives meaning to application of a
constant to a value. δ(c, v) = v 0 , θ means that c applied to v returns v 0 and emits the
trace θ. Let bindings are treated in a similar manner than lambda expressions: the left
hand side is executed, added to the environment, then the right hand side is executed.
The module language has similar rules for identifiers and application. In this case, the
Beta and App rule have been combined in ModBeta. Additional rules for declarations
are also present. Type declarations are ignored (TypeDecl). Values and module dec-
larations (ValDecl and ModDecl) are treated similarly to let bindings: the body of
the binding is executed, added to the environment and then the rest of the structure is
PrintTy PrintExec
TypeOf(print) = ∀α.(α → α) δ(print, v) = v, hvi
Let us first show that e is of type int. The type derivation is provided in Example 3.2.
The typing derivation is fairly direct: we use the Const rule to type print as int → int
and apply it to integers with the rule App. We can now look at the execution of e, which
returns 4 with a trace h3; 4i. The execution derivation is shown in Example 3.3. The
first step is to decompose the let-binding. We first reduce (print 3), which can be
directly done with the Delta rule. This gives us 3 with a trace h3i. We then reduce
(print (x + 1)) in the environment where x is associated to 3. Before resolving the
application of print with the Delta rule, we need to reduce its argument with the App
rule. We obtain 4 with a trace h4i. We return the result of the right hand side of the left
and the concatenation of both traces by usage of the LetIn rule, which gives us 4 with
a trace h3; 4i.
.. ..
TypeOf(print) int → int TypeOf(3) = int . .
. print : int → int . 3 : int . print : int → int . x + 1 : int
App App
.(print 3) : int (val x : int) .(print (x + 1)) : int
LetIn LetIn
. let x = (print 3) in (print (x + 1)) : int
3.3.2 Modules
We now present an example of reduction involving modules. Our example program P is
presented in Example 3.4a. It consists of two declarations: a module declaration X which
contains a single declaration a, and the return value of the program, which is equal to
X.a. It is fairly easy to see that the program P return a value of type int, hence we focus
on the execution of P , which is presented in Example 3.4b. The derivation is slightly
simplified for clarity. In particular, rules such as EmptyStruct are elided. The first
step is to apply the Program and ModuleDecl rules in order to execute the content of
each declaration. The declaration of X, on the left side, can be reduced by first applying
the Struct rule in order to extract the content of the module structure, then ValDecl,
to reduce the declaration of a. These reductions give us the structure value {a7→3}. We
now execute the declaration of return. According to the ModuleDecl rule, we must
do so in a new environment containing X: {X7→{a7→3}}. In order to reduce X.a, we
must use the QualModVar rule, which reduces qualified variables. This means we first
reduce X, which according to the environment gives us {a7→3}, noted V . We then look
up a in V , which returns 3. To return, we first compose the resulting structure value
from both declaration: {X7→{a7→3}} + {return7→3}. We then lookup return in this
structure, which gives us 3.
module X = struct let a = 3 end
let return = X.a
⇒ 3, hi
3= ρ(X) = V
ValDecl ModVar
⇒ {a7→3} , hi
let a = 3 = ρ
Struct X =⇒ V ≡ {a7→3} , hi V (a) = 3
struct QualModVar
⇒ {a7→3} , hi X.a =
= == == ===⇒ 3, hi
let a = 3 =
end let return = X.a =========⇒ {return7→3} , hi
ModuleDecl ! ModuleDecl
module X = struct let a = 3 end
⇒ {X7→{a7→3}} + {return7→3} , hi
let return = X.a
Program Program
⇒ 3, hi
(b) Execution of P
Why big steps? One might wonder why use a big step semantics with traces, instead
of a small step semantics. Indeed, small step usually make proofs easier, especially for
simulations which we will use on Eliom later. A first remark is that modules are not
stable by substitution since (struct . . . end).x is not valid (and is problematic to type).
Hence we need to use a semantics with environments and closures. Let us now consider
doing one step deep inside a structure using a small step semantics. The previously eval-
uated declarations in the structure should be available in the local environment which
mean we would need to rebuild environments as we explore a context to execute a small
step. We would also need to manipulate partially evaluated structures as we execute
declarations. Furthermore, typing preservation for small steps would be difficult to ex-
press in the presence of abstract types. While this is all possible, big steps semantics
with environments is, by comparison, fairly straightforward.
Expressions Modules Bindings
v ::= c (Constant) V ::= { Vb } (Structure) Vb ::= {xi 7→v} (Values)
| λx.ρ.e (Function) | functor(ρ)(Xi : M)M | {Xi 7→V } (Modules)
Var QualVar
ρ Constant Closure
ρ(x) = v p =⇒ V , θ V (x) = v
ρ ρ ρ ρ
x =⇒ v, hi p.x =⇒ v, θ c =⇒ c, hi λx.e =⇒ λx.ρ.e, hi
LetIn App
ρ ρ+{x7→v’} ρ ρ ρ
e0 =⇒ v 0 , θ e =======⇒ v, θ0 e =⇒ v, θ e0 =⇒ v 0 , θ0 (v v 0 ) =⇒ v 00 , θ00
ρ ρ
(let x = e0 in e) =⇒ v, θ @ θ0 (e e0 ) =⇒ v 00 , θ @ θ0 @ θ00
Beta Y Delta
ρ’+{x7→v} ρ
e =======⇒ v 0 , θ (v λx.(Y v x)) =⇒ v 0 , θ δ(c, v) = v 0 , θ
ρ ρ ρ
(λx.ρ0 .e v) =⇒ v 0 , θ (Y v) =⇒ v 0 , θ (c v) =⇒ v 0 , θ
ModClosure ρ
M =⇒ V , θ
ρ ρ
functor(X : M)M =⇒ functor(ρ)(X : M)M , hi (M : M) =⇒ V , θ
ρ ρ ρ’+{X7→V’}
M =⇒ functor(ρ0 )(X : M)Mf , θ M 0 =⇒ V 0 , θ0 Mf ========⇒ V 00 , θ00
M (M 0 ) =⇒ V 00 , θ @ θ0 @ θ00
TypeDecl ModuleDecl
ρ ρ ρ+{Xi 7→V}
S =⇒ Vs , θ M =⇒ V , θ S ========⇒ Vs , θ0
ρ ρ
(type (α∗ )ti = τ ; S) =⇒ Vs , θ (module Xi = M ; S) =⇒ {X7→V } + Vs , θ @ θ0
ValDecl Program
ρ ρ+{xi 7→v} ρ
e =⇒ v, θ S =======⇒ Vs , θ0 S =⇒ Vs , θ
ρ ρ
(let xi = e; S) =⇒ {x7→v} + Vs , θ0 prog S end =⇒ Vs (return), θ
Figure 3.12: Big step semantics – e =⇒ v, θ
3.3.3 Notes on Soundness
Soundness properties, which correspond to the often misquoted “Well typed programs
cannot go wrong.”, have been proven for many variants of the ML language. Unfor-
tunately, stating and proving the soundness property for big step semantics and ML
modules requires a fairly large amount of machinery which we do not attempt to provide
in this thesis. Instead, we give pointers to various relevant work containing such proofs.
Soundness for a small step semantics of our expression language is provided in Wright
and Felleisen [1994]. At a larger scale, Owens [2008] proves the soundness of a small step
semantics for a very large portion of the OCaml expression language using the Locally
Nameless Coq framework [Aydemir et al., 2008]. Soundness of a big step semantics has
been proved and mechanized for several richer languages [Amin and Rompf, 2017, Tofte,
1988, Owens et al., 2016, Lee et al., 2007, Garrigue, 2009].
Unfortunately, as far as we are aware, soundness of Leroy’s module language with
higher order applicative functors has not be proved directly and is a fairly delicate subject.
The most recent work of interest is Rossberg et al. [2014], which presents an elaboration
scheme from ML modules, including applicative OCaml-style modules, into System
Fω . Soundness then relies on soundness of the elaboration (provided in the article) and
soundness of System Fω . In this work, the applicative/generative behavior of functors
is decided depending on its purity, which is much more precise than what is done in
OCaml. Notes that our language does not contain side-effects, which means that our
language has a chance to be sound. The same cannot be said about OCaml in general.
in OCaml, making it possible to reason both about the formal system and the eventual
implementation. Second, it makes the various extensions of Eliom fairly easy to model.
In particular, we shall see that our compilation scheme for Eliom preserves the typing
relation. Such results would be more delicate to express if the module system were
expressed by elaboration. However, if such constraints were not considered, Rossberg
et al. [2014] define an ML module system, including first class modules and applicative
functors, in term of System Fω . This yields a simple yet feature-full system that could
prove easier to extend.
4 The Eliom programming language
Write a paper promising salvation, make it a ’structured’
something or a ’virtual’ something, or ’abstract’, ’distributed’ or
’higher-order’ or ’applicative’ and you can almost be certain of
having started a new cult.
Edsger W. Dijkstra, My hopes of computing science
We now present the formalization of Eliom, a high-order applicative language for dis-
tributed client-server programming with strong support for abstraction and structured
programming through modules1 . The goal of this formalization is not to capture the
complete Eliom language, nor the larger Ocsigen framework. Instead, we simply aim
to capture the specific additions to the OCaml language from a typing and execution
perspective. As such, we propose a new tierless calculus: Eliomε . In the Eliomε lan-
guage, programs are series of bindings returning a single client value which symbolizes the
web page showed to the user. In particular, we do not try to capture the non-terminating
aspect of a complete web server, nor the back-and-forth interactions of a web browser
making HTTP requests to a server.
This might seem like a very limited formalism. However, when a browser requests a
web page, each request follows a similar pattern: an HTTP request is made, the server
executes a specific handler to answer this HTTP request and to send a web page and
a client program to the browser, this client program is then executed. The cycle starts
again when the user clicks on another link. Each handler can then be considered as
its own individual program. In the practical context of Eliom and Ocsigen, this little
program is executed in the context of a larger program: the web server, which can contain
some state and be non-terminating. Our formalization, however, focuses on modeling
the typing, execution and compilation of each little program that are run in handlers2 .
Eliomε nevertheless captures several difficult points of Eliom, namely the handling of
distinct type universes, the transmission of values between server and client stages, the
detailed semantics, its interaction with side effects, the module system in the presence
of stages, and a compilation process that supports separate compilation. This should
hopefully keep most readers entertained and give us a stable foothold before attempting
an implementation. While Eliom is an extension of OCaml, Eliomε is an extension
of the simple ML calculus with modules presented in Chapter 3. We first present the
Eliomε language in Section 4.1 and its type system in Section 4.2. We then present the
semantics in Section 4.3 before stating various useful properties in Section 4.4
Donations to the Cult of the Oxygenated Camel can be made by joining the OCaml consortium.
Or, said in another way, Eliomε is the calculus of modular tierless CGI scripts.
4.1 Syntax
We now present Eliomε , a core language for Eliom. Eliomε is an extension of the
minimal ML language presented in Chapter 3, with both an expression and a module
language. To emphasis the new elements introduced by Eliom, these additional ele-
ments will be colored in blue. This is only for ease of reading and is not essential for
understanding the formalization.
The syntax is presented in Figure 4.4. It extends the syntax presented in Figure 3.1.
4.1.1 Locations
Before describing the syntax of Eliomε , let us introduce the notation of locations. The
grammar of locations is given in Figure 4.1. A location is “a place where the code runs”.
There are three core locations: server, client or base. The base side represents expressions
that are “location-less”, that is, which can be used everywhere. We use the meta-variable
` for an unspecified core location. There is a forth location that is only available for
modules: mixed. A mixed module can have client, server and base components. We use
the meta-variable ς for locations that are either m or one of the core locations. In most
contexts, locations are annotated with subscripts.
We also introduce two relations. ς ς 0 , defined in Figure 4.2, means that a variable
(either a value, a type or a module) defined on location ς can be used on a location
ς 0 . For example, a base type can be used in a client context. Base declarations are
usable everywhere, while mixed declarations are not usable in base code. ς <: ς 0 , defined
in Figure 4.3, means that a module defined on location ς can contain component on
location ς 0 . In particular, the mixed location m can contain any component, while other
location can contain only component declared on the same location. Note that both
relations are reflexive: For instance, it is always possible to use client declarations when
you are on the client.
` ::= s | c | b ς ::= m | `
Figure 4.1: Grammar of locations – ` and ς
Expressions Type Expressions
e ::= . . . τ ::= . . .
| {{ e }} (Fragment) | α` (Type variables)
| f %v (Injection) | {τ } (Fragment types)
f ::= p.x | xi | c (Converter) |τ τ (Converter types)
Module Expressions Module types
m ::= . . . M ::= . . .
| functorm (Xi : M)M | functorm (Xi : M1 )M2
(Mixed functor) (Mixed functor)
Structure components Signature components
d ::= let` xi = e D ::= val` xi : τ
| type` (α`∗j )ti =τ | type` (α`∗j )ti = τ
| moduleς Xi = M | type` (α`∗j )ti
| moduleς Xi : M
Figure 4.4: Eliomε ’s grammar
m can have subfields on different locations. We also introduce mixed functors, noted
functorm (X : M)M, which body can contain both client and server declarations. A
program is a list of declarations including a client value declaration return which is the
result of the program.
4.2.1 Expressions
The new typing rules for expressions are presented in Figures 4.5 to 4.7. We introduce
two typing rules for the new constructions. Rule Fragment is for the construction of
client fragments and can only be applied on the server. If e is of type τ on the client,
then {{ e }} is of type {τ } on the server. Rule Injection is for the communication from
the server to the client and can only be applied on the client. If e is of type τs on the
server and f is of type τs τc on the server, then f %e is of type τc on the client. Since
no other typing rules involves client fragments, it is impossible to deconstruct them.
The last difference with usual ML rules are the visibility of variable. As described
earlier, bindings in Eliomm are located. Since access across sides are explicit, we want
to prevent the use of client variables on the server, for example. In rule Var, to use on
location ` the variable v which is bound on location `0 , we check that `0 `, defined in
Figure 4.2, which means that the definition on ` can be used in `0 . Base elements b are
usable everywhere. Mixed elements m are usable in both client and server. Type variables
are also annotated with a location and follow the same rules. Using type variables from
the client on the server, for example, is disallowed.
The validity judgement on types presented in Figure 4.6 is extended to check that
locations are respected both for type constructors and type variables. This judgement is
used in type declaration, which are presented in the module system.
To transmit values from the server to the client, we need a serialization format. We
assume the existence of a type serial in Constb which represents the serialization format.
The actual format is irrelevant. For instance, one could use JSON or XML.
Converters are special values that describe how to move a value from the server to
the client. A converter can be understood as a pair of functions. A converter f of type
Common rules
Var Lam Const
(val`0 x : σ) ∈ Γ `0 ` στ Γ; (val` x : τ1 ) .` e : τ2 TypeOf` (c) τ
Γ .` x : τ Γ .` λx.e : τ1 → τ2 Γ .` c : τ
LetIn Equiv
Γ .` e1 : τ1 Γ; (val` x : Close(τ1 , Γ)) .` e2 : τ2 Γ .` e : τ1 Γ .` τ1 ≈ τ2
Γ .` let x = e1 in e2 : τ2 Γ .` e : τ2
Γ .` e1 : τ1 → τ2 Γ .` e2 : τ1
Γ .` (e1 e2 ) : τ2 Γ .` Y : ((τ1 → τ2 ) → τ1 → τ2 ) → τ1 → τ2
Γ I` p :(sig S1 ; val`0 xi : τ ; S2 end) `0 `
Γ .` p.v : τ [ni 7→` p.n | ni ∈ BV` (S1 )]
QualifiedVal ConvVal
Γ I` p :(sig S1 ; type`0 (α`i )t; S2 end) ∀i, Γ `i τi `0 ` Γ s τ1 Γ c τ2
Γ ` (τi )p.t Γ s τ1 τ2
TransEq CommEq FunEq
Γ .` τ1 ≈ τ2 Γ .` τ2 ≈ τ3 Γ .` τ2 ≈ τ1 Γ .` τ1 ≈ τ10 Γ .` τ2 ≈ τ20
Γ .` τ ≈ τ Γ .` τ1 ≈ τ3 Γ .` τ1 ≈ τ2 Γ .` τ1 → τ2 ≈ τ10 → τ20
DefTypeEq AbsTypeEq
(type`0 (α`i )t = τ ) ∈ Γ `0 ` (type`0 (α`i )t) ∈ Γ ∀i, Γ .`i τi ≈ τi0 `0 `
Γ .` (τi )t ≈ τ [αi 7→`i τi ]i Γ .` (τi )t ≈(τi0 )t
Γ I` p :(sig S1 ; type`0 (α`i )t = τ ; S2 end) ∀i, Γ .`i τi ≈ τi0 `0 `
Γ .` (τi )p.t ≈ τ [ni 7→` p.n | ni ∈ BV` (S1 )][αi 7→`i τi ]i
Γ I` p :(sig S1 ; type`0 (α`i )t; S2 end) ∀i, Γ .`i τi ≈ τi0 `0 `
Γ .` (τi )p.t ≈(τi0 )p.t
FragmentEq ConvEq
Γ .c τ ≈ τ 0 Γ .s τs ≈ τs0 Γ .c τc ≈ τc0
Γ .s {τ } ≈{τ 0 } Γ .s τs τc ≈ τs0 τc0
• The serial converter of type serial serial. Both sides are the identity.
• The frag converter of type ∀αc .({αc } αc ).
Type universes
It is important to note that there is no identity converter (of type ∀α.(α α)). Indeed the
client and server type universes are distinct and we cannot translate arbitrary types from
one to the other. Some types are only available on one side: database handles, system
types, JavaScript API types. Some types, while available on both sides (because they
are in base for example), are simply not transferable. For example, functions cannot
be serialized in general. Another example is file handles: they are available both on the
server and on the client, but moving a file handle from server to client seems adventurous.
Finally, some types may share a semantic meaning, but not their actual representation.
This is the case where converters are used, as demonstrated in Section 2.3.
Mixed datatypes
In Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2, we saw that the version of ML we consider supports an
interesting combination of three features: abstract datatypes, parametrized datatypes
and separate compilation at the module level. Eliomε , as an extension of ML, also
supports these features. These three features have non-trivial interactions that need to
be accounted for, in particular when introducing properties on types, such as locations.
Let us consider the module shown in Example 4.1. We declare a server datatype t
with two parameters and we hide the definition in the signature. We now want to check
that (t1, t2)t is a correct type expressions. However, without the type definition, we
don’t know if t1 and t2 are base, client or server types. In order to type check the type
sub-expressions, we need more information about the definition of t. The solution, much
like variance, is to annotate type variables in datatypes with extra information. This is
done in the syntax for type declarations given in Figure 4.4. Each type parameters is
annotated with a location. Type variables can only be used on the right location. This
ensures proper separation of client and server type variables and their proper usage.
There annotations can be though as a simplistic kind system. One could also considered
’a as a constrained type variable, in the style of MLF [Botlan and Rémy, 2003].
4.2.2 Modules
We now detail Eliom’s module system. In the expression language, location transitions
can only happen in very specific constructions: fragments and injections. This allow us to
keep most of the ML type system unchanged. This is not the case anymore for modules:
we allow users to create base, client and server modules, but also mixed modules that
can contain base, client and server declarations, including other modules. This means
we need to track locations quite precisely.
We first introduce the various feature of our module system along with some motivating
examples. We then detail how those features are enforced by the typing rules.
standard library of OCaml, it is defined on location b. In particular, its input signature
has components on location b, thus it would seem a module whose components are on the
client or the server should not be accepted. We would nevertheless like to create maps
of elements that are only available on the client. To do so, we introduce a specialization
operation, defined in Figure 4.8, that allows to use a base module in a client or server
scope by replacing instances of the base location with the current location.
The situation is quite similar to the application of a function of type ∀α.α → α to an
argument of type int: we need to instantiate the function before being able to use it.
Mixed modules only offer a limited version of polymorphism for locations: there is only
one “location variable” at a time, and it’s always called b. The specialization operation
simply rewrites a module signature by substituting all instances of the location b or m
by the specified c or s location. Note that before being specialized, a module should be
accessible according to the “can be used” relation defined Figure 4.2. This means that
we never have to specialize a server module on the client (or conversely). Specialization
towards location b has no effect since only base modules are accessible on location base.
Specialization towards the location m has no effect either: since all locations are allowed
inside the mixed location, no specialization is needed. Mixed functors are handled in a
specific way, as we see in the next section.
Mixed Functors
Mixed functors are functors declared in a mixed scope. We note functorm (Xi : M)M the
mixed functor that takes an argument Xi of type M and return a module M . They can
contain both client and server declarations (or mixed submodules). Mixed functors and
regular functors have different types that are not compatible. We saw in Section 2.6.2 an
example of usage for mixed functors. Mixed functors have several restrictions compared
to regular functors which we now detail using various examples.
Injections Injections inside client sections (as opposed to escaped values inside client
fragments) are fairly static: the value might be dynamic, but the position of the injection
and its use sites are statistically known and does not depend on the execution of the
program. In particular, injections are independent of the control flow. We can just give
a unique identifier to each injection, and use that unique name for lookup on the client.
1 module%mixed F (A : sig val b : int end)
2 = struct 1 module%server M =
3 let%server x = A.b 2 F(struct let%server b = 2 end)
4 let%server y = [%client A.b] 3 let%client y’ = ~%M.y
5 end
(b) An ill-typed application of F
(a) A mixed functor using a base declaration
Example 4.2: A mixed functor using base declaration polymorphically
This property comes from the fact that injected server identifiers cannot be bound in a
client section.
Unfortunately, this property does not hold in the presence of mixed functor when
we assume the language can apply functor at arbitrary positions, which is the case in
OCaml. Let us consider Example 4.3. The functor F takes a structure containing a
server declaration x holding an integer and returns a structure containing the same inte-
ger, injected in the client. In Example 4.3b, the functor is used on A or B conditionally.
The issue is that the client integer depends both on the server integer and on the local
client control flow. Lifting the functor application at toplevel would not preserve the
semantics of the language, due to side effects. Thus, we avoid this kind of situation by
forbidding injections that access dynamic names inside mixed functors.
Functor application Mixed functors can only be applied to mixed structures. This
means that in a functor application F(M), M must be a structure defined by a modulem
declaration. Note that this breaks the property that the current location of an expression
or a module can be determined syntactically: The location inside F(struct ... end)
can be either mixed or not, depending on F. This could be mitigated by using a differ-
ent syntax for the application of mixed functor. The justification for this restriction is
detailed in Section 4.3.
1 1 let%server x = 3
2 module%mixed F 2 module%mixed F
3 (A:sig val%server x : int end) 3 (A:sig val%server y : int end)
4 = struct 4 = struct
5 let%client y = ~%A.x + 2 5 let%client z = ~%x
6 end 6 let%server z’ = [%client ~%A.y + 1]
7 7 end
(a) An ill-typed mixed functor using (b) A well-typed mixed functor using an injec-
an injection tion
Example 4.4: Mixed functor and injections
Type rules
We now review how these various language constructs are reflected in the rules of our
type system. As before, the Eliom module system is built on the ML module system.
We extend the typing, validity and subtyping judgments by a location annotation that
specifies the location of the current scope. The program typing judgments don’t have a
location, since a program is always considered mixed. Most rules are fairly straightfor-
ward adaptations of the ML rules, annotated with locations.
The typing rules ModVar and QualModVar follow the usual rules of ML modules
with two modifications: We first check that the module we are looking up can indeed
be used on the current location. This is done by the side condition ς 0 ς where ς is the
current location and ς 0 is the location where the identifier is defined. This allows, for
instance, to use base identifiers in a client scope. We also specialize the module type of
the identifier towards the current location ς. The specialization operation, which was
described in Section 4.2.2, is noted bM cς and is defined in Figure 4.8.
There are two new typing rules compared to ML: the rules MixedFunctor and
MixedApplication define mixed functor definition and application. We use INJS(·)
which returns the set of all injections in client declarations.
bMcb = M bMcm = M
bsig S endcι = sig bScι end bfunctorm (Xi : M)M0 cι = functorm (Xi : M)bM0 cι
bεcι = ε bfunctor(Xi : M)M0 cι = functor(Xi :bMcι )bM0 cι
valι xi : τ ; bScι when ` ι
bval` xi : τ ; Scι =
bScι otherwise
typeι (α`∗j )ti = τ ; bScι when ` ι
btype` (α`∗j )ti = τ ; Scι =
bScι otherwise
typeι (α`∗j )ti ; bScι when ` ι
btype` (α`∗j )ti ; Scι =
bScι otherwise
moduleι Xi : bMcι ; bScι when ς ι
bmoduleς Xi : M; Scι =
bScι otherwise
Where ι is either c or s.
ε/p = ε
(sig S end)/p = sig S/p end
(moduleς Xi = M; S)/p = moduleς Xi = M/p; S/p
(type` (α`∗j )ti = τ ; S)/p = type` (α`∗j )ti = (α∗ )p.t; S/p
(type` (α`∗j )ti ; S)/p = type` (α`∗j )ti = (α∗ )p.t; S/p
(val` xi : τ ; S)/p = val` xi : τ ; S/p
(moduleς 0 Xi : M) ∈ Γ ς0 ς
Γ Iς Xi : bMcς
QualModVar Strength
Γ Iς p :(sig S1 ; moduleς 0 Xi : M; S2 end) ς0 ς Γ Iς p : M
Γ Iς p.X : bM[ni 7→ς 0 p.n | ni ∈ BVς’ (S1 )] cς Γ Iς p : M/p
Γ ` M Xi ∈
/ BV` (Γ) Γ; (module` Xi : M) I` M : M0
Γ I` functor(Xi : M)M : functor(Xi : M)M0
Γ ς M Γ Iς M : M
Γ Iς (M : M) : M
Γ m sig S end xi ∈
/ BVm (Γ)
Γ; (modulem Xi : sig S end) Im M : M0 ∀fj %Xj ∈ INJS(M ), Γ .c fj %Xj : τj
Γ Im functorm (Xi : sig S end)M : functorm (Xi : sig S end)M0
Γ Iς M1 : functorm (Xi : M)M0 Γ Im M2 : M mς
Γ Iς M1 (M2 ) : M [Xi 7→ς M2 ]
Γ .` e : τ xi ∈
/ BV` (Γ) Γ; (val` xi : Close(τ, Γ)) Iς S : S ς <: `
Γ Iς (let` xi = e; s) :(val` xi : τ ; S)
Γ ` τ ti ∈
/ BV` (Γ) Γ; (type` (α`∗j )ti = τ ) Iς S : S ς <: `
Γ Iς (type` (α`∗j )ti = τ ; s) :(type` (α`∗j )ti = τ ; S)
Γ Iς M : M Xi ∈
/ BVς (Γ)
Γ; (moduleς Xi : M) Iς 0 S : S ς 0 <: ς ∀ς 00 ∈ locations(M). ς 00 ς
Γ Iς 0 (moduleς Xi = M ; s) :(moduleς Xi : M; S)
Γ Iς S : S
Γ Iς struct S end : sig S end Γ Iς ε : ε
π : [1; m] → [1; n] ∀i ∈ [1; m], Γ; D1 ; . . . ; Dn Iς Dπ(i) <: Di0
Γ Iς (sig D1 ; . . . ; Dn end) <: (sig D10 ; . . . ; Dm
Γ .`2 τ1 ≈ τ2 ς <:(`1 `2 )
Γ Iς (val`1 xi : τ1 ) <: (val`2 xi : τ2 )
Γ .`2 τ1 ≈ τ2 ς <:(`1 `2 )
Γ Iς (type`1 (α`∗j )ti = τ1 ) <: (type`2 (α`∗j )ti = τ2 )
ς <:(`1 `2 )
Γ Iς (type`1 (α`∗j )ti = τ1 ) <: (type`2 (α`∗j )ti )
4.3 Interpreted semantics
While Eliom, just like OCaml, is a compiled language, it is desirable to present a
semantics that does not involve complex program transformation. The reason is two-fold:
First, this simple semantics should be reasonably easy to explain to users. Indeed, this
semantics is the one used to present Eliom in Chapter 2. However, we must also show
that this semantics is correct, in that it does actually corresponds to our compilation
scheme. This is done in Section 5.4. As presented in Chapter 2, Eliom execution
proceeds in two steps: The server part of the program is executed first. This creates a
client program, which is then executed.
Let us first introduce a few notations. Generated client programs are noted µ. Server
expressions (resp. declarations) that do not contain injections are noted e (resp. D).
Values are the same as for ML: constants, closures, structures and functor closures. We
consider a new class of identifiers called “references” and noted in bold, such as r or
R. We assume the existence of a name generator that can create arbitrary new fresh r
identifiers at any point of the execution. References are used as global identifiers that
ignore scoping rules. References can also be qualified as “reference paths”, noted X.r.
This is used for mixed functors, in particular. We use γ to note the global environment
where such references are stored.
We now introduce a new reduction relation, = ⇒ς , which is the reduction over Eliom
constructs on side ς. The notation = ⇒ς actually represents several reduction relations
which are presented in Figures 4.13, 4.16 and 4.17. Four of these relations reduce the
server part of the code and emit a client program. We note e =⇒ι v, µ, θ the reduction
of a server expression e inside a context ι in the environment ρ. It returns the value v,
the client program µ and emits the trace θ. The context ι can be either base (b), server
(s), server code inside client contexts (c/s) or server code inside mixed contexts (m). We
ρ | γ→γ’
also have a client reduction, noted e ======⇒c v, θ which reduces a client expression e
inside an environment ρ, returns a value v and emits a trace θ. It also updates a global
environment from γ to γ 0 .
Note that the first family of relation executes only the server part of a program and
returns a client program, which is then executed by = ⇒c . This is represented formally by
the Program rule. In order to reduce an Eliom program P , we first reduce the server
part using =⇒m . This returns no value and a client program µ which we execute. We
now look into each specific feature in greater detail
Bindm rules. All these constructions also accept paths of references such as R.f .
The new bind constructs are similar to the ones used in languages with continuations
in the catch/throw style. Instead of storing both an environment and the future compu-
tation, we store only the environment. This will allow us to implement closures across
locations, in particular the case where fragments are used inside a server closure.
The client reduction relation also inherits the ML rules (rule ClientCode). In such a
case, the global environment is passed around following an order compatible with traces.
For example, the LetIn rule for let expression would be modified like so:
ρ | γ→γ’ ρ+{x7→v’} | γ’→γ”
e0 ======⇒c v 0 , θ e ============⇒c v, θ0
ρ | γ→γ”
(let x = e0 in e) ======⇒c v, θ @ θ0
Here, e0 is evaluated first (since θ is present first in the resulting traces), hence it uses
the initial environment γ and returns the environment γ 0 , which is then passed along.
In the rest of this thesis, we use f to denote the reference associated to fragments
closures and r to denote the reference associated to a specific value of a fragment.
Bind BindEnv
γ(pf ) | γ→γ’ ρ |(γ’+{p7→v})→γ” 0 ρ |(γ+{pf 7→ρ})→γ’
e ========⇒c v, θ S =============⇒c V, θ S =============⇒c V, θ
ρ | γ→γ” ρ | γ→γ’
(bind p = e with pf ; S) ======⇒c V, θ @ θ0 (bind env pf ; S) ======⇒c V, θ
γ(pF ) | γ→γ’ ρ |(γ’+{p7→V})→γ” ClientCode
M =========⇒c V, θ S =============⇒c V 0 , θ0 Inherit the rules
ρ | γ→γ” from ML
(bind p = M with pF ; S) ======⇒c V 0 , θ @ θ0
ρ | γ→γ’
Figure 4.13: Semantics for client generated programs – e ======⇒c v, θ
program is split in two as described earlier. Let us now look in more details at various
construction of the Eliomε language.
Base The base reduction relation corresponds exactly to the ML reduction relation, and
always returns empty programs (rule BaseCode). When reducing a base declaration in
a mixed context, we both reduce the declaration using =⇒b , but also add the declaration
to the emitted client program (rule BaseDecl). As we can see, base declarations are
executed twice: once on the server and once on the client.
Client contexts and injections The goal of the client reduction relation = ⇒c/s is not
to reduce client programs. It only reduces server code contained by injections inside
client code. It returns a client expression without injections, a client program and a
trace. Since we don’t want to execute client code, it does not inherit the reduction rules
for ML. Given an injection f %e, the rule Injection reduces the server side expression
(f s e) to a value v. We then transform the server value v into a client value using the ↓
operator presented Figure 4.15. We then returns the client expression (f c ↓v) without
executing it. This expression will be executed on the client side, to deserialize the value.
The value injection operator, noted ↓ represents the serialization of values from the server
to the client and is the identity over constants in Constb and references, and fail on any
other values. According to the definition of converters, if f is a converter τs τc , then
f s is the server side function of type τs → serial and v should be of type serial. Since
serial is defined on b, the injection of values should be the identity.
The rule ClientContext defines the evaluation of server expression up to client
contexts. Client contexts are noted E[e1 , . . . , en ] and are defined in Figure 4.14. A client
context can have any number of holes which must all contain injections. The rest of the
context can contain arbitrary ML syntax that are not injections. Evaluation under a
multi-holed context proceed from left to right. The resulting programs and traces are
constructed by concatenation of each program and trace.
In order to evaluate client declarations, the rule ClientDecl uses = ⇒c/s to evaluate
the server code present in the declaration Dc which returns a declaration without injec-
tions Dc and a client program µ. We then return the client program composed by the
concatenation of the two. We demonstrate this in Example 4.5. The Eliomε program is
presented on the left side. It first declares the integer a on the server then inject it on
the client and returns the result. The emitted code, shown in the middle, contains an
explicit call to the intc deserializer while the rest of the client code is unchanged. The
returned value is shown on the right.
lets a = 3
==⇒m let return = (intc 3) + 1 ==⇒c 4, hi
letc return = int%x + 1
Example 4.5: Execution of a client declaration
Server code and fragments The server reduction relation reduces server code and emits
the appropriate client program associated to client fragments. Since client program are
Ee ::= [f %e] | e | (Ee Ee ) | λx.Ee | let x = Ee in Ee ↓c = c when c ∈ Constb
EM ::= M | (EM : M) | EM (EM ) ↓p = p
| functor(Xi : M)EM | struct (ED )∗ end ↓v = ⊥ otherwise
ED ::= D | letc xi = Ee | modulec Xi = EM
Figure 4.15: Injections
Figure 4.14: Execution contexts for injections – E[·] of values – ↓v
mostly ML programs, it inherits the ML reduction rules (rule ServerCode) where client
programs are concatenated in the same order as traces. Client fragments are handled by
the rule Fragment. Let us consider a fragment {{ e }}, this evaluation proceeds in two
steps: first, we evaluate all the injections inside the client expression e using the relation
⇒c/s described in the previous section. We thus obtain an expression without injection
e and a client program µ.
The second step is to register e to be evaluated in the client program. One could
propose to simply consider client fragments as values. This is however quite problematic,
as it could lead to duplicated side effects. Consider the program presented on the left side
of Example 4.6. If we were simply to simply pass fragments along, the print statement
would be evaluated twice. Instead, we create a fresh identifier r that will be globally
bound to e in the client program, as shown in rule Fragment. This way, the client
expression contained inside the fragment will be executed once, in a timely manner. The
execution rule for fragment is demonstrated in Example 4.6. As before, the Eliomε
program is presented on the left, the emitted client program in shown in the middle and
the returned value is on the right. Note that both frags and fragc are the identity
bind env f
lets x = {{ (print 3) }}
bind r = (print 3) with f
letc return = ==⇒m ==⇒c 6, h3i
let return =
frag%x + frag%x
(fragc r) + (fragc r)
Example 4.6: Execution of a fragment containing side-effects
Closures and fragments In the client program above, we also use a reference f and
the bind env construct. To see why this is necessary, we now consider a case where
fragments are used inside closures. This is presented in Example 4.7. The Eliomε
program, presented on the left, computes 1 + 3 + 2 on the client (although in a fairly
obfuscated way). We first define the client variable a as 1. We then define a server closure
f containing a client fragment capturing a. We then define a new variable also named a
and call (f 3), inject the results and returns. When evaluating the definitions of f , since
it contains syntactically a client fragment, we will emit the client instruction bind env f ,
where f is a fresh identifier. This will capture the local environment, which is {a7→1}
at this point of the client program. When we execute (f 3), we will finally reduce the
client fragment and emit the (bind r = (intc 3) + a with f ) instruction. On the client,
this will be executed in the f environment, hence a is 1 and the result is 4. Once this is
executed, we move back to the regular environment, where a is 2, and proceed with the
Thanks to this construction, the capturing behavior of closures is preserved across
location boundaries. The bind env construct is generated by the ServerDecl rule.
FRAGS(Ds ) returns the fragments syntactically present in Ds . For each fragment, the
local environment is bound to the associated reference.
Server code
Base code
Fragment ServerCode
e =⇒c/s e, µ, θ r fresh Inherit the rules
ρ ρ
=⇒ ≡ =⇒b
{{ e }}f =⇒s r, (µ; bind r = e with f ), θ from ML
BaseDecl ClientDecl
ρ ρ+V ρ ρ
Db =⇒b V , ε, θ 0
S ====⇒m V , µ , θ 0 0
Dc =⇒c/s Dc , µ, θ S =⇒m V , µ0 , θ0
ρ ρ
Db ; S =⇒m V + V 0 , (Db ; µ0 ), θ @ θ0 Dc ; S =⇒m V , (µ; Dc ; µ0 ), θ
ρ ρ+V
FRAGS(Ds ) = {{ ei }}fi Ds =⇒s V , µ, θ S ====⇒m V 0 , µ0 , θ0
Ds ; S =⇒m V + V 0 , (bind env fi ; µ; µ0 ), θ @ θ0
ρ ρ | ε→γ
P =⇒m (), µ, θs µ =====⇒c v, θc
P =⇒ v, θs @ θc
Figure 4.16: Semantics for base, client and server sections – e =⇒ς v, µ, θ
Fragment annotations In the previous examples, we presented the server reduction
rules where, for each syntactic fragment, a fresh reference f is generated and bound to
the environment. In the rest of this thesis, we will simply assume that all fragments
syntactically present in the program are annotated with a unique reference. Such anno-
tation is purely syntactic and can be done by walking the syntax tree of the program.
Annotated fragments are noted {{ . . . }}f .
Mixed structures syntactically present in the program are also annotated in a sim-
ilar manner with a unique module reference. Annoted mixed structures are noted
struct . . . endF .
Mixed functors, injections and client side application Before exposing the complex
interaction of mixed functors and fragment, let us illustrate various details about mixed
functors in Example 4.9. The server code proceed in the following way: we first define a
bind X = struct
bind env X.f
modulem X = struct
bind r = 1 with X.f
lets x = {{ 1 }}
let y = 2 + (fragc r)
letc y = 2 + frag%x
==⇒m module X = X ==⇒c 3, hi
modulem Y = struct
bind Y = struct
modulem A = X
module A = X
letc return = Y.A.y
module Y = Y
let return = Y.A.y
Example 4.8: Execution of mixed modules
Mixed functors and fragments The difficulty of the reduction of mixed functor con-
taining fragments is that the server-side application of a mixed functor should result in
both server and client effects. This makes the reduction rules for mixed functor appli-
cation quite delicate. We illustrate this with Example 4.10. In this example, we define
a functor F contains only the server declaration x. The argument of the functor simply
contains two integers, one on the server and one on the client. In the fragment bound to
x, we add the two integers (using an escaped value). The interesting aspect here is that
the body of the client fragment depends on both the client and the server side of the
argument, even if there is no actual client side for the functor F . The rest of the program
is composed of a simple mixed module Y and the mixed functor application F (Y ).
The first step of the execution is to define the client side part of F and Y , as demon-
strated in the previous example. In this case, since F only contains a server side declara-
tion, the client part of the functor returns an empty structure. We then have to execute
F (Y ). This is done with the StructBeta rule. When reducing a mixed functor appli-
cation, we first generate a fresh identifier (RZ here) and prefix all the fragment closure
identifiers. We then evaluate the body of the functor on the server, which gives us both
the server module value and the generated client code. In this case, we simply obtain the
binding of rx . Note that this reference is not prefixed by RZ since it is freshly generated
at runtime. If the functor was applied again, we would simply generated a new one. In
order for functor arguments to be properly available on the client, we need to introduce
additional bindings. For this purpose, we lookup the Dyn field for each module argument
and insert the additional binding. In this case, module X = Y. This gives us a complete
client structure which we can bind to RZ .
bind env F
module F (X : M) = struct end
modulem F (X : M) = struct bind Y = struct
lets x = {{ X.a + int%X.b }}fx let a = 4
endF end
modulem Y = struct module Y = Y
letc a = 4
lets b = 2 =⇒m bind RZ = struct =⇒c 6, hi
endY module X = Y
bind env RZ .fx
modulem Z = F (Y ) bind rx = Y.a + (intc 2)
with RZ .fx
letc return = frag%Z.x end with F
module Z = F (Y )
We see here that the body of functors allows to emit client code in a dynamic but
controlled way. Generated module references used on the client are remembered on the
server using the Dyn field while closure identifiers ensure that the proper environment is
used. One problematic aspect of this method is that it leads to two executions of the
client side. We shall discuss this in Section 5.5.
ρ ρ ρ
M =⇒m V , Mc , µ, θ M 0 =⇒m V 0 , Mc0 , µ0 , θ0 V (V 0 ) =⇒m V 00 , µ00 , θ00
M (M 0 ) =⇒m V 00 , Mc (Mc0 ), µ; µ0 ; µ00 , θ @ θ0 @ θ00
R fresh Vf = functorm (ρ0 )(Xi : Mi )i struct S endF
iρ’+{Xi 7→Vi }
Vi (Dyn) = Ri S[fi 7→ ]i =========⇒ m V , µ, θ
bind R = struct
ρ (module Xi = Ri ; )i
Vf (V1 ) . . . (Vn ) =⇒m V + {Dyn7→R} , µ
, θ
end with F
V = functorm (ρ0 )(Xi : Mi )i M MixedQualModVar
ρ’+{Xi 7→Vi }i ρ Empty
M =========⇒m Vr , µ, θ p =⇒m V , µ, θ
ρ ρ ρ
V (V1 ) . . . (Vn ) =⇒m Vr , µ, θ, p.X =⇒m V (X), p.X, µ, θ ε =⇒m {}, ε, hi
M |c =⇒c/s M , µ, θ
functorm (X : M)M =⇒m functorm (ρ)(X : M)M , functor(X : M|c )M , µ, θ
Mixed declarations
ρ ρ+{X7→V}
MixedStructIds(M ) = Fi M =⇒m V , M c , µ, θ S ========⇒m V 0 , µ0 , θ0
modulem X = M ; S =⇒m {X7→V } + V 0 , (bind env Fi ; µ; module X = M c ; µ0 ), θ @ θ0
Figure 4.17: Semantics for mixed modules – M =⇒ς V , µ, θ
4.4 Results on locations
The behavior of locations and specialization in the presence of the various language
constructs is not obvious, even with various examples. We now present various elementary
results related to locations that should make the behavior of some constructions easier
to grasp and inform the design of our compilation scheme. Let us note M[`7→`0 ] the
substitution on locations in an Eliom module type M.
Proposition 1. Given an Eliom module type M and a location ` ∈ {b, c, s}, if Γ ` M,
then bMc` = M.
Proof. By definition of <:, M can only contain declarations on `. This means that,
by reflexivity of , only specialization rules that leave the declaration unchanged are
Proof. We remark that each syntax, typing rule or well formedness rule for ML has
a direct equivalent rule in Eliom. We can then simply rewrite the proof tree of the
hypothesis to use the Eliom type and well-formedness rules. We consider only some
specific cases:
• By Proposition 1 and since the modules are of uniform location, the specialization
operation in Var and ModVar are the identity.
• The side conditions `0 <: ` are always respected since the modules are of uniform
location and by reflexivity of <:.
Proof. We first remark that the following features are forbidden in the base part of the
language: injections, fragments, mixed functors and any other location than base. The
rest of the language contains no tierless features and coincides with ML. We can then
proceed by induction over the proof trees.
Proof. Let us first note that the ML reduction relation is included in the base, the
server and the client-only relations. Additionally, the considered programs, modules or
expressions can not contain fragments, injections or binds. The additional rules in the
server and client-only relations are only used for these additional syntactic constructs.
For the first three statements, we can then proceed by induction. For the last statement,
we remark that base code is completely copied to the client during server execution.
Using rule Program, we execute the program twice, which returns the same value but
duplicates the trace.
Proof. By Propositions 3 to 5.
Thanks to Theorem 2, we can completely identify the language ML and the part of
Eliom on base location. This is of course by design: the base location allows us to reason
about the host language, OCaml, inside the new language Eliom. It also provides the
guarantee that anything written in the base location does not contain any communication
between client and server. In the rest of the thesis, we omit location substitutions of the
form [ML7→b] and [b7→ML] .
Proposition 3 also has practical consequences: Given a file previously typechecked by
an ML typechecker, we can directly use the module types either on base, but also on
the client or on the server, by simply annotating all the signature components. This give
us the possibility, in the implementation, to completely reuse compiled objects from the
OCaml typechecker and load them on an arbitrary location. In particular, it guarantees
that we can reuse pure OCaml libraries safely and freely.
Server and Base semantics Since base code exactly corresponds to ML code, and
can not depend on server and client identifiers, the soundness of the base reduction
relation is equivalent to the soundness of ML. The server reduction relation only adds
the Fragment rule. If a fragment is well typed and the various injection can be reduced,
it is easy to see that this rule always applies. Since references r are opaque values on the
server and can only be used in injections, they do not compromise the soundness of the
server reduction relation.
Client emitted code In our presentation, we do not give typing rules for the bind env
and the bind with constructs. Such typing rules can simply be given by typing fi
references similarly to environments: with a module type. With this addition, it should
be possible to show that client emitted programs are always well typed. We can then
rely on the soundness of ML equipped with bind. The difficult point here are fragments,
due to the delayed nature of the bind constructs. However, the content of a fragment is
always executed in an environment with a type compatible with its typing environment,
which should ensure correctness.
Mixed modules The client-side behavior of a mixed module is fairly easy to model,
since it is equivalent to a client module. The server-side behavior is mostly the same as
the one of a pair composed by a server-side module and a fragment containing a client-
side module. As such, the soundness arguments should be the same that the one used
for fragments.
5 Compilation of Eliom programs
In Chapter 4, we gave a tour of the Eliomε language from a formal perspective, providing
a type system and an interpreted semantics. Eliom, however, is not an interpreted
language. The interpreted semantics is here both as a formal tool and to make the
semantics of the language more approachable to users, as demonstrated in Chapter 2. In
the implementation, Eliom programs are compiled to two programs: one server program
(which is linked and executed on the server) and a client program (which is compiled to
JavaScript and executed in a browser). The resulting programs are efficient and avoid
unnecessary back-and-forth communications between the client and the server.
Description of the complete compilation toolchain, including emission of JavaScript
code, is out of scope of this thesis (see Vouillon and Balat [2014]). Instead, we describe
the compilation process in term of emission of client and server programs in an ML-like
language equipped with additional primitives. Hence, we present the typing and execu-
tion of compiled programs, in Section 5.1 and the compilation process, in Section 5.2.
However, we also want to ensure that the interpreted semantics, which is explained to
users, corresponds to the compiled semantics1 . This is done in Section 5.4. Finally, we
discuss the design of mixed functors from a compilation perspective in Section 5.5.
5.1.1 Converters
For each converter f , we note f s and f c the server side encoding function and the client
side decoding function. If f is of type τs τc , then f s is of type τs → serial and f c
is of type serial → τc . We will generally assume that if the converter f is available
in the environment, then f c and f s are available in the client and server environment
Thus, the main result of this chapter is that you do not need to read it to understand Eliomε programs!
MLs grammar MLc grammar
p ::= Dyn.f | (X.) f (Reference path) p ::= Dyn.f | (X.)∗ f (Reference path)
τ ::= . . . | frag (Fragment type) e ::= . . . | x (Reference)
v ::= . . . | r (Reference) M ::= . . . | X (Module reference)
e ::= . . . D ::= . . .
| fragment p e (Fragment call) | bind p = e (Fragment closure)
M ::= . . . | bindm p = M (Functor fragment)
| p.Dyn (Dynamic field) | exec () (Fragment execution)
| fragmentm p (M ) (Fragment)
D ::= . . .
| injection x e (Injection)
| end () (End token)
5.1.2 Injections
For injections, we associate server-side the injected value e to a reference v using the
construction injection v e, where e is of type serial. When the server execution is
over, a mapping from references to injected values is sent to the client. v is then used
client-side to access the value.
An example is given in Example 5.1. In this example, two integers are sent from the
server to the client and add them on the client. We suppose the existence of a base
abstract type int, a converter int of type (int int) and the associated encoding and
decoding functions. The server program, in Example 5.1a, creates two injections, v1 and
v2 and does not expose any bindings nor return any values. These injections hold the
serialized integers 4 and 2. The client program, in Example 5.1b, uses these two injections,
deserialize their values, adds them, and returns the result. Note that injection is not
a network operation. It simply stores a mapping between references (i.e., names) and
serialized values. The mapping generated at the end of the server execution is shown in
Example 5.1c. After the execution of the server code, this mapping is sent to the client,
and used to execute the client code.
5.1.3 Fragments
The primitive related to fragments also relies on shared references between the server
program and the client program. However, these references allow to uniquely identify
functions that are defined on the client but are called on the server. To implement this,
we use the following primitives:
• In MLc structures, bind p = e declares a new client function bound to the reference
p. The function e takes an arbitrary amount of argument of type serial and
returns any type.
Here again, none of these primitives are network communication primitives. While the
API is similar to Remote Procedure Calls, the execution is very different: fragment only
accumulates the function call in a list, to be executed later. When the server execution is
over, the list of calls is sent to the client, and used during the client execution. OCaml,
and consequently Eliom, are impure languages: the order of execution of statement
is important. In order to control the order of execution, we introduce two additional
statements: end (), on the server, introduces an end marker in the list of calls. exec (),
on the client, executes all the calls until the next end token.
Example 5.2 presents a pair of programs which emit the client trace h2; 3; 3i, but in
such a way that, while the client does the printing, the values and the execution order
are completely determined by the server. The server code (Example 5.2a) calls f with 2
as argument, injects the result and then calls f with 3 as argument. The client code, in
Example 5.2b, declares a fragment closure f , which simply adds one to its arguments, and
exec both fragments. In-between both executions, it prints the content of the injection
v. During the execution of the server, the list of calls (Example 5.2c) and the mapping of
injections (Example 5.2d) are built. First, when fragment f (ints 2) is executed, a fresh
reference r1 is generated, the call to the fragment is added to the list and r1 is returned.
The injection adds the association v1 7→ r1 to the mapping of injections. The call to
end () then adds the token end to the list of fragments. The second fragment proceeds
similarly to the first, with a fresh identifiers r2 . Once server execution is over, the newly
generated list of fragments and mapping of injections are sent to the client. During the
client execution, the execution of the list is controlled by the exec calls. First, (f 2) emits
h2i and is evaluated to 3, and the mapping r1 7→ 3 is added to a global environment.
Then v1 is resolved to r1 and printed (which shows h3i). Finally (f 3) emits h3i and is
evaluated to 4.
The important thing to note here is that both the injection mapping and the list of
fragments are completely dynamic. We could add complicated control flow to the server
program that would drive the client execution according to some dynamic values. The
only static elements are the names f and v1 , the behavior of f and the number of call
to exec (). We cannot, however, make the server-side control flow depend on client-side
values, since we obey a strict phase separation between server and client execution.
Finally, remark that we do not need the bind env construct introduced in Section 4.3.1.
Instead, we directly capture the environment using closures that are extracted in advance.
We will see how this extraction works in more details while studying the compilation
scheme, in Section 5.2.
let x1 = fragment f (ints 2); bind f = λx.((print (intc x)) + 1); {r1 7→(f 2)} ; end;
injection v1 (frags x1 ); exec (); {r2 7→(f 3)} ; end;
end (); let a = (print (fragc v1 )); (c) List of fragments
let x2 = fragment f (int 3); exec ();
end (); let return = a
v1 7→ r1
(a) Server program (b) Client program (d) Mapping of injections
5.1.4 Modules
We introduce three new module-related construction that are quite similar to fragment
• p.Dyn returns a reference that represents the client part of a server module p. This
is used for Eliomε mixed structure that have both a server and a client part.
The first argument of fragment, fragmentm , bind and bindm can also be a reference
path Dyn.f , where Dyn is the locally bound Dyn field inside a module. This allows us to
isolate some bound references inside a fresh module reference. This is useful for functors,
as we will now demonstrate in Example 5.3.
In this example, we again add integers2 on the client while controlling the values and
the control flow on the server. We want to define server modules that contain server
values but also trigger some evaluation on the client, in a similar way to fragments. The
first step is to define a module X on the server and to bind a corresponding module X
on the client. Similarly to the interpreted semantics presented in Section 4.3, we add a
But better! or at very least, more obfuscated.
Dyn field to the server module that points to the client module. Plain structures such as
X are fairly straightforward, as we only need to declare each part statically and add the
needed reference. bindm allows to declare modules globally.
We then declare the functor F on the server and bind the functor F on the client. The
server-side functor contains a call to a fragment defined in the client-side functor. The
difficulty here is that we should take care of differentiating between fragment closures
produced by different functor applications. For this purpose, we use a similar technique
than the one presented in Section 4.3.3, which is to prefix the fragment closure identifier
f with the reference of the client-side module. This reference is available on the server
side as the Dyn field and is generated by a call to fragmentm . When F is applied to X
on the server, we generate a fresh reference R and add {R1 7→F X0 } to the execution
queue. When exec () is called, We introduce the additional binding {Dyn7→R1 } in the
environment and apply F to X0 , which will register the R1 .f fragment closure. Since it
is the result of this specific functor application, the closure R1 .f will always add 4 to its
argument. The rest of the execution proceed as shown in the previous section: we call a
new fragment, which triggers the client-side addition 2 + 4 and use an injection to pass
the results around.
The fragment Fragmentm rule does not enforce that the Dyn field is present in all the
arguments. This is enforced by construction during compilation.
ρs ρc | γ∪ζ→γ’
Ss ==⇒MLs Vs , ξ, ζ, θs Sc , ξ ========⇒MLc Vc , ξ 0 , θc
Let us now detail these executions rules. As with the ML reduction, ρs and ρc are the
local environments of values while θs and θc are the traces for server and client executions
respectively. Vs and Vc are the returned values. Similarly to the interpreted semantics
for Eliomε , the client reduction uses global environments noted γ.
As we saw in the previous examples, server executions emits two sets of information
during execution: a queue of fragments and a map of injections. Mapping of injection
is a traditional (global) environment where bindings are noted {v7→. . . }. The queue of
fragments is noted ξ and contains end tokens end and fragment calls {r7→f v1 . . . vn }.
Concatenation of fragment queues is noted ++. We now see the various rules in more
Injections Injection bindings are collected on the server through the Injection rule.
When creating a new injection binding, we inject the server-side value using the injection
of value operator, noted ↓v and presented in Figure 4.15. This models the serialization
Fragment Injection
∀i, Γ .MLs ei : serial Γ .MLs e : serial
Γ .MLs fragment p e1 . . . en : frag Γ IMLs injection v e : ε Γ IMLs end () : ε
∀i, Γ .MLs pi : Mi
Γ IMLs module Dyn = fragmentm p p1 .Dyn . . . pn .Dyn : ε
Bind Bindm
Reference Exec
Γ .MLc e : τ Γ IMLc M : M
Γ IMLc bind p = e : ε Γ IMLc bindm p = M : ε Γ .MLc x : serial Γ IMLc exec () : ε
of values before transmission from server to client by ensuring that only base values
and references are injected. Other kinds of values should be handled using converters
The injection environment ζ forms a valid client-side global environment. When exe-
cuting the client-side program, we simply assume that ζ is included in the initial global
environment γ.
Fragments and functors On the server, fragments and functors calls are added to the
queue through the Fragment and Fragmentm rules. In both rules, the reference of
the associated closure or functor is provided, along with a list of arguments. A fresh
reference symbolizing the fragment is generated and the call is added to the queue ξ.
Note that in the case of regular fragments, the arguments are expressions which can
themselves contains fragment calls. The module rule Fragmentm is similar, the main
difference being that it only accept module references as arguments of the call.
Fragment closures and functors are bound on the client through the Bind and Bindm
rules, which simply binds a reference to a value or a module value in the global environ-
ment γ. Since bind accepts references of the form Dyn.f , it must first resolves Dyn to the
actual reference. This is done through the Dyn rule.
Segmented execution In MLs and MLc programs, the execution of fragments is seg-
mented through the use of the exec ()/end () instructions. On the server, end instruc-
tions are handled through the End rule, which simply adds an end token to the execution
queue ξ. On the client, we use the Exec rule, associated to the Frag and Fragm rules.
When exec is called, the Exec rule triggers the execution of the segment of the queue
until the next end token. Each token {r7→f v1 . . . vn } is executed with the Frag rule as
the function call (f v1 . . . vn ). The result of this function call is bound to r in the global
environment γ. Similarly, functor calls are executed using the Fragm rule. Note that
for functors we also introduce the Dyn field in the local environment, which allows local
bind definitions. Once all the tokens have been executed in the considered fragment
queue, we resume the usual execution.
ρ ρ
e =⇒MLs v, ξ, ζ, θ S =⇒MLs V, ξ 0 , ζ 0 , θ0
injection x e; S =⇒MLs V, ξ++ξ 0 , (ζ ∪ {x7→↓v} ∪ ζ 0 ), θ @ θ0
ρ ρ
p =⇒MLs p0
∀i, ei =⇒MLs vi , ξi , ζi , θi r fresh
ρ 0
fragment p e1 . . . en =⇒MLs r, (ξ1 ++. . . ξn ++ r7→p ↓v1 . . . ↓vn ), ∪i ζi , @i θi
ρ ρ
p =⇒MLs p0 ∀i, pi .Dyn =⇒MLs Ri , ε, ε, hi R fresh
p p1 .Dyn . . . pn .Dyn =⇒MLs R, R7→p0 R1 . . . Rn , {}, hi
Figure 5.4: Semantics rules for MLs – S =⇒MLs V, ξ, ζ, θ
ρ ρ | γ→γ’ ρ | γ’+{p’7→v}→γ”
p =⇒MLs p0 e, ξ ======⇒MLc v, ξ 0 , θ S, ξ 0 ============⇒MLc V, ξ 00 , θ0
ρ | γ→γ”
(bind p = e; S), ξ ======⇒MLc V, ξ 00 , θ @ θ0
ρ ρ | γ→γ’ ρ | γ’+{p’7→Vp }→γ”
p =⇒MLs p0 M, ξ ======⇒MLc Vp , ξ 0 , θ S, ξ 0 =============⇒MLc V, ξ 00 , θ0
ρ | γ→γ”
(bindm p = M ; S), ξ ======⇒MLc V, ξ 00 , θ @ θ0
Reference Exec
ρ | γ→γ’ ρ | γ’→γ”
γ(r) = v ξ ======⇒MLc {}, θ S, ξ 0 ======⇒MLc V, ξ 00 , θ0
ρ | γ→γ ρ | γ→γ”
r, ξ =====⇒MLc v, ξ, hi (exec (); S), ξ++end++ξ 0 ======⇒MLc V, ξ 00 , θ @ θ0
Frag Dyn
ρ | γ→γ’ ρ | γ’+{r7→v}→γ”
(f v1 . . . vn ) ======⇒MLc v, θ ξ ============⇒MLc {}, θ0 ρ(Dyn) = R
ρ | γ→γ’ ρ
{r7→f v1 . . . vn }++ξ ======⇒MLc {}, θ @ θ0 Dyn.f =⇒MLc R.r
ρ∪{Dyn7→R} | γ→γ’ ρ | γ’+{R7→V}→γ” ClientCode
F(R1 ) . . . (Rn ) =============⇒MLc V, θ ξ =============⇒MLc {}, θ0 Inherit the
ρ | γ→γ’ ML rules
{R7→F R1 . . . Rn }++ξ ======⇒MLc {}, θ @ θ0
ρ | γ→γ’
Figure 5.5: Semantics rules for MLc – S, ξ ======⇒MLc V, ξ 0 , θ
5.2 Compilation
In Section 5.1, we presented the two target languages MLs and MLc . We now present
the compilation process transforming one Eliomε program into two distinct MLs and
MLc programs. Before giving a more formal description in Section 5.2.2, we present the
compilation process through three examples of increasing complexity.
Injections and fragments Example 5.4 presents an Eliomε program containing only
simple declarations involving fragments and injections without modules. The Eliomε
program is presented on the left, while the compiled MLs and MLc programs are pre-
sented on the right. In this example, a first fragment is created. It only contains an
integer and is bound to a. A second fragment that uses a is created and bound on the
server to b. Finally, b is used on the client via an injection. The program returns 4.
For each fragment, we emit a bind declaration on the client. The client expression
contained in the fragment is abstracted and transformed in a closure that is bound to
a fresh reference. The number of arguments of the closure corresponds to the number
of injections inside the fragment. Similarly to the interpreted semantics, we use the
client part of the converter on the client. In this case, {{ 1 }} is turned into λ().1 and
{{ frag%a + 1 }} is turned into λv.((fragc v) + 1). On the server, each fragment is
replaced by a call to the primitive fragment. The arguments of the call are the identifier
of the closure and all the injections that are contained in the fragment. The fragment
primitive, which was presented in Section 5.1.3, registers that the closure declared on
the client should be executed later on. Since all the arguments of fragment should be
of type serial, we apply the client and server parts of the converters at the appropriate
places. The exec and end primitives synchronize the execution so that the order of side
effects is preserved. When exec is encountered, it executes queued fragment up to an
end token which was pushed by an end primitive. We place an exec/end pair at each
server section. This is enough to ensure that client code inside server fragment and client
code in regular client declaration is executed in the expected order.
Note that injections, which occur outside of fragments, and escaped values, which
occur inside fragments, are compiled in a very different way. Injections have the useful
property that the use site and number of injections is completely static: we can collect
all the injections on the server, independently of the client control flow and send them to
the client. This is the property that allows us to avoid communications from the client
to the server.
Eliomε MLs MLc
lets a = {{ 1 }}; let a = fragment f0 (); bind f0 = λ().1;
end (); exec ();
lets b = {{ frag%a + 1 }}; let b = fragment f1 (frags a); bind f1 = λv.((fragc v) + 1);
end (); exec ();
letc return = frag%b + 2; injection v (frags b); let return = (fragc v) + 2;
Sections and modules We now present an example with client and server modules in
Example 5.5. The lines of the various programs have been laid out in a way that should
highlight their correspondence.
We declare a server module X containing a client fragment, a client functor F contain-
ing an injection, a client functor application Z and finally the client return value, with
another injection. The compilation of the server module X proceeds in the following
way: on the server, we emit a module X similar to the original declaration but where
fragments have been replaced by a call to the fragment primitive. On the client, we only
emit the call to bind, without any of the server-side code structure. Compilation for the
rest of the code proceeds in a similar manner.
This compilation scheme is correct thanks to the following insight: In client and server
modules or functors, the special instructions for fragments and injection can be freely
lifted to the outer scope. Indeed, the fragment closure bound in f0 can only reference
client elements. Since the server X can only introduce server-side variables, the body
of the fragment closure is independent from the server-side code. A similar remark can
be made about the client functor F : the functor argument must be on the client, hence
it cannot introduce new server binding. The server identifier that is injected must have
been introduced outside of functor and the injection can be lifted outside the functor.
Using this remark, the structure of the MLs and MLc programs is fairly straight-
forward: Code on the appropriate side has the same shape as in the original Eliomε
program and code on the other side only contains calls to the appropriate primitives.
Eliomε MLs MLc
modules X = struct module X = struct
lets a = {{ 2 }} let a = fragment f0 () bind f0 = λ().2;
lets b = 4 let b = 4
end; end;
end (); exec ();
modulec F (Y : M) = struct module F (Y : M) = struct
letc a = Y.b + int%X.b injection v0 (ints X.b); let a = Y.b + (intc v0 )
end; end;
modulec Z = module Z =
F (struct letc b = 2 end); F (struct let b = 2 end);
letc return = let return =
frag%X.a + Z.a; injection v1 (frags X.a); (fragc v1 ) + Z.a;
Mixed modules Finally, Example 5.6 presents the compilation of mixed modules. In
this example, we create a mixed structure X containing a server declaration and a client
declaration with an injection. We define a functor F that takes a module containing a
client integer and use it both inside a client fragment, and inside a client declaration.
We then apply F to X and use an injection to compute the final result of the program.
The compilation of the mixed module X is similar to the procedure for programs: we
compile each declaration and use the injection primitive as needed. Additionally, we
add a Dyn field on the server-side version of the module. The content of the Dyn field is
determined statically for simple structures (here, it is X0 ). The client-side version of the
module is first bound to X0 using the bindm primitive. We then declare X as a simple
alias. This alias ensures that X is also usable in client sections transparently.
For functors, the process is similar. One additional complexity is that the Dyn field
should be dynamically generated. For this purpose, we add a call to the fragmentm
primitive. Each call to fragmentm generates a new, fresh identifier. We also prefix each
call to fragment by the Dyn field. On the client, we emit two different functors. The
first one is called F and contains only the client declarations to be used inside the rest of
the client code. It is used for client-side usage of mixed functors. An example with the
interpreted semantics was presented in Section 4.3.3. The other one is bound to a new
reference (here F1 ) and contains both client declaration, along with calls to the bind
and exec primitives. This function is used to perform client side effects: when the server
version of F is applied, a call to F1 is registered and will be executed when the client
reaches the associated exec call (here, the last one).
5.2.1 Sliceability
In order to simplify our presentation of mixed functors, both in the slicing rules and in
the simulation proofs, we consider a sliceability constraint which dictates which programs
can be sliced.
A program is said sliceable if mixed structures are only defined at top level, or directly
inside a toplevel mixed functor. We demonstrate this constraint in Example 5.7. The
program presented on the left is not sliceable, since it contains a structure which is
nested inside a structure in a functor. The semantically equivalent program on the right
is sliceable, since structures are not nested.
We discuss this restriction and explain how to partially relax this restriction in Sec-
tion 5.5.
modulem Y 0 (X : M) = struct
modulem F (X : M) = struct
modulem Y = struct
modulem F (X : M) = struct
modulem Y = Y 0 (X)
(a) An unsliceable functor
(b) A sliceable functor
Type expressions
h{τ }is = frag hτs τc is = hτs is → serial
Signature components
hDb ; Siι = Db ; hSiι hDς ; Siι = hSiι when ς ι
= hDς iι ; hSiι when ς ι
Module Expressions
hstruct S endiι = struct hSiι end
M (M 0 ) ι = hM iι ( M 0 ι )
hfunctor(Xi : M)M iι = functor(Xi : hMiι ) hM iι
hfunctorm (Xi : M)M iι = functor(Xi : hMiι ) hM iι
Functors and functor applications have each part sliced. Mixed functors are turned into
normal functors.
Slicing of structure components inserts additional primitives that were described in
Section 5.1. In client structure components, we need to handle injections. We associate
each injection to a new fresh reference noted v. In MLs , we use the injection primitive
to register the fact that the given server value should be associated to a given reference. In
MLc , we replace each injection by its associated reference. This substitution is applied
both inside expressions and structures. Note that for each injection f %x, we use the
encoding part f s and decoding part f c for the server and client code, respectively. For
server structure components, we apply a similar process to handle fragments. For each
fragment, we introduce a reference noted f . In MLs , we replace each fragment by a call
to fragment with argument the associated reference and each escaped value inside the
fragment (with the encoding part of the converters). We also add, after the translated
component, a call to end which indicates that the execution of the component is finished.
In MLc , we use the bind primitives to associate to each reference a closure where all the
escaped values are abstracted. We also introduce the decoding part of each converter for
escaped values. We then call exec, which executes all the pending fragments until the
hDb ; Siι = Db ; hSiι hDm ; Siι = hDm iι ; hSiι
module Xi = struct
module Dyn = X;
hmodulem Xi = struct S endX is =
bindm X = struct hSic end;
hmodulem Xi = struct S endX ic =
module Xi = X;
module Xi = hM is ;
hmodule Xi = M is =
end ();
module Xi = hM ic ;
hmodule Xi = M ic =
exec ();
next end (). This allows to synchronize interleaved side effects between fragments and
client components.
Given the constraint of sliceability, a mixed module is either a multi-argument functor
returning a structure, or it does not contain any structure at all. For each structure, we
use the reference annotated on structures, as described in Section 4.3.2. Mixed modules
without structures can simply be sliced by leaving the module expression unchanged.
Mixed module types are also straightforward to slice. Mixed structures (with an arbitrary
number of arguments) need special care. In MLs , we add a Dyn field to the structure.
The value of this field is the result of a call to the primitive fragmentm with arguments F
and all the Dyn fields of the arguments of the functor. In MLc , we create two structures
for each mixed structure. One is simply a client functor where all the server parts have
been removed. Note here that we don’t use the slicing operation. The resulting structure
does not contain any call to bind and exec. We also create another structure that uses
the regular slicing operation. This structure is associated to F with the bindm primitive
Proof. We proceed by induction over the proof tree of Γ Im M : M. The only difficult
cases are client and server structure components and mixed structures. For brevity, we
only detail the case of client structure components with one injection.
Let us consider Dc such that Γ Im (Dc ; S) : S and INJS(Dc ) = f %x. We note x the
fresh reference. By definition of the typing relation on Eliomε , there exists Γ0 and τc ,
τs such that Γ ⊂ Γ0 , Γ0 .s f : τs τc and Γ0 .s x : τs . We observe that there cannot be any
server bindings in Dc , Hence we can assume Γ0 = Γ. This is illustrated on the proof tree
Γ .s f : τs τc Γ .s x : τs
Γ .c f %x : τc
Γ Im (Dc ; S) : S
5.4 Semantics preservation
We now prove that the compilation process preserves the semantics of Eliomε programs.
In order to do that, we show that, given an Eliomε program P , the trace of it’s execution
is the same as the concatenation of the traces of hP is and hP ic .
First, let us put some constraints on the constants of the Eliomε , MLs and MLc
We now assume that converters in Eliomε , MLs and MLc are well-behaved. We can
then state the following theorem.
5.4.1 Hoisting
In Section 5.2, we mentioned that a useful property of injections and fragments is that
they can be partially lifted outside sections. This property can be used to simplify
the simulation proofs. We consider the code transformation that hoists the content of
injections out of fragments, client declarations and mixed functors in a way that preserve
semantics. This transformation can be decomposed in two parts.
Injections We decompose injections inside fragments and client declarations into sim-
pler components. For example, the Eliomε piece of code presented in Example 5.8a is
decomposed in Example 5.8b by moving out the application of the converter and leaving
only a call to the serial converter. All injections using a converter than is not serial
nor frag can be decomposed in such a way.
Since injections can only be used on variables or constants and that no server bindings
can be introduced inside a fragment, scoping is preserved. Furthermore, by definition of
converters and their client and server components, this transformation preserves typing.
It also preserves the dynamic semantics as long as the order of hoisting correspond to
the order of evaluation. This can be seen by inspecting the reduction relation for server
code under client contexts = ⇒c/s . Finally, it trivially preserves the semantics of the
compiled program since it corresponds exactly to how converters are decomposed during
This allows us to assume that reduction of server code in client context only uses vari-
able lookup and never leads to any evaluation. In particular, this will avoid having to deal
with the case of fragments being executed inside the reduction of another fragment (to see
why this could happen, consider the case of a converter of type ∀αc .(unit → {αc }) αc ).
let a = 1 + 2 in let a = 1 + 2 in
{{ 3 + int%a }} let a0 = (ints a) in
{{ 3 + (intc serial%a0 ) }}
(a) Fragment with injections
(b) Fragment with hoisted injections
In the rest of this section, we assume that reductions of the Eliomε rule Fragment
are always of the following shape:
e ==⇒c/s e, ε, hi
ρs where e = e[fi %xi 7→ ρs (xi )]i and fi ∈ {serial, frag}
{{ e }} ==⇒s r, (bind r = e), hi
and that reductions of the Eliomε rule ClientDecl are always of the following shape:
Injections inside mixed modules We also hoist injections completely out of mixed
contexts to the outer englobing scope. For example in the functor presented in Exam-
ple 5.9a, we can lift the injection out of the functor, as show in Example 5.9b. This is
valid since injections can only reference content outside of the functor, by typing. Se-
mantics is similarly preserved since injections inside functors are reduced immediately
when encountering a functor, as per rule ModClosure in Figure 4.16.
This allows us to assume that the reduction of a mixed module will never lead to the
reduction of an injection.
lets x = . . . lets x = . . .
modulem F (X : M) = struct letc y 0 = f %x
letc y = f %x modulem F (X : M) = struct
end letc y = y 0
(a) Mixed functor with injections
(b) Mixed functor with hoisted injections
5.4.2 Preliminaries
Let us start with some naming conventions. Identifiers with a hat, such as γ
b, are related
to the compiled semantics. For example, while the server environment for the interpreted
semantics is noted ρs , the environment for the execution of the target language MLs is
noted ρbs . This naming convention is only for ease of reading and does not apply a formal
relation between the objects with and without hats, unless indicated explicitly.
• Fragment values, noted r, which come from the execution of bind with.
In the rest of this section, we consider that we can always decompose global environments
γ in two parts: a fragment value environment γr containing all the references r that were
produced by bind with and a fragment closure environment γf containing only binding
of the form {f 7→ρ} that were produced by bind env.
• Fragment values, noted r come from the execution of fragments in the fragment
• Injections, noted x. The associated values must be serializable, and hence can only
be references or constants in Constb .
In the rest of this section, we consider that we can always decompose global compiled
environment γb into a fragment closure environment γbf , a fragment value environment γ
and an injection environment ζ.
Client equivalence
Definition 1 (Client values equivalence). Given v an Eliom client value, v 0 an MLc
value and ζ an environment of references, v and v 0 are equivalent under ζ, noted v 'cζ v 0 ,
if and only if they are equals after substitution by ζ: v[ζ] = v 0 [ζ].
We extend this notation to environments and traces.
Definition 2 (Global environment equivalence). We say that an Eliomε global envi-
ronment γ = γf ∪ γr and an MLc global environment γ
b=γ br ∪ ζ are synchronized
bf ∪ γ
if and only if the following conditions hold.
• The domains of γf and γ
bf coincides, and:
– For each f in these environments such that γf (f ) = ρ and that γ
bf (f ) = λx0 . . . xn .b
then the following property must hold.
We must have that ρ 'cζ ρb and that for all v0 , . . . , vn , vb0 , . . . , vbn such that for all
i, vi 'cζ vbi ; then:
ρ | γ→γ |γ
e[xi 7→ vi ]i =====⇒c v, θ =⇒ (λxi .b
ρ.e vb0 . . . vbn ) ====⇒MLc vb, θb
In the rest of this section, we use the same notation for both properties. We extend
this notation to server declarations, server values (by looking under closures) and server
ρ | γ→γ
ρ 'cζ ρb γ 'cζ γ
b e[ζ] = eb[ζ] e =====⇒c v, θ
Then we have:
ρb | γ
eb =====⇒MLc vb, θb v 'cζ vb θ 'cζ θb
Proof. The only difference between Eliomε client expressions and MLc expressions are
the presence of extra references for injections in MLc . Indeed, syntactic injections have
been removed either by the server execution or by compilation and bind constructs are
only accessible at the module level. Since we assume that the original expression e and
the compiled expression eb are the same up to the injection environment ζ, we can trivially
mimic the execution of e in eb by induction.
Server equivalence
Definition 5 (Server value equivalence). Given v an Eliom server value, vb an MLs
value. We say they are equivalent, noted v 's vb if and only if
ρbs ρbc | γ
eb ==⇒MLs vb, ξ• , {}, θbs exec (), ξ• ++end ======⇒MLc ε, [ ], θbc
b0 'c γ 0
γ γf0 , v)
F CE(b vb 's v θbs 's θs θbc 'cζ θc
b 'c γ
γ ρbc 'cζ ρc ρbs 's ρs F CE(b
γf , e) F CE(b
γf , ρs )
We will proceed by induction over the executions of e and µ. The only case of interest
is when the server expression is a fragment.
• Case {{ e }}f .
We assume that the following executions hold:
ρ | γ→γ
ρs (xi ) = vi γ(f ) = ρ e =====⇒c vc , θc
ρs ρc | γ→γ’
{{ e }}f ==⇒m r, bind r = e with f , hi (bind r = e with f ) ======⇒c {}, θc
where e = e[fi %xi 7→ ↓vi ]i and γ 0 = γ ∪{r7→vc }. We have eb equal to fragment f x1 . . . xn .
We first consider the execution of eb. We can easily construct the following execution.
By hypothesis, for each i, vi 'sγb vbi . This gives us that ↓vi 'cγb ↓b
vi . We trivially have
that r 'sγb r
Let us now look at the client execution. By client execution of µ, γ(f ) = ρ. Since γ 'cζ
b, we have {f 7→λx0 . . . xn .b
γ b and ρ 'cγb ρb. Furthermore, since F CE(b
ρ.e0 } ∈ γ γf , {{ e }}f ),
ρc | γ→γ
we know that that e0 = e[fi %xi 7→ xi ]i . We have by hypothesis that e ======⇒c vc , θc .
Since e = e0 [xi 7→ ↓vi ] and since for all i, ↓vi 'cγb ↓b
vi , we can use Lemma 1 to build the
following reduction:
ρbc ∪{xi 7→b
vi } | γ
e0 =========i====⇒MLc vb, θbc
ρbc | γ
ρ.e0 ↓b
λx1 . . . xn .b v1 . . . ↓b
vn ======⇒MLc vb, θbc
ρbc | γ
f ↓b
v1 . . . ↓b
vn ======⇒MLc vb, θbc
ρbc | γ
exec (), {r7→f ↓b
v1 . . . ↓b
vn } ======⇒MLc ε, [ ], θbc
Where γ b ∪ {r7→vb}. By Lemma 1, we have that v 'cγb vb and θc 'cγb θbc . The only part
b0 = γ
that is changed in γ 0 and γb0 is the fragment reference environment, hence we easily have
that γ
b0 'c γ 0 , which concludes.
• Other cases.
In other cases, we first note that references manipulated inside server code can only
fragment references r. By hypothesis, the same references are considered before and after
compilation. Since the fragment closure environment hypothesis ranges over all server
expressions, including the one in closures, it is easy to preserve it during execution. The
rest is a very simple induction.
Then D
b = D[{{ ei }}f 7→ fragment f xi,j ] have an equivalent execution.
ρbs ρbc | γ
b == ⇒MLs Vb , ξ• , {}, θbs exec (), ξ• ++end ======⇒MLc ε, [ ], θbc
b0 'c γ 0
γ γf0 , V )
F CE(b Vb 's V θbs 's θs θbc 'cζ 0 θc
b0 'c γ 0
γ Vbs 's Vs θbs 's θs
γf0 , Vs )
F CE(b Vbc 'cγb0 Vc θbc 'cγb0 θc
ρs ρc
correspond to Db ==⇒ Vs , ε, θs and Db ==⇒ Vc , ε, θc respectively. By definition, base frag-
ments can’t be present, hence we also have F CE(b γf , Vs )
Additionally, the compilation functions are the identity on base, which mean that
hDb is and hDb ic contains only ML constructs. The reduction relation over MLs and
MLc coincide with the ML one on the ML fragment of the language. Hence, for any ξ,
ρs ρc | γ
we have hDb i ==⇒ML Vbs , [ ], {}, θbs and hDb i , ξ ======⇒ML Vbc , ξ, θbc with
s s c c
Let us consider the execution of S 0 and µ. We easily have the following properties:
ρbs +V
hence, by induction on the execution of S 0 and µ0 , we have hS 0 is =====⇒MLs Vbs0 , ξ• , ζ• , θbs0
bc | γ
ρbc +V b∪ζ• →b
and hS 0 ic , ξ• ++ξ ===========⇒MLc Vbc0 , ξ, θbc0 for any ξ, with
b0 'c γ 0
γ Vbs0 's Vs0 θbs 's θs
γf0 , Vs0 )
F CE(b Vbc0 'cγb0 Vc0 θbc0 'cγb0 θc0
ρbc | γ
b∪ζ• →b
γ ∪ζ• bc | γ
ρbc +V b∪ζ• →b
hDb ic , ξ• ++ξ ==========⇒MLc Vbc , ξ• ++ξ, θbc S0 , ξ ++ξ ===========⇒MLc Vbc0 , ξ, θbc0
c •
ρc | γ
b∪ζ• →b
hDb ; Sic , ξ• ++ξ =========⇒MLc Vbc + Vbc0 , ξ, θbc @ θbc0
b0 'c γ 0
γ Vbs + Vbs0 's Vs + Vs0 θbs @ θbs0 's θs @ θs0
γf0 , Vs + Vs0 )
F CE(b Vbc + Vbc0 'cγb0 Vs + Vc0 θbc @ θbc0 'cγb0 θc @ θc0
Let us note {{ ei }}fi the fragments syntactically present in Ds . let us note {{ ej }}fj
the fragments executed during the reduction of Ds and rj the associated fresh variables.
We have the following compilations:
Ds ; S 0 s
= hDs is [{{ ei }}fi 7→ fragment fi xi,k ]i ; end (); S 0 s
Ds ; S 0 c
= (bind fi = λxi,k .ei [fi,k %xi,k 7→ xi,k ] ; )i ; exec (); S 0 c
After hoisting, converters can only be the serial or frag. Its server and client parts
are the identity, hence we simply omit them. We also note that hDs is differs with Ds
only on type annotations and type declarations which are ignored by reduction relations.
We note D b s = hDs i [{{ ei }} 7→ fragment fi xi,k ] .
s i
Let us consider the reduction of (bind fi = λxi .ebi )i . Let us note e0i = ei [fi,j %xi,j 7→ xi,j ].
For any queue ξ, we have the following reduction:
ρbc | γ
bi →b
λx1 . . . xm .e0i , ξ =======⇒MLc λxi .b
ρc .e0i , ξ, hi
ρbc | γ
bi →b
∀i, bind fi = λxi .e0i , ξ ========⇒MLc {}, ξ, hi
ρbc | γ
b1 →b
(bind fi = λxi .e0i )i , ξ =========⇒MLc {}, ξ, hi
where γ
b1 = γb and γ bi ∪ {fi 7→λx1 . . . xm .ρbc .e0i }. Let γbind be {fi 7→λx1 . . . xm .ρbc .e0i }i .
bi+1 = γ
We note γ 0
b =γ b ∪ γbind and γ
bn+1 = γ bf0 = γbf ∪ γbind .
ρc | γ→γ’
Since (bind env fi )i ======⇒c {}, hi, we have γ 0 = γ ∪ {fi 7→ρc }i . and ρc 'c ρbc , we have
that γ 0 'c γ b0 . Furthermore, given one of the fi in γbind , each fragment annotated with
this fi syntactically appear in Ds by uniqueness of the annotation function. This also
holds inside functors, since each fi will be prefixed by a unique module reference. Hence
F CE(b γf0 , Ds ) and F CE(b
γf0 , ρs ).
We now have all the ingredients to uses Corollary 1 on the execution of Ds and µ.
This gives us the following reductions:
ρbs ρbc | γ
b s == ⇒MLs Vbs , ξ• , {}, θbs exec (), ξ• ++end =======⇒MLc ε, [ ], θbc
b00 'c γ 00
γ γf00 , V )
F CE(b Vb 's V θbs 's θs θbc 'cζ θc
We remark that ζ 00 = ζ since no injection took place during a server section and that
bf0 , by definition of the reduction for exec.
bf00 = γ
ρbs +V
By induction on the execution of S 0 and µ0 , we have hS 0 is =====⇒MLs Vbs0 , ξ•0 , ζ•0 , θbc0 and
ρbc | γ
b”∪ζ’• →b
γ ”’
hS 0 i , ξ 0 ++ξ 0 ==========⇒MLc Vb 0 , ξ 0 , θb0 where
c • c c
ρbc | γ
b”∪ζ’• →b
γ ”’
S0 c
, ξ•0 ++ξ 0 ==========⇒MLc Vc0 , ξ 0 , θbc0
ρbc | γ
b∪ζ’• →b
γ ’∪ζ’• ρbc | γ
b’∪ζ’• →b
γ ”’
b, ξ ============⇒MLc {}, ξ, hi
µ exec (); S 0 c
, ξ ==========⇒MLc Vbc0 , ξ 0 , θbc @ θbc0
ρbc | γ
b∪ζ’• →b
γ ”’
b; exec (); S 0
µ c
, ξ ==========⇒MLc Vbc0 , ξ 0 , θbc @ θbc0
Let us note fi %xi the injections in Dc and xi the associated fresh variables. Since
hoisting has been applied, all the fi are either serial or frag. Furthermore, no fragments
are executed due to the execution of injections and Dc = Dc [fi %xi 7→ ρs (xi )]i .
We have the following compilations:
Since ρbs 's ρs , we also have that vbi 's vi and ↓b vi 'cζ ↓vi for each i. We note
ζ• = {xi 7→↓bvi }i . By definition of the slicing relation, the xi are fresh, hence they are not
bound in γ b. We can thus construct the global environment γ b0 = γb ∪ ζ• . Since we only
extend the part with injection references, we still have that γ 'c γ b0 .
ρc | γ→γ
We now consider the client reduction Dc ======⇒c Vc , θc . We know that Dc is equal to
| γ→γ
Dc [fi %xi 7→ ↓vi ]i , hence the reduction tree contains for each i a reduction ↓vi ====⇒c ↓vi , hi.
To obtain a reduction of D b c = Dc [fi %xi 7→ xi ] , we simply substitute each of these sub-
vc , ξ, hi. for any queue ξ. By Lemma 1,
reduction by one of the form xi , ξ =====⇒MLc ↓b
we can build the following reduction:
ρbc | γ
b c , ξ == =====⇒MLc Vbc , ξ, θbc
ρbc +V
By induction on the execution of S 0 and µ0 , we have hS 0 ic =====⇒MLs Vbs0 , ξ•0 , ζ•0 , θbc0 and
ρbs | ζ’• ∪b
γ ’→b
hS 0 i , ξ 0 ++ξ 0 ==========⇒MLc Vb 0 , ξ 0 , θb0 where
s • c c
b00 'c γ 0
γ Vbs0 'sζ 00 Vs0 θbs0 'sζ 00 θs0
F CE(bγf00 , Vs0 ) Vbc0 'cζ 00 Vc0 θbc0 'cζ 00 θc0
ρbs ρbs
∀i, injection xi xi ==⇒MLs ε, [ ], ζ• , hi S0 s
==⇒MLs Vbs0 , ξ•0 , ζ•0 , θbs0
(injection xi (fis xi ); )i end (); S 0 s
==⇒MLs Vbs0 , end++ξ•0 , ζ• ∪ ζ•0 , θbs0
ρbc | γ
b’∪ζ’• →b
γ ’∪ζ’• ρbc +Vc | γ
b’∪ζ’• →b
b c , ξ 0 ++ξ 0 == ==========⇒MLc Vbc , ξ•0 ++ξ 0 , θbc0 S0 , ξ•0 ++ξ 0 ============⇒MLc Vbc0 , ξ 0 , θbc0
D • c
ρbc | γ
b’∪ζ’• →b
b c; S0
D , ξ•0 ++ξ 0 ==========⇒MLc Vbc + Vbc0 , ξ 0 , θbc @ θbc0
ρbc | γ
b∪ζ• ∪ζ’• →b
b c; S0
exec (); D , end++ξ•0 ++ξ 0 ============⇒MLc Vbc + Vbc0 , ξ 0 , θbc @ θbc0
b00 'c γ 0
γ Vbs 's Vs θbs 's θs
F CE(bγf00 , Vs + Vs0 ) Vbc + Vbc0 'cγb00 Vc + Vc0 θbc + θbc0 'cγb00 θc + θc0
• Case modulem X = M ; S 0 – Declaration of a mixed module.
We assume that the following executions hold:
M ==⇒m Vs , M c , µ, θs
ρs ρs +{X7→Vs }
modulem X = M ==⇒m {X7→Vs } , module X = M c ; µ, θs S 0 =========⇒m Vs0 , µ0 , θs0
modulem X = M ; S 0 ==⇒m {X7→Vs } + Vs0 , (µ; module X = M c ; µ0 ), θs @ θs0
ρc | γ’→γ”
M c =======⇒c Vc , θc0
ρc | γ→γ’ ρc | γ’→γ” ρc +{X7→Vc } | γ”→γ”’
µ ======⇒c {}, θc module X = M c =======⇒c {X7→Vc } , θc0 µ0 ==============⇒c Vc0 , θc00
ρc | γ→γ”’
µ; module X = M c ; µ0 =======⇒c {X7→Vc } + Vc0 , θc @ θc0 @ θc00
n o
hmodulem X = M is ==⇒MLs X7→Vbs , ξ• , ζ, θbs
ρbc | ζ∪b
γ →b
n o
hmodulem X = M ic , ξ• ++ξ ========⇒MLc X7→Vbc , ξ, θbc
b0 'c γ 00
γ Vbs 's Vs θbs 's θs
γf0 , Vs )
F CE(b Vbc 'cγb00 Vc θbc 'cγb0 θc + θc0
γ 00 (X) = Vc
ρc | γ→γ’ ρc | γ”→γ”
µ0 ======⇒c Vc , θc X =======⇒c Vc , hi
ρc | γ→γ”
(bind X = struct µ0 end; module X = X) =======⇒c , θc
where γ 00 = γ 0 ∪ {X7→Vc }.
We have the following compilations:
module X = struct
module Dyn = X;
hmodulem X = struct S endX is =
bindm X = struct hSic end;
hmodulem X = struct S endX ic =
module X = X;
By induction on the execution of S and µ, we have hSis ==⇒MLs Vbs , ξ• , ζ• , θbs and
ρbc | γ
b∪ζ• →b
hSi , ξ• ++ξ =========⇒MLc Vbc , ξ, θbc with the following invariants:
b0 'c γ 0
γ Vbs 's Vs θbs 's θs
γf0 , Vs )
F CE(b Vbc 'cγb0 Vc θbc 'cγb0 θc
hSis ==⇒MLs Vbs , ξ• , ζ• , θbs
n o
hmodulem X = struct S endX is ==⇒MLs X7→{Dyn7→X} + Vbs , ξ• , ζ• , θbs
ρbc | γ
b∪ζ• →b
hSic , ξ• ++ξ =========⇒MLc Vbc , ξ, θbc
ρbc | γ
b∪ζ• →bγ’
n o
module X = struct hSic end, ξ• ++ξ =========⇒MLc X7→Vbc , ξ, θbc
ρbc | γ
b∪ζ• →b
n o
hmodulem X = struct S endi , ξ• ++ξ =========⇒MLc X7→Vbc , ξ, θbc
n o
Where γ b0 ∪ X7→Vbc . We verify the following invariants:
b00 = γ
b00 'c γ 0
γ Vbs + {Dyn7→X} 's Vs + {Dyn7→X} θbs 's θs
F CE(bγf00 , Vs ) Vbc 'cγb0 Vc θbc 'cγb0 θc
which concludes.
In this case, we have the client program µ = bind env F and the module expression
M c = functor(Xi : Mi )i struct S|c end. The following reductions hold:
bind env F
modulem F (Xi : Mi )i = struct
module F (X : M ) = struct
ρs m i i i
S ==⇒m {F 7→Vs } , , hi
bind env F
module F (X : M ) = struct ρ | γ→γ’
m i i i c
======⇒c {F 7→Vc } , hi
We recall that by hoisting, the body of the functors contains no injection, hence we don’t
need to evaluate server code in the client part.
We have the following compilations:
*module F (X : M ) = struct+
m i i i n o
S ==⇒MLs F 7→Vbs , ξ• , {}, hi
endF s
*module F (X : M ) = struct+
m i i i
ρbc | γ
n o
S , ξ ======⇒MLc F 7→Vbc , ξ, hi
endF c
n o
Where γ 0 = γ ∪ F7→VbF with the following values:
We now need to show that the invariants still hold. We easily have that Vbc 'cγb Vc .
By definition of equivalence over mixed functors, we have Vbs 's Vs . Indeed, the body
of the functor in Vbs is the server compilation of the body of the mixed functor Vs and
the captured environments corresponds. Finally, we have that the body of VbF is the
client compilation of the body of the mixed functors and that the capture environment
corresponds to γ 0 (F). Thus we get that F CE(b γf0 , Vs ). By definition of the annotation
function, the reference F could not have appeared on a previously executed structure,
hence we still have that F CE(b γf0 , ρbs ).
Hence, all the following invariants are respected, which concludes.
b0 'c γ 0
γ Vbs 's Vs
γf0 , Vs )
F CE(b Vbc 'cγb00 Vc
ρs ρs
F ==⇒m functorm (ρ0s )(Yi : Mi )i struct S endF , ε, hi Xi ==⇒m Vis , ε, hi
ρ’s +{Yi 7→Vi }i
ρF +{Yi 7→Vic }i | γ→γ’
γ(F) = ρF γ(Ri ) = Vic µ0 =========== ===⇒c Vc , θc
bind R = struct
(module Y = R ; ) ρ | γ→γ’∪{R7→V }
i i i c c
=============⇒c ε, θc
end with F
ρs |···→···
F ======⇒c functor(ρ0c )(Yi : Mi )i struct Sc end, hi
ρc |···→··· ρ’c +{Yi 7→Vi } | γ’∪{R7→Vc }→γ”
Xi ======⇒c Vi , hi Sc ==========i===========⇒c Vc0 , θc0
ρc | γ’∪{R7→Vc }→γ”
module X = F (X1 ) . . . (Xn ) =============⇒c X7→Vc0 , θc0
Let us now look at the execution of the server application F (X1 ) . . . (Xn ). By hypoth-
esis, VF is a mixed functor. By equivalence, we know that ρbs (F ) = VbF where VbF 's VF .
By definition of the equivalence on server values, VbF is of the following shape:
where ρb0s 'sγb ρ0s . For each i we note Vbis = ρbs (Xi ). By equivalence, we have Vbis 's Vis .
Furthermore, since γ b 'c γ and by hypothesis, F is also bound in γ b. We note VF the
corresponding value. Since F CE(b γ , Vc ) (via ρs ), then VbF is of the following shape:
ρF )(Yi : Mi )i struct
VbF = hSic
with the usual invariants. We can now build the following executions:
b0 'c γ 0
γ Vbs 's Vs θbs 's θs
γf0 , Vs )
F CE(b Vbc 'cγb0 Vc θbc 'cγb0 θc
Let us now consider the client application. Since ρc 'cγb ρbc , we have that the body of
the functor F is equivalent. We can thus build the following reduction:
We already built the reduction for the compiled server program. We can now build
the compiled client program:
Proof of Theorem 4. We have that P ==⇒ v, θ. By definition of an Eliomε program
execution, we can decompose this rule as following:
{} {} | ε→γ
P ==⇒m (), µ, θs µ ======⇒c v, θc
P ==⇒ v, θs @ θc
5.5 Discussion around mixed functors
In this thesis, we presented the notion of “mixed functors”, which are functors that take as
argument and return mixed module composed of both client and server code. As we saw,
those functors, while quite expressive, have several limitations. In this section, we will
try to explore a little bit the design space around mixed functors and which limitations
we think could be lifted.
First, let us recall the design constraints of Eliom: typing and slicing are done stati-
cally and separate compilation is supported. This prevents us from “erasing” functors by
inlining them and also prevents us from dynamically generating the code contained in
functors. Furthermore, we want to support languages extensions such as OCaml, where
functor application can depend on the control flow (notably, first class modules).
One alternative solution would be fully separable functors: mixed functors such that
client and server execution are completely independent. While this would be easy to
implement, it would also mean preventing any meaningful usage of fragments inside
functors. Our version of mixed functors is slightly more expressive: the client part of
the functor is indeed independent from the server part, but the server part is not. The
cost is that we must do some extra book-keeping to ensure that for each server-side
application of a mixed functors, all the client side effects are performed. We believe this
expressive power is sufficient for most use cases. There are however several limitations
to our approach, which we shall discuss point-by-point now.
Injections Injections inside mixed functors can only refer to identifiers outside of the
functor. This restriction seems particularly difficult to lift, as demonstrated by the
example in Section 4.2.2. One would need to evaluate the usefulness of mixed functors in
first-class contexts. It might be possible to rewrite usages of injections to escaped values
in fragments. In all cases, these changes would be invasive and of limited usefulness.
Sliceability constraints The sliceability requirement presented in Section 5.2.1 is quite
restrictive. Its goal is to ensure that bindm expressions are not nested and that module
references are unique. This requirement can be relaxed in different manners. For mixed
structures without functors, this requirements can be completely removed trivially, since
internal modules are known.
For functors, there are two possibilities. A first idea would be to apply lambda-lifting
to functors. By simply lifting mixed functors to the outer scope, we ensure that bind
operations are noted nested. Another possibility would be to use a similar technique to
the one used for fragments inside functors: by prefixing each statically generated reference
with the locally available Dyn field, we ensure uniqueness while allowing arbitrary nesting.
Double application of the client side of mixed functors As mentioned in Section 4.3.3,
the client-side part of a mixed functor, when applied in a mixed context, might be
called twice. While this is not so problematic in the context of applicative and pure
functors, it might prove more troublesome with generative or impure functors. This
problem is difficult to solve in general. In particular, it is in fairly direct conflict with the
design decision, justified by Section 4.2.2, to make the client and server side of a mixed
functor application independent. One potential solution would be to provide a special
interpretation of mixed application in mixed contexts that would ensure that the result
of the client-side functor application is properly reused. Notably, this might be doable
by generating at compile time an identifier for each known returned client module.
6 Implementation
Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil
there that does not sleep. The great eye is ever watchful. It is a
barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and dust. The very air
you breathe is a poisonous fume.
J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
The main goal of the formalization of Eliomε was to inform the design and the implemen-
tation of Eliom as a real extension of OCaml usable to develop real Web applications.
As a consequence, everything presented in Chapter 4 except for mixed functors is also
implemented in a fork of the OCaml compiler. This fork supports the complete OCaml
language. OCaml is quite a large language and a lot of aspects of a real programming
language are not covered by the formal specification.
This chapter presents how Eliom is implemented, the various design decisions that
were made related to compilation, interaction with OCaml and tooling, along with the
few compromises that were occasionally made. Some sections are quite technical and
assume knowledge of the inner workings of the OCaml compiler.
Everything developed in relation to this thesis is published as free software1 under the
GPL and LGPL licence (with the OCaml linking exception):
.. .cmo Byte Native C
Sources .ml .c
Typing Interfaces .mli .h
.ml Typed AST
Compiled Interfaces .cmi
. .Native
. .cmx
Compiled Modules .cmo .cmx .o
compilation Compiled Libraries .cma .cmxa .a
(b) The OCaml file extensions
(a) The OCaml pipeline
produces several other files such as .cmt and .cmti for documentation and .cmxs for
The pipeline is composed of three parts: bytecode compilation, native compilation and
a common part, which we simply call “frontend”, composed of parsing and typechecking.
An interface source file (.mli) is the text format for module types. After parsing and
verification of well-formedness, it is transformed into a compiled interface and produces
a standalone .cmi file. A source file (.ml) is treated in several steps. Parsing produces
an abstract syntax tree (or AST) with no typing information. Typechecking produces
a Typed AST and a compiled interface. The typed AST is an AST where all the types
have been made completely explicit: each node of the AST is annotated with its type
and its local environment. The interface is the inferred module type of the file. If a
corresponding module type is present (as a .mli file), inclusion of the two interfaces is
checked. If no module type is present, a .cmi file is produced. After typechecking, the
compiler proceeds to bytecode or native code generation. For our purpose, everything
after typechecking is a black box that produces the desired compiled files.
.cmi Slicing Regular OCaml toolchain
Modified Eliom
Typing Typed AST
Client JavaScript
OCaml AST program
type using a modified typechecker, then slices on the typed program and return two
untyped programs which are typed again using the regular typechecker. The first reason
is safety: By using the regular typechecker, we increase trust in our modified typechecker.
The second reason is more pragmatic: The OCaml typed AST is a complex datastructure
which is highly optimized for fast type inference and contains non trivial invariants. Doing
transformations on such datastructure while preserving its invariants is a difficult task.
Emission of untyped AST, on the other hand, is well supported. Thanks to the PPX
ecosystem, numerous tools are available and the compiler is robust against ill-formed
ASTs which makes developing such transformations easier.
6.3 Converters
In the formalization, injections are modeled as the application of a converter; i.e., a pair
of a serialization and a deserialization function; to a value available on the server (See
Section 4.2.1). Furthermore, converters are global constants introduced by the typing
environment. This formalization, however, is inconvenient to program with: it would
mean the programmer needs to specify which converter to use for each injection, even
the most trivial ones. We also need a way to define new converters easily. One promising
idea would be to use ad-hoc polymorphism to infer which converter to use based on
type information. We explore this lead in Section 6.3.1 and how it interacts with our
module system. Unfortunately, ad-hoc polymorphism is not yet available in OCaml. In
Section 6.3.2 we present what is currently implemented in Eliom instead.
6.3.2 Wrapping
Unfortunately, at the time of writing of this thesis, modular implicits are not yet inte-
grated in OCaml. Eliom uses instead a method that was originally devised by Pierre
Chambart and Gregoire Henry and relies on value introspection. The main idea is the
following: most values can be serialized simply by using the module Marshal from the
OCaml standard library [marshal]. As shown on multiple occasions in Chapter 2, it can
be useful to transform data before serializing it. In this case, a transformation function
is attached to the value. Before serializing, the function is applied to the value and the
result is serialized. For customized deserialization, a similar technique is applied using
tags and a client-side association table from tag to functions.
While this has the advantage of leveraging Marshal, which works for any data struc-
ture, is very fast and preserves sharing, it also has significant disadvantages. First, it is
1 module type CONV = sig
2 type%server t
3 type%client t
4 val%server serialize : t -> serial
5 val%client deserialize : serial -> t
6 end
8 implicit%mixed String : CONV
9 with type%server t = string
10 and type%client t = string
12 implicit%mixed List {M : CONV} : CONV
13 with type%server t = M.t list
14 and type%client t = M.t list
16 implicit%mixed Fragment {M : sig type%client t end} : CONV
17 with type%server t = M.t fragment
18 and type%client t = M.t
20 val%client (~%) : {C : CONV} -> C.t(*server*) -> C.t(*client*)
not type-directed. Closures for example cannot be serialized, which will not be detected
by the type system. Furthermore, defining converters is quite delicate: the programmer
must create a function operating on values in a fairly untyped way and attach it to the
value being converted. This is an expert task that is very error-prone.
formation. In particular declarations inside base, client and server modules do not need
any annotations. Similarly, most mixed annotations on modules can be elided. These
elisions are based on the fact that in those cases, declaration can only have one location,
which make it superfluous.
Shared declarations Another significant addition is the shared annotation. This an-
notation has no equivalent in the formalization. In particular, it does not correspond to
mixed modules. Shared sections were presented in Section 2.4.4 and are implemented
simply by duplicating the code between client and server, as demonstrated in Exam-
ple 6.1. Note that this is a purely syntactic transformation done before typechecking.
From a typechecking perspective, y is not a singular variable to which can be assigned a
type. There are two variables, one client and one server, with two different types. This is
different from mixed annotation where a structure contains both client and server parts.
This slightly schizophrenic nature of shared declarations does not lead itself to being
internalized in the type system. Nevertheless, it avoids repetitive code patterns where a
similar tasks is done both client and server side with a few distinct values, which makes
it very useful in practice.
1 let%client x = 2 1 let%client x = 2
2 let%server x = "foo" 2 let%server x = "foo"
3 let%shared y = x 3 let%client y = x
4 4 let%server y = x
Server Client
let%client c = push_injection "A.s1" s let c = get_injection "A.s1" + 1
~%s + 1
compilation units are sliced separately. The list of identifiers generated by slicing other
modules is not available. To overcome this limitation, we rely on the property that, in
a given OCaml program, top level module names are unique. This property is enforced
by the OCaml compiler at link time. Consequently, we can generate locally unique
identifiers prefixed by the current module path, which produces globally unique name in
a way that is compatible with separate compilation.
Locations, fragments and injections The first task the modified typechecker need to do
is to keep track of the local location of the considered code. In order to avoid passing this
information around by additional arguments, we simply use a global reference. While this
is not particularly elegant, there are various precedents in the OCaml typechecker (levels,
notably). One additional difficulty is that the typechecker occasionally uses exception
for control flow, which means we need to ensure that our global reference is put back
in order. For this purpose, we use the traditional functional pattern of closure-based
handler. While this approach sacrifices tail-recursion, it has not proved problematic on
concrete programs.
1 val in_location : location -> (unit -> ’a) -> ’a
No, it does not gaze back. Typecheckers do not gaze. They do however inflict 2d6 sanity damage on
failed bootstraps.
Naturally, as demonstrated by the Oulipo, programming constraints only encourage creativity.
In order to typecheck injections and fragments, we simply leverage in_location to
typecheck the inner expression and use unification to reflect the inferred type upward.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to introduce additional nodes in the typedtree, but it is
possible to add extra PPX annotations. Thus we simply return the typedtree of the inner
expression with custom annotations ([@eliom.fragment] and [@eliom.injection],
notably). We then use these annotations to drive the slicing phase.
Note that in_location is not only used for typechecking. Indeed, locations must
also be tracked when walking type expressions for validation and unification due to the
presence of mixed datatypes (Section 4.2.1).
Identifiers and bindings In the formalization, bindings are annotated with location
information. This is, unfortunately, difficult to achieve in the current implementation
of the typechecker without large changes to the Env module. An alternative solution is
used: instead of annotating binders, we annotate identifiers. Identifiers are represented
by the Ident.t datatype, whose definition is given in Figure 6.4. The name field is
the name of the identifier given in the source file. The stamp is a unique identifier.
The flag field is a bitfield collecting certain flags necessary for the compiler. Only two
bits are used in this integer (one to recognize top level module names, one for built in
exceptions) which leaves at least 29 free bits. Fortunately, we can use this free space to
store locations information! The Eliom compilers then uses two additional bits which
we will call “c” and “s” in order to determine the location of a given identifier according
to the table presented Figure 6.5. The typechecker maintains a set of association tables
of identifiers to values. This is implemented by Ident.tbl, which implements lookup
by identifiers, stamp but also lookup by name. We re-purpose these lookup functions
by making them respect the “can be used” relation (Figure 4.2). This can be achieved
easily (although hackily) by simply accessing the current location via the global reference
during lookup. Thanks to this addition to the Ident.t datatype and the changes in the
lookup function, almost all the Eliom location mechanisms can be implemented without
touching the typechecker’s code itself.
Specialization Specialization is the action of taking a base type expression and bringing
it to the current location. In the formalization, specialization only acts on binders,
which is where location information is stored. Due to the fact that location is stored
inside identifiers, the implementation is significantly more complex: we need to change
the location annotations in the identifiers of the specialized expression. This is made
1 type t = {
2 stamp: int; flag “c”
3 name: string; 1 0
4 mutable flags: int 1 mixed server
} flag “s”
0 client base
even more delicate by the use of physical equality and mutations in the typechecker
(the typechecker implements unification using a union-find algorithm embedded in the
typedtree). The solution used for this purpose is to simulate copy of type expressions (as
already done in the typechecker), except each identifier is copied with its flag corrected.
Binary compatibility Thanks to the various modifications made, the typedtree for
Eliom is compatible with the OCaml one, but with some additional information embed-
ded in PPX attributes and identifiers flags. In order to prevent the original typechecker
to misuse this additional information, we use a different magic number for cmi files.
We hope that such binary compatibility will mean that the numerous OCaml tools,
notably ocp-index, ocp-browser, odoc and merlin, can eventually be adapted to present
Eliom’s additional typing information.
6.5.1 Primitives
The primitives used by the slicing scheme are presented formally in Section 5.1. The
external signature for the primitives is shown in Figure 6.6. The main difference is that
the notion of references has been further divided in closure_id and inj_id for fragment
closure and injections references.
Figure 6.6: API for Eliom primitives Figure 6.7: Execution of fragments
Transmitted data is represented by internal data structures which are shown in Fig-
ure 6.8. First, we use the type poly to (unsafely) represent arbitrary values. Similarly to
closures and injections, fragments have their own kind of identifiers. Fragments on the
server are represented by their identifier. The queue of fragments contains records of type
fragment, which contains the unique identifier, the identifier of the associated closure
and a tuple containing all the arguments. Injections are represented by the injection
type, which is a pair of an identifier and the transmitted value. Finally, the transmitted
information, which corresponds to the injection mapping ζ and the fragment queue ξ are
represented by global_data and request_data.
The mapping of injection is represented as an array of id/values pairs. Instead of using
an explicit end token in the queue of injection, we segment the queue for each section
by using an array of array. The usage is very similar. Note that we use fairly basic data
structures on purpose here, as they result in more compact serialized representations.
Global data is sent for all requests while request data is local to the request currently
considered. More precisely, we can consider that the execution of a web server proceeds
in two steps. First, we start the application: services are launched, database is accessed
and so on. Fragments and injections executed during this start-up period are considered
global. Then, the request handler is installed and start listening and responding to
requests. Fragments executed during a request are of course local to it. This scheme
allows to avoid recomputing things (global data is kept around and can be sent along the
client program when needed) and also allows to avoid replaying some side effects. For
example, the Eliom framework will reload only the minimum necessary when changing
page inside a web application and thus only send new request data. Request data can
only contain fragments (since injections are always global) and do not need end token
(since everything is executed in one shot).
After executing the server program, we extract the resulting data, serialize it and add
it to the generated HTML page. The client runtime will deserialize it, load it and use it
to run the client program.
6.5.2 Serialization format
Eliom typing and semantics are agnostic with regard to the serialization format, which
means we can choose any of the numerous serialization methods available. Serialization
methods usually are a compromise between several aspects: safety, composition, size and
In our case, serialized messages are transmitted on the network, so we need a very
compact serialization method. Furthermore, it should also be very fast, since serialization
is one of the contention points of our system. Safety properties, on the other hand, are
less important: type safety of serialization and deserialization is guaranteed by the Eliom
type system. Messages could also be modified en-route. This is mitigated by two facts:
HTTPS should always be used and, in case modifications are made, the worst outcome is
a failure in the JavaScript client program, which is far less problematic than a crash in
the server program. Finally, proper composition is not strictly needed. Indeed, Given our
execution scheme for compiled program in Section 5.2, the complete arrays of injections
can be serialized at once, after the execution of the server part of the program. The
definition of converters, as discussed in Section 6.3, should be modular.
Marshal [marshal] is very fast and produces compact messages. The downside is
that incompatible types at deserialization point might cause runtime errors. As detailed
above, this is mitigated by Eliom’s type system. Its distinct feature, compared to most
other serialization formats, is that it preserves the sharing of OCaml values. This is
extremely important to properly handle HTML across client-server boundaries (pointers
to HTML elements on the server should point to the relevant DOM elements on the
client). A safer and more modular alternative could be to use the “generic” library5 by
Balestrieri and Mauny [2016]. It leverages Marshal but provides improved safety checks
by combining generic programming as popularized by approaches such as “Scrap Your
Boilerplate” [Lämmel and Peyton Jones, 2003] with typed unmarshalling [Henry et al.,
• If a server declaration does not lead to any evaluation of client fragment, a end/exec
pair is not needed.
The first remark can be approximated by looking if the declaration contains something
that is not a value. If that is the case, we need a section, otherwise we do not. Given
that OCaml and Eliom code mostly consist of function and type declarations, this is
sufficient to eliminates more than two thirds of end/exec calls in medium-sized websites6 .
The second remark can easily be implemented by operating slicing only on the longest
sequences of declarations with a common location.
(a) Original Eliom code (b) Naive client compilation (c) Optimized version
Figure 6.9: Optimized placement of sections for a simple Eliom program
7 State of the art and comparison
Togusa: How great is the sum of thy thoughts? If I should count
them, they are more in number than the sand.
Batou: Psalms 139, Old Testament. The way you spout these
spontaneous exotic references, I’d say your own external memory’s
pretty twisted.
Mamoru Oshii, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (2004)
Eliom takes inspiration from many sources. The two main influences are, naturally, the
extremely diverse ecosystem of web programming languages and frameworks, which we
explore in Section 7.1, and the long lineage of ML programming languages, which we
described in Section 3.4. One of the important contributions of Eliom is the use of a
programming model similar to languages for distributed systems (Section 7.1.5) while
using an execution model inspired by staged meta-programming (Section 7.2).
attempts to describe, with a type system, the communications between the client and
server parts of the application. These proposals are very powerful and convenient ways to
check and document Web-based APIs. However, while making the contract between the
client and the server more explicit, they further separate web applications into distinct
Tierless languages attempt to go in the opposite direction: by removing tiers and
allowing web applications to be expressed in one single program, they make the develop-
ment process easier and restore the possibility of encapsulation and abstraction without
compromising correctness. In the remainder of this section, we attempt to give a fairly ex-
haustive taxonomy of tierless programming languages. We first give a high-level overview
of the various trade-offs involved, then we give a detailed description of each language.
• Naturally, explicit approaches are usually more expressive than implicit approaches.
Specifying locations manually gives programmers greater control over the performance
of their applications. Furthermore, it allows to express mixed data structures, i.e.,
data structures that contain both server and client parts as presented in Section 2.5.
Such idioms are difficult to express when code locations are inferred. We demonstrate
this with an example in the Ur/Web description.
the point where it seems difficult to retrofit them on an existing languages. One lead
would be to provide a tight integration using a form of Foreign Function Interface.
Such integration has yet to be proposed.
7.1.2 Slicing
Once code location has been determined, the tierless program must be sliced in (at least)
two components. In Eliom, slicing is done statically at compile time in a modular
manner: each module is sliced independently. Another common approach is to use a
static whole-program slicing transformation (Ur/Web, Stip.js). This is most common
for languages where code location is inferred, simply due to the fact that such inference
is often non-modular. This allows precise analysis of location that can benefit from
useful code transformations such as CPS transformation [Philips et al., 2016], inlining
and defunctionalization. However, this can make it difficult for the users to know where
each piece of code is executed and hinder error messages,. It also prevents any form of
separate compilation.
Finally, slicing can be done at runtime simply by generating client JavaScript code
“on the fly” during server execution (Links, Hop, php). Such solution has several ad-
vantages: it is easier to implement and provides a very flexible programming style by
allowing programmers to compose the client program in arbitrary ways. The downside
is that it provides less guarantees to the users. Furthermore, it prevents generating
and optimizing a single JavaScript file in advance, which is beneficial for caching and
execution purposes.
7.1.3 Communications
Eliom uses asymmetric communication between client and server (see Section 2.2.2):
everything needed to execute the client code is sent during the initial communication that
also sends the Web page. It also exposes a convenient API for symmetric communications
using RPC (Section 2.3.1) and broadcasts (Section 2.3.3), which must be used manually.
We thus distinguish several kind of communications. First, manual communications
are exposed through normal APIs and are performed explicitly by programmers. Of
course, the convenience and safety of such functions vary a lot depending on the frame-
work. Then, we consider automatic communications, that are inserted automatically by
the language at appropriate points, as determined by code locations and slicing. We can
further decompose automatic communications further in two categories. In static asym-
metric communications, information is sent from the server to the client automatically,
when sending the page. In dynamic symmetric communications, information is sent back
and forth between the client and the server dynamically through some form of channel
(AJAX, websockets, Comet, . . . ).
While symmetric communications are very expressive, they impose a significant effi-
ciency overhead: a permanent connection must be established and each communication
imposes a round trip between client and server. Furthermore, such communication chan-
nel must be very reliable. On the other hand, asymmetric communications are virtually
free: data is sent with the web page (and is usually much smaller). Only a thin instru-
mentation is needed. Of course, the various communication methods can be mixed in
arbitrary manner. Eliom, for example, uses both automatic asymmetric and manual
Offline usage Many web applications are also used on Mobile phones, where connection
is intermittent at best. As such, we must consider the case where the web application
produced by a tierless language is used offline. In this context, asymmetric communi-
cation offer a significant advantage: given the initially transmitted information by the
server, the client program can run perfectly fine without connection. This guarantee,
however, does not extend to dynamic manual communications done by the use of RPCs
and channels. Philips et al. [2014] explore this question for symmetric communications
through their R5 requirement.
2015a, page 10].4 While the Eliom formalization is type safe, the Eliom implementation
is not, due to the use of wrapping and Marshall (Section 6.3.2), which will fail at runtime
on functional values.
Another remark is the distinction between client and server universes.5 Eliom has sep-
arate type universes for client and server types (see Section 4.2.1). Most tierless languages
do not provide such distinction, notably for the purpose of convenience. Distributed sys-
tems such as Acute, however, do make such distinction to provide a solution for API
versionning and dynamic reloading of code. In this case, there are numerous distinct
type universes.
Module systems The notion of module system varies significantly depending on the
language. In Eliom we consider an ML-style module system composed of a small typed
language with structures and functors. We believe modules are essential for building
medium to large sized programs: this has been demonstrated for general purpose lan-
guages but also holds for web programming languages, as demonstrated by the size of
large modern websites (the web frontend of facebook alone is over 9 millions lines of
code). Even JavaScript recently obtained a module system in ES6. In the context of
tierless languages, an interesting question is the interaction between locations and mod-
ules. In particular, can modules contain elements of different locations and, for statically
typed languages, are locations reflected in signatures?
Types and documentation Type systems are indisputably very useful for correctness
purposes, but they also serve significant documentation purposes. Indeed, given a func-
tion, its type signature provides many properties. In traditional languages, this can range
from very loose (arguments and return types) to very precise (with dependent types and
parametricity [Wadler, 1989]). In the context of tierless languages, important questions
we might want to consider are “Where can I call this function?” and “Where should this
argument come from?”. The various languages exposes this information in different ways:
Eliom does not expose location in the types, but it is present in the signature. ML5
exposes this information directly in the types. Ur/Web and Links do not expose that
information at all.
Locations Slicing Communications Type safe Host language
Eliom Syntactic Modular Asymmetric X OCaml
Links Type-based* Dynamic* Symmetric X -
Ur/Web Inferred Global (A)symmetric∼ X* -
Haste Type-based Modular Symmetric X Haskell
Hop Syntactic Dynamic* (A)symmetric∼ × JavaScript*
Meteor.js Syntactic Dynamic Manual × JavaScript
Stip.js Inferred Global Symmetric* × JavaScript
ML5 Type-based Global* Symmetric X -
Acute Syntactic Modular Distributed X OCaml
original execution model where programs only execute as part of a web-server request
and do not have any state (the language is completely pure). While similar in scope
to Eliom, it follows a very different approach: Location inference and slicing are done
through a whole-program transformation operated on a fairly low level representation.
Notably, this transformation relies on inlining and removal of high-order functions (which
are not supported by the runtime). The advantages of this approach are twofold: It
makes Ur/Web applications extremely fast (in particular because it doesn’t use a GC:
memory is trashed after each request) and it requires very little syntactic overheads,
allowing programs to be written in a very elegant manner.
The downsides, however, are fairly significant. Ur/Web’s approach is incompatible
with any form of separate compilation. Many constructs are hard-coded into the lan-
guage, such as RPCs and reactive signals and it does not seem possible to implement
them as libraries. The language is clearly not general and has a limited expressivity,
in particular when trying to use mixed data-structures (see Section 2.5). For example,
Example 7.1. presents the server function button_list which takes a list of labels and
client functions and generates a list of buttons. We show the Eliom implementation and
a tentative Ur/Web implementation. The Ur/Web version typechecks but slicing fails.
We are unable to write a working version and do not believe it to be possible: indeed, in
the Eliom version we use a client fragment to build the list l as a mixed data-structure.
This annotation is essential to make the desired semantics explicit. Other examples, such
as the accordion widget (Section 2.7) are expressible only using reactive signals, which
present a very different semantics.
Hop [Serrano et al., 2006] is a dialect of Scheme for programming Web applications.
Its successor, Hop.js [Serrano and Prunet, 2016], takes the same concepts and brings
them to JavaScript. The implementation of Hop.js is very complete and allow them
to run both the JavaScript and the scheme dialect while leveraging the complete node.js
ecosystem. Hop uses very similar language constructions to the one provided by Eliom:
1 let%client handler _ = alert "clicked!" 1 fun main () : transaction page =
2 let%server l = 2 let
3 [ ("Click!", [%client handler]) ] 3 fun handler _ = alert "clicked!"
4 4 val l = Cons (("Click!", handler), Nil)
5 let%server button_list lst = 5
6 ul ( (fun (name, action) -> 6 fun button_list lst =
7 li [button 7 case lst of
8 ~button_type:‘Button 8 Nil => <xml/>
9 ~a:[a_onclick action] 9 | Cons ((name, action), r) =>
10 [pcdata name]]) 10 <xml>
11 lst) 11 <button value={name}
12 12 >13 let main () = 13 {button_list r}
14 body (button_list l) 14 </xml>
15 in
(a) Eliom version 16 return <xml>
17 <body>{button_list l}</body>
18 </xml>
19 end
Example 7.1: Programs building a list of buttons from a list of client side actions
∼-expressions are fragments and $-expressions are injections. All functions seem to be
shared by default. Communications are asymmetric when possible and use channels
otherwise. However, contrary to Eliom, slicing is done dynamically during server exe-
cution [Loitsch and Serrano, 2007]. In the tradition of Scheme, Hop only uses a minimal
type system for optimizations and does not have a notion of location. In particular Hop
does not provide static type checking and does not statically enforce the separation of
client and server universes (such as preventing the use of database code inside the client).
The semantics of Hop has been formalized [Serrano and Queinnec, 2010, Boudol et al.,
2012] and does present similarities to the interpreted Eliom semantics (Section 4.3).
Hop is however significantly more dynamic than Eliom: it allows dynamic communi-
cation patterns through the use of channels and allows nested fragments in the style of
Lisp quotations which allows to generate client code inside client code.
For dynamically-typed inclined programmers, Hop currently presents the most con-
vincing approach to tierless Web programming. In particular given its solid implemen-
tation, great flexibility and support for the JavaScript ecosystem.
client, the server, but can also be transformed into SQL to run in a database query. On
the other hand, the print function has an effect called “wild” which indicates it can’t be
run inside a query. Effects are also used to provide type-safe channel-based concurrency.
Links also allows to annotate functions by indicating on which location they should
run. Those annotations, however, are not reflected in the type system. Communications
are symmetric and completely dynamic through the use of AJAX. Client-server slicing
is dynamic (although some progress has been made towards static query slicing [Cheney
et al., 2014]) and can introduce “code motion”, which can moves closures from the server
to the client. This can be extremely problematic in practice, both from an efficiency
and a security point of view. The current implementation of Links is interpreted but a
compilation scheme leveraging the Multicore-OCaml efforts has been recently added.
Although Links is very seducing, the current implementation presents many short-
comings given its statically typed nature: slicing is dynamic and produces fairly large
JavaScript code and the type system does not really track client-server locations.
1 links> fun adults(l) { for (x <- l) where (x.age >= 18) [(name =] } ;;
2 adults = fun : ([(age:Int,name:a|_)]) -> [(name:a)]
4 links> print ;;
5 print : (String) {wild}-> ()
Meteor.js [Meteor.js] is a framework where both the client and the server sides of
an application are written in JavaScript. It has no built-in mechanism for sections
and fragments but relies on conditional if statements on the Meteor.isClient and
Meteor.isServer constants. It does not perform any slicing. This means that there
are no static guarantees over the respective execution of server and client code. Besides,
it provides no facilities for client-server communication such as fragments and injections.
Compared to Eliom, this solution only provides coarse-grained composition.
Stip.js [Philips et al., 2014] allows to slice tierless JavaScript programs with a mini-
mal amount of annotations. It emits Meteor.js programs with explicit communications.
Annotations are optionally provided through the use of comments, which means that
Stip.js are actually perfectly valid JavaScript programs. Location inference and slic-
ing are whole-program static transformations. Communications are symmetric, through
the use of fairly elaborate consistency and replication mechanisms for shared references.
This approach allows the programmer to write code with very little annotations. As
opposed to Ur/Web, manual annotations are possible, which might allow to express
delicate patterns such as mixed data-structures and prevents security issues.
Distributed programming
Tierless languages in general are very inspired by distributed programming languages.
The main difference being that distributed programs contain an arbitrary number of
locations while tierless web programs only have two: client and server. Communications
are generally symmetric and dynamic, due to the multi-headed aspect of distributed
systems. There are of course numerous programming languages dedicated to distributed
programming. We present here two relevant approaches that put greater emphasis on
the typing and tierless aspects.
Ekblad [2017] proposes an EDSL of Haskell for distributed programming. This DSL
allows to express complex orchestrations of multiple nodes and external components
(for example databases and IoT components), with handling of distinct type universes
when necessary. Instead of using syntactic annotations, locations are determined through
typing. This approach works particularly well in the context of Haskell, thanks to the
advanced type system and the syntactic support for monads and functors. Multiple
binaries are produced from one program. Slicing relies on type information and dead
code elimination, as provided by the GHC compiler. Explicit slicing markers similar
to Eliom’s section annotations are the subject of future work. Communications are
dynamic and symmetric through the use of websockets. One notable feature of this DSL
is that it offers a client-centric view: The control flow is decided by the client which pilots
the other nodes. This is the opposite of Eliom where the server can assemble pieces of
client code through fragments. This work also inherits the Haskell and GHC features
in term of modules, data abstraction and separate-compilation. A module language has
been developed for Haskell by Kilpatrick et al. [2014].
An earlier version, Haste.App [Ekblad and Claessen, 2014], was limited to only one
client and one server and used a monadic approach to structure tierless programs.
ML5 [Murphy VII et al., 2007] is an ML language that introduces new constructs
for type-safe communication between distributed actors through the use of location an-
notations inside the types called “modal types”. It is geared towards a situation where
all actors have similar capabilities. It uses dynamic communication, which makes the
execution model very different from Eliom. ML5 provides a very rich type system that
allows to precisely export the capabilities of the various locations. For example, it is
possible to talk about addresses on distant locations and pass them around arbitrary.
Eliom only supports such feature through the use of fragments, for client code.
Unfortunately, ML5 does not have a module system. However, we believe that ML5’s
modal types can play a role similar to Eliom’s location annotations on declarations,
including location polymorphism. ML5 uses a global transformation for slicing. Given
the rich typing information present in ML5’s types, it should lend itself fairly well to a
modular slicing approach, but this has not been done.
modules at runtime. Like Eliom, it provides a full-blown module system. However, it
takes an opposite stance on the execution model: each actor runs independent programs
and communications are completely dynamic.
Handling of multiple type universes is done by providing a description of the type with
each message and by versioning APIs. In particular, great care is taken to provide type
safe serialization by also transmitting the type of messages alongside each message. This
gives Acute very interesting capabilities, such as reloading only part of the distributed
system in a type-safe way.
Modular macros [Nicole, 2016, Yallop and White, 2015] are another extension of
OCaml. It uses staging to implement macros. It provides both a quotation-based
expression language along with staging annotations on declarations. It also aims to sup-
port modules and functors. The slicing can be seen as dynamic (since code is executed at
compile time to produce pieces of programs). In particular, this allows to lift most of the
restriction imposed on multi-stage functors. They also use a notion similar to converters,
except that the serialization format here is simply the OCaml AST.
The main difference compared to Eliom is how the asymmetry between stage 0 and
stage 1 is treated. Only one type universe is used and there is no notion of slicing that
would allow a distant execution.
Feltman et al. [2016] presents a slicing technique for a two-staged simply typed lambda
calculus. Their technique is similar to the one used in Eliom. They distinguish their
language it three parts: 1G, which corresponds to base code; 1M, which corresponds to
server code; and 2M, which corresponds to client code. They also provide a proof of
equivalence between the dynamic semantics and the slicing techniques. This proof has
been mechanized in Twelf. While their work is done in a more general settings, they do
not specify how to transfer rich data types across stages (which is solved in Eliom using
converters). They also do not propose a module system.
8 Conclusion
To the designer of programming languages, I say: unless you can
support the paradigms I use when I program, or at least support
my extending your language into one that does support my
programming methods, I don’t need your shiny new languages; [..]
To persuade me of the merit of your language, you must show me
how to construct programs in it.
Robert W. Floyd, The paradigms of programming
In this thesis, I presented the Eliom language, its design, formalization and implemen-
tation. Through Eliom, I also presented several related notions, such as ML languages,
tierless web programming and staged meta-programming. At its core, Eliom combines
the various insights made by staged meta-programming languages and the very powerful
OCaml language in order to provide a safe and efficient programming language that
allows to write client-server tierless programs in a convenient way.
One might note that, for most of this thesis, we do not talk about the Web all that
much. Indeed, while Ocsigen is a Web programming framework, the language con-
structs we presented are not specific to Web programming. In fact, the minimal runtime
developed during this thesis only needs the OCaml standard library to run, and can be
compiled to any targets! Given the static nature of the Eliom programming language,
the server and the client part are separated and compiled statically, so Eliom could be
used to write more general client-server applications. Similarly, we believe that several
techniques developed in the context of this thesis are of more general use. Notably,
converters are a generic solution to make cross-stage persistence manipulable in a first
class manner by programmers. From this perspective, Eliom can be seen as a general
approach for type-safe client-server communications. Indeed Eliom does not force a spe-
cific programming style on the user. The additional primitives can be used for traditional
Web programming techniques, as well as Model-View-Controller architectures or a more
modern Functional Reactive approach. It simply turns out that combining those primi-
tives with a programming language that supports modularity and encapsulation such as
OCaml yields a powerful Web programming language.
Another focus of this thesis is to make Eliom usable in practice. Chapter 2 was
dedicated to presenting the Eliom programming language from a user’s perspective,
with numerous examples demonstrating its usefulness for building Web applications and
libraries. Chapter 6 presents how Eliom can be implemented as an actual extension
of the OCaml compiler. In general, many design choices of Eliom were inspired by
practical concerns. Indeed, in order to be useful, a language must have an ecosystem.
The simplest way to have an ecosystem is to reuse the one of an existing language, hence
the development of Eliom as an extension of OCaml. Since incremental compilation is
indispensable for any non-trivial programming projects, our design must be compatible
with it. Given the existence of the OCaml module system, we needed good interaction
between modularity, abstraction and the tierless annotations. All this led us to develop
the various features presented in this thesis such as fragments, converters and location
annotations inside modules.
Of course, there is still significant work to be done on the Eliom language. From
a practical point of view, the new implementation needs to be improved and tested by
more users. On the more theoretical aspects, mixed functors are still very much work in
progress, as noted in Section 5.5. Instead of dwelling on these unfinished tasks, I would
like, after three and a half years working on the subject, to offer my personal vision for
the perfect tierless statically typed Web programming language.
My ideal tierless programming language Eliom is, as said above, very practically-
minded. By extending OCaml, it leverages its many strengths but also inherits its
design choices and weaknesses. As such, it represents a local optimum in the design
space of tierless Web programming languages. I believe we can do better, and I will
attempt here to give my ideas on how.
Before considering the tierless aspects, let me settle the kind of language I will consider
here. As should be apparent by now, I strongly prefer statically-typed strict-by-default
languages. Dynamic languages do have numerous advantages, for example in the context
of distributed systems like Erlang or in very dynamic settings where the Scheme family
excels. Indeed, Hop already provides a very convincing solution for dynamically-typed
tierless Web programming. My personal taste1 , however, goes to static typing, both for
the numerous benefits it provides in term of soundness and convenience, but also because
the discipline it offers help me organize my own thoughts on how and what to do while
exploring the complicated maze of design decisions that is programming.
Given this context, I believe that the modularity and encapsulation properties of a
strong module system with abstract datatypes are one of the best programming tools
available in modern programming languages. Modules give the programmer the ability
to manipulate structured programs directly inside the language and allows to enforce
invariants inside module boundaries, as demonstrated on multiple occasions in Chap-
ter 2. These capabilities are essential for any kind of modular programming, including
Web programming. A module system providing these capabilities can take many forms:
the “classical” ML module system, the more practical OCaml one; more experimental
module systems such as 1ML [Rossberg et al., 2014] or even something quite different,
such as Backpack [Kilpatrick et al., 2014]. All these module systems provide the ability
to hide internal details through abstraction and to manipulate modules in very powerful
ways, thus providing the necessary tools for modular large scale programming.
On the tierless aspects, syntactic annotations are essential to provide finer control, as
argued in several occasions in this thesis. However, I believe a type-and-effect system in
the style of Eff [Bauer and Pretnar, 2015] could provide a tighter integration between
For the willing, I can propose other lively debates: Vim vs. Emacs; Zelazny vs. Sanderson, K. Dick
vs. Asimov; Tomatoes vs. Potatoes.
the type system and the tierless annotations. Indeed, we would have two effects: “client”
and “server”. Fragments would only contain code that has no “server” effect, but would
produce a server effect themselves. This could allow to elide some of the most obvious
annotations, hence allowing a programming style similar to Ur/Web’s implicitness while
still providing the necessary control when needed. Furthermore, location information
would be exposed at the module level directly through the effects systems, thus replacing
the need for annotations in module types. Effects would then play a similar role than
modalities in ML5. Links already demonstrated that such an effect-based language can
be compiled down to quotations [Cheney et al., 2014], which would allow to keep the
efficient execution model of Eliom.
Finally, while there is a rather large tooling ecosystem surrounding Web languages,
the same cannot be said about tierless languages (except maybe Hop.js). In particular, a
REPL for a statically sliced tierless language would both be technically challenging and
provide a more exploratory style of programming.
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