AlphaCom XE1
AlphaCom XE1
AlphaCom XE1
AlphaCom XE1
Serveur audio avec qualité de voix HD
Conçu pour apporter des solutions de communication cruciale où que vous vous trouviez
Guidage par la voix pour la mise en sécurité des locaux et des personnes
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Zenitel and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this publication, or for damages arising from the information therein. Zenitel products are developed and marketed by Zenitel. The company’s Quality Assurance System is
certified to meet the requirements in NS-EN ISO 9001. Zenitel reserves the right to modify designs and alter specifications without notice.
ZENITEL PROPRIETARY. This document and its supplementing elements, contain Zenitel or third party information which is proprietary and confidential. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or use is prohibited, if not otherwise explicitly agreed in writing with
Zenitel. Any authorized reproduction, in part or in whole, must include this legend; Zenitel – All rights reserved.
Fonctionnalité « opérateur automatique » (standard automatique vocal)
Ici, « flexibilité » est le mot d'ordre. Grâce à sa conception ouverte, modulaire et évolutive, le serveur AlphaCom
évolue avec vos besoins et ceux de votre entreprise et vous permet de connecter des petits groupes comme des
milliers de personnes, quelle que soit la distance qui les sépare. Ce système peut également être personnalisé pour
supporter des applications plus ou moins spécifiques et complexes.
La CCoIP® (Communication Cruciale sur IP) développée par Vingtor-Stentofon implique l'utilisation d'applications
de voix sur IP. Le serveur AlphaCom intègre la CCoIP, garantissant ainsi des services de voix et de données
instantanés et sécurisés. L'AlphaCom est un système de classe opérateur qui assure la protection de vos données
dans un environnement IP en utilisant des mécanismes de sécurité IP embarqués parmi lesquels on retrouve :
l'accès restreint, une interface de gestion distincte, un pare-feu interne, un contrôle d'intégrité (MD5).
Technical Dimensions
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Zenitel and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this publication, or for damages arising from the information therein. Zenitel products are developed and marketed by Zenitel. The company’s Quality Assurance System is
certified to meet the requirements in NS-EN ISO 9001. Zenitel reserves the right to modify designs and alter specifications without notice.
ZENITEL PROPRIETARY. This document and its supplementing elements, contain Zenitel or third party information which is proprietary and confidential. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or use is prohibited, if not otherwise explicitly agreed in writing with
Zenitel. Any authorized reproduction, in part or in whole, must include this legend; Zenitel – All rights reserved.
Poids 2 kg
Température de
De -15 °C à +55 °C
128 MB SDRAM. 1 MB
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Zenitel and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this publication, or for damages arising from the information therein. Zenitel products are developed and marketed by Zenitel. The company’s Quality Assurance System is
certified to meet the requirements in NS-EN ISO 9001. Zenitel reserves the right to modify designs and alter specifications without notice.
ZENITEL PROPRIETARY. This document and its supplementing elements, contain Zenitel or third party information which is proprietary and confidential. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or use is prohibited, if not otherwise explicitly agreed in writing with
Zenitel. Any authorized reproduction, in part or in whole, must include this legend; Zenitel – All rights reserved.
RFC 4733,
Quadri-bande GSM,
Trunk GSM Mise en réseau VoIP
externe + passerelle
Moteur de script
Autres Vingtor-Stentofon
Qualité de voix HD -
G.722 (7 KHz),
Audio VoIP
Téléphonie - G.711 (3,4
20 canaux de
conférence peuvent être
configurés. Un
maximum de 16
abonnés peuvent
Conférence Open
participer à une même
conférence mais jusqu’à
30 abonnés peuvent
participer s’ils opèrent
simultanément sur des
canaux indépendants.
50 canaux de
conference. Nombre de
Conférence simplex participants illimité.
Fonctionnalités de
niveaux de priorité
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Zenitel and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this publication, or for damages arising from the information therein. Zenitel products are developed and marketed by Zenitel. The company’s Quality Assurance System is
certified to meet the requirements in NS-EN ISO 9001. Zenitel reserves the right to modify designs and alter specifications without notice.
ZENITEL PROPRIETARY. This document and its supplementing elements, contain Zenitel or third party information which is proprietary and confidential. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or use is prohibited, if not otherwise explicitly agreed in writing with
Zenitel. Any authorized reproduction, in part or in whole, must include this legend; Zenitel – All rights reserved.
niveaux de priorité
d'annonces publiques,
Opérateur automatique,
Messagerie audio
Guidage par la voix
(portes, ascenseurs),
Réponse voix sécurité
Certification UL60950
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Zenitel and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this publication, or for damages arising from the information therein. Zenitel products are developed and marketed by Zenitel. The company’s Quality Assurance System is
certified to meet the requirements in NS-EN ISO 9001. Zenitel reserves the right to modify designs and alter specifications without notice.
ZENITEL PROPRIETARY. This document and its supplementing elements, contain Zenitel or third party information which is proprietary and confidential. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or use is prohibited, if not otherwise explicitly agreed in writing with
Zenitel. Any authorized reproduction, in part or in whole, must include this legend; Zenitel – All rights reserved.