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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the Two Plus Two Service (as defined in the Terms of Service).  This policy was created to disclose to you what type of information we may collect, how we may collect and utilize it, and with whom we may share it with.  We will also provide you with additional information that should help you protect your security both while using the Service and navigating to other web links.  Please take the time to read the privacy policy as you have options regarding the information collected and how it is used.

We take your privacy seriously. Because we gather certain types of information about our users, we want to help you understand the terms and conditions surrounding the collection and use of that information. This privacy statement discloses the types of information we gather, how we use it, and how to correct or change it.

We recommend that you read the entire privacy policy; however, the following links have been provided to help you navigate between different topics that you may have specific questions on throughout your use of the Service:


We may collect the following types of information in order to provide the Service:

  • Personal information such as user IDs, passwords, names, email addresses, telephone numbers, birth dates, and payment information may be collected and stored upon sign-up for the Service.  We strongly recommend that you keep passwords unique from other identifiers such as user ID and league member names to help protect your privacy.
  • Emails that the Service may send out emails for various reasons described in our Terms of Service and privacy policy may be stored in our database.  The Service may also collect the confirmation notices of whether you have responded to the email through the included hyperlinks to ensure you have been properly notified.
  • Site usage information of both registered Users and non-registered users of varying nature may be collected.  For example, we may collect information based on the links visited in our site or frequency of visits to enhance features of interest.  We may also collect dynamic IP addresses to help track the links of Two Plus Two, its subsidiaries, and affiliates that you may choose during a session.  This type of automatic information we collect may include, without limitation, such information as the page served, time, source of the request, type of browser making the request, preceding page view and other such information.
  • Other personal information may be received from other sources and stored with your User profile.



We may collect the information described in the previous section through various methods, including but not limited to:

  • The registration process requires a new user to input various pieces of personal information as well as create a user ID and password to identify your capabilities within the Service.  This also includes payment and billing information that may be required to use certain features of the Service.
  • Confirmation messages from email communications from the Service may be collected.
  • Navigation through the site via links allows us to identify and log your IP address.  We may collect IP addresses for purposes of system administration and to report aggregate information to our affiliates.



Your Internet browser has a feature called cookies, which stores small amounts of data on your computer about your visit to our site. You do not need to have cookies turned on to visit our site, although active participation in certain areas of our sites may require cookies. Cookies alone tell us nothing about who you are unless you specifically give us personally identifiable information, in which case we use the information to enhance your services in the ways described below. By adjusting your settings on your browser, you may elect not to allow cookies to be collected.

We also use technologies, including electronic images known as Web bugs - sometimes called transparent GIFs, clear GIFs, or beacons - that allow us to track general user-traffic patterns. We also automatically receive and record information from our servers and from your browser, including your IP address, the time of your visit to pages on our site, and information about pages you visited. Unless you have registered for one of our products or services, the information we gather through the use of tracking technologies cannot be matched with any personally identifiable information about you.

We use cookies and tracking technologies in a variety of ways, including:

  • Keeping count of return visits to our site or our advertisers' or partners' sites;
  • Tracking referrals;
  • Accumulating and reporting anonymous, aggregate (data collected in mass), statistical information on Web-site and advertisement usage;
  • Determining which features our overall forum user population likes best;
  • Saving your password so you don't have to re-enter it each time you visit our sites;
  • Displaying the most appropriate advertising or content based on your interests.




We may use the information described in the previous sections through various methods, including but not limited to:

  • Updates or changes to your membership, including User and contact information may require communications to you as well as updates to our database.
  • Updates or changes to Service may require communications to you.
  • New user registration is confirmed through information you provide.
  • Site usage information is an important tool to improve the Service in various ways including changes to the layout and addition or deletion of features.
  • Site usage information is also important to track your personal preferences to ensure navigation within the site provides you the simplest and most enjoyable level of entertainment.
  • User information also allows us to monitor the use of the Service’s forums, message boards, chat rooms, and other areas requiring User input to protect other Users and ensure compliance with the Terms of Service.
  • Confirmation from receipt and selection of links through emails allows us to track information to better serve you.
  • To help us customize the advertising and the content you see on our website and on our partner websites;
  • To enhance the user experience in our site. We use tracking information to determine how well each page performs overall based on aggregate user demographics and traffic patterns to those pages. This helps us continue to build a better Service for you;
  • To fulfill your requests for certain products and services, such as sending out electronic newsletters and enabling you to participate in paid services, polls, contests, and message boards;
  • To send you information you agreed to receive about topics we think will be of interest to you including promotional offers from certain marketing partners. We will not share your contact information with these partners but may send promotional offers on their behalf.

We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, you can visit



We will make your personally identifiable information available to other companies or people when:

  • You have elected to allow us to share that information at the time that you registered with us or provided us the information, or through a subsequent affirmative election through our website.
  • You volunteer information or create a public profile in the course of your participation in our community features such as forums and user opinions, posts, communications, and reviews.
  • You use cobranded services (i.e., sites or services that we offer to you in connection with a partner, who is identified on the site). When you use a cobranded service within our site, you grant us permission to pass your registration information back to that service partner. Their use of your information is subject to their applicable privacy policies.
  • We hire third-party vendors to provide specialized services such as customer support; email message deployment; suppression, merge and de-duplication services; data processing; and special products or services that you have requested. These companies are only allowed to use the information in order to help us fulfill our services to you. We do not provide your information to these companies for their own, permanent use.
  • You unsubscribe for a mailing that we send to you on behalf of a third party. We may share your removal instruction with the third party so that it may be added to that person's list of people to whom they may not send emails.
  • You are the winner of a contest or a sweepstakes that is co-sponsored with a third party and that third party needs your information in order to manage the prize fulfillment process.
  • When required by law, such as when we respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process.
  • We believe that your actions violate applicable laws, Two Plus Two's TOS, or any usage guidelines for specific products or services, or threaten the rights, property, or safety of our company, our users, or others.



The Service includes forums, message boards, and chat rooms to its Users for entertainment and informational purposes.  We strongly recommend that Users do not share any personal information when using these areas.  Please be aware that Two Plus Two does not guarantee security of any personal information made public through forums, message boards, and chat rooms should you choose to do so.  Two Plus Two also cannot control the use of any personal information provided to the other Users who have access to these services and therefore cannot ensure that said parties will respect your privacy.



While using the Service you may choose options or links that direct you to our sites of affiliates, subsidiaries, or advertisers.  Upon using such links, we may no longer have control of cookies or other solicitations for information on those sites.  You should review the privacy policy of any website that you visit from a link on our website before you continue use of that website including, but not limited to, disclosing your personal information.  Please refer to the “Links” section of our Terms of Service for additional information. 



We aggregate personally identifiable information and disclose such information in a non-personally identifiable manner to advertisers and other third parties for marketing, promotional, and other purposes. We do not disclose to these entities any information that could be used to identify you personally.



We are always seeking to improve our web sites and our business. In accomplishing these objectives, we may buy or sell a company, or one or more of the companies in our corporate family may merge with or be acquired by another company. If we sell a business, we may transfer some or all of your information as a part of the sale in order that the service being provided to you may continue or for other business purposes.



Users who would rather not provide any of the user data requested by our registration process do not need to register with us. You can still view much of the content and use many of the services offered by our sites without registering.

We also give users the option to not receive our electronic newsletters or those of third parties when registering.  Users who opt-in to our electronic newsletter or third party advertising may remove themselves from mailing lists at any time through the subscription-management pages or by following the instructions at the end of the e-mail they received from us;

Opting not to provide certain personal information when registering for a site, provided, however, that you may not be able to use some of our products or services without providing us with certain information.



You can review, correct, or change the information collected during registration in the manage account section of the Two Plus Two Forums.  Users may change information at any time and as often as necessary. Users who are experiencing problems with our services or who have questions about how our services work can contact us using e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page.



From time to time, Two Plus Two may modify this policy.  We will notify you of significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to the email address(es) associated with your User ID.  We do however encourage you to check this privacy policy from time to time to answer questions related to your personal information.



Upon termination of your Two Plus Two account, Two Plus Two will delete all personally identifiable account information and will not maintain any permanent records of any personal information.  This does not include information posted as Forum content or on message boards, as such content is in the public domain and is removable at the discretion of Two Plus Two.  Additionally, termination of your Two Plus Two account may not terminate your account from our affiliates or subsidiaries and we are not responsible for the continued use of personal information by sites not under our direct control.