“why are you trying to lose followers?”

first answered here: [why’re you trying to lose followers?]

the short answer is because although i have a lot of fun on this blog, the growing scrutiny of a climbing follower count makes me uneasy. i’ve been on tumblr long enough to know the doom that befalls popular blogs.

“i am confused, what does ‘mspec lesbian’/‘bi lesbian’ mean?”

i don’t know how this ended up as the most frequently asked question i get on my blog but i have answered it several times, most of which are linked here: [mspec lesbian ask].

my sincere best wishes to anyone curious about this.

“what did the original post say?”

first answered here: [original bad posts?]

i don’t post the originals because i’m not looking to start any fights. if you’re really dying of curiosity, you can send an ask i suppose, but i consistently delete my screenshots of original posts, so it’s not likely i’ll even remember the answer to your question.

“i can’t see the asks you’re answering—they’re appearing blank for me. is my tumblr glitching?”

first answered here: [i can’t see any of ur asks?]

for some reason, people keep sending me blank asks! i’ve likened it to people walking into my house and then standing in wordlessly the doorframe. i’m basically just using it as an opportunity to talk about whatever i want.

if you came here for my fixed bad posts and not my musings, feel free to blacklist the tag “#fbp doorframe.”

“i hate you for some reason, should i send you an ask about it?”

please refrain, unless you want to do it off-anon instead of taking the coward’s way.

“what are your pronouns?”

first answered here: [Btw what are your pronouns?]

i’m keeping those to myself in this sphere of the internet; feel free to use any pronouns 💛

“where do you find all of these ‘bad posts’ to fix?

well, i’m easily peeved, and use the internet more than is good for me, so most of the posts i “fix” have come to me organically. and the more popular this blog has become, the more “bad takes” i see regularly. terrible post additions are, i think, inevitable once a post achieves a certain reach. 

does running this blog negatively impact your mental health?”

if you’re worried about my mental health, you’re sweet and i appreciate the concern, but this blog is actually a way for me actively improve my mental health!

first and foremost, i do this for myself. whenever i see a terrible post that makes me angry, i block the original poster and then fix the post, before deleting the original screenshot. usually, once i’m done fixing the post, i’m not angry anymore. in this way, i prevent myself from starting meaningless internet discourse. so rest assured, my mental health is fine (or, if it’s not, it’s not because of this blog lol).

ask me anything