I did get the wrap stitched together and here's the result
After this, of course I found another woven panel, in my knitting bag, why, why, and I may add that, too. But meanwhile here's where we are. It drapes nicely, and because it's stitched, with a neck opening, it stays pretty much put.
And outdoors we had a bit of snow, more of a gesture than a storm, but that's fine.
More to come, probably. Weather last week and this has kept me away from the new knitting group, so I hope they keep it going till I get there.
I went out yesterday to start my car, to be sure it would start, in case this turned out to be a snowplow event where my car would need to be moved to clear the lot. But it turns out it's just a brush your car off event.
Happy day, everyone, remember to your kitty you're a can opening genius. Or a can opening mechanism.