Motherhood Quotes FunnyFunny Parenting QuotesMum QuotesFamily Quotes FunnyConfidence KidsFunny ParentingMum LifeMotherhood QuotesPumping Moms21 Funny Memes About Motherhood That Are So Relatable, It Hurts!Parenting can be a REAL ride. Here are 21 Funny Memes About Motherhood That Are So Relatable, It Hurts!2.2k
Parent Advice CardsAdvice JarNew Parent QuotesParenting Advice QuotesFunny ParentsBoys QuotesFunny AdviceParent AdviceDad Advice29 Hilarious (And True) Bits of Parenting WisdomSome of my favorite bloggers came out with a new book called I Still Just Want to Pee Alone today. Whoo hoo!!! To celebrate, I asked them to share their best bits of parenting wisdom with me. And they did! So voila, here are their brilliant—and brilliantly funny—parenting truths. Never lick a brown smudge. When […]305
Parenting JokesNew JokesLying In BedHigh School HistoryClean FunnyClean Funny JokesWork Quotes FunnyFunny Long JokesClean JokesParenting Joke: Mummy is embarrassed by her sons choice of words...So he gets out of bed, runs downstairs into the living room, and finds his mother chatting to a bunch of her friends. “MUM,” the boy yells at the top of his voice, “I GOTTA PISS! I GOTTA PISS!” Well, needless to say, the mother is mortified at her son’s language in front of her guests and...121
10 Funny Parenting Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Out LoudGet ready to giggle with these funny and relatable parenting quotes for Moms and Dads19
Toddler JokesLove JokesJokes And PunsToddler HumorCute JokesToddler PlayJokes For KidsGrandchildrenKid Stuff93 Hilarious Toddler Jokes That Will Tickle Your Little MunchkinToddlers love jokes, so we've assembled some quality toddler jokes and puns for the next time you need to avoid a tantrum.2
The Oatmeal ComicsChildfree By ChoiceParenting Teens HumorParenting ComicsParenting JokesTeenager HumorChild FreeParents Quotes FunnyOnline ComicsParenting ComicsParenting is arguably the toughest job in the world, and we salute those of you undertaking it every day. Like any stressful occupation, though, sometimes you just have to step back and laugh at it to get through. If you've got kids, these comics will help you do just that.148
Toddler IllustrationFowl Language ComicsParenting Teenagers QuotesParent HumorMother LifeKid CartoonFunny SpongebobFunny Spongebob MemesMotherhood FunnyHedger Humor CartoonsBeing a parent can be fun, exciting, and massively rewarding. But as anybody who has kids knows, parenting can also be tough. Check out these hilarious comics to see what we mean. They're created by Adrienne Hedger, a writer, illustrator, and mom, and they perfectly capture what daily life with kids is really like. From the absurdity of sibling arguments and the trials and tribulations of putting kids to bed, to the ridiculous requests your children make while you're driving and the…268
Bible Stories For ToddlersStories For ToddlersLaughter MedicineQuotes About ParentingParenting JokesNot Having KidsMinion JokesFunny ParentingKid HacksStubborn KidsDealing with stubborn behaviour in children is a daunting task for parents. Here is how you can get your stubborn child listen to you #stubbornbehaviour #stubbornkids #parentingtips #raisingchildren #stubbornchildren #parents #parenting #parenthood #manners #discipline #discipliningchildren92
Hilarious Parenting QuotesParenting Quotes Funny HumorParents Advice QuotesFunny Quotes On ParentingSarcastic Parenting QuotesFunny Quotes About TeenagersParenting Funny QuotesFunny Parents QuotesRelatable Parent Quotes25 Hilarious Quotes About Bad ParentingThese bad parenting quotes will make you feel better about your own parenting (and not so alone)! Check them out, because the parenting struggle is real.34
Poop Jokes HilariousPoop MemeBathroom JokesToddler QuotesFunny Birthday MessagePoop JokesFamily Fun CenterNewborn QuotesPotty Humor25 Poop Jokes We're Convinced Were Written By ParentsHere are our favorite poop jokes to keep you laughing through all of the frustrating diaper incidents and accidents that come with parenthood.19