French General EmbroideryBackground DoodlesFidget BookScrap PatchworkSewing CollageCollage EmbroideryDaily EmbroideryPam GarrisonLace Weavingpamgarrisonart, craft and the pursuit of creativity55
Zentangle Art PatternsPaint DoodlesPam GarrisonArts AestheticLaura HornWomen ArtistMagical WomenCollage PapersMagical Naturepamgarrisonart, craft and the pursuit of creativity439
Pam GarrisonFlora BowleyFolk Art FlowersIntuitive PaintingIntuitive ArtAbstract Art InspirationCreative LivingArt Journal PagesArt Journalspaintings in progressI told you I've been inspired to paint lately! Quite a bit really. Some of these have been in progress for a long time. I am in no rush when painting. I enjoy losing myself in the process fully. As...568
Coming Up For AirPam GarrisonAbstract Painting DiyDeeply In LovePink PaintingOriginal Art PaintingCreative LivingArt EventWood Panelpainting painting and more paintingHello out there! I'm coming up for air just long enough to put up a post on the blog. What?!? Crazier things have happened, surely, but with my track record this past year, I'm happy to find myself pulled here...60
Scrap PatchworkRebecca SowerCollage Art PaperPam GarrisonFine Art Cross StitchBead Cross StitchKnit HandbagTextile CollageBead Crossstitching a samplerjust for fun blogged at pamgarrison.typepad.com46
Slow Stitching Ideas Hand EmbroiderySewing ArtworkRebecca SowerPam GarrisonVintage SamplersBead Cross StitchBead CrossScrap Fabric ProjectsHeirloom QuiltSlow Stitching Ideas Hand Embroidery37
Pam GarrisonSketchbook StudiesCarolyn GavinPainting PracticeFlowers PaintingsAbstract Art InspirationWatercolor Flowers PaintingsOutsider ArtNature PaintingsGetting it's clear coat and then flying off to it's new home! @pamgarrisonpaintstudio #pgpaintsExplore pam garrison's 3316 photos on Flickr!6
Gary Patterson ArtJim And Pam MorrisonPam Garrison ArtJim Morrison And PamPamela Harnois WatercolorIntuitive ArtArt JournalsVintage Paper DollsElements Of Artnew class i'm co-teaching with jennifer mercedeI'm super excited to be teaching with Jennifer Mercede for a whole weekend (three days for those that choose). I've been a huge fan of Jennifer's work since the first moment I laid eyes on it. But when I met...22
Pam GarrisonPainted JournalArt Journal LoveJournal StyleHappiness InspirationArt Journaling IdeasPosca ArtCreative JournalingJournaling Inspirationsometimes i can't resistAs I'm going through my old journals culling content for the e-course, I find myself adding to some of the pages. I've never ever gone back through old journals before and altered them. It's kind of fun actually. Often when...210
Making A SketchbookLanguage IconRebecca SowerPam GarrisonI LetterPlanners IdeasDrawing ZentangleDecorated LettersType Fontspamgarrisonart, craft and the pursuit of creativity16