Types Of AssessmentsHigh School Classroom IdeasFormative Assessment IdeasFormative Assessment StrategiesFormative Assessment ToolsTeacher CareerClassroom AssessmentAssessment For LearningAssessment Strategies25 Formative Assessment Options Your Students Will Actually EnjoyGet them excited to show you what they know!372
Formative Assessment StrategiesFormative Assessment ToolsClassroom AssessmentAssessment For LearningAssessment StrategiesApps For EducationVirtual TeachingTeacher TechTeaching Technology27 Formative Assessment Tools for Your ClassroomIn this post, you will find 27 Formative Assessment Tools for Your Classroom! Formative assessment is such an essential part of the learning process and student success, and many digital tools can help support this process.This list has a wide variety of features and options to help you solidify your formative assessment strategies! Many of the tools below are great for both formative and summative assessments.530
Maths For BeginnersAuthentic AssessmentStudent Self AssessmentClassroom AssessmentLevels Of UnderstandingFormative AssessmentAssessment ToolsSelf AssessmentTeaching StrategiesFist to Five Check Magnet SetHelps you instantly assess your students! Simply place the easy-to-read magnet strips on the whiteboard for students to reference at a glance year round. Call out "Fist to Five Check" to the class during any lesson to have students raise their hands to quickly show their levels of understanding! Display vertically or horizontally on your board; completed chart measures 12.7"W x 20.6"H when displayed vertically Set of 7 Ages 6+/Grades 1+215
Making Inferences WorksheetInferencing ActivitiesInference ActivitiesFormative And Summative AssessmentHomework ActivitiesReading Assessment4 GradeMaking InferencesWh QuestionsDay 1 Formative Assessment - Making Inferences worksheetDay 1 Formative Assessment - Making Inferences 1847283 worksheets by dmdmanlino .Day 1 Formative Assessment - Making Inferences worksheet LiveWorksheets366
Formative And Summative AssessmentClassroom AssessmentAssessment For LearningAssessment StrategiesSummative AssessmentStudent InformationInstructional StrategiesInstructional CoachingMobile LearningHomepage - Educators TechnologyExplore our comprehensive collection of classroom resources, including classroom posters, engaging activities, classroom management techniques, and more. Enhance your teaching and inspire your students with these valuable insights.828
Pre Assessment StrategiesFormative Assessment IdeasStudent Self Assessment ElementaryFormative Assessment ExamplesFormative Assessment StrategiesCommon Formative AssessmentsActive Learning StrategiesFormative Assessment ToolsEducational TheoriesFormative Assessment Strategies: A teacher’s guideHow can you move learning forward using formative assessment strategies in your classroom?67
Computer Science ClassroomFormative Assessment IdeasClassroom AssessmentCheck For UnderstandingAssessment For LearningTeacher DevelopmentResponse To InterventionI Love MathVirtual TeachingJennifer Gonzalez on Twitter“7 Ways to Do Formative Assessments in Your Virtual Classroom via @edutopia https://t.co/eGRjs15NDh”1
Needs AssessmentScience PinsSummative AssessmentStudent Achievement21st Century SkillsWeb ToolsEducation SystemTeaching TipsEducational Technology6 Key Assessment Types - Educators TechnologyUnderstand the six key types of assessment—diagnostic, formative, summative, norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and interim/benchmark.8
Get Your Teach OnCommon Formative AssessmentsFormative And Summative AssessmentClassroom AssessmentAssessment For LearningAssessment StrategiesSummative AssessmentTeaching CollegeFree ChartHow to Completely Transform Your Teaching with Exit TicketsWhether they're completed on a piece of paper, a tablet, or a whiteboard, exit tickets are a powerful tool to use in your classroom. Exit tickets are formative assessments that provide a quick snapshot about your students' learning and understanding of a topic faster than any other tool in the classroom.759
Fcs TeacherVisible ThinkingFormative And Summative AssessmentClassroom AssessmentAssessment For LearningAssessment StrategiesExit SlipsSummative AssessmentInstructional StrategiesTeachers' ToolkitCalling all teachers! Have you found anything you would like to share? I'm thinking specifically about: words of wisdom games activities organization ideas classroom management brain breaks I will share a few that I've found while helping a first year teacher get ready for school. Please share ...3.9k