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Acorn Computers

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Apollo Computer

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Unixiin liittymättömät:

Burroughs Corporation, Unisys

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Control Data Corporation

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  • Chippewa Operating System (COS)
    • MACE (Mansfield and Cahlander Executive)
      • Kronos (Kronographic OS)
        • NOS (Network Operating System)
          • NOS/BE NOS Batch Environment
          • NOS/VE NOS Virtual Environment
    • SCOPE (Supervisory Control Of Program Execution)
    • SIPROS (Simultaneous Processing Operating System)
  • EP/IX (Enhanced Performance Unix)

Convergent Technologies

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  • AOS 16-bittisille Data General Eclipse -tietokoneille ja AOS/VS 32-bittisille (MV-sarjan) Eclipseille, MP/AOS microNOVA-pohjaisille tietokoneille
  • DG/UX
  • RDOS Real-time Disk Operating System, muunnoksia: RTOS ja DOS (ei sukua PC DOS:lle, MS-DOS:lle jne.)
  • CTOS Z80-pohjaisille, Cassette Tape Operating System aikaisille työpöytäjärjestelmille. Pystyy peräti 8 samanaikaiseen käyttäjään. DataPoint DOS:n korvaama.
  • DOS Intel 808x/80x86-pohjainen, Disk Operating System työpöytäjärjestelmille. Pystyy peräti 32 käyttäjään solmua kohden. Tuki usein tarkoitusta varten rakennettua hienostunutta solmuverkostoa. DOS-nimeä käytettiin näiden järjestelmien kirjautumisruuduissa ennen kuin IBM, Microsoft ja muut tekivät nimestä kuuluisan.

Digital Research, Inc.

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Digital Equipment Corporation, Tandem Computers, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard

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  • OSE Mukautuva, pienen jalanjäljen korkean suorituskyvyn reaaliaikainen käyttöjärjestelmä ohjaussuorittimille

General Electric

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Android 4.0.1 Galaxy Nexus -laitteella
  • Google Chrome OS on suunniteltu yksinomaan verkkosovelluksille. Siitä ilmoitettiin ekan kerran 7. heinäkuuta 2009, on nyt julkisesti saatavilla ja julkaistiin kesällä 2011. Chrome OS:n lähdekoodi julkaistiin 19. marraskuuta 2009, Chromium OS:n tapaan BSD-lisenssillä.
    • Chromium OS on avoimen lähdekoodin kehitysversio Chrome OS:stä. Molemmat pohjautuvat Linux-ytimeen.
  • Android on käyttöjärjestelmä mobiililaitteille. Se koostuu Android Runtime:stä (käyttäjäpuoli) ja Linuxista (ydin), jota on muokattu lisäämällä ajureita mobiililaitteistolle sekä poistamalla käyttämättömiä Linux-ajureita.

Green Hills Software

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Heathkit, Zenith Data Systems

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  • HP Multi-Programming Executive (MPE, MPE/XL ja MPE/iX) pyörivät HP 3000- ja HP e3000 -minitietokoneilla
  • HP-UX; pyörii HP9000- ja Itanium-palvelimilla – pienistä tietokoneista suurtietokoneisiin
  • NonStop OS; pyörii HP:n NonStop-sarjan Itanium-palvelimilla

Intel Corporation

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  • iRMX; real-time operating system originally created to support the Intel 8080 and 8086 processor families in embedded applications.
  • ISIS, ISIS-II; "Intel Systems Implementation Supervisor" was an environment for development of software within the Intel microprocessor family in the early 1980s on their Intellec Microcomputer Development System and clones. ISIS-II worked with 8 inch floppy disks and had an editor, cross-assemblers, a linker, an object locator, debugger, compilers for PL/M, a BASIC interpreter, etc. and allowed file management through a console.

Varhaiset suurtietokoneet: 1400, 1800, 701, 704, 709, 7090, 7094

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S/360, S/370 ja seuraavat suurtietokoneet

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  • OS/360 and successors on IBM S/360, S/370, and successor mainframes
    • OS/360 (first official OS targeted for the System/360 architecture),
      Saw customer installations of the following variations:
      • PCP (Primary Control Program, a kernel and a ground breaking automatic space allocating file system)
      • MFT (original Multi-programming with a Fixed number of Tasks, replaced by MFT II)
      • MFT II (Multi-Programming with a Fixed number of Tasks, had up to 15 fixed size application partitions, plus partitions for system tasks, initially defined at boot time but redefinable by operator command)
      • MVT (Multi-Programming Variable Tasks, had up to 15 application regions defined dynamically, plus additional regions for system tasks)
    • OS/VS (port of OS/360 targeted for the System/370 virtual memory architecture, "OS/370" is not correct name for OS/VS1 and OS/VS2, but rather refers to OS/VS2 MVS and MVS/SP Version 1),
      Customer installations in the following variations:
      • SVS (Single Virtual Storage, both VS1 & VS2 began as SVS systems)
      • OS/VS1 (Operating System/Virtual Storage 1, Virtual-memory version of MFT II)
      • OS/VS2 (Operating System/Virtual Storage 2, Virtual-memory version of OS/MVT but without multiprocessing support)
    • MVS/SE (MVS System Extensions)
    • MVS/SP (MVS System Product)
    • MVS/XA (MVS/SP V2. MVS supported eXtended Architecture, 31-bit addressing)
    • MVS/ESA (MVS supported Enterprise System Architecture, horizontal addressing extensions: data only address spaces called Dataspaces; a Unix environment was available starting with MVS/ESA V4R3)
    • OS/390 (Upgrade from MVS, with an additional Unix environment)
    • z/OS (OS/390 supported z/Architecture, 64-bit addressing)
  • DOS/360 and successors on IBM S/360, S/370, and successor mainframes
    • BOS/360 (early interim version of DOS/360, briefly available at a few Alpha & Beta System/360 sites)
    • TOS/360 (similar to BOS above and more fleeting, able to boot and run from 2x00 series tape drives)
    • DOS/360 (Disk Operating System (DOS), multi-programming system with up to 3 partitions, first commonly available OS for System/360)
      • DOS/360/RJE (DOS/360 with a control program extension that provided for the monitoring of remote job entry hardware (card reader & printer) connected by dedicated phone lines)
    • DOS/VS (First DOS offered on System/370 systems, provided virtual storage)
    • DOS/VSE (also known as VSE, upgrade of DOS/VS, up to 14 fixed size processing partitions )
    • VSE/SP (program product replacing DOS/VSE and VSE/AF)
    • VSE/ESA (DOS/VSE extended virtual memory support to 32-bit addresses (Extended System Architecture)).
    • z/VSE (latest version of the four decades old DOS lineage, supports 64-bit addresses, multiprocessing, multiprogramming, SNA, TCP/IP, and some virtual machine features in support of Linux workloads)
  • CP/CMS (Control Program/Cambridge Monitor System) and successors on IBM S/360, S/370, and successor mainframes
  • TPF Line (Transaction Processing Facility) on IBM S/360, S/370, and successor mainframes (largely used by airlines)
  • Unix-like on IBM S/360, S/370, and successor mainframes
  • Others on IBM S/360, S/370, and successor mainframes:
    • BOS/360 (Basic Operating System)
    • MTS (Michigan Terminal System, developed by a group of universities in the US, Canada, and the UK for the IBM System/360 Model 67, System/370 series, and compatible mainframes)
    • RTOS/360 (IBM's Real Time Operating System, ran on 5 NASA custom System/360-75s)[3]
    • TOS/360 (Tape Operating System)
    • TSS/360 (IBM's Time Sharing System)
    • MUSIC/SP (developed by McGill University for IBM System/370)
    • ORVYL and WYLBUR (developed by Stanford University for IBM System/360)


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Muilla laitealustoilla

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International Computers Limited

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  • J ja MultiJob System 4 -sarjan suurtietokoneille
  • GEORGE 2/3/4 GEneral ORGanisational Environment, ICL 1900-sarjan suurtietokoneissa
  • Executive, 1900- ja 290x-sarjan minitietokoneissa. Executiven mukautettua versiota käytettiin myös osana GEORGE 3- ja 4-järjestelmiä.
  • TME, ME29-minitietokoneissa
  • ICL VME, mukaan lukien aikaiset versiot VME/B and VME/2900, ICL 2900 -sarjan sekä Series 39 -sarjan suurtietokoneissa, S3-kielellä toteutettu
  • VME/K hyvin pienillä 2900-koneilla

Lynx Real-time Systems, LynuxWorks, Lynx Software Technologies

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  • MicroC/OS-II (pieni ennakoiva tärkeysjärjestyspohjainen moniajoydin)
  • MicroC/OS-III (pieni ennakoiva tärkeysjärjestyspohjainen moniajoydin, tehtävien ja tärkeystasojen määrä rajoittamaton, kiertovuorottelu)

Microsoft Corporation

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NCR Corporation

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  • TMX – Transaction Management eXecutive
  • IMOS - Interactive Multiprogramming Operating System (noin 1978), NCR Century 8200 -sarjan minitietokoneille
  • VRX - Virtual Resource eXecutive
  • es on alun perin Nintendon ja myöhemmin Esrillen kehittämä käyttöjärjestelmä. Sen lähdekoodi on avointa. Järjestelmä pyörii natiivisti x86-alustoilla.

Quadros Systems

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  • RTXC Quadros RTOS proprietary C-based RTOS used in embedded systems
  • TSOS, first OS supporting virtual addressing of the main storage and support for both timeshare and batch interface
  • DSPnano RTOS 8/16 Bit Ultra Tiny Embedded Linux Compatible RTOS
  • Unison RTOS 32 Bit Open Standards, Linux Compatible, Ultra Tiny Size, Modularity, POSIX-compliant RTOS that supports a variety of wireless modules and provides a complete set of security protocols

Samsung Electronics

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  • Xenix, Unix System III based distribution for the Intel 8086/8088 architecture
    • Xenix 286, Unix System V Release 2 based distribution for the Intel 80286 architecture
    • Xenix 386, Unix System V Release 2 based distribution for the Intel 80386 architecture
  • SCO Unix, SCO UNIX System V/386 was the first volume commercial product licensed by AT&T to use the UNIX System trademark (1989). Derived from AT&T System V Release 3.2 with an infusion of Xenix device drivers and utilities plus most of the SVR4 features
    • SCO Open Desktop, the first 32-bit graphical user interface for UNIX Systems running on Intel processor-based computers. Based on SCO Unix
  • SCO OpenServer 5, AT&T UNIX System V Release 3 based
  • SCO OpenServer 6, SVR5 (UnixWare 7) based kernel with SCO OpenServer 5 application and binary compatibility, system administration, and user environments
  • UnixWare
    • UnixWare 2.x, based on AT&T System V Release 4.2MP
    • UnixWare 7, UnixWare 2 kernel plus parts of 3.2v5 (UnixWare 2 + OpenServer 5 = UnixWare 7). Referred to by SCO as SVR5

Scientific Data Systems (SDS)

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Sciopta Systems GmbH

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  • PikeOS is a certified real time operating system for safety and security critical embedded systems

Tandy Corporation

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  • TRSDOS; A floppy-disk-oriented OS supplied by Tandy/Radio Shack for their Z80-based line of personal computers. Eventually renamed as LS-DOS or LDOS.
  • Color BASIC; A ROM-based OS created by Microsoft for the TRS-80 Color Computer.
  • NewDos/80; A third-party OS for Tandy's TRS-80 personal computers.
  • DeskMate; Operating system created by Tandy Corporation and introduced with the Tandy 1000 computer.

TCSC (later NCSC)

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Texas Instruments

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UNIVAC, Unisys

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Wang Laboratories

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  • WPS Wang Word Processing System. Micro-code based system.
  • OIS Wang Office Information System. Successor to the WPS. Combined the WPS and VP/MVP systems.
  • Wang VS Operating System (VSOS) – used on the VS line of minicomputer systems.
  • WICAT Multiuser Computer System (WMCS). MC-68K multiuser O/S for their proprietary microcomputers, used mainly for CBT systems

Wind River Systems

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  • VxWorks Small footprint, scalable, high-performance RTOS for embedded microprocessor based systems.[5]

Non-standard language-based

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Other proprietary non-Unix-like

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Other proprietary Unix-like and POSIX-compliant

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Research and other POSIX-compliant

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Free and open source

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Ubuntu, esimerkki Linux-järjestelmästä


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Free and open source

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Disk operating systems (DOS)

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Pääartikkeli: DOS
  • 86-DOS (developed at Seattle Computer Products by Tim Paterson for the new Intel 808x CPUs; licensed to Microsoft, became PC DOS/MS-DOS. Also known by its working title QDOS.)
    • PC DOS (IBM's DOS variant, developed jointly with Microsoft, versions 1.0–7.0, 2000, 7.10)
    • MS-DOS (Microsoft's DOS variant for OEM, developed jointly with IBM, versions 1.x–6.22 Microsoft's now abandoned DOS variant)
  • Concurrent CP/M-86 3.1 (BDOS 3.1) with PC-MODE (Digital Research's successor of CP/M-86 and MP/M-86)
    • Concurrent DOS 3.1-4.1 (BDOS 3.1-4.1)
      • Concurrent PC DOS 3.2 (BDOS 3.2) (Concurrent DOS variant for IBM compatible PCs)
        • DOS Plus 1.1, 1.2 (BDOS 4.1), 2.1 (BDOS 5.0) (single-user, multi-tasking system derived from Concurrent DOS 4.1-5.0)
      • Concurrent DOS 8-16 (dual-processor variant of Concurrent DOS for 8086 and 8080 CPUs)
      • Concurrent DOS 286 1.x
      • Concurrent DOS 386 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 (BDOS 5.0-6.2)
      • Concurrent DOS XM 5.0, 5.2, 6.0, 6.2 (BDOS 5.0-6.2) (real-mode variant of Concurrent DOS with EEMS support)
        • DR DOS 3.31, 3.32, 3.33, 3.34, 3.35, 5.0, 6.0 (BDOS 6.0-7.1) single-user, single-tasking native DOS derived from Concurrent DOS 6.0)
          • Novell PalmDOS 1 (BDOS 7.0)
          • Novell DR DOS "StarTrek"
          • Novell DOS 7 (single-user, multi-tasking system derived from DR DOS, BDOS 7.2)
            • Novell DOS 7 updates 1-10 (BDOS 7.2)
              • Caldera OpenDOS 7.01 (BDOS 7.2)
                • Enhanced DR-DOS 7.01.0x (BDOS 7.2)
                  • Dell Real Mode Kernel (DRMK)
            • Novell DOS 7 updates 11-15.2 (BDOS 7.2)
              • Caldera DR-DOS 7.02-7.03 (BDOS 7.3)
                • DR-DOS "WinBolt"
                • OEM DR-DOS 7.04-7.05 (BDOS 7.3)
                • OEM DR-DOS 7.06 (PQDOS)
                • OEM DR-DOS 7.07 (BDOS 7.4/7.7)
  • FreeDOS (open source DOS variant)
  • ProDOS (operating system for the Apple II series computers)
  • PTS-DOS (DOS variant by Russian company Phystechsoft)
  • TurboDOS (Software 2000, Inc.) for Z80 and Intel 8086 processor-based systems
  • Multi-tasking user interfaces and environments for DOS


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Generic, commodity, and other

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For Elektronika BK

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Kämmentietokoneet (PDA)

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Mobiililaitteet ja älypuhelimet

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Muut sulautetut

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LEGO Mindstorms

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  1. 4.5.1. What are the characteristics of the Lisa Workshop? 12.11.2006. Viitattu 21.9.2013.
  2. Operating System Reference Manual for the Lisa Viitattu 21.9.2013.
  3. "RTOS: extending OS/360 for real time spaceflight control", J. L. Johnstone, in AFIPS '69 (Spring) Proceedings of the May 14–16, 1969, spring joint computer conference, pages 15-27.
  4. SCO History by William Bader Viitattu 12.3.2010.
  5. a b
  6. Эльбрус Бабаяна и Pentium Пентковского Viitattu 21.9.2013.
  7. a b Capability-Based Computer Systems Viitattu 21.9.2013.
  9. "JNode 0.2.8 Released", Thom Holwerda, OSNews, 4 February 2009.
  10. Jnode: Java New Operating System Design Effort (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Retrieved 24 July 2014.
  11. Fujitsu Extended System Architecture (EXA) Operating System Viitattu 21.9.2013.
  12. HP News - LG Electronics Acquires webOS from HP to Enhance Smart TV 25.2.2013. Arkistoitu 24.5.2018. Viitattu 21.9.2013.
  13. Free GNU/Linux distributions 10.4.2013. Viitattu 1.10.2013.; LibreWRT 25.7.2013. Arkistoitu 5.10.2013. Viitattu 1.10.2013.
  15. Wulf, William A.; Harbison, Samual P.: Reflections in a pool of processors - An experience report on C.mmp/Hydra University of Auckland. Viitattu 21.9.2013.

Aiheesta muualla

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