Applications Android
Peliculas online Español
Peliculas online Español Android App
Enjoy all the best movies from anywhere in the worldPeliculas online Español is an app that, as its name suggests, lets you watch movies online either using a WiFi or 3G/4G connection. That said, you need to have good coverage because you'll be using a lot of data.
The movies are divided by genre, making it much easier to find what you like. When you open the app you'll find 10 categories: trailers, new releases, action, adventure, science fiction, comedy, drama, police films, romance, and horror. When you open any of these categories, you'll find an extensive catalog of movies with a link to watch them online.
Peliculas online Español lets you watch movies from your Android device which is extremely useful if you have a smartphone with a relatively large screen. Watching movies from anywhere at anytime has never been easier.
RequirementsRequires Android 2.3.3 or higher Info Info
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