Food Guest Post

Food Guest PostFood Guest Post

Welcome to F and B Recipes! As you might have noticed, we welcome freelancers, experts, chefs…basically everyone who is passionate about food to contribute a Food Guest Post. We do so because of a few reasons. 

Firstly, we want to give you a voice to share your experiences, food stories and food discoveries.

After all, sharing information with an audience who genuinely appreciates it is one of the best things, isn’t it? 

Secondly, and on a more personal note, we love to hear people’s stories from across the globe.

Our readers love to read about new food trends, local cuisines, street foods, etc. This helps all of us become better cooks. 

Of course, you must be wondering what makes us better than all the other food blogs that accept guest post. Here are a few reasons:


It’s your platform

We cover a wide range of topics on our website ranging from equipment to food guides and food trends to recipes.

We love talking about how you stumbled upon the recipe and how you made it better. 

If you decide to publish an article on our site, you share it in front of an audience of 20,000 unique visitors every month.

Apart from that, our Pinterest page has over 140K unique visitors each month. 





Great exposure

As we earlier said, we accept a food guest post from everyone right from a freelancer building up their portfolio to novice chefs experimenting with new recipes.

Some also happen to have their own food blogs or products that they believe will be suitable for our readers. 

Whatever the case, writing for F and B Recipes offers you an excellent opportunity to gain exposure amongst an in-built audience that genuinely appreciates what you offer.  

Each article on the website is placed on top of the blog roll in order to attract the maximum number of eyes.

With so many readers visiting the site, you are bound to have a few hundred (if not thousands) interested in getting in touch with you regarding your products/services/recipes. 


We help you

When we started this blog, we knew what our audience needed but that isn’t always the case, especially if you’re new to food blogging.

We share our expertise and help you develop an article that is engaging, informative and most importantly, relatable. 

Feel free to send us your draft even if you are not an experienced writer.

You need to be passionate about the topic you wish to cover and we promise to help you everything else. 


What we like to write about

Hopefully, we have now convinced you to share your insight with our readers.

If so, we want to offer you a guiding hand so that your articles cover the topics our readers are generally interested in.

Ideas relating to the following will always be considered:

  • Kitchen equipment
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Vegetarian recipes
  • Non-vegetarian recipes
  • Vegan recipes
  • Soup recipes
  • Appetiser recipes
  • Salad recipes
  • Food trends
  • Local recipes
  • Cocktails and drinks
  • Baking
  • Dessert recipes
  • Food recipes 
  • Food blogging

We also accept expert opinions, food guides, tips and tricks, etc. Also, we’d be happy to discuss any other topic idea you have but is not covered in the above-mentioned list. 



As for the format, we find that our readers enjoy articles that are easy to grasp, relatable, unique and informative. 



Please send us your article after reading our submission guidelines at