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5 Signs to Tell What Controlling Parents Really Looks Like

Help Kids, Help Parents

FamiSafe lets parents control screen time, track real-time location and detect inappropriate content on kids' devices.

Parenting is a difficult task, and each parent has their own parenting style. Every child is entitled to love and a healthy connection with their parents. Unfortunately, it's not always that straightforward; just because someone raised you doesn't mean you'll get along with them smoothly and without conflict.


Usually, parents prioritize their child's wishes, needs, and worries over their own. Their vast experience might act as a beacon of hope for their children. This increases children's awareness and understanding, as well as their readiness for life's difficulties. Although it is admirable to guide children, it is unreasonable to expect them to behave and make decisions per their parents' wishes. Children have individual features, likes, and dislikes and are born at different times than their parents.

Part 1: 5 signs of controlling parents

We have mentioned the 5 signs of overbearing parents down below:

Sign 1Refuse to communicate with kids

When your child starts telling you about the random aspects of their day at school, confesses to you about a peer pressure issue they're having trouble with, or wants to tell you about a future dream. It's a significant event. These heart to heart conversations are important to build a stronger bond with your child. Swooping in mid-conversation to assist your child to solve their problem is a significant error that controlling parents make as an expression of affection. When we propose ideas quickly, we're telling the other person that they aren't smart enough to come up with a solid answer on their own. Strict parenting can have a negative impact on communication. As a form of self-preservation, children afraid of constant criticism and rebuke learn to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves.


We also deprive our children of the opportunity to develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities on their own.

Tips: Parents should listen to their kid's problems without judging them.

Sign 2Show no respect to child's privacy

You have your child's teachers' phone numbers so you can obtain updates on how they're doing in class regularly. Your kid won't be able to go to his friend's house down the block until you call on the hour. You're always checking in on your kids to see whether they're okay and if there's anything you can do to help them. Overbearing parents tend to go overboard. We want to make sure they're okay, but this might lead to us suffocating them and panicking out when they're not around.

Tips: Balance all of these check-ins to avoid driving yourself and others insane with a constant desire for reassurance.

Speak with your child to find out how they're doing, but don't go overboard as your kids are human and need some privacy and space.

Sign 3Get involved in child's social life

While it is beneficial to introduce our children to other children on occasion, this does not mean that we can push them into friendships just because it would be wonderful if your best mom friend's children were best friends with yours. However, there is a compelling reason to intervene when it is essential. Undoubtedly, so-called unhealthy friendships, such as another kid physically or emotionally abusing your child, must be handled.


Tips: Don't intervene in your kids' social life until it is necessary because it will impact their confidence and social skills.

Sign 4Give only conditional love

It's fairly unusual for a controlling parent to withhold affection as a kind of manipulation when these high expectations aren't reached. When kids fail to match their expectations, a controlling parent withholds love, affection, or acceptance. If a parent only loves or praises their child when they receive high grades, that's conditional love and a symptom of a controlling parent.

If you follow their instructions, they will lavish you with love and admiration. They grow irritated and may threaten to withdraw their financial assistance if you ever follow your heart.

Tips: Try to understand your kids.

They need your love more when they fail or fall.

Your love shouldn't depend on their grades or performance.

Sign 5Plan child's future one-sided

This year, your youngster wants to try baseball, but you know they're a soccer prodigy. Your child wants to join the math team alongside his closest buddy, but you know that geography is their strong suit. They'd like to attend a different summer camp than the one they've attended for the previous four years. We might unintentionally prevent our children from branching out on their own.


Tips: • Allow your children to make some decisions about their hobbies and ambitions.

• They'll appreciate the independence and grow into more self-reliant individuals, which we all desire for our children.

Part 2: Boundary between Controlling and Helping

It's normal to have conflicts with your parents. The difference between directing, influencing, helping, and controlling is subtle. You may be confused at times, wondering if your parents are attempting to control your life.

It is not okay to keep checking your kid's mobile or follow them everywhere because it can shatter their self-confidence and breach their privacy. However, you can help your child form good habits independently by using a parental control app like Famisafe. FamiSafe is a popular parental control app that doesn't require rooting or jailbreaking. FamiSafe will give you comprehensive control over your child's phone, from screening age-inappropriate material to regulating screen time. Here is how you can benefit from this parental control app:

• The Activity Report dashboard allows you to keep track of your child's online activity daily.

• You can see your surfing history and app use in chronological order.

• It also gives you insight into what your child searches for on the internet.

• Knowing the answers to these questions might help you learn more about your child's passions and struggles.

• The FamiSafe location tracker allows you to monitor your child's position in real-time. You are not required to make phone calls or rely on them to keep you informed.

• You can use Google Maps to see where your loved ones have been using the FamiSafe smartphone tracker.

• You can establish Geofence regions using the FamiSafe kid tracker. You will be notified if your child goes to sites you don't approve of.

• When your child's smartphone runs out of battery, the FamiSafe GPS position tracker can alert you.

Here are more articles about the same topic:

Should Parents Monitor Kids' Phones?

How To Deal With The Relationship Between Parents And Children?

Wondershare Famisafe

FamiSafe lets parents control screen time, track real-time location and detect inappropriate content on kids' devices.

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If you are a controlling and overbearing parent, you should have known that too much control and interference can make your kids rebellious and angry. It can also affect their critical thinking, confidence, and social skills. Give your kids the space and privacy they need. However, if you want to monitor them, you can use a parental control app like Famisafe to ensure whether they are safe or not.

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