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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Marking the 16th day that Sophie's has been blocked by oil tankers for Con Ed work

Today marks the 16th day that Con Ed has parked these loud, smelly oil-processing rigs on Fifth Street at Avenue A... belching a pungent smell into the immediate area and completely blocking the front of Sophie's, the longtime bar at 507 E. Fifth St. (and the reason EVG started)...
A bartender said the trucks are "killing" their business.


Anonymous said...

Sophie's has so many regulars, I don't believe they relay on passers by on 5th St.

Simon E said...

I don’t think they are processing anything, just bringing in lots of mineral oil (thankfully not *oil* oil) for the enormous transformers, used as a coolant.

Scuba Diva said...

IMO, ConEd is doing this out of spite; change my mind.

bill said...

Con Job Ed

Anonymous said...

Feel bad for those folks living that building - the horror of it all

Anonymous said...

ConEd are a special bunch. When my power went out 2 years ago in the dead of summer thanks to a negligent landlord who assured me the apartment's account was in his name (it wasn't), I called ConEd, got the run-around for a couple hours and finally told them it was an emergency and I needed my electricity back on. They turned the juice back on in an hour and then I got a call from a manager there who insisted I needed to send over proof of a medical need for emergency electricity restoration. I insisted I never told them it was a medical issue, merely that I had a fridge full of food I didn't want to spoil and it was 95+ degrees in August. His angry response was "well, we never would have hustled to get your power restored if we'd known that." I literally laughed out loud.

Anonymous said...

That's surprising to think that really would affect a business like Sophie's, but that sucks if it is.
Con Ed has definitely been mad annoying lately, constantly just coning off tons of public parking and then just having their staff use it for their own cars, tearing up streets and then just leaving it instead of getting the work done, these trucks that are seemingly there forever. The work they've been doing all of a sudden seems never ending, I've never seem so much Con Ed stuff going down and they think they rule the roost! Plus they took the bike dock I sometimes used.

Anonymous said...

Coned is the worst. A few years ago in the middle of winter while doing an inspection, they turned off the hot water. The process of getting them to come back to turn it back on took 2 weeks and me sending them several notes that I would sue if they continue to neglect the building and its tenants.. They fixed it right away.

Anonymous said...

I was in there a couple of Saturdays ago, the tankers were out front and the place was jammed and it was still light out.