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The governing body of the European Mathematical Society is its Council which meets once every two years. The work of the Society is mainly done through committees set up by the Executive Committee to cover all areas of mathematics.

The normal practice is that membership of the committees of the European Mathematical Society is subject to the following rules:

  • Each member serves a four year term, with the possibility of one more term of four years.

  • Each committee chair serves a four year term, with the possibility of one more term of two years.

  • Cases in which a member becomes a chair will be handled individually, with the intention that no one should serve more than eight years in total in whatever role.

  • Each committee member must be an individual member of the EMS and has paid the membership fees for the years, during which committee service takes place.

Executive Committee

Represents the Society and carries out the wishes of Council.

EMS standing committees

Applications and Interdisciplinary Relations

To foster interactions between Mathematics and other disciplines in Sciences, Technology, and Social Sciences and to promote the implications of all areas of Mathematics in this endeavour.

Developing Countries

Assisting developing countries to develop curricula, training, libraries, centres of excellence and information for PhD programmes.


To report, and where appropriate to act, on educational issues that are, or should be, of concern to EMS members, while not replicating work that is the responsibility of national mathematics societies.


A forum of Scientific Directors of European Research Centres in the Mathematical Sciences, to foster advanced research training.


The Ethics Committee focuses on promoting ethical behaviour in mathematical research, publication, and related matters. It will challenge unethical behaviour which includes, for example, plagiarism, duplicate publication, inadequate citations, inflated self-citations, dishonest refereeing, failing to address conflicts of interest or incorrect handling of submissions.

European Solidarity

Undertaking actions to reduce inequalities in the access to mathematical activities in research and higher education as well as to information in the geographical area of EMS membership.

Mathematics Outreach and Engagement

Raising public awareness of the importance of mathematics for contemporary society in a cultural and historical perspective.


Offers advice to the Executive Committee in all questions related to meetings and summer school activities, proposals for EMS Weekends, as well as manage nominations for EMS Lecturers and EMS Distinguished Speakers.

Publications and Electronic Dissemination

PED's remit is to address issues relating to the publishing of scholarly mathematical literature, and access provision.

Women in Mathematics

Addressing issues relating to the involvement, retention and progression of women in mathematics, and supporting and promoting the recognition of the achievements of women mathematicians.

Committee of Committee Chairs

Committe of Committee Chars (C^3) was established as a platform for communication, sharing of information and experiences and for effective cooperation between the EMS standing committees, EMYA and the Executive Committee both with each other and with other bodies (EMS Office, Community Engagement Manager, EMS Press etc.).