Apparatus / method estimate LOS rotation, to track, approach, pursue, intercept or avoid objects. Vehicle-fixed imagers approach / recede-from objects, recording image series with background. Computations, from images exclusively, estimate rotation vs. the vehicle, applying the estimate. Preferably, recording / estimating provide proportional navigation; scan mirrors extend strapdown-sensor FOR; applying includes measuring “range rate over range”, exclusively from interimage
optical flow, using results to optimize proportional-navigation
loop gain; estimating includes evaluating interframe
optical flow, preregistering roughly as first approximation, selecting sequence anchor points, and applying a second, finer technique developing output registration that's a coordinate translation, aligning inertial surroundings. The approximation operates
optical flow with efficient embedded registration / mapping, applying a
homography matrix to nearby imagery. Alternatively, inexpensive low-quality inertial sensors establish preregistration, deriving a
homography matrix. When contrast in the object direction is inadequate, dual sensors yield accurate virtual imaging with an object
centroid superposed into background.