One or more machine code entities such as functions are created which represent solutions to a problem and are directly
executable by a computer. The programs are created and altered by a program in a higher level language such as "C" which is not directly
executable, but requires translation into
executable machine code through compilation, interpretation, translation, etc. The entities are initially created as an integer array that can be altered by the program as data, and are executed by the program by recasting a pointer to the array as a
function type. The entities are evaluated by executing them with training data as inputs, and calculating fitnesses based on a predetermined criterion. The entities are then altered based on their fitnesses using a
machine learning
algorithm by recasting the pointer to the array as a data (e.g. integer) type. This process is iteratively repeated until an end criterion is reached. The entities evolve in such a manner as to improve their fitness, and one entity is ultimately produced which represents an optimal solution to the problem. Each entity includes a plurality of directly executable
machine code instructions, a header, a footer, and a return instruction. The instructions include
branch instructions which enable subroutines, leaf functions, external function calls,
recursion, and loops. The
system can be implemented on an
integrated circuit chip, with the entities stored in
high speed memory in a
central processing unit.