The invention discloses a plaster which can activate blood circulation to dissipate
blood stasis and dispel wind and remove obstruction in the meridians. The plaster is prepared according to a certain weight proportion by a plurality of Chinese medicines such as angelica, rhizoma ligustici wallichii, red sage root,
semen persicae, safflower,
eupatorium, rhizoma sparganii, zedoary root, leeches, chinese
magnolia officinalis, asafetida,
myrrh, caulis spatholobi,
polygonum cuspidatum, resina draconis, radices pseudoginseng,
white mustard seed,
pangolin, radices gentianae macrophyllae, radix clematidis, aristolochiae mollissimae, long-noded
pit viper, wu chia pee, rhizoma homalomenae, herba siegesbeckiae, futokadsura stem, paniculate swallowwort root, yam, rhizoma dioscoreae hypoglaueae, rhizoma et radix notopterygii, chinese ephedra, radix sileris, szechuan aconite,
cassia stem, centipedes, earthworms, cortex cercis,
scorpion, seed of nuxvomica poison nut, tree peony
bark, radix paeoniae rubra,
phellodendron, radix scutellariae, radix sophorae flavescentis, rhizoma atractylodis,
forsythia, radix semiaquilegiae, fourstamen
stephania root,
antler, radices morindae, cortex eucommiae, Himalayan teasel root, rhizoma cibotii, fructus broussonetiae, herba taxilli,
camphor and musk, etc. The plaster of the invention has the functions of activating of
blood circulation to dissipate
blood stasis, expelling wind and freeing channel, detumescence by detoxification, eliminating pathogenic heat from the blood, nourishing liver and kidneys and strengthening bones and tendons, etc., and has fast treatment effects and high
recovery rate on treating diseases such as
cervical spondylosis, periarthritis of the shoulder,
closed fracture and
facial paralysis, etc.