A method for performing radiological-image-guided percutaneous surgery with a
system which includes a radiological image generating device for generating an image of a target
anatomy of a patient, and a
needle insertion mechanism disposed adjacent the image generating device and having a needle adapted to be inserted into the patient. The method includes the steps of: determining a needle trajectory of the needle by positioning the image generating device for aligning, in the image generated by the image generating device, a desired
skin insertion site of the patient with a target region of the target
anatomy; locking the needle in a direction of the needle trajectory; and repositioning the image generating device to obtain a
lateral view of the needle trajectory for viewing an
insertion depth and path of the needle during its
insertion into the patient. Moreover, a motion transmission mechanism includes an output shaft and an output shaft driver which has two rotational components having respective contact faces between which the output shaft is pressed for frictional engagement therewith. The frictional engagement creates a force between the output shaft and the rotational components which is parallel to the
rotational axis of the rotational components for allowing the rotational components to impart a
translational motion to the output shaft by virtue of their rotational motion.