A cost effective, two component, high-solids elastomeric coating. The
coating is comprised of a chemically cross-linked resin for the purpose of substrate
corrosion control, and chemical containment service. This invention may be applied by conventional application techniques including, but not limited to:
brush applied, squeegee applied, roller applied, trowel applied, and both single and plural component spray applied. The
coating may be optionally reinforced with fabric or
fiber reinforcement
layers, and the
system components of the elastomeric coating to provide an engineered
composite coating. The coating imparts excellent
adhesive properties, in particular to: oil-contaminated substrates, a variety of low
surface energy substrates, and on a variety of electronegative substrates. The invention's specific chemical resistive properties are designed such: for
exposure to boiling water, resistance to brines, and resistance to a
broad spectrum of
solid and aqueous acids and caustics. The physical properties include excellent flexibility and the ability to elongate and contract across a broad temperature range (−100° F. to +260° F.). Performance properties of the installed coating include: weatherability, abrasion resistance,
impact strength,
chip resistance, and dimensional stability. Long-term aging properties of the material are exceptional.