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Englishconnect Workbook 2

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Las historias y los nombres que se usan en este manual, con excepción de las páginas 10, 14, 18, 22, 33, 46,
50, 54, 66, 70, 78, 82, 93, 94, 98 y 100, son ejemplos ficticios, y las imágenes usadas son solamente ilustrativas.

Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah

© 2021, 2022 por Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Todos los derechos reservados.

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Traducción de EnglishConnect 2 Workbook
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Printed in the United States of America
English Connect 2 | III















IV | English Connect 2
















English Connect 2 | V

El cuaderno de ejercicios de EnglishConnect está concebido para utilizarse como un recurso que acompaña
el manual del alumno de EnglishConnect. El propósito de este cuaderno de ejercicios es ayudarle a desarro-
llar sus aptitudes en inglés y aumentar su fe por medio de actividades y relatos. También le ayudará a prac-
ticar el vocabulario y las estructuras gramaticales de cada lección de EnglishConnect en las cuatro áreas de
aptitudes: comprensión oral, conversación, lectura y escritura. Cada lección en el cuaderno de ejercicios está
dividida en las siguientes secciones que aparecen a continuación.


Cada lección comienza con una o más conversaciones. El propósito es presentar el vocabulario, el tema, y las
estructuras gramaticales de la lección y promover la comprensión oral y de lectura. Cada sección de “Conver-
sation” sigue el mismo modelo:
1. Escuche. Escuche toda la conversación.
2. Escuche y repita. Escuche la conversación línea por línea y repita en voz alta lo que escuche.
3. Escriba la palabra que falte. Escriba las palabras que falten de la conversación. Escoja de entre las pala-
bras del recuadro.
4. Lea en voz alta. Lea la conversación en voz alta para practicarla.
5. Responda las preguntas (no se incluye en todas las lecciones). Esta parte verifica su comprensión de la


La cantidad de actividades varía en cada lección. Las actividades incluyen cuadros de gramática, actividades
de lectura, escritura, comprensión oral y conversación; y relatos. Siga las instrucciones de cada parte de una
actividad. Para las actividades de comprensión oral, consulte el número y la letra de la actividad correspon-
diente en la grabación de audio, por ejemplo, “Activity 2B”. Para las actividades de conversación, recuerde
hablar en voz alta. Puede verificar sus respuestas en la “Answer Key” que se encuentra en la parte posterior
de este cuaderno.



Esta sección está destinada a ayudarle a practicar el hablar inglés usando lo que ha aprendido en la lección.
Con un compañero, repase el “Vocabulary” que se encuentra en la parte posterior de este cuaderno y realice
las actividades de esta sección. Diga lo más que pueda en cada actividad. Utilice este tiempo para practicar
de verdad el hablar en inglés.


Estos relatos y las actividades están concebidos para expandir sus habilidades de leer, escuchar, hablar y
escribir en inglés, así como a ayudarle a incrementar su fe en Jesucristo. Cada sección de “Expansion Activi-
ties” se desarrolla en torno a un relato inspirador. Para esta sección, haga lo siguiente:
VI | English Connect 2

1. Aprenda el vocabulario. Aprenda el significado de las palabras y frases del vocabulario que se indican
en esta sección antes de leer el relato. Esto le ayudará a prepararse tanto para leer el relato como para
entender las palabras y frases clave del relato.
2. Escuche. Escuche cada sección del relato. Puede hacer esto tantas veces como sea necesario.
3. Lea en voz alta. Lea la historia en voz alta para practicar la lectura y la pronunciación y para poder enten-
der el relato. Quizás desee escuchar el relato otra vez y leerlo al mismo tiempo.
4. Aprenda el vocabulario. El vocabulario está para ayudarle a entender los pasajes de las Escrituras y las
citas que acompañan al relato. Aprenda el significado de las palabras y frases del vocabulario que se indi-
can antes de estudiar los pasajes de las Escrituras y las citas.
5. Lea en voz alta. A fin de practicar la lectura y la pronunciación, asegúrese de leer los pasajes de las Escri-
turas y las citas varias veces en voz alta.
6. Medite. Estas preguntas están concebidas para ayudarle a pensar sobre el principio que se enseña en el
relato. Dedique tiempo a meditarlas. Quizás desee escribir sus respuestas a las preguntas.
7. Escriba. Para esta sección, usted realizará una actividad de escritura que le ayudará a aplicar el principio
del relato.
8. Converse. Para esta sección, usted realizará una actividad de conversación que le ayudará a hablar sobre
el relato que haya leído y el principio que haya aprendido. Tales actividades comprenden volver a contar
el relato, contar una experiencia personal que esté relacionada o compartir con otras personas impresio-
nes o metas que estén relacionadas con el relato.


En la siguiente tabla se muestran las instrucciones comúnmente utilizadas en este cuaderno de ejercicios.
Los iconos indican las aptitudes que se utilizarán en las actividades. Vea la traducción de las instrucciones si
no las entiende en inglés.


Listen. Escuche
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita.
Listen to the question/example. Escuche la pregunta o el ejemplo.
Listen and read. Escuche y lea.
Listen, and then answer the question. Escuche, y luego responda la pregunta.
You may listen more than once. Puede escucharla más de una vez.
*The audio for this book can be accessed *Se puede acceder al audio para este
at cuaderno en
English Connect 2 | VII


Repeat. Repita.
Answer aloud. Responda en voz alta.
Introduce _____. Presente a _____.
Retell the story. Vuelva a contar el relato.
SPEAKING Tell the story/scripture to____. Cuente el relato o lea el pasaje de las
CONVERSACIÓN Escrituras a _____.
Practice saying the questions aloud. Practique decir las preguntas en voz alta.
Say ____. Diga _____.
Practice saying _____. Practique decir _____.

Read aloud. Lea en voz alta.

Read aloud, then listen. Lea en voz alta, luego escuche.
Read the question. Lea la pregunta.
Study the chart. Estudie el cuadro.
READING Choose the correct response. Escoja la respuesta correcta.
LECTURA Choose all that are correct. Escoja todas las opciones correctas.
Answer the questions. Responda las preguntas.
Number the pictures. Enumere las ilustraciones.
Learn the vocabulary. Aprenda el vocabulario.
Read the scriptures aloud. Lea los pasajes de las Escrituras en
voz alta.
Ponder. Medite.

Write the missing/correct word. Escriba la palabra que falte o la palabra

Rewrite the complete sentence. Vuelva a escribir la oración completa.
Write what you hear. Escriba lo que escuche.
WRITING Fill in the blanks/missing words. Complete los espacios vacíos o las pala-
ESCRITURA bras que falten.
Write an/the answer (in a complete Escriba una/la respuesta (en una oración
sentence). completa).
Finish the sentence. Termine la oración.
Be creative. Sea creativo.

El aprender un nuevo idioma es un proceso que requiere tiempo, paciencia y perseverancia. Dios puede
ayudarle a lograr sus metas. Ore para pedir ayuda. Complete con diligencia las actividades de este cuaderno.
Ponga en práctica lo que aprenda. A medida que actúe con fe a fin de procurar la ayuda de Dios y haga su
mejor esfuerzo, mejorará su habilidad de hablar, escuchar, leer y escribir en inglés.

¡Le extendemos nuestros mejores deseos en su camino de aprendizaje de inglés!

4 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 1



A. Study the chart. The English Alphabet
Listen and repeat.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz vowels: a, e, i, o, u

B. Listen and repeat.

A a = apple B b = boy C c = cat D d = dog

E e = egg F f = fan G g = gum H h = hand

I i = itch J j = jump K k = key L l = leg

M m = mom N n = neck O o = olive P p = pot

Q q = quiet R r = rock S s = sun T t = tiger

U u = under V v = violin W w = water X x = X-ray

Y y = yellow Z z = zebra
LESSON 1—EnglishConnect 2 | 5


A. Study the chart. Read about vowels. Vowel Short Long

In English, vowels usually make two sounds: a apple age
• a short sound e egg eat
This is the most common. i itch ice
• a long sound o olive open
This is when the vowel says it’s own name.
u under uniform
B. Listen and repeat.
a e i o u


apple egg itch olive under


age eat ice open uniform

C. Listen. Write the word in the correct box. Say the word aloud.
1. apple 2. eat 3. it 4. off 5. unit
ape end ice over up
ate ear ivy olive under
and eel in on United States
at egg itch open uncle
April exit I’m old uniform
Short a Long a Short e Long e Short i Long i Short o Long o Short u Long u


A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Read aloud. D. Listen to the names. Write what you hear.
1. Hello. What is your name? 1.
2. Regina. 2.
3. Could you spell that, please? 3.
4. R-e-g-i-n-a.
5. Could you repeat that, please?
6. R-e-g-i-n-a.
7. Thank you! 6.
6 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 2



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Hi! I’m Susan. your name?
2. I’m Romy. are you from, Susan?
3. I’m Canada.
4. What you?
5. I’m from Germany, and is my friend
6. from the United States.
7. She to travel, and so do I.
8. What do you to do?
What’s about this likes
Where She’s from like


Contractions A. Read the chart. B. Listen to the examples, and repeat.

What is What’s
1. What is . . . What’s 5. does not . . . doesn’t
I am I’m
It is It’s 2. I am . . . I’m 6. I don’t like to cook.
do not don’t 3. It is . . . It’s 7. He doesn’t like to cook.
does not doesn’t 4. do not . . . don’t


A. Choose the correct word or words. Then listen.
1. I to play soccer. 4. I to sew.
a. don’t like a. don’t like
b. doesn’t like b. doesn’t like
c. like c. like
d. likes d. likes
2. She to play the violin. 5. They to cook.
a. don’t like a. don’t like
b. doesn’t like b. doesn’t like
c. like c. like
d. likes d. likes
3. Karly to shop. 6. Danny to travel.
a. don’t like a. don’t like
b. doesn’t like b. doesn’t like
c. like c. like
d. likes d. likes
LESSON 2—EnglishConnect 2 | 7

B. Listen to the audio for 1–4. Match the audio to the picture. Write the number.


A. Study the chart. B. Listen and repeat.

Asking Questions—What 1. What do you like to do?
I I like to cook.
do you 2. What does he like to do?
don’t they He likes to travel.
What we like to do? 3. What don’t they like to do?
They don’t like to cook.
he/she/it 4. What doesn’t she like to do?
She doesn’t like to shop.
C. Listen, and then answer the questions. Listen to the answers.

1. 2. 3. 4.


A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

So 1. Veronica to bake.
likes 2. about you, Pam?
don’t like 3. No, Jim. I to bake, but I like to play soccer.
What 4. do I.
E. Answer the questions.
1. Veronica likes to . 2. Jim likes to . 3. Pam doesn’t like to .
a. a. a.

b. b. b.
8 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 2


A. Read, and then write the answer to the question. Use a complete sentence.
1. This is Hannah. She is from 2. This is Min Ho. He’s from
Germany. She likes to cook. Korea. He doesn’t like to play
What doesn’t she like to soccer. What does he like to
do? do?

3. Yina and Kamila are from 4. Here are Sam and Kira. They
Costa Rica. They don’t like are from Canada. They like to
to run. What do they like to dance. What don’t they like to
do? do?

B. Listen and write about Sarah. Where is she from? What does she like to do?


A. Help your practice partner review vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make
sure they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. 1. Show your practice partner pictures of your friends and family and introduce them. Name
things they like to do. Example: “This is my sister, Becky. She likes to swim and sing.”
2. Ask your practice partner to restate what you told them about your family and friends.
3. Ask your practice partner to show you pictures of his or her family and to introduce them.
For example, ask, “What is her name?” and, “What does she like to do?”
4. Have your practice partner ask you questions about your family.
C. 1. Help your practice partner talk about Sarah from Activity 6B.
2. Help your practice partner introduce someone. (Use the photos below.)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Lucas, Brazil Yina and Kamila, Costa Rica Nitha, Thailand Hans, Germany
LESSON 2—EnglishConnect 2 | 9


1. Learn the vocabulary: hip, wheelchair, attention, priesthood blessing Based on a true story.
2. Listen and read. 3. Read aloud.

David is eight years old. He likes One day when David wakes up, his The next day his other hip hurts.
to run and play baseball. He plays left hip hurts. He can’t walk well. He He can’t walk at all. His mother
with his friends. can’t play with his friends. takes him to the doctor.

The doctor runs tests. They find a “He might not be able to walk At first, David likes the attention
problem with his hips. “He will be again.” David’s mother is very sad. from his friends. He is happy in the
in a wheelchair soon,” says the She prays for help. wheelchair.

Several days later, David is He asks his father for a priesthood A few weeks after the blessing,
unhappy in the wheelchair. He blessing. He says, “I know Heavenly David is no longer in a wheelchair.
wants to run and play with his Father can heal me.” He can walk again. He had faith,
friends. and Heavenly Father healed him.

4. Learn the vocabulary: faith, impossible, principle, action, power

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
Faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true (see Hebrews 11:1; Alma 32:21).
“Faith is a principle of action and of power” (Bible Dictionary, “Faith”).
”If ye have faith . . . nothing shall be impossible” (Matthew 17:20).
6. Ponder: What is faith? How can faith help you learn English?
7. Write: Finish the sentence. With faith, I can
8. Speak: Retell the story to three people. Then talk about how faith can help you learn English.
10 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 3



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. So, do you like doing?

2. , I like writing.
3. Really? do you like doing that?
4. I like it it’s relaxing. What do you
like doing?
5. I like playing because it’s
good exercise.
6. I like playing sports.
7. Why ?
8. B
 ecause it’s tiring. What are some things you
don’t like ? basketball doing boring not
9. I don’t like reading because it’s . what Well because don’t Why


A. Study the chart.
I / you / we / they
don’t like
(verb) + ing
he/she/it likes
doesn’t like
B. Look at the pictures below. Listen and repeat.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

C. Look at the pictures above. Write the missing word. Use the words in the box.
1. He likes . 6. She like swimming.
2. He doesn’t like . 7. They like .
3. They like . 8. He dancing.
4. They don’t like . 9. They reading.
5. She likes . 10. She doesn’t like .
dancing like playing games painting cooking don’t jogging doesn’t likes reading bowling
LESSON 3—EnglishConnect 2 | 11

D. Finish the sentences. Read the sentences aloud.

1. I like . 2. I don’t like .

ACTIVITY 3: . . . BECAUSE . . .
A. Listen to sentences 1‒5. Choose the correct picture.

1a. 2a. 3a. 4a. 5a. 6a.

b. b. b. b. b. b.

B. Write a sentence with the words below. Use like/don’t like and because.
1. They / go to the park / because / relaxing They like going to the park because it’s relaxing.
2. I / not / do / crossword puzzles / because / boring
3. He / fish / because / fun
4. We / not / cook / because / difficult

C. Read. Choose the correct answer.

This is my friend Sonja. She likes painting because it’s This is my friend Sami. He likes playing soccer because
relaxing. She doesn’t like cooking. She thinks it’s tiring. it’s challenging and fun. He’s a very good soccer
player. He likes dancing, but he is a terrible dancer.
1. Sonja likes painting because it’s . 3. Sami likes playing soccer because it’s .
a. fun a. challenging
b. relaxing b. relaxing
c. exciting c. interesting
2. Why doesn’t Sonja like cooking? 4. S
 ami likes dancing because he is a
a. Because she doesn’t like relaxing. good dancer.
b. Because she thinks it’s boring. a. True
c. Because it’s tiring. b. False


A. Study the chart. B. Read. Listen and repeat.

Asking Questions—Why? 1. Why does she like going to the museum?

She likes it because it’s interesting.
do 2. Why doesn’t he like playing cards?
don’t they He doesn’t like it because it’s boring.
Why we like (verb) + ing? 3. Why don’t they like playing basketball?
They don’t like it because it’s tiring.
he/she/it 4. Why do they like dancing?
They like dancing because it’s fun.
12 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 3


A. Listen. B. Read aloud. C. Answer the questions.

He is from Nigeria, but he lives in He likes working with old people

Sunday is a nurse.
Austria. because he feels happy with them.

He likes baking. He likes smiling. He likes African dancing.

1. What does Sunday like doing? 2. Why does he like working with old people?


Write about three of your friends. What do they like What don’t they like doing? Why?
doing? Why?


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Help your partner answer the questions below using complete sentences. Help him or her practice
asking other questions about the pictures.

Why do they like going to Why doesn’t she like Why does he like Why don’t they like
the park? watching TV? dancing? playing soccer?
LESSON 3—EnglishConnect 2 | 13

C. Help your practice partner talk about these pictures using vocabulary from the lesson.

D. Help your practice partner talk about his or her interests.

For example, ask, “What do you like doing? Why?” and, “What don’t you like doing? Why not?”
Help him or her ask you questions about your interests. Talk about three of your interests.


1. Learn the vocabulary: violinist, worry, remember, know
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

My name is Lindsey. I’m I write music. I eat cereal I had a problem. I wanted to be thin. I worried
a violinist. I dance while to get ideas for songs. about eating all the time. I wasn’t happy. I wanted
I play. to be happy. Many people love me. They helped me

I remember that God I know that I am a I am a violinist, a song And I’m a member of The
loves me. daughter of God. writer, and a YouTuber. Church of Jesus Christ of
I love to eat cereal. Latter-day Saints.

4. Learn the vocabulary: commandment, eternity, truth, might, mind, strength

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said: “My brothers and sisters, the first great commandment of all
eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength. . . . But the first great
truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength”
(“Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 127).
7. Ponder: What does this quote mean? How do you feel God’s love for you?
8. Write: I feel God’s love for me because
9. Speak: Tell three people how you know God loves you.
14 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 4



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. So, tell me about your extended .

2. W
 ell, I two uncles, an aunt, and a
3. Oh, one cousin?
4. I have 10 .
5. Y
 eah, my cousin and I live
6. Oh, ?
7. How old she?
8. She’s 20 years old, a little than me.
9. S
 he actually works in the building
as I do.
10. Oh! does she work?
same family cousins really works
11. She at the bank. Where have younger just is actually


A. Study the chart.
grandfather uncle cousin father-in-law brother-in-law stepfather stepbrother
grandmother aunt niece cousin mother-in-law sister-in-law stepmother stepsister

B. Read and choose the correct answer.

1. This is Katya. Her brother 2. This is Luis. He is with his

has a child. father’s father.
Katya is . He is with his .
a. an aunt a. grandmother
b. an uncle b. uncle
c. a grandmother c. grandfather

3. My name is An. This is my 4. This is Ines. She is my

uncle’s child. brother’s wife.
This is my . She is my .
a. cousin a. mother-in-law
b. niece b. stepsister
c. nephew c. sister-in-law
LESSON 4—EnglishConnect 2 | 15


A. Study the chart. B. Write the correct form of the verb have or be in each sentence.

The Verb Be The Verb Have

I am tall I have long hair
you / we / they thin you / we / they blue eyes
are old have curly hair
he / she / it married he / she / it glasses
is bald has a beard

1. My sisters and I long hair. 4. I have one cousin, and he dark eyes.
2. My grandmother short. 5. My aunt and uncle divorced.
3. I look like my dad. We the same nose. 6. My grandfather a mustache.


A. Listen. Choose the best picture.
1. 2. 3. 4.

a. a. a. a.

b. b. b. b.
B. Write a sentence.
Example: My grandmother / short hair. 3. My sister / curly hair
My grandmother has short hair.
1. My great-grandfather / a beard 4. My grandparents / old

2. My brother and my sister / quiet 5. My niece / tall

C. Listen. Write three things that you hear.

1. 2. 3. 4.
She is my . She is my . He is my . She is my .
She has . She has . He has . She has .
She is . She is . He is . She is .
16 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 4


A. Study the charts.
“Wh-” Questions
Yes/No Questions do you / they
What like doing?
Are you / they married? does he / she
cousins? do you / they live?
Is he / she Where
athletic? does he / she work?
Do you / they have children? do you / they
How many __ have?
like playing soccer? does he / she
Does he / she have a beard?
How old are you / they
B. Listen and write the question you hear. is he / she ?

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Describe one of your grandparents. Write about his or her physical description (eyes, hair, tall/short, and so
on) Write about his or her personality (funny, shy, loud, kind, athletic, and so on). Write five sentences or more.
My grandmother is a wonderful
woman. She has short gray hair.
She is a really good cook. She
always has candy for the
grandchildren. She is a widow.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the pictures below. Help your practice partner think of questions they could ask the
people in the pictures. For example, ask, “Are you married? Is this your grandfather? Are you cousins?
How old is your grandson?” Then show them your own family photos, and help them ask you questions.

C. Look at the pictures in Activity 4. Help your practice partner describe the people in the pictures. They
should include physical descriptions and personality. Then ask your practice partner to:
1. Describe a cousin.
2. Describe a grandparent.
3. Describe a brother or sister.
4. Describe an aunt.
5. Describe a parent.
LESSON 4—EnglishConnect 2 | 17


1. Learn the vocabulary: pioneer, wagon chase, smell, skunk, stink
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

John loves this Henry is a pioneer. He One night, he sees an He chases the animal far
story about his guards the wagons. animal running around from the camp. He hits
great-great-grandfather the tents. He picks up a the animal with the stick.
Henry Williams Nichols. big stick.

He smells something The next morning he John laughs every

He has to wash his
terrible. The animal is a has to eat breakfast by time he reads this
clothes and throw away
skunk. Now he smells himself. He takes many story! He loves his
his shoes.
terrible ! baths because he stinks. great-great-grandfather.

4. Learn the vocabulary: ancestor, sacrifice,

forefathers, plant, promise
5. Read aloud. Then listen.

“And he [Elijah] shall plant in the hearts of the children

the promises made to the fathers, and the hearts of
the children shall turn to their fathers” (Doctrine and
Covenants 2:2).

6. Ponder: What do you know about your ancestors?

What can you learn from their history?
7. Write about one of your ancestors. Write as much
as you can.

8. Speak: Talk about this ancestor to three people.

18 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 5



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. My mom is than my dad.

2. My dad is short and he has a .
3. He’s really .
4. Really? your mom like?
5. She is quiet and .
6. I’m more than my mom but
I’m shorter her.
7. Is your dad ?
8. N
 o, he isn’t. He’s . He always
makes jokes.
like thin than quiet funny What’s
9. He’s and he wears glasses.
outgoing beard bald taller


A. Study the chart.
I am you
him / her
you / we / they are “(adjective)” + -er than them
my sister
he / she is my uncle
my mother
B. Listen to sentences 1–6 and repeat aloud.

1., 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

C. Write a sentence using “(adjective)” + “-er than.” Use the words given.
Example: Sara, Ethan (tall) Sara is taller than Ethan.


Sam Kylie


1. Kylie, Sam (loud) 2. Danilo, Grandma (young) 3. Odalys, Paula (short)

LESSON 5—EnglishConnect 2 | 19


A. Listen to sentences 1–4 and repeat aloud.

1. 2. 3. 4.

B. Listen again. Write what you hear.

1. My cousin, my sister (athletic) 3. Jacques, other chefs (competItive)

2. Cars, bicycles (expensive) 4. My uncle, my aunt (generous)

C. Listen to the question. Answer aloud in a complete sentence.

Cesar Eddy Emile Ron Dave Rich


1. 2. 3. 4. Stella Ben
Wang Wei Li Yong

Culture tip: It is considered rude in the U.S. to say that someone is fat.


A. Listen to the examples. Repeat aloud. B. Listen to sentences 1–5. Choose the best picture.

Example 1 Example 2
I am like my mom. We both like to read. I look like my dad.

1a. 2a. 3a. 4a. 5a.

b. b. b. b. b.
20 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 5


A. Listen to the story. B. Listen to the questions. Answer aloud, then write your answer.






C. Retell the story. Listen to the example.


Use words from this lesson to compare yourself to your family. Write 1 or 2
sentences for each. Examples: “I am funnier than my brother.” “We are both athletic.”

1. brother/sister
2. cousin
3. aunt/uncle
4. parent
5. grandparent


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Ask your partner to retell the story, “Chloe’s Family Reunion.” Ask them to tell you about a time they got
together as a family. Ask, “Have you been to a family reunion? Tell me about some of your family mem-
bers that were there. What did you do together? How did you feel? Were you shy, like Chloe?” Let them
ask you the same questions.
C. Ask your partner to make sentences comparing himself or herself to family members using these words:
tall/short, big/small, young/old, loud/quiet, strong, intelligent, beautiful, athletic, generous, thoughtful, patient,
outgoing, competetive, funny, nice. Then look at the pictures below and ask the questions.

Megan looks like her mom. They both Eva is like her dad. They both like to
have blonde hair and blue eyes. write stories.
Ask: Who do you look like? Ask: Who are you like?
LESSON 5—EnglishConnect 2 | 21


1. Learn the vocabulary: muscular dystrophy, active, take away, great attitude, gold medal, price tag

2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

My name is Vance Luis My mom said, “You may “Muscular dystrophy can’t My wife should get the
Taylor. I live in not be as strong as other take those things away gold medal for marriage.
Washington, DC. I work kids. But you can be from you.” She’s an amazing wife!
near the White House. smart. You can be funny.
You can be active.”

We’re blessed to have From the second they “He has such a great I believe that friends and
two beautiful daughters. I were born, they just attitude and just loves to family are what make life
wanted them to be smart wrapped me around their have fun. He loves life. worth living. There’s just
and ugly. They are both little fingers. He’s a great father.” no way to put a price tag
smart and beautiful. on that.

5. Learn the vocabulary: uprightly, essential, turn, qualities

6. Read aloud. Then listen.
“And they shall . . . teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord”
(Doctrine and Covenants 68:28).

“Perhaps the most essential of a father’s work is to turn the hearts of his children
to their Heavenly Father”
(D. Todd Christofferson, “Fathers,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 94).
7. Ponder: What are some good qualities for a father to have?
8. Write: Make a list of qualities a good father has.

9. Speak: Talk about how a good father is like our Heavenly Father. Tell three people.
22 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 6



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Hey, Andrea, are you ?

2. You look .
3. Well, I’m kind of .
4. Oh, no! happened?
5. are you frustrated?
6. I just a fight with my brother.
7. But OK. I’ll all right.
8. Wow! I’m . Is he at you?
all right What it’s frustrated sad because
9. Yeah, it’s I broke his . brother sorry mad had phone be Why


A. Listen to the question. Write how the person is feeling. Choose from the words in the box.

1. 2. 3.

No, I am frustrated. Yes, she . No, .

4. 5. 6.

No, . . Yes, .

surprised amused afraid tired frustrated mad sad bored angry embarrassed happy calm


A. Listen to sentences 1–6. Decide if you agree or not. Circle your answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a. So do I. a. So do I. a. So do I. a. So do I. a. So do I. a. So do I.
b. I don’t. b. I don’t. b. I don’t. b. I don’t. b. I don’t. b. I don’t.
LESSON 6—EnglishConnect 2 | 23


A. Read the sentence. Choose the picture that matches the sentence.
a. b. c. d.

e. f. g. h.

f 1. I feel happy when I am with my family. 5. I feel happy when I laugh with my friends.
2. I feel happy when I serve someone. 6. I feel happy when I’m outside in nature.
3. I feel happy when I hear beautiful music. 7. I feel happy when I do family history.
4. I feel happy when I eat good food. 8. I feel happy when I go to the temple.

B. Answer the questions in a complete sentence. Practice saying the questions and answers aloud.
Example: When do you feel sad? I feel sad when my children are sad.
1. When do you feel happy?
2. When do you feel mad?
3. When do you feel afraid?

C. Read the questions, and respond aloud. Listen to the examples.

1. When do you feel calm? 3. When do you feel frustrated?
2. When do you feel nervous? 4. When do you feel exhausted?


A. Listen to the situation. Choose the response that shows empathy.

1. Your response: 3. Your response:

a. Wow! That’s amazing! a. I’m sorry. That’s hard.
b. I’m sorry. b. Are you all right?
c. What happened? c. I hope you have a
great day!

2. Your response: 4. Your response:

a. That’s great! a. Wow. That’s great.
b. Oh, no! Are you OK? b. I’m sorry. That’s hard.
c. Where are you? c. Is everything OK?
24 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 6


A. Learn the vocabulary: forest, thirsty, mountains, falcon, drink, spill, sword, poisonous snake
B. Listen to the story. Then read aloud.

Sinbad was a king in Persia. He had a beautiful house And he had a falcon. He The falcon slept next to Sinbad.
He was young and energetic. next to a big forest. loved this falcon. The falcon It was a calm and obedient
But he was not calm. He ate out of Sinbad’s hand. falcon. “You are my best friend,”
often got angry. he told the falcon.

One day, Sinbad got lost in Finally, he found some But the falcon hit the cup Sinbad put water in the cup
the forest. He was very thirsty. water. He put water in his out of his hands. The water again. But the falcon hit the
He looked for water close to cup. He put the cup to his spilled on the ground. cup again. The water spilled
the mountains. He looked for lips. again.
water near the trees.

Now Sinbad was very angry. He put his cup in the water. He picked up the falcon and held it in his hands. “Oh, my
“You are a disrespectful bird,” Then he saw a poisonous friend,” he cried. “You helped me. And I killed you.” Sinbad
Sinbad said. He pulled out his snake in the water. The was very sad. “I was an angry king,” he said. “But I will be
sword and killed the falcon. water was poisonous. kind now.”

C. Write what you hear.

1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.

B. Ask your partner to retell the story, “King Sinbad’s Falcon” in their own words. Ask questions about the
story. For example, ask, “How did Sinbad often feel? What animal did he have as a friend? What hap-
pened in this picture? How did Sinbad feel at the end of the story? Do you like this story? Why or why
not? What did you learn from this story?”
C. Look at the questions in Activity 4C. Let your partner ask you these questions, and answer them. Then
ask your partner to answer them.
LESSON 6—EnglishConnect 2 | 25

D. Look at the pictures. Help your practice partner make questions they could ask the person.
Examples: “Are you OK? Is something wrong? What happened? How are you feeling? Why are you . . . ?”

E. Ask your practice partner how they are feeling today and why they feel that way.


1. Learn the vocabulary: field, silver dollar, hid (hide)
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Two boys walked down a road. They saw a man working in the The older boy didn’t think that was
They saw an old coat and shoes by field. The younger boy said, “Let’s a good thing to do. He said, “Let’s
the road. hide the shoes! It will be fun!” put money in the shoes instead.”

So they put a silver dollar in each When the man came back, he He pulled the dollar out of his shoe.
shoe. Then they hid and watched. looked tired. He put on his shoe He was surprised.
and felt something hard.

He put the other shoe on and Then he knelt down and prayed. His wife was sick and his children
found the other dollar. He was He thanked Heavenly Father for the didn’t have food. He was very
surprised again. money. grateful. The boys felt happy.
4. Learn the vocabulary: notice, watch over
5. Read aloud. Then listen. “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through
another person that he meets our needs”
(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball [2006], 82).
6. Ponder: How do you feel when you help others? How do you feel when others help you?
7. Write about a time when someone helped you.

8. Speak: Tell the story to someone. Tell about a time when someone helped you.
26 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 7



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Hey, you pick Sarah up after school today?
2.Actually, I because I’ve got a meeting at that
time. Sorry.
3. OK
 . . . you give her a ride to school
tomorrow morning?
4. I to take John to the doctor.
 nfortunately, that won’t work either. I’ve got to
make an important at 8:00 a.m.
5. OK, I’ll her off tomorrow.
6. B
 ut what about tomorrow afternoon? Maybe I
could her up then?
Oh, can you?
7. Th
 at would be wonderful! I’ll John to
the doctor tomorrow afternoon, then. phone call can’t could pick
All right, sounds like a plan. need drop can take


A. Study the chart. Read the sentences. Listen to sentences 1–6, and repeat.
Polite Requests Direct Requests Some Possible Answers
Will you . . . I need you to . . . Yes, I will/can . . .
Would you . . . I want you to . . . No, I won’t/can’t . . . because . . .
Can you . . .
Could you . . .

1. 2. 3.

Will you turn on the light? Can you give me a ride? I need you to lock the gate.

4. 5. 6.

I want you to buy milk. I can’t because I have to help my parents. I won’t because I broke my arm.
LESSON 7—EnglishConnect 2 | 27

B. Write a request with the words given.

Example: you / Could / pick up / your sister? Could you pick up your sister?
1. Can / make / you / dinner
2. help / you / cook / Will
3. clean / you / Could / help
4. want / I / to clean / you
5. the sink / Would / fix / you
C. Read the request. Say a more polite form of each request. Listen to the examples.

1. 2. 3.

I need you to paint the wall. I want you to lend me a coat. I need you to make a doctor’s
appointment for me.

4. 5. 6.

I want you to send an email I want you to carry these bags. I need you to take me
every Monday. to the market.
D. Write a more polite form of each request.
1. 2.

I want you to wash these clothes. I need you to clean the floors.
Would you wash these clothes?

3. 4.

I want you to give your cousin a ride. I want you to send an email with my schedule.

E. Listen to sentences 1–6. Write the number next to the correct response.
a. Yes, I will be at your house at 6:00. d. No, can I bring drinks instead?
b. Yes, I will send that email right now. e. Yes, I will drop it off in an hour.
1 c. No, I can’t because I have plans at 10:00. f. No, I don’t know how to fix that.
28 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 7


A. Read the situation. Say a request. Listen to the example answers.

You need to take the bus to work. You do not have enough money.
You turn to your brother and say:
“Can you give me some money for the bus?”

1. Y
 ou need to take your child to school. Your keys 3. Your
 tooth really hurts. You need to go to the dentist.
are locked in the car. You call your friend and say: You do not have a car. You call a friend and say:

2. Y
 ou want to clean your apartment. The kitchen and 4. It is late at night. Your neighbor is playing loud music.
bedroom are messy. You talk to your child and say: You want to go to sleep. You call your neighbor
and say:
A. Read the sentence, and write a response.
You are late to a meeting because you locked your keys in the car.
Write an email to a friend. Write why you are late. Write 3 direct


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the pictures below. Help your practice partner make two requests for each picture. Make one
polite request and one direct request.

Polite: “Could you teach me how to cook?”
Direct: “I need you to teach me how to cook.”

C. Help your practice partner make requests with the words below.
1. pick up the garbage. 2. wash the dishes 3. sweep the floor 4. help me study
LESSON 7—EnglishConnect 2 | 29


1. Learn the vocabulary: thieves, robbed, Jew (Jewish), Samaritan, innkeeper Luke 10:25–37
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

One day a man was walking on the Soon a priest came by and saw the Another man who worked in the
road to Jericho. Thieves robbed and man. The priest walked by on the temple came by. He saw the injured
beat him. They left him on the road, other side of the road. He did not man.
almost dead. help the man.

But he did not help the man either. Then a Samaritan man came by. The Samaritan helped the man. He
He walked by on the other side of The Samaritan felt sad for him. took care of the man’s wounds and
the road. put clothes on him.

The Samaritan took the man to an Before the Samaritan left, he gave Jesus told this story. He wants us
inn. He cared for him until the next money to the innkeeper. He told to be like the Samaritan and help
day. him to take care of the man. others.
4. Learn the vocabulary: least, brethren
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of
these my brethren, ye have done it unto me”
(Matthew 25:40).

6. Ponder: Who needs your help? How can you help them?
7. Write: Make a list of people you can help. Write one thing you can do to help each person.

8. Speak: a. Talk about how you are going to help these people.
b. Retell the story of the good Samaritan to three people.
30 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 8



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Hey Rick, where do you live?

2. I live on 231 Baker . Do you know that area?

It’s in a part of Jackson.

3. Oh, yeah. Do you like there?

4. N
 ot really. My is small, and there’s a lot of traffic.
It’s pretty and not very safe.

5. Th
 at’s too bad. I live on 1612 Orange Grove .
It’s in a part of Gulfport.

6. Oh, yeah. How do you like it, Lisa?

7. I love it! The is quiet, and the houses

are old and . lively noisy Street
neighborhood move historic Road
8. Th
 at sounds nice! I’d like to to a place like
living house beautiful
that someday.

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. Why doesn’t Rick like where he lives? 2. Where does Lisa live?
a. The neighborhood is too small. a. In a historic part of town.
b. It is too quiet and old. b. In a new neighborhood.
c. His house is old and small. c. On a lively avenue.
d. It is too noisy and not safe. d. Next to a busy street.


A. Listen to sentences 1–5, and repeat.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. Listen to sentences 1–4. Write what you hear.

1. 3.

2. 4.
LESSON 8—EnglishConnect 2 | 31


A. Look at the picture. Use the words below to talk about the picture. Say at least three things about each
picture. Use complete sentences. B. Listen to the examples.
safe, unsafe, quiet, noisy, busy, crowded, historic, new, peaceful, lively, beautiful, ugly, popular, modern, dry

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

city avenue road neighborhood area

C. Look at each picture. Use the words above to write about the picture. Write at least two complete sentences.

1. 2. 3.

village street neighborhood

D. Listen to each description. Choose the picture that matches.

1a. 2a. 3a. 4a. 5a.

b. b. b. b. b.


A. Study the chart. B. Write the correct missing word. Say the sentence aloud.
1. I live a peaceful town.
a noisy street. 2. She lives a crowded street.
on a busy road.
the coast. 3. They live an unsafe neighborhood.
I live 4. Do you live the city?
a crowded city.
a quiet neighborhood. 5. Do you like living the coast.
in a small town.
6. We live the mountains.
the mountains.
7. He lives a new road.
32 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 8


A. Listen to the story. Tell the story to someone.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Where did Tabata grow up? C. Describe your hometown. Write 2 or 3 sentences.
2. Did she like her home? Why? Do you like living there? Why or why not?

3. Why did she feel safe in Nicaragua?

4. What did she do there?


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Ask your practice partner to answer the questions using the pictures and words given. Help them make
complete sentences.
Where do you live? Where do they live? Where do you live? Where does she live? Where does he live?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

quiet neighborhood busy street the coast crowded city apartment building

C. Look at the pictures. Imagine you live there. Take turns asking each other, “Do you like living here? Why
or why not?” Help them answer in a complete sentence.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

D. Take turns describing your hometown. What is the neighborhood like? Describe where you live now. Do
you like living there? Why or why not?
LESSON 8—EnglishConnect 2 | 33


1. Learn the vocabulary: smoke, everywhere, on fire, crawled, ladder, burned, destroyed
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Johnny woke up. It was dark in his He yelled for his parents. They His dad ran to get his little sister
bedroom. He smelled smoke. He woke up. They saw the smoke too. out of her room. There was smoke
jumped out of bed. everywhere. The house was on fire!

They all crawled to a window and His mom called the fire A neighbor said, “Johnny, it’s too
got out on the roof. His dad found department. The house burned for bad your home burned down.”
the ladder. They got out of the a long time. All of Johnny’s things
house safely. were destroyed.

Johnny thought for a moment and We still have our home. We just Johnny knew that a home is where
said, “Oh, that was not our home. don’t have any place to put it right your family is.
That was just our house. now.”
4. Learn the vocabulary: treasure, heaven
5. Read aloud. Then listen. “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”
(Luke 12:34).

“Home can be a heaven on earth when we are filled with love”

(“Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth,” Hymns, no. 298).

6. Ponder: What is the difference between a house and a home? How do you make your house into a home?
7. Write three things you can do to show more love in your home.

8. Speak: Tell the story to three people.

34 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 9



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Yuna, where did you up?

I’m from Utah. Have you heard of Orem, Sam?

Yes! in Orem?

2. My house was a big park and

a school across the street. But later we moved.
How about you, Sam?

3. I don’t remember much about my house when I

younger, but we lived a grocery store. So, Yuna,
what were you like when you little?
were there was near Where
4. Iwas actually kind of , mostly well-behaved. I a
grow shy was had next to
lot of friends though.

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. W
 hat was across the street from 2. What was Yuna like when she 3. Where was the park?
Yuna’s house? was a child?
a. a park a. shy a. across the street
b. a grocery store b. quiet b. far from the grocery store
c. a school c. disobedient c. next to Yuna’s house


A. Study the chart. B. Choose the correct form of There was or There were. Say the
sentence aloud. Listen to the correct answer.

Singular Plural 1. a lot of dogs in my

a dog many dogs neighborhood.
There was a school There were schools a. There was
a house two houses b. There were

2. a lake next to my 3. a big green park 4. two playgrounds

house. across the street from my home. close to my building.
a. There was a. There was a. There was
b. There were b. There were b. There were

5. a school on my 6. tall trees in my 7. several tall buildings

street. neighborhood. not far from where I lived.
a. There was a. There was a. There was
b. There were b. There were b. There were
LESSON 9—EnglishConnect 2 | 35

C. Look at the picture. Describe the picture in three complete sentences using There was or There were.
Example: There was a tree in front of the house.


Be (Past) Have (Past)

I was Adjective I
well-behaved you Noun
you athletic a dog
we were a lot of friends
they had
they Prepositional Phrase a big house
in front of the house a small car
was she
he / she / it near the park it

A. Study the chart. B. Answer the questions using the words and pictures given. Listen to the examples.

Example 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
athletic silly mean happy shy strict
Example: What was your cousin like as a child? 3. What were you like as a teenager?
He was athletic.
1. What were you and your sister like as children? 4. What were you like as a child?

2. What was your brother like as a child? 5. What were your parents like?

C. Listen to the sentences about Izak. Then answer the question. Choose all that are correct.

1. What was true about Izak?

a. Izak lived across from the market. d. Izak was shy when he was a child.
b. Izak lived close to the market. e. Izak was helpful at the market.
c. Izak was disobedient at home. f. Izak’s house had a black gate.

D. Look at the pictures. Write an answer to the question in three complete sentences using had.

1. What did Izak and his family have when he was growing up?
36 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 9


A. Listen and read. B. Read aloud.

Gordon Parks was born in 1912 in a When he was 15, his mom died. He He argued with his brother-in-law. He
small town. His home was full of love. moved in with his older sister. She had to move out. For many months,
But his town was not. “Black kids can’t lived in a big city. The neighborhood he lived on the streets.
play sports,” said his high school coach. was crowded, noisy, and unsafe.

One day he was very hungry. He He thought about his mother. She After that, Gordon worked hard. One
thought, “Maybe I can steal some had taught him to be good. “Sir,” he day he bought a used camera. He took
money.” He saw a man. He pulled out said, “could you buy this knife? I’m so pictures of the noisy streets. He took
his knife. He started to shake. hungry. It costs one dollar.” The man pictures of poor people in big cities.
said, “No.” Then he gave Gordon two

Soon, people paid him to take His pictures told new kinds of stories. They were also stories of people who
pictures. He went back to his small They were stories of people in unsafe were kind. And they were stories of
town. He took pictures of his school neighborhoods. They were stories of people who were hopeful. What is
and his friends. people who were angry. it like where you live? What kind of
stories can you tell?


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the questions in Activity 3B. Use those questions to ask your practice partner questions about
their childhood. Substitute vocabulary when needed. For example, if they don’t have siblings, ask about
cousins. Help them say as much as they can. Then ask more questions. For example, ask, “Who were
their friends? What were their friends like?” Then let them ask you the same questions.

C. Talk about your childhood homes. Ask, “What type of home did you have? What did your home look like?
Where did you live? What was close by? Who lived there with you?” Can they describe the home they live
in now? Now let them ask you about your childhood home.

D. Help your practice partner retell the story of Gordon Parks. Talk about the story. Did you like it? Why or
why not? Tell a story about your neighborhood. Ask your partner to tell a story about their neighborhood.
LESSON 9—EnglishConnect 2 | 37


1. Learn the vocabulary: prodigal, inheritance, sinned, wasted, worthy, celebrate Luke 15:11–24
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

A rich man had two sons. The younger The son took the money and left Finally, the son had no money. He had
son said to his father, “I want my home. He went to another country. no house. He had no food. He got a
inheritance now.” The father gave his The son sinned. He wasted all of the job feeding pigs. The son was hungry.
son the money. money. He wanted to eat the pigs’ food.

He thought of his father. “My father’s He went to his father’s home. His The father ran to meet him. The father
servants have food,” he thought. “I father saw him coming. put his arms around his son and
will go home to my father. I will be his kissed him.

The son said, “I am sorry. I have But the father said to the servants, The father told the servants to
sinned. I am not worthy to be your “Bring the best clothes for my son!” He prepare a feast. He wanted everyone
son. Can I be your servant?” put a ring on his finger. to celebrate. The son had sinned. But
he repented and returned home.

4. Learn the vocabulary: glory, immortality, eternal life

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality
and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39).
“A loving Heavenly Father has but two desires for His children . . . : immortality and eternal life,
‘which means life with Him back home’”
(Russell M. Nelson, in R. Scott Lloyd, “God Wants His Children to Return to Him, Elder Nelson Teaches,”
Church News, Jan. 28, 2014,
6. Ponder: Why did the father forgive his son? How is Heavenly Father like this father?
7. Write one thing you learned from the story “The Prodigal Son.”

8. Speak: Tell three people what you learned from the story “The Prodigal Son.”
38 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 10



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Tell me what you do day.

2. I get up at 7:00 and then I go to
work at 8:00.
3. I go out with friends after work.
4. You sound .
5. do you go shopping? busy once a month every usually
6. I only go about . always Sometimes When usually

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. What does Viktor do at 8:00 a.m.? 2. How often does Viktor go out with friends?
a. He gets up. a. He sometimes goes out with friends after work.
b. He goes to work. b. He usually goes out with friends on the weekend.
c. He eats breakfast. c. He goes out with friends once a month.


A. Study the charts.
a lot Using Frequency Words
always subject frequency word verb
sometimes I / You / We / They always go shopping
on Thursdays.
never usually
She / He sometimes goes shopping
not at all never

B. Place the sentences in order of frequency. 1= most frequent, 3 = least frequent

1. 2. 3.

3 I never go to the movie theater. I usually eat lunch at work. I always go to church on Sundays.
1 I always watch movies on my phone. I sometimes eat lunch at a restaurant. I never go out with friends on Sundays.
2 I sometimes watch movies with my family. I always eat lunch at home on Sundays. I sometimes visit my cousins on Sundays.

4. 5. 6.

I sometimes have breakfast on Saturdays. I usually go to work at 8:00 a.m. I always eat dinner around 8:00 p.m.
I never have breakfast during the week. I never leave work before 4:00 p.m. I sometimes have dinner with friends.
I usually have breakfast on Sundays. I sometimes stay at work until 7:30 p.m. I usually cook dinner for myself.
LESSON 10—EnglishConnect 2 | 39

C. Read each description. Answer the questions aloud. Use frequency words. Listen to answers 1–5.

Yaya works during the week.

On Mondays, Tuesdays, and
Wednesdays, Yaya goes to work at
7:00 a.m. On some days she goes to
work at 10:00 a.m. Yaya wakes up at 5:30 every day. She
exercises after she wakes up.

Each morning, Yaya gets dressed and Yaya doesn’t have a car, so she takes When Yaya gets home, she takes a
brushes her teeth. She doesn’t have the bus to work each day. shower before going to bed. Some
time to have breakfast during the week. nights, she watches TV.

1. When does Yaya go to work? 3. When does Yaya have breakfast? 5. What does Yaya do when
2. What does Yaya do in the morning? 4. How does Yaya get to work? she gets home?

D. Think about what you do on the weekends. Read each question, and write a sentence in response.

1. What do you always do on Friday? 3. What do you sometimes do on Saturday?

2. What do you usually do on Saturday? 4. What do you never do on Sunday?


A. Study the chart.

Using Frequency Phrases

subject verb frequency phrases
dance every day
I / You / We / They
watch movies every weekend
once a week
She / He dances once a month
watches movies once in a while

B. Say how often you do each activity using a frequency phrase. Listen to examples 1 and 2.

study exercise cook dinner eat breakfast work listen to music

40 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 10


A. Listen to the story. B. Read the story aloud.

Where do you live? Do you have noisy Frank De Winne and Bob Thirsk don’t They have to eat very carefully
neighbors? Or is it very quiet? have any noisy neighbors. They live on because the food floats. They usually
the International Space Station. eat with a spoon.

Bob says, “After every meal, we eat a Sometimes they relax. They play cards. One astronaut sings songs and makes
tortilla. We put a lot of honey on the They watch TV. music videos.

They usually sleep in a sleeping bag Once in a while, they take a shower. Sometimes they look out the window.
because they don’t want to float. The It is difficult to take a shower. The They see our beautiful earth. They see
sleeping bags are attached to the astronaut floats. The soap floats. The the sunrise every 90 minutes. Do you
floor. water floats. want to live in space?


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at Activity 2D. Take turns asking each other questions about what you do on weekends. Use
frequency words.

C. Look at the chart in Activity 3. Now look at the pictures below. Take turns asking each other questions
about how often you do each activity. Use a frequency phrase. Look at Activity 3B for more pictures.

go dancing eat lunch take a shower watch TV go to bed go to a movie

LESSON 10—EnglishConnect 2 | 41

D. Help your practice partner retell the story in Activity 4. Take turns asking questions. Do you have noisy
neighbors? How often do the astronauts eat with a spoon? Why? When do they eat tortillas? How often
do they play cards? Why do they sleep in a sleeping bag? How often do they shower? How often do they
see the sunrise? Do you usually eat with a spoon? How often do you sleep in a sleeping bag? When do
you usually shower? Do you want to live in space? Why or why not?


1. Learn the vocabulary: foolish, jealous, miserable, humbled
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

The story of the prodigal The younger one was foolish The older brother was angry. His father came outside. He
son says, “A . . . man had two and lost his inheritance. But He did not go to the party. asked the older brother to
sons.” Both sons were lost. he came home. His father come to the party.
gave him a party.

He did not come in. He Later, the father said, “Your He also said, “You have been The older brother was
was jealous of his younger brother was lost. He was faithful. Everything I have is humbled. He chose to love
brother. miserable. He came home. yours.” his brother and welcome
We are so happy to have him home.
him home.”

4. Learn the vocabulary: envy (envieth), treasured, cherished, overcome

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“[Envy is] to desire something that belongs to another”
(Guide to the Scriptures, “Envy,”

“Charity envieth not” (1 Corinthians 13:4; see also Moroni 7:45).

“The Lord . . . commanded . . . men . . . that they should not envy” (2 Nephi 26:32).

“No one of us is less treasured or cherished of God than another”

(Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Other Prodigal,” Ensign, May 2002, 64).

6. Ponder: What is envy? How do you overcome envy?

7. Write some ways you can overcome envy.

8. Speak: Tell what you learned from this story.

42 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 11



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Hey, Lisa. What did you do ?
2. Hey, Sara. I shopping.
3. Oh, how was it? What you buy?
4. It was great! I some new shoes.
5. Oh, really? I actually just bought some shoes

did a week ago yesterday went bought


A. Study the chart. B. Listen to and repeat each verb.

Regular Past Tense Verbs Irregular Past Tense Verbs
want wanted [id] go went
need needed [id] sleep slept
invite invited [id] make made
like liked [t] buy bought
work worked [t] read read
watch watched [t] see saw
shop shopped [t] eat ate
exercise exercised [d] come came
stay stayed [d] say said
study studied [d] leave left

C. Write the correct past tense form of the verb given. Read the sentence aloud. Listen.

1. Gloria some books yesterday. 6. Nora with her boyfriend last week.
(buy) (exercise)

2. Mia with her parents yesterday. 7. Roma home at 9:00 this morning.
(shop) (leave)

3. Don his new nephew yesterday. 8. Pablo a book to his daughter yesterday.
(see) (read)

4. Marc home early to be with his daughter. 9. We an outside movie last Friday.
(come) (watch)

5. Itzak a vanilla cupcake. 10. Gia in the library until 11:00 last night.
(want) (study)
LESSON 11—EnglishConnect 2 | 43

D. Read each sentence aloud. Restate the sentence in the past tense. Listen to sentences 1–8.

1. I cook rice and beans 2. I watch a movie 3. I eat fruit for breakfast. 4. I stay at home on
for dinner. with friends. Friday.

5. I read the newspaper. 6. I visit my family. 7. I like the dessert. 8. I sleep until 9:00 a.m.


A. Study the chart.

Using Time Phrases

At the beginning At the end
Yesterday, . yesterday.
The other day, the other day.
Last Monday / Friday, last Monday / Friday.
Last week, last week.
Last weekend, last weekend.
A week ago, a week ago.
Last month, last month.
Last year, last year.
Examples: Examples:
Yesterday, I went to a movie. I went to a movie yesterday.
Last week, I worked until 10:00 p.m. I worked until 10:00 p.m. last week.

B. Place the sentences in order starting with what happened first.

1. 2.

Six months ago, I had surgery on my knee. Last year, I went to the beach with my cousins.
Two weeks ago, I had a doctor’s appointment. We celebrated my cousin’s birthday last month.
1 Last year, I injured my knee in a soccer game. Yesterday, I bought a cake for my cousins.
Last Saturday, I played in a soccer game. Last week, my cousins came to visit me.
44 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 11

C. Listen to 1–3. Write the letter of the pictures that show what the person did over the weekend.
A. B. C.

1. C , ,

D. E. F.
2. , ,

3. , ,

G. H. I.

D. Write four or more sentences about the activities you did over the weekend and when you did them.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the chart in Activity 2A. Help your partner review the past tense form of the verbs.

C. Look at the sentences in Activity 2D. Help your practice partner make correct past tense sentences.

D. Help your practice partner use the pictures and words below to make past tense sentences. Then look at
the pictures in Activity 3C, and do the same.

buy play go plan cook

E. Take turns asking and answering the following questions. Use the past tense and a time phrase. Say as
much as you can.
1. When was the last time you visited a friend? 5. When was the last time you celebrated a holiday?
2. When was the last time you cooked a meal? 6. When was the last time you had fun with your family?
3. When was the last time you saw a movie? 7. What did you do yesterday?
4. W
 hen was the last time you ate somewhere
other than your house?
LESSON 11—EnglishConnect 2 | 45


1. Learn the vocabulary: repent, obey, sailing, throw, swallow, promise Jonah 1‒3
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Jonah was a prophet of God. God told Jonah did not obey God. He did not God sent a bad storm. The wind blew
him to go to a city called Nineveh. The want to go to Nineveh. He did not hard. The men on the ship were afraid
people there were wicked. God told want to tell the people to repent. He it would sink.
Jonah to tell the people to repent. ran away and got on a ship.

Jonah was sleeping. The captain of the The men wanted the storm to stop. The men did not want to, but they
ship woke him. He told Jonah to pray Jonah told them to throw him into the threw Jonah into the water. The storm
and ask God to help them. water. He knew God sent the storm stopped.
because of him.

God sent a big fish. The fish swallowed The fish put Jonah out on dry land. Jonah went to Nineveh. He told the
Jonah. Jonah was in the fish for three Again God told Jonah to go to Nineveh. people to repent. They stopped being
days. Jonah prayed to God and He said to tell the people to repent. This wicked. They fasted and prayed. God
repented. He promised to obey God. time Jonah obeyed God. did not destroy Nineveh.

4. Learn the vocabulary: free, freedom, liberty, precious, obedient, whispering, believe, Atonement,
saved, laws, ordinances
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“Freedom and liberty are precious gifts that come to us when we are obedient
to the laws of God and the whisperings of the Spirit”
(James E. Faust, “Obedience: The Path to Freedom,” Ensign, May 1999, 47).
“We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved,
by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel”
(Articles of Faith 1:3).
6. Ponder: What are the blessings of obeying God’s commandments?
7. Write three ways that you can be more obedient.

8. Speak: Tell the story of Jonah to someone. Talk about the importance of being obedient to God.
46 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 12



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. H
 ey, Lucas, where were you on Friday?
didn’t you come to the party?
2. Hi, Katya. I to come, but I had to work.
was it? did you guys do?
3. It was fun. We some games; then we
a movie.

How played Why What didn’t watched wanted


A. Study the chart. B. Listen and repeat each verb.

Regular Past Tense Verbs Irregular Past Tense Verbs

text texted [id] bring brought
visit visited [id] write wrote
help helped [t] pay paid
ask asked [t] hear heard
cook cooked [t] run ran
talk talked [t] cut cut
try tried [d]] tell told
travel traveled [d] ride rode
call called [d] drive drove
play played [d] take took

C. Listen to the questions. Answer the questions in past tense. Use the verb and words given.

bring water to work visit my brother’s family talk to my sister read emails text my mom

D. Read the question. Write an answer in a complete sentence. Use the words given.

1. What did you do on Monday? (drive to work) 3. What did you do on Sunday? (call my family)

2. What did you do on Friday? (ride the bus) 4. What did you do last Saturday? (play with my nephew)
LESSON 12—EnglishConnect 2 | 47


A. Study the chart. Common Past Tense Questions
Questions Possible Answers
the party? It was fun!
How was . . .
the movie? It was terrible.
Why did . . . she go home early? She felt sick.
Why didn’t . . . you go to the concert? I had to work.
you do over the weekend? I went out with some friends.
What did . . .
he do last night? He stayed home and studied.

B. Read each answer. Then ask a question that matches that answer. Listen to the example questions.

1. Question: ? 2. Question: ? 3. Question: ?

A: I celebrated my birthday yesterday. A: I needed new shoes. A: The concert was really strange.

C. Read each question. Write the answer in the past tense. Use the words given.

1. How was your trip? 2. What did you do Saturday night? 3. Why did you ride the bus today?

(have a lot of fun) (pay bills) (crash my car)

4. Why did you stay home on your 5. What did you do last week? 6. How was your meeting?

(feel sick) (play in a tournament) (is long and boring)

D. Write about the last time you tried something new. Listen to examples 1and 2.
• What did you do? • When did it happen? • Why did you do it? • How was the event or activity?
48 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 12


A. Listen. B. Read aloud.

Yesterday was my wife’s She said, “I want to be 10 In the morning, we ate Then we rode bikes to the
birthday. She turned 40 again.” So I planned a special chocolate chip pancakes for park. We played on the
years old. day for her. breakfast. swings.

We had hot dogs and fries In the afternoon, we watched At the end of the day, I said, “This was fun,” she said. “But
for lunch. a children’s movie. After “How do you like being 10 I wanted my dress size to be
dinner, we ate ice cream. again?” 10 again.”


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Help your partner retell the story in Activity 4. What did they do in the morning? What did they eat for
lunch? What did they do in the afternoon? What did they do after dinner? What did the wife want? Take
turns talking about what you did on your last birthday.
C. Help your partner talk about what each person did yesterday. Say something about each picture.

Rumi Jiro

Raul Maria

D. Look at the questions in Activity 2D. Take turns asking and answering the questions.
LESSON 12—EnglishConnect 2 | 49


1. Learn the vocabulary: member, leader, plant, shocked, enemies, hope, unity
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

World War II was difficult. Germany Dutch members of the Church in the Members of the Church in Germany
fought against the Netherlands. After Netherlands needed food for the had almost no food. They were about
World War II, there was very little food winter. They planted potatoes. to die. They needed help.
for the people.

The German Church leaders told the The Dutch Church leaders wanted to “How can we give our potatoes to our
Dutch Church leaders, “Our people give potatoes to the Germans. The enemies?” they said. Their Church
have no food. They are hungry.” Dutch members were shocked. leaders said, “The German members
are your brothers and sisters.”

The Dutch members decided to give They said, “Thank you for your love. The love of the Dutch members
their potatoes to the Germans. The With this food we can live. We now have helped the German members to live.
German members were very happy to hope for a better world.” It also helped unify the members in
get food. Europe.

4. Learn the vocabulary: curse, hate, despitefully, persecute, contention, knit, unity
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”
(Matthew 5:44).
“And [God] commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they
should . . . [have] their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another”
(Mosiah 18:21).
6. Ponder: What do these two scriptures mean?
7. Write: Finish the sentences.
I can love my enemies by .
I can have unity with others by .
8. Speak: Tell the story to someone. Talk about how you can love your enemies.
50 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 13



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. John, where you yesterday?
2. I went to my son’s at the university.
3. Oh, really? was it?
4. It was great, Lili! It back memories. I actually
graduated from that same school 23 years ago.
5. I graduated 20 . Wow! I can’t believe
so long.
6. Y
 eah. I remember I graduated, my friends and I
a big party afterward. We all night
long. I so happy to be done with school.
7. W
 e anything like that when I graduated. How when years ago didn’t do slept
We had a family dinner, but that I just stayed up were brought it’s been had
home and . graduated went was after graduation

E. Listen to questions 1-5. Answer aloud. Listen to the examples.


A. Study the chart.
Time Phrases with When
At the beginning At the end
When I was 18 years old, . when I was 18 years old.
When I got home, . when I got home.
When I woke up, . when I woke up.
When I was 18 years old, I started my own business. I started my own business when I was 18 years old.
When I got home, I called my mom. I called my mom when I got home.
When I woke up, I felt sick. I felt sick when I woke up.

B. Read each sentence. Then say the sentence with the time phrase at the end of the sentence. Listen.

When I was little, I had a dog. When I was 12 years old, I saw When I saw the accident,
the ocean for the first time. I called an ambulance.

When I got home, I started When I graduated from high school, When I got my first job, I started
decorating for the holiday. my friends and I had a big party. saving for a motorcycle.
LESSON 13—EnglishConnect 2 | 51

C. This is Diana. Look at each picture, and finish the sentence. Use the words given and the past tense.

brush teeth walk to work put on uniform make bread take a bus text a friend

When Diana woke up, When Diana was ready, When Diana got to work,

When Diana was at work,

when she was done with work. when she got home.

D. Look at the pictures. Answer each question aloud. Listen to the examples.

1. What type of pet did you have 2. What did you do when 3. What did you do when
when you were a child? you finished studying? you got home?

have a cat go on a date fall asleep

E. Read the words. Write a sentence in the past tense using when, and say what happened.

When What Happened Your Sentence

(be) late for work my boss (be) angry with me When I was late for work, my boss was angry with me.
(leave) work (be) really tired

(get) on the bus (see) my friend, Sumi

(get) off the bus (pick up) dinner at

a restaurant
(be) done with dinner (go) home

(arrive) home (take) dog for a walk

F. Listen. Then write what happened. Include one time phrase in each answer.

1. 2.
52 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 13


A. Listen. B. Read aloud.

One weekend when I After we ate dinner, Grandpa When Grandpa looked at my My shoes were too big. They
was young, we visited my said, “Let’s go to the park. Get shoes, he frowned. had holes.
grandparents. your shoes!”

“Betty!” he said to my mom. At the store, Grandpa chose I put them on. They fit “These are good shoes,” he
“We’re going to the store.” a pair of brown shoes. “Try perfectly. They didn’t have said. I wore those ugly shoes
these,” he said. holes. But they were ugly. every day.
Grandpa smiled.

Twenty years later, I saw an Mom said, “Shoes were too “Oh,” I said. “Remember my I smiled, too. Grandpa
old photo of Grandpa. He expensive for his family. ugly brown shoes?” Mom bought me shoes because
was a young boy. “He doesn’t When he was young, he smiled. “Yes. He wanted you he loved me.
have any shoes,” I said. never had shoes.” to have good shoes.”


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Help your practice partner retell the story in Activity 3 in his or her own words. Say something for each
picture. Think of a time you received a special gift. Take turns talking about what happened.
C. Look at the pictures in Activity 2C. Ask your practice partner questions about Diana’s day. For example,
when did Diana make bread? Help them make complete sentences that use when.
D. Take turns asking and answering the following questions. Use when in the answer. Say as much as you can.

• What did you do when you were on vacation? • When did you move out of your parents’ home?
• What food did you eat when you were a teenager? • How old were you when you learned how to drive?
• When did you start your first job? • What type of pet did you have when you were young?
E. Choose one of these events. Tell about when that event happened in your life.
• getting sick • starting your first job • getting hurt • celebrating a holiday

F. Think about someone in your family or a good friend. Talk about when that person got married.
• How old was he or she? • Where did he or she get married? • When and where was the celebration?
LESSON 13—EnglishConnect 2 | 53


1. Learn the vocabulary: fence, gate, realize, locked, key, called to serve, mayor, curious, miracle, gospel
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Tavian was born in Bulgaria. When When he was 10, he had a dream. He He wanted to go on a mission for
he was 5 years old, he was adopted saw people that looked like him. They the Church. He was called to serve in
by a family in the U.S. stood behind a fence. They reached Bulgaria.
out to him. He saw a gate. The gate was
locked. He realized, “I have the key!”

In Bulgaria, he served near his They asked a man for directions. This The mayor asked, “What is your
birthplace. One day, Tavian and his man was the mayor of the town. They Bulgarian name?” Tavian told the man
companion traveled by bus to a small told the mayor that Tavian was born in his name. The mayor said, “I know that
town to teach a lesson. the town. family!”

They drove to the edge of the village. A woman came to the door. The mayor He met 50 family members that day.
Many curious people followed them. asked the woman if she wanted to see They all stood in a circle around him.
The mayor knocked on the door. her son. She came out. She gave Tavian He told them about his life. He told
a big hug. “It’s a miracle!” she said. them about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The gospel is the key.

4. Learn the vocabulary: way, truth, know, free, gospel

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”
(John 14:6).

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”
(John 8:32).

6. Ponder: How does truth make you free?

7. Write: Answer this question: How can the teachings of Jesus Christ bless your life?

8. Speak: Retell the story. Talk about a time you or someone you know shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with
54 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 14



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Do you want to go to with me?
2. We need to some vegetables.
3. Yes. We also need eggs and bread.
4. Let’s a list.
5. I’m planning to get , carrots, lettuce, and
some .
6. I may buy as well.

make the market fruit tomatoes meat a loaf of pick up

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. What do they need to buy? 2. What is not on their list? 3. Why do they make a list?
a. milk a. butter a. to relax
b. vegetables b. eggs b. to forget
c. cheese c. bread c. to remember


A. Study the chart. B. Choose the correct answer.

Count Nouns Noncount Nouns 1. How eggs do you need?

a. many b. much
I can count apples. I cannot count flour.
How many apples do you have? How much flour do you have? 2. How flour do you have?
I have seven apples. I have some flour. a. many b. much
3. How soup do you want?
a. many b. much
4. How tomatoes do you need?
a. many b. much
5. How cereal do you want?
a. many b. much
6. How carrots does he have?
a. many b. much
Examples: orange, egg, banana, tomato, Examples: sugar, lettuce, rice, meat,
carrot, potato, nut, mango fish, soup, cereal, bread, cheese 7. How bread do you have?
a. many b. much
C. Look at each picture. Ask how many or how much is needed. Listen to the examples.

bananas cereal tomatoes bread carrots soup

LESSON 14—EnglishConnect 2 | 55


A. Study the chart. B. Choose the correct quantity for the food. There may be more than one answer.

1. lettuce 4. flour
a. a kilo of a. a pound of
b. a head of b. a cup of
c. a cup of c. a bunch of
a cup of flour, a pound a liter of milk, a gallon a loaf of bread, d. a pound of d. a liter of
of flour, a kilo of flour of milk, a cup of milk two loaves of bread

2. milk 5. meat
a. a gallon of a. a liter of
b. a head of b. a pound of
c. a cup of c. a head of
a pound of meat,
a kilo of meat
a pound of fish,
a kilo of fish
a box of cereal,
a bowl of cereal
d. a liter of d. a kilo of

3. bananas 6. cereal
a. a box of a. a liter of
b. a gallon of b. a bowl of
a head of lettuce, a bunch a bunch of carrots,
c. a loaf of c. a head of
two heads of lettuce of bananas a kilo of carrots d. a bunch of d. a box of

C. Look at the pictures. Write how much of each item Margot needs. Use a complete sentence.

Quantity Words: General vs. Specific Margot’s Grocery List

General Specific
I need fish. I need some fish. I need two pounds of fish.
I need eggs. I need some eggs. I need a dozen eggs.
I want bananas. I want some bananas. I want a bunch of bananas. 1. 2.

She needs three apples.

3. 4.
5. 6.

D. Listen to sentences 1–5. Use numbers to put the pictures in the correct order.

56 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 14

E. Listen and then answer the questions.

1. What did Paul buy at the market? 3. When did Paul go to the market?
a. potatoes a. this afternoon
b. bread b. last night
c. oranges c. yesterday morning
2. What did Sarah buy at the market? 4. When did Sarah go to the market?
a. rice a. this morning
b. cheese b. yesterday afternoon
c. pickles c. last night


A. Listen to questions 1–8. Then read aloud.

Count Nouns Noncount Nouns

1. How much are these potatoes? 3. How much is this cheese?

2. How much do these potatoes cost? 4. How much does this cheese cost?

5. How much are these apples? 7. How much is this milk?

6. How much do these apples cost? 8. How much does this milk cost?

B. Write the missing word(s).

1. How much this rice? 3. How much these eggs?
How much this rice ? How much these eggs ?
It 3 dollars a pound. They 2 dollars a dozen.
2. How much these bananas? 4. How much that lettuce?
How much these bananas cost? How much that lettuce cost?
They 2 dollars a kilo. It a dollar a head.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the pictures in Activity 2C. Practice asking questions about the pictures. Then look at the pic-
tures in Activity 3A. Take turns asking each other questions about the cost of each item. Look at Activity
4B for example questions and answers.

C. Look at the pictures in Activity 3D. Ask your partner to teach you how to make ramen. Help them say as
much as they can.

D. Find a local grocery store advertisment. Take turns asking each other questions about the cost of each

E. Take turns asking each other about the things you usually buy at the market. Ask, “When do you usually
go? What do you usually buy? How much of each item do you buy? How much does each item cost?”

F. Take turns asking and answering questions about your favorite meal. What do you need to buy? How
much of each item do you need? How much does each item cost? How do you make it?
LESSON 14—EnglishConnect 2 | 57


1. Learn the vocabulary: sacrifice, preparation
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Branch President Ruben After much sacrifice and President Pacheo sent his He said, “My wife took the
Dario Pacheo of Venezuela spiritual preparation, daughter to the bank to get envelope with the money
and his family wanted to go his family raised enough 500 U.S. dollars. and put it away. She didn’t
to the temple. money to go to the temple. count the money.

“The night before leaving, “The bank had made a “Some friends tried to “I said, ‘We cannot keep this
we counted the money. mistake of over $3,500! I persuade us to use the. money because it is not ours.
The bank had given us had never seen so much money for our trip to the
$4,065! money in my life! United States.

“The purpose of our trip “We returned the money “Some bank clerks asked “My only answer was:
to the temple is to make to the bank. They had me, ‘Why did you give the Because I am a member of
covenants with the Lord. noticed that they had lost money back? Nobody knew The Church of Jesus Christ of
What good will they do if the money. But they didn’t that you had that money.’ Latter-day Saints.’”
we are dishonest?’ know who had it.

4. Learn the vocabulary: honest, bear false witness, dishonesty

5. Read aloud. “We believe in being honest” “Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false
Then listen. (Articles of Faith 1:13). witness against thy neighbour”
(Exodus 20:15–16).
“And let every man deal honestly, and be alike among this people, and receive alike,
that ye may be one, even as I have commanded you”
(Doctrine and Covenants 51:9).
6. Ponder: Is there really any difference between dishonesty involving a large amount of money or
only a small amount of money?
7. Write about a time you chose to be honest.

8. Speak: Tell about a time you chose to be honest.

58 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 15



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Hi, I’m looking for a .
2. Do you know what you want?
3. I want one that’s and has a lot of memory.
4. Well, let’s see. The M33 is more compact than the Z44,
but it’s more .
5. How is it?
6. On sale, it’s $500. That’s a pretty good .
7. Oh! I can’t afford that. I guess I’ll have to go with the

compact much kind cheaper deal expensive smartphone

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the man shopping for? 2. Which one does he buy?

a. a car a. the more expensive one
b. a computer b. the cheaper one
c. a phone c. He doesn’t buy one.


A. Study the chart.

Using Adjectives to Compare

1-Syllable cheap g cheaper than Used cars are cheaper than new ones.
Adjectives *dressy g dressier than High heels are dressier than tennis shoes.
**good g better than That chair is better than this one.
Longer expensive g more/less expensive than This smartphone is less expensive than that one.
Adjectives affordable g more/less affordable than A book is more affordable than a TV.
compact g more/less compact than A phone is more compact than a tablet.
high-tech g more/less high-tech than This camera is less high-tech than that camera.
*Note: Two-syllable adjectives that end in y follow the rule for one-syllable adjectives: dressy g dressier.
(The y changes to an i.)
**Note: good g better and bad g worse are exceptions.

B. Listen to examples 1–8, and repeat.

1. 2. 3. 4.
LESSON 15—EnglishConnect 2 | 59

5. 6. 7. 8.

C. Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer.

1. Brazil is bigger than Colombia. 3. Vegetables are sweeter than fruit.
a. true a. true
b. false b. false

2. Kiwi are smaller than pineapple. 4. Jeans are dressier than suits.
a. true a. true
b. false b. false

D. Look at the pictures. Read the sentences. Write the missing words. Use the word given.

1. The shirt on the left is the shirt on the right.

2. The shirt on the right is the shirt on the left.

3. The shirt on the left is

the shirt on the right. (comfortable)

4. The black sewing machine is

the white one. (old-fashioned)

5. The black sewing machine is the

white one. (modern)

E. Listen to questions 1–5. Answer the questions aloud.

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.
60 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 15


A. Listen. B. Read aloud.

A king of India loved to play chess. “What is the prize for winning?” asked The man said, “I want one grain of rice
One day he asked a wise man to play. the man. “What do you want?” asked on the first chess square. Then double
the king. the rice on every square after that.”
“Agreed,” said the king.

The king lost the game. He got a bag Then four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two. The table was covered with rice.
of rice. He put one grain on the first The king thought, “Oh, no! On the “Stop!” he said. He was worried.
square. Two on the next square. twentieth square, I will need one
million grains of rice!”

The price was too expensive. The India would be covered with rice. The “Just give free rice in the temple
palace would be full of rice. king said, “I do not have that much rice.” every day until the debt is paid,” he
The man said, “You do not have to pay said. Because of this, if you go to the
me right now.” Krishna temple today, you get free rice.

A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Have your partner retell the story in Activity 3. Ask questions: “What game did the king play? Who won the
game? What was the prize for winning? Why was the king worried?”
C. Look at the pictures. Take turns making sentences using (adjective) + than to compare. Say as much as
you can.
LESSON 15—EnglishConnect 2 | 61


1. Learn the vocabulary: shiny, tricks, special, idea, ruined, tools, outside
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

On my last birthday, Mom and Dad But a month later, my friend Evan Then everyone got red bikes. Now
gave me a shiny new bike. I did lots got a new red bike. It was beautiful. my bike wasn’t special anymore.
of cool tricks on the bike. And it It was faster than my bike.
was faster than my friends’ bikes.

I had an idea. I told Mom and Dad, I didn’t listen. I painted my bike. I asked Mom and Dad for help.
“I can paint my bike.” They said, But the red paint came off. It They weren’t mad. Dad said,
“Don’t do it.” looked ugly. I thought, “My bike is “People make mistakes. There is
ruined!” always a way to fix them.”

He gave me some tools. He said, “It It took a long time. I saw my friends At last, the red paint started to come
will be a lot of hard work. But you outside. I wanted to play with them. off. Soon, my bike was just about
can make it shiny again.” But I needed to work on my bike. perfect. Dad helped me so much.

4. Learn the vocabulary: scarlet, suffered, repent, converted, heal, apply

5. Read aloud. Then listen. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow”
(Isaiah 1:18).
“For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent”
(Doctrine and Covenants 19:16).
“Return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you”
(3 Nephi 9:13).
6. Ponder: How does the story about the shiny bike apply to your life? How do the scriptures apply to
your life?
7. Write: Find a scripture on repentance. Write it.

8. Speak: Say your scripture to someone. Say how the story “The Shiny Bike” applies to your life.
62 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 16



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Hey, Adam, do you know where the
2. Yes, I just went there yesterday. It’s the large building
the park and the . It’s
the street from the bank.
3. H
 mm. I don’t know where that is. Is it
the river?
4. No. Do you know where the art is?
Yes, I do.
5. W
 ell, the movie theater is the art
park mall where close to museum
6. O
 h! OK. I know it is. Thank you, Adam!
movie theater down across from between
You’re welcome, Chieko.

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. What is Chieko looking for? 2. Is it close to the art museum? 3. Is it across from the mall?
a. the park a. yes a. yes
b. the movie theater b. no b. no


A. Study the examples. Listen to questions 1–3 and repeat.

Asking questions about location in three ways:
1. Where is the store?
2. Do you know where the store is?
3. How do I get to the store?

B. Ask the question that goes with the letter given. Ask about the place in the picture. Listen to answers 1–8.

A = Where is the ? Example

B = Do you know where the is? C: How do I get to the park?

A: Where is the park?
C = How do I get to the ?
Example: C, A

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A
LESSON 16—EnglishConnect 2 | 63


A. Read the sentence aloud. Then listen.
Picture A Picture B

1. The school is close to the church.

2. The cafe is down the street from the church.
3. The store is between the cafe and the school. 5. The cafe is in front of the brown house.
4. The cafe is next to the store. 6. The blue and purple house is behind the red house.

B. Listen to each question. Look at the picture. Use the word given to write the answer in a complete sentence.
Picture A Example: The cafe is down the street from the cinema.
Picture A cinema
Picture B
1. 3.
store cafe
2. 4.
cafe / school purple and blue house

C. Listen to sentences 1–5. Choose the correct place on the city map.

Restaurant Bank Hospital

First Street ▲

Church Park School Library
Second Street

Third Street


Apartment Building Store

Store S
Fourth Street

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
a. church a. library a. school a. library a. restaurant
b. park b. grocery store b. park b. bank b. apartment building
c. restaurant c. school c. store c. grocery store c. park
d. school d. hospital d. apartment building d. hospital d. bank

D. Look at the city map. Read the directions to a place. Decide if the directions are correct or incorrect.
1. From the airport to the restaurant 2. From the church to the hospital 3. From the library to the apartments
Go north on Third Street. Turn left. Go Go straight on First Street. Turn right Go south on Second Street. Turn right
straight for two blocks. It’s on the right on Second Street. Go one block. It’s on on Fourth Street. Go two blocks. It’s on
and across from the church. the left, across from the store. the right, next to the grocery store.
a. correct a. correct a. correct
b. incorrect b. incorrect b. incorrect
E. Look at the city map. Start at the church. Write directions to the store.
64 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 16


A. Listen. B. Read aloud.

When I was a university student, I went I showed the woman my ticket. “Do A man came by. He looked at my
to China to study. At the train station, I you know where my train is?” I asked. ticket. He said, “Hurry! That train is
sat near an older woman. There were She said, “It’s around the corner.” leaving soon.” We ran far away from
so many trains. I felt lost. the woman.

He pointed to my train. I got on the I showed my ticket to another man. He The girl in front of him said, “I am.” She
train. But I didn’t know when to get off. talked to the people next to him. He stood close to me. The door opened.
said, “Is anyone getting off at this city?” We got off the train.

The girl found a taxi. She asked the The hotel was next to a museum. We The man pointed to the hotel
driver, “Do you know where this hotel went inside together. She said, “Do you restaurant. We walked across the
is?” He nodded. We got in the taxi know where the university students lobby to the restaurant. There was
together. are?” my teacher! Thanks to my Chinese
friends, I never got lost.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the city map in Activity 3. Take turns asking for directions and giving directions to places on the
map. Use examples 1–3. Then make your own questions.
1. You are at the park. 2. You are at the restaurant. 3. You are at the apartment building.
Ask: “How do I get to the airport?” Ask: “How do I get to the store?” Ask: “How do I get to the bank?”

C. Help your practice partner read the situation and give directions.
Situation 1: Situation 2:
You have a new neighbor. Her daughter fell and Your friend is coming to visit you. He is at the train
hurt her arm. Tell your new neighbor how to get station or airport. Give simple directions to your
to the hospital from your house or apartment. home from the nearest train station or airport.
D. Help your practice partner retell the story in Activity 4. Ask questions about the story. “Where did the young
woman go? Why? How many people helped her? Did she get lost? Why or why not? Have you ever been
lost? Have you ever asked someone for directions? What happened?”

E. Find or draw a map of your town. Take turns giving each other directions to places on the map.
LESSON 16—EnglishConnect 2 | 65


1. Learn the vocabulary: pastor, drive, give a ride, knocked, stranger
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Rodrigo was driving home. He saw a Rodrigo thought, “My wife is waiting. “My feet hurt,” said the man. “I’ve been
man on the side of the road. The man Don’t stop.” He looked back at the man. walking for 500 miles.” “Why don’t you
looked sad. A pair of boots was next Then he turned around. “Is everything wear your boots?” asked Rodrigo.
to him. OK?” he asked the man.

“My shoes were worn out so I stopped “Where are you going?” asked Rodrigo. “That’s 150 miles away!” said Rodrigo.
at a church. The pastor washed my “To see my brother in Provo, Utah.” Rodrigo thought of his wife. Then he
feet. His wife gave me these boots. I said, “I will drive you.’
started walking again, but my feet hurt
too much.”

Rodrigo and the man talked. They His friend knocked on the door. Another “I love this man,” Rodrigo told
laughed. Rodrigo drove his new man came out. The man cried when he his wife. “This morning we were
friend to a small house. saw his brother. Rodrigo cried too. strangers. Tonight we are brothers.”
“I’m glad you gave him a ride,” said
his wife.
4. Learn the vocabulary: forgetful, entertain, unaware, hunger, thirsty, ye = you
5. Read aloud. Then listen. “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some
have entertained angels unawares”
(Hebrews 13:2).
“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and
ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in”
(Matthew 25:35).
“There are no strangers here, only friends you haven’t met yet.”
—William Butler Yeats
6. Ponder: What do the scriptures and quote mean?
7. Write: Finish this sentence: A stranger is .
8. Speak: Tell about a time when you helped someone or when someone helped you.
66 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 17



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Hey, Steve, are you to come to Emily’s birthday
on Saturday?
2. Nobody told me about it. Where is it ?
3. It be at Christin’s house at 7:00. It’s a ,
so don’t say anything to Emily.
4. Oh, OK! Do you think it will be all right if I
Adam to come too?
5. Actually, I talked to him yesterday. He’s already
on it.
6. Should I anything?
7. I’m bring a salad. Could you bring some
? could at I’ll surprise will

Sure! going to be invite going

8. Great! Well, I have to get going. see you on party bring salad He’ll drinks

Saturday. going to planning

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. Who is the party for? 2. Where is the party? 3. Will Steve invite Adam?
a. Angela a. Angela’s house a. Yes, Angela told him to.
b. Christin b. Christin’s house b. No, Adam is already coming.
c. Emily c. Emily’s house c. No, Adam is not invited.


A. Study the chart. B. Listen to sentences 1–10, and repeat.

Talking about the Future

subject will + base form of verb time phrase
I will study after school.
We / You will relax after work.
They will go to the store tomorrow.
He / She will visit friends next week.
It will be on Friday.

subject be going to + base form of verb time phrase

I am going to study after school.
We / You are going to relax after work.
They are going to go to the store tomorrow.
He / She is going to visit friends next week.
It is going to be on Friday.
LESSON 17—EnglishConnect 2 | 67

C. Listen to each conversation. Then read the question, and answer aloud.

1. What is Oscar going to 2. What will Li Na and Botan 3. What will Jin do tomorrow night?
do tonight? do next weekend? 4. What time will the concert start?
D. Pretend these are your schedules.

Tuesday Friday
Listen to Listen to
9:00 presentation at work 10:30 meet with Sandra
questions 1–3. questions 4–6.
Answer aloud. 1:00 lunch with Sergio Answer aloud. 2:00 pick up order for work
Use the future Use the future
4:00 doctor appointment 6:30 eat dinner with Paola
tense. tense.


A. Study the chart.

Talking about Future Events

Present Future
There is . . . There will be . . . a play next week.
It is . . . It will be . . . at the theater.
It’s . . . It’s going to be . . . great!

Note: Sometimes we use time phrases (like next week) to talk about the future, but we use a present tense verb.
The festival is today. The festival is next week.

B. Use the words to write a correct sentence. Say the sentence aloud. Listen to the correct answer.

1. a movie / There / in the park / will be 3. cold / going to be / It’s

2. on Saturday / is / There / a concert. 4. is / at 7:00 tomorrow / It

C. Look at the schedule for October. Tell another person about each event.

Talk about what it is, when it will be, and where it is going to be. Listen to examples 1–4.

Friday, October 1 Saturday, October 9 Friday, October 15 Saturday, October 23

What: Piano Concert What: Soccer Game What: Country Dance What: Service Project
Time: 7:00 p.m. Time: 2:00 p.m. Time: 8:00 p.m. Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Brown Concert Hall Place: Wells Field Place: The Party Barn Place: Rosa’s house
68 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 17

D. Read Moira’s schedule for next week. Finish the sentences. Use the words given.

Weekly Plan

Cancer fundraiser On Tuesday, she is going to study with a group of classmates at 4:00 p.m.
–All day
(be going to)
Study group
TUE –4:00 p.m. 1. On Sunday, .
Carl’s graduation (will)
WED –6:00 p.m.
Biology test 2. on Thursday.
THU –10:00 a.m. (will)
Camping at Lake
3. On Saturday .
(be going to)

Camping at Lake
SAT Lorraine
Family dinner E. Say what she will do on the days given. Listen to examples 1–3.
SUN –7:00 p.m.
1. Monday 2. Wednesday 3. Friday

F. Think of an event that you would like to go to someday. Write about the event.
• When will the event be? • Who will go with you?
• Where will it be? • What will you do there?

Example: I will go to a choir concert in December. It’s going to be on the 8th. It will be at the university in my
town. There will be Christmas music. I will invite my sister because she loves Christmas music.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Take turns asking and answering questions about next week’s or next month’s schedule. What will you do
next Monday? Sunday? Tell your practice partner four things you will do next month.
C. Look at the flyers below. Take turns asking and answering questions. What day or days will the event take
place? What time will it start? How much does it cost to go? When will the tickets go on sale? Which event
would you like to go to? Who will you invite? Why? What will you do at the event?

Children’s Home Lincoln County Fair Independent Film Festival

Holiday Fundraiser Friday 12 noon–9 p.m.
Come view new films from local
Join us for a fun evening of great food Saturday 11 a.m.–8 p.m.
directors and producers.
and entertainment. Rides and games
Sept. 9–10
Friday, Dec. 14, 6:00–10:00 p.m. Food
7 p.m.–9 p.m.
At Hometown Grill Music and dance
Location: North Theater
Tickets: $25 Animal exhibitions
Entry: $10
Tickets go on sale November 1st. Free admission
D. Plan a birthday party for someone. Who will the party be for? When will the party be? What day? What
time? Where will the party be? Who will you invite? What will you do at the party?
LESSON 17—EnglishConnect 2 | 69


1. Learn the vocabulary: be accepted, illegal drugs, embarrass, refuse, guilty, expelled
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

John and his friend Matt When they arrived in Japan, He asked John to come with “Who will be there?” asked
were accepted to study at Matt was invited to a party. him. “Where will the party John. “Other international
a university in Japan. They be?” asked John. “On the students,” said Matt. “It will
were thrilled. roof of a hotel,” said Matt. be fun.”

John and Matt went to the Then the party host brought Matt said, “I don’t want to John knew what was
party. It was fun at first. But out some illegal drugs. John leave. We don’t have to use happening wasn’t right. He
then people started drinking felt very uncomfortable. He the drugs. We’ll just pass it said, “I’m going to leave. You
more. said, “Matt, we should leave.” to the next person.” should come with me.”

Matt refused. He stayed at The people threw the drugs Matt was expelled from the He became a successful
the party. After John left, off the roof. The police tested university and sent home. businessman. He later
the police came to the the people at the party. Those John stayed in Japan and returned to Japan to teach
party. who touched the drugs were went to the university. at a Japanese university.

4. Learn the vocabulary: choose (choice), liberty, mediator, captivity, course of action, consequences
5. Read aloud. Then listen. “Wherefore, men . . . are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great
Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death”
(2 Nephi 2:27).
“Choose you this day whom ye will serve; . . . but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”
(Joshua 24:15).
“While you are free to choose your course of action, you are not free to choose the consequences”
(For the Strength of Youth [booklet, 2011], 2).
6. Ponder: What do you want for your life? What choices will help you get what you want?
7. Write three consequences of bad choices and three consequences of good choices.

8. Speak: Tell the story to someone. Talk about how choices affect consequences.
70 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 18



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. H
 ey, Dave, what are you do on
New Year’s ?
2. I will watch the fireworks and
time with my family.
3. That like fun.
4. What about you? Do you have any ?
5. I’m not sure yet—I probably go to a party
or something.

sounds going to probably Eve

will plans spend fireworks


A. Study the chart. B. Listen and repeat sentences 1–6.

Using Probably to Talk about the Future

Using probably with will Using probably with be going to
will + probably + base form of verb be + probably + going to + base form of the verb
I will probably go to the dance.* I am probably going to go to the dance.
She probably won’t go to the dance. She is probably not going to go to the dance.
There will probably be a parade on New Year’s Day. It’s probably going to snow tonight.
*This means that the speaker thinks he will go to the dance, but he is not completely sure.

C. Listen. Choose the picture that matches what the person will probably do.

1a. 2a. 3a. 4a. 5a.

b. b. b. b. b.

c. c. c. c. c.
LESSON 18—EnglishConnect 2 | 71

D. Study the chart. Then listen to sentences 1–4, and repeat.

Contractions with Will and Will Not

I will I’ll
I will not I won’t

I will go to the beach. I’ll go to the beach.

I will not stay home. I won’t stay home.
I will probably graduate next year. I’ll probably graduate next year.
I will probably not move. I probably won’t move.

E. Listen to the conversation. Read the questions. Write your answers in a complete sentence.
1. What does Alan usually do on New Year’s Eve?

2. Will he do the same thing this year? Why or why not?

3. Will Alan go to Jennifer’s party?


A. Study the chart. Using Frequency Words

subject frequency word verb special occasion
a lot always I / You / We / They always go out to eat
usually usually relax
often often visit family on Christmas.
sometimes sometimes goes out to eat
rarely rarely relaxes
She / He
not at all never never visits family

B. Listen to the questions. Answer aloud using a frequency word. Listen to the answers.
1. 2. 3. 4.

C. Read the questions. Write how often you do the activities.

1. How often do you watch fireworks on New Year’s 2. How often do you go to church on Easter?
3. How often do you go out to dinner on Christmas? 4. How often do you go dancing on your birthday?

5. What is your favorite holiday? Why? What do you usually do? Who do you usually spend it with?
72 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 18

A. Listen. B. Read aloud.

My name is Deepika. I live On the first day of Diwali, we On the second day, we On the third day, families
in India. My favorite holiday always clean our homes. We decorate our floors with gather together to celebrate.
is Diwali, the festival of light. usually go shopping. We buy Rangoli. Rangoli are colorful We light the lamps, and we
It’s my favorite because my new clothes, gold, and new designs made with sand. pray.
name means “light.” We utensils. At night children
usually celebrate for 5 days. light firecrackers.

Then all of my neighbors Diwali is a Hindu feast, but On the fourth day, we visit On the fifth day, brothers
gather in the street and we even my non-Hindu neighbors our friends and family. visit their married sisters.
share a delicious feast. come to the feast. We all Sometimes we exchange The sisters prepare special
share food. gifts. sweets for their brothers. I
love this holiday.
C. Put the sentences in the correct order. D. Listen to sentences 1–4. Write what you hear.
All of my neighbors gather together.
We light the lamps, and we pray.
1 We always clean our homes. 2.
We decorate our floors with Rangoli. 3.
We buy new clothes, gold, and new utensils.
Sisters prepare sweets for their brothers. 4.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
Help your partner retell the story in Activity 4. What is Diwali? What do they usually do on each day?

B. Take turns saying what you usually do on New Year’s Eve, Christmas, Independence Day or your national
holiday, and Easter. Then say one thing that you will probably do and one thing that you probably won’t do.

Example 1: What do you usually do on Easter ? Example 2: What will you do on Easter ?
I usually have a big dinner with my family on Easter. I’ll probably go to church with my family on Easter.
I probably won’t go shopping on Easter.

C. Think about the next important holiday coming up in your country. Take turns talking about your plans.
Who will you spend it with? Where will you be? What activities will you do?
Now talk about your favorite holiday. What do you usually do on your favorite holiday? Are there things that
you never do on this holiday? Why is it your favorite? Say as much as you can.
LESSON 18—EnglishConnect 2 | 73


1. Learn the vocabulary: silent soldier, trench, unoffical, truce, no man’s land, mortal enemies
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

During World War I, 100,000 German They had been fighting for five months German soldiers decorated their
and British soldiers decided to stop in trenches. On that night, there were trenches with Christmas trees and
fighting for a day. It was Christmas Eve no guns fired. It was silent. It was an candles.
1914. unofficial truce.

The soldiers on both sides started The next morning, Christmas Day, They shook hands with each other.
singing Christmas songs. They took the truce continued. Many soldiers They said “Merry Christmas” to each
turns singing. They sang in their own came out of the trenches. They walked other.
languages. across “no-man’s-land.”

They gave each other small gifts of When Christmas Day ended, the A German soldier wrote, “How strange
food, buttons, and hats. Some even soldiers went back to their trenches it was. . . . Christmas, the celebration of
played soccer with each other. and started fighting again. Love, managed to bring mortal enemies
together as friends for a time.”

4. Learn the vocabulary: meekness, peace, counsellor, mighty, everlasting, earnestly, seek, source
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God,
The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”
(Isaiah 9:6).
“Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me”
(Doctrine and Covenants 19:23).
“Peace can come to all who earnestly seek the Prince of Peace”
(Russell M. Nelson, “Jesus the Christ—Our Prince of Peace”
[First Presidency Christmas devotional, Dec. 8, 2013],
6. Ponder: How is Jesus Christ the source of peace? How do you find peace in your life?
7. Write ways that you can find peace in your life.

8. Speak: Tell the story to someone. Talk about how Jesus Christ is the source of peace.
74 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 19



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. H
 ey, Diego, are you going to a vacation
this year?
2. Y
 es, we go on vacation every year. I will
in July. I am very excited.
3. So, where you go this year?
4. I’m camping with my family in the .
5. That sounds like fun! will you there?
6. W
 e are going and fish during the day. At
night, we will just and enjoy the .
7. Well, I hope you a great time!

Where do unwind will have What will to go leave going

scenery to hike fish take mountains country

E. Listen to questions 1–3. Answer aloud in complete sentences. Listen to the answers.


A. Study the chart. Contractions Be Going To

Then listen and repeat
I am I’m I’m going to visit Paris.
examples 1–10.
you you’re You’re going to love Hawaii.
we are we’re We’re going to try new food.
they they’re They’re going to travel by train.
he he’s He’s going camping with friends.
she is she’s She’s going to explore a park.
it it’s It’s going to be fun!
I / you / we / I’ll visit Paris.
they / he / willg ’ll We’ll try new food.
she / it It’ll be fun!
Note: To make a contraction with a person’s name: Jana is g Jana’s

B. Look at the pictures. Say where the person is going. Say what they’ll do. Listen to the examples.
1. 2.

Katya beach relax Sam museum take a tour

LESSON 19—EnglishConnect 2 | 75

3. 4.

Yosef and Leah lake fish Rosa mountains hike

5. 6.

Young Jae national park explore Chen and May water park swim

C. Look at the list of locations. Choose two places you will go to on vacation. Write about them.
• Write where you will go. • Tell what you are going to do there. • Use contractions.
Locations Activities 1.
beach water park explore camp
lake theater swim tour
museum national park hike look at animals 2.
mountains zoo fish try new food
an island aquarium relax enjoy the scenery

D. Read and listen to the conversation. Listen to questions 1–4. Answer aloud. Listen to the answers.
Angel: Guess what, Jana! We’re going to Hawaii this summer.
Jana: Wow! That’s great! Tell me about it.
Angel: We will travel by bus around the island so we can see
the sites.
Jana: What sites will you visit?
Angel: We are going to see volcanoes and local villages.
We will also go swimming with dolphins.
Jana: That sounds like so much fun!


A. Study the chart. By + Mode of Transportation

Then listen and
I am going by boat.
repeat examples 1–7.
They’re going by train.
We will travel by bus.
She’s going by plane. OR She’s flying.
I will travel by car. OR I’m driving.

B. Read the question. Write an answer. Use the word given.

1. How will you go to the ruins? (bus) 3. How are you traveling to California? (car)

2. How will we go to the mountains? (train) 4. How are Judy and Roger going to the island? (boat)
76 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 19


A. Listen. B. Read aloud.

Are you going on vacation? We have a bus that will take This hike is two miles. You Travel by bus to the
Do you want to swim with you to the ocean. Then we will see beautiful trees and Polynesian Cultural Center.
turtles? Or do you just want will travel by boat to Turtle flowers. Then you can swim You will stop at ten sites. You
to unwind and relax? Here Canyon. There you can swim at a waterfall. will see beaches, pineapple
at the Beach Hotel, we have with turtles. After swimming, fields, and a temple.
the best tours in Oahu. we will feed you lunch.

At the Polynesian Cultural A luau is a Hawaiian feast. Our shops sell everything. Come Visit
Center, you can learn about We serve pork at the luau. It You can buy art, jewelry, and
six different island cultures. is baked in an underground other souvenirs. We also sell the
You can ride in a canoe. You oven. You will love the batteries and cameras. Beach Hotel!
can watch fire dancing. cooked pineapple and pork.

C. What can you do at the Beach Hotel? Check the boxes next to activities listed in the brochure.
o watch fire dancing o swim with dolphins o watch hula dancing o see volcanoes
o eat pineapple o hike to a waterfall o see a temple o eat pork
o eat fish o ride in a canoe o buy souvenirs o swim with turtles


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Help your partner talk about the Hawaiian tour in Activity 4. What will tourists do at the Beach Hotel? How
do they get to each location? What is a luau? Which tours would you like to go on? Why?
C. Help your practice partner make complete sentences using contractions and be going to for the pictures
in Activity 2B. Then look at the list of locations in Activity 2C. Take turns saying where you will go, what you
will do, and how you will get there.
D. Use the pictures below to create a conversation between two people. Ask about each person’s plans for
the weekend. Say something about each picture.

E. Pretend that you are going on a three-day vacation this summer. Take turns asking and answering
questions about your plans. Where will you go? How will you get there? Who will you go with? What
activities will you do each day?
LESSON 19—EnglishConnect 2 | 77


1. Learn the vocabulary: cruise, ticket, suitcase, farewell, to include, to miss out
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

A man was going on a cruise. He was He had saved his money for a long He didn’t have a lot of money, though.
very excited about this vacation. He time. Finally, he had enough money So he took food in his suitcase. He ate
was going to visit Rome, Athens, and for a ticket. that food every day.

He didn’t go to the restaurants on He explored the cities. But most of the On the last day of the cruise, a man
the ship. He didn’t go to the movies, time, he stayed in his room. He ate the asked, “Which of the farewell parties
parties, or other activities. food that he brought. are you going to?”

He said to the man, “I don’t have The man said, “You don’t need any The man was shocked and sad. He
money to go to the parties.” money. The food, parties, and activities had missed out on many things.
are included in the ticket. You already
paid for everything.”

4. Learn the vocabulary: privilege, restrained, associates, worth, soul, capacity

5. Read aloud. Then listen.

“if you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates”
(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 454).

“The worth of a soul is its capacity to become as God”

(Thomas S. Monson, “Our Sacred Priesthood Trust,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2006, 56).

6. Ponder: As a child of God, what is your potential? What promises has God given you?
7. Write: Answer this question: What will you do to live up to your potential as a child of God?

8. Speak: Apply the story to your life. Talk about how you will be different from the man in the story.
78 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 20



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Hey, Lisa, how are you ?
2. I’m OK, I guess, but honestly I really tired.
I felt really yesterday too.
3. Oh, that’s not good. Do you feel ?
4. I don’t know. I didn’t very well last night.
5. If you’re not feeling well, you go home and
get some .

should sick feel rest today tired sleep

Lisa and Ji-Yoo

E. Answer the questions.

1. How does Lisa feel? 2. Why doesn’t she feel well? 3. What does Ji-Yoo tell Lisa to do?
a. She has a headache. a. She didn’t sleep well last night. a. Continue working.
b. She is tired. b. She works too much. b. Go to the doctor.
c. She feels light-headed. c. She has a fever. c. Go home and rest.


A. Read the sentence aloud. Then listen and repeat.

1. I eat fruit every day. 2. They play soccer twice a week. 3. He goes to the doctor every year. 4. They stay active.

5. She avoids harmful substances. 6. He drinks enough water. 7. They exercise regularly. 8. He gets enough sleep.

B. Write the answer to the question. Use a complete sentence.

1. Is sleeping enough a healthy habit? 4. Is exercising a healthy habit?
Yes, sleeping enough is a healthy habit.
2. Is watching too much TV a healthy habit? 5. Is eating vegetables a healthy habit?

3. Is smoking a healthy habit? 6. Is eating candy a healthy habit?

LESSON 20—EnglishConnect 2 | 79


A. Listen to examples 1–5.

Choose the correct advice
for each person. 1. 2.

Daniel Anika
a. You shouldn’t run. a. You should take medicine.
b. You shouldn’t rest. b. You should wrap it.

3. 4. 5.

John Stacey Hiroto

a. You should ice it. a. You should drink more water. a. You should take it easy.
b. You should see a doctor. b. You should wrap it. b. You should stretch.

B. Choose the correct answer.

1. Stephanie sprained her ankle. She elevate it. 4. Pilar doesn’t feel well. She take it easy.
a. should b. shouldn’t a. should b. shouldn’t
2. He was in a car accident. He go to the hospital. 5. Louis is gaining weight. He eat so many desserts.
a. should b. shouldn’t a. should b. shouldn’t
3. Li Wei has a fever. He go to work. 6. Fetu had surgery. He play sports.
a. should b. shouldn’t a. should b. shouldn’t

C. Write a sentence. Use the words given.

Example: need / You / sleep / to / more 3. sugar / should / avoid / You
You need to sleep more.
1. specialist / You / see / a / should 4. use / You / an / should / ointment

2. a / You / need / note / doctor’s 5. get / a / to / need / prescription / You

D. Listen to each question. Answer aloud in a complete sentence. Listen to the answers.

1. 2. 3. 4.
80 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 20


A. Listen to the story. B. Read the story aloud. C. Answer the questions.

Hi! I’m Anna. I try to exercise Last month, I wasn’t feeling well, I went to the doctor. He told me
regularly, eat vegetables, and sleep though. I started working more that I needed to rest, eat, and
at least eight hours a night. hours. I didn’t have time to exercise. exercise to feel better. Now I feel
Sometimes I didn’t eat enough. much better.
1. W
 hat does Anna not usually 2. Why did Anna start feeling sick? 3. What
 did the doctor tell Anna
do to stay healthy? to do?
a. Exercise regularly. a. She is pregnant. a. Rest, eat, and exercise.
b. Eat vegetables. b. She is working a lot. b. Continue working hard.
c. Eat fruit. c. She has a disease. c. Take medicine.
D. Write 5 sentences about what you do to stay healthy.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the pictures below, and practice using should or shouldn’t to talk about healthy habits.
Examples: You shouldn’t smoke. You should brush your teeth twice a day. You should eat less candy.

C. Help your practice partner retell the story in Activity 4.

D. Talk about your healthy habits. Ask your practice partner to tell you at least five things they do to be
healthy. Help them make complete sentences. Tell them what you do to be healthy.
LESSON 20—EnglishConnect 2 | 81


1. Learn the vocabulary: disciples, blind, sin, righteous, worship, worshipped John 9:1–41
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

One day, Jesus was walking with his The disciples asked if the man or his Jesus made clay out of the dirt. He put
disciples. They saw a man who had parents had sinned. The man was it on the blind man’s eyes.
been born blind. blind so that Jesus could heal him and
show people God’s power.

Jesus told the man to go wash his eyes. When his neighbors saw him, they The neighbors took the man to the
As soon as the man washed the clay were not sure who he was. He told rulers of the city. The man told them
from his eyes, he could see. them that Jesus had healed him. that Jesus had healed him.

Some believed him. They said Jesus The man said that Jesus was a The man asked who the Son of God
was a righteous man. Many did not righteous man. Later, Jesus asked the was. Jesus said that He was the Son of
believe him. They said Jesus was a man if he believed in the Son of God. God. The man worshipped him.

4. Learn the vocabulary: ye = you (the disciples), Thou = you (Jesus), thou = you (Peter), flesh, revealed,
thee = you (Peter)
5. Read aloud. “[Jesus] saith unto [his disciples], . . . whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter
Then listen. answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus
answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and
blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven”
(Matthew 16:15–17).
6. Ponder: What do you believe about Jesus Christ?
7. Write what you believe about Jesus Christ:

8. Speak: Tell what you believe about Jesus Christ to three people.
82 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 21



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Hello, Susan, how are you ?
2. H
 i, Dr. Green. I don’t feel very well. I have had a
f or three days and my really hurts. I’m in a lot of
pain, and I can’t sleep.
3. H
 mm, that doesn’t sound good. Where does your back
It hurts up here, in between my shoulders. I feel a
every time I move my neck.
4. Did you do something that your back?
5. Well, I tried to lift a heavy on Monday.
6. I think you pulled a . I want you to take this
twice a day with food.
muscle feeling back medication pain
7. Y
 ou should take it right after you eat in the morning and
box today headache sharp week hurt
evening. Come back and see me in a .

E. Choose the correct answer(s).

1. How does Susan feel? 2. W

 hat does Susan feel when she 3. W
 hat does the doctor think is
a. She has a headache. moves her neck? wrong?
b. Her back hurts. a. tired a. Susan is sick.
c. She broke her back. b. heat b. Susan pulled a muscle.
c. sharp pain c. Susan is pregnant.


A. Listen to sentences 1–5. Choose the picture that matches what you hear. Write the number in the box.
LESSON 21—EnglishConnect 2 | 83


A. Listen to sentences 1–8 and repeat. B. Listen again and write what you hear.

1. I have a runny nose. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


A. Look at the picture. Choose the instructions that match the picture. Read aloud. Listen.

1. a. Rest for two days. 2. a. Don’t take medicine. 3. a. Elevate your ankle.
b. Exercise more. b. Don’t take this pill on an b. Put ice on your ankle.
empty stomach.
B. Rewrite the advice in the form of a command.

Example 1: You should take one pill twice a day. Example 2: You shouldn’t go to work today.
Command: Take one pill twice a day. Command: Don’t go to work today.
1. You need to rest for two days. 4. You need to drink lots of water and eat fruit.

2. I think you should drink more water. 5. You should wrap and elevate it.

3. You shouldn’t exercise for a week. 6. I think you should take allergy medicine.
84 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 21


A. Study the chart. B. Listen to sentences 1–10 and write the missing words. C. Read sentences 1–10 aloud.
for + a period of time since + a point in time
(from start to end) (from then to now)
> < X >
I have had a cold . . . for three days. since Thursday.
My back has hurt . . . for a few hours. since this morning.
1. I have had diarrhea . 6. I have had insomnia .
2. I have had a backache . 7. I have had fatigue .
3. I have had body aches . 8. I have had watery eyes .
4. I have had allergies . 9. I have had an ulcer .
5. I have had stiff muscles . 10. I have had a stuffy nose .


A. Listen to the story about a time Felisa was sick. B. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. How many children does Felisa have? 5. What did Felisa tell the doctor?
2. Felisa usually had a lot of . 6. How long did Felisa feel tired?
3. One day she felt . 7. The doctor said she had .
4. What did Felisa try? 8. After one week, Felisa could .

C. Write about a time you or someone you

know went to the doctor. What happened?
How did you feel? How long did you feel sick?
What did you do to get better?


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the pictures below. Ask your practice partner to describe what’s wrong and to give advice.
Example: “She has a cold.” “She should rest and drink liquids.”

C. Look at the pictures below and practice using for or since. Ask your practice partner to describe the
symptom, tell how long the patient has had the symptom, and give advice.
Example: She has had a fever since last week. She needs to visit the doctor.

last week three days a week Wednesday Sunday five days

D. Talk about Felisa’s story in Activity 6. Tell about a time you or someone you know was sick. Then ask about
a time that your partner or someone they know was sick or went to the doctor. Ask, “What happened?
How did you feel? How long did you feel sick? What did you do to get better?
LESSON 21—EnglishConnect 2 | 85


1. Learn the vocabulary: critical condition, motto, grief, resurrection, sealing
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Our daughter Georgia was 21 years I flew immediately from our mission in But our lovely daughter died just hours
old. She had a terrible bike accident. Brazil to the USA to be with her. I held before my plane landed.
She was in the hospital in critical on to our family motto—“It will all work
condition. Our family said, “It will all out.”
work out.”

We felt grief and shock. How could we After Georgia’s death, our feelings were Georgia is no longer with us. But we
still say, “It will all work out”? raw. We struggled. Sometimes we still have faith that she is still living as a
feel great sorrow. But we understand spirit.
that no one ever really dies.

We believe we will live with her We have faith in our Redeemer and We can still say, “It will all work out.”
eternally if we keep our temple His Resurrection. We have faith in His
covenants. priesthood power and faith in eternal

4. Learn the vocabulary: remove, thine = yours, align

5. Read aloud. Jesus said, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me:
Then listen. nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42).
“When we open ourselves to the Spirit, we learn God’s way and feel His will”
(Neill F. Marriott, “Yielding Our Hearts to God,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 31).

6. Ponder: How can you align your will with God’s will?
7. Write three ways that you can have faith in God.

8. Speak: Ask three people what they do to align their will with God’s will. Tell them how you plan to be more
open to God’s will.
86 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 22



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Hey, Brian, did you hear about the ?
2. No—who is getting ?
Brett and Alisha are!
3. Really? That’s great. is the wedding?
4. It on August 15th at 1:00.
5. They are going to have a that evening.
6. I hope they send me an .

reception married invitation When wedding will be

E. Answer the questions.

1. Who is getting married? 2. What day will the wedding be? 3. When is their reception?
a. Brian and Samantha a. January 8th a. The morning of their wedding
b. Samantha’s sister b. August 15th b. The evening of their wedding
c. Brett and Alisha c. November 11th c. The day after their wedding

F. Listen to Conversation 2. Choose the correct answer.

1. What day is Tom’s birthday party? 2. What time is Tom’s party? 3. What time will Stuart pick Jenny up?
a. Wednesday a. 7:00 a. 6:00
b. Friday b. 8:00 b. 6:45
c. Saturday c. 9:00 c. 7:00


A. Study the chart. B. Read aloud. Then listen.
1. Question: Where will the party be? “Wh-” Questions with the Future Tense
Answer: The party will be at Christin’s house.
Questions Answers
2. Q: When is the party?
A: The party is on June 13th. Where At Christin’s house.
will the party be?
3. Q: What day is the party going to be? When is the party? On June 13th.
A: The party is going to be on Saturday. What day is the party going to be? On Saturday.
4. Q: What time is the party? What time At 7:00.
A: The party is at 7:00.
C. Choose the correct question for each answer.
1. The activity will be at the church. 3. The graduation is going to be on Saturday.
a. When will the activity be? a. Where is the graduation going to be?
b. Where will the activity be? b. What time is the graduation going to be?
c. What time will the activity be? c. When is the graduation going to be?

2. The reception starts at 8:00. 4. The birthday party will be at my house.

a. What time is the reception? a. When is the birthday party?
b. Where is the reception? b. Where is the birthday party?
c. What day is the reception? c. What day is the birthday party?
LESSON 22—EnglishConnect 2 | 87

D. Listen to questions 1–5. Then listen to answers a and b. Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3.
a. a. a.
b. b. b.

4. 5.
a. a.
b. b.


A. Study the chart. B. Read aloud. Then listen.

“Yes” or “No” Questions with Will

Question Answer
Will +subject + main verb Subject + will + main verb
Will Henri come to the reception? Yes, Henri will come.
the graduation start at 3:00? No, the graduation will start at 3:30.
your cousins be at the ceremony? Yes, they will be there.
Will + there + main verb There + will + main verb
Will there be a band at the wedding? Yes, there will be a band.
there be refreshments at the church activity? No, there will not be refreshments.

C. Listen to the invitations. Write the missing information.

Event 1: Event 2:
Time: Time:
Day: Date:
Details: Details:

D. Write the words in the correct order.

1. party / The / 7:00 / at / will be 3. dancing / There / be /will

2. on / will be / celebration / Saturday / The 4. a party / There / at / will be / my house

E. Write to a friend. Invite him or her to an event. Give as many details as possible. Listen to the examples.
Include the event, time, day, date, place, and details.
88 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 22

A. Listen to the story. B. Read the story aloud.

My name is Ocany. I live in Before the party, I will My mother and I will pick out We’ll invite all of our friends
Mexico. Soon, I will be 15. In practice dancing with my a beautiful dress. and family to the party.
Mexico, a girl’s 15th birthday friends.
is a very special occasion.

On the day of the party, I Everyone will give me their I’ll receive special gifts, such The food will be amazing.
will dance a waltz with my best wishes. My friends and as a pair of high heels, We’ll eat mole with chicken
father. I will perform our special a crown, and a doll. This and tres leches cake. I can’t
dances. shows that I am no longer wait!
a child. I am a princess in
God’s eyes.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.

B. Help your partner retell the story in Activity 4. How does she prepare for the party? Who will come to the
party? What will they do at the party? Take turns talking about an event that was special to you.
C. Look at the pictures. Take turns inviting each other to the activity. Use the words given.

anniversary wedding birthday funeral church retirement party

D. Ask your partner the following questions. Help them answer in complete sentences.
Where will the When is the What time will the When will the What time is the baby
birthday party be? wedding? reception be? graduation be? shower going to be?

my house next week 6:00 tomorrow night 5:00

E. Take turns inviting each other to an event. Include the event, time, day, date, place, and details.
LESSON 22—EnglishConnect 2 | 89


1. Learn the vocabulary: baptist, baptize, camel, locust, tell the truth, be fair Matthew 3:1–16
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

John the Baptist lived in the desert for People came from the cities to hear He told them to repent of their sins
many years. He wore clothes made of him teach. He taught the people about and be baptized. John baptized people
camel’s hair. He ate honey and locusts. Jesus Christ. who repented of their sins.

The people asked John how to live He said that Jesus Christ would soon One day when John was baptizing
better lives. He told them to share come. Jesus would give them the gift people in the Jordan River, Jesus Christ
with the poor, tell the truth, and be fair of the Holy Ghost. came to him. Jesus asked John to
to others. baptize Him.

John knew that Jesus had always But God commanded all people to be When Jesus came up out of the water,
obeyed God’s commandments. He did baptized. Jesus told John to baptize the Holy Ghost came to Him. God
not need to repent. John thought that Him. Jesus set an example for us. He spoke from heaven. He said, “This is
Jesus did not need to be baptized. obeyed God’s commandment to be my beloved Son, in whom I am well
baptized. pleased.”

4. Learn the vocabulary: principle, ordinance, baptism, immersion, remission, laying on of hands
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion
for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost”
(Articles of Faith 1:4).

6. Ponder: Why was Jesus baptized? Why is baptism necessary to return to God?
7. Write why Jesus was baptized.

8. Speak: Retell the story. Talk about why baptism is necessary to return to God.
90 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 23



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Hey, Robyn, how was the ?
2. O
 h, it was a beautiful . The bride and
groom so happy.
3. I , of course. It was kind of bittersweet.
4. Did everything go well for the ?
5. Y
 es. We did most of the work the
reception so I to relax and enjoy it.
6. It was so much fun! We a wonderful meal and
everyone .
7. So many people !
8. I with lots of friends and family members.
cried was able came wedding ate
9. At the end, fireworks. It was great!
reception before looked there were
10. Well, it sounds like it a success! danced visited was ceremony


Asking Questions about Events—Three Ways

A. Study the chart.

1. How was the wedding ?
Then listen and repeat.
2. How did the wedding go?
3. What did you do at the wedding ?

B. Look at the letter given. Use the pattern that goes with the letter. Ask about the event in the picture. Listen.

A = How was the ? Example: B, C

B = How did the go?
B: How did the reception go?
C = What did you do at the ? C: What did you do at the reception?

birthday party ceremony baby shower anniversary party

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A
LESSON 23—EnglishConnect 2 | 91


A. Listen to each conversation. Choose the picture that matches.
A. B. C.

D. E. F.

B. Look at the picture. Describe the event. Use the words given. Listen to the examples.

baby shower, fun, eat reception, amazing, birthday party, great, reunion, lots of fun,
refreshments, chat dance, eat cake play games, give gifts visit, tell stories
C. Read the email. Answer the questions.
Hi Sophia,
I’m sorry you missed my parents’ 40th anniversary party! It was very
fun! There was a delicious meal and dancing. I visited with my aunts
and uncles and my cousin Buddy. I haven’t seen him in a while.
There was a band, so we danced and listened to the music. It was
an amazing night. Many people came.
I hope you feel better soon!
1. What kind of party did Rachel go to? 2. Who was not at the party?
a. a birthday party a. Rachel’s mom
b. a retirement party b. Rachel’s friend Sophia
c. an anniversary party c. Rachel’s cousin Buddy
3. What did they do at the party? 4. How does Rachel describe the night?
a. They danced. a. It was boring and long.
b. They played games. b. It was beautiful but tiring.
c. They told stories. c. It was fun and amazing.

D. Think about an event you went to. Write about it using as much detail as possible. Describe the event and
what you did. Listen to the examples.
92 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 23


A. Listen to the story. B. Read the story aloud.

Mike and Kim were planning “I would like to have fireworks “I love to dance!” said Kim. “I Kim called the band. She
their wedding. “I would like to at my reception too. That want everyone to dance at reserved the beach. She
get married at the beach,” said would be perfect,” she said. “All the reception. That would be ordered flowers, food, and
Kim. “That would be perfect.” I need is you,” said Mike. perfect!” “All I need is you,” said fireworks. “This wedding will be
“All I need is you,” said Mike. Mike. perfect,” she said.

On the morning of the wedding, But when she tried to open At the beach, it started to rain. But Kim was still in the
Kim took a shower and did her the door, the doorknob fell off. The guests went home. Mike bathroom. Finally, she
hair. She put on her beautiful She couldn’t open the door. sat in a chair to wait. decided to climb out the small
dress. “Perfect,” she said, She couldn’t get out of the bathroom window.
looking in the bathroom mirror. bathroom.

As she climbed out the window, Kim limped to the beach. Her She saw Mike. “I’m sorry the “All I need is you,” she said with
she fell on the ground. “Ow!” hair was wet. Her dress was wedding isn’t perfect,” Mike a a smile. Mike smiled and
she cried, and she rubbed her dirty. Her foot was swollen. said. kissed her.
hurt ankle.

B. Put the sentences in the correct order. Use numbers 2‒8.

Kim ordered flowers, food, and fireworks. She hurt her ankle.
She got stuck in the bathroom. It started to rain.
1 Kim was planning her wedding. She climbed out the bathroom window.
She took a shower and put on her dress. She arrived at the beach with wet hair.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Help your partner retell the story in Activity 4A. Say a sentence for each picture. Did Kim have a perfect
wedding? Talk about an event you attended that didn’t go as planned.
C. Take turns using the sentence patterns in Activity 2B to ask and answer questions about the pictures in
Activity 3B. Do the same with the pictures below.

church meeting, graduation, interesting, baptism, special, sing funeral, sad, cry, tell
wonderful, sing hymns, listen to speakers, watch songs, give talks stories, pray
study the scriptures the graduates
D. Take turns talking about an event you recently attended. Use as much detail as possible. Describe the
event, and talk about what you did.
LESSON 23—EnglishConnect 2 | 93


1. Learn the vocabulary: oil-burning lamp, wise, foolish Matthew 25:1–13
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Jesus told a story about ten young The ten women had oil-burning lamps. The other five women were foolish.
women who went to a wedding. They Five of the women were wise. They They only had the oil that was in their
waited for the bridegroom to come brought extra oil with them. lamps.
and let them in. They did not know
what time he would come.

The bridegroom did not come for a While they were gone, the bridegroom When the five foolish women
long time. The oil in the lamps ran out. came. He let the five wise women returned, the door was closed.
The five wise women had more oil enter the wedding. They could not go to the wedding.
to put in their lamps. The five foolish
women had to go buy more oil.

4. Learn the vocabulary: prepare(d), fear

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God”
(Alma 34:32).
“If ye are prepared ye shall not fear”
(Doctrine and Covenants 38:30).
6. Ponder: What can you do each day to increase your faith in God? How will this prepare you to meet God?
7. Write ways that you can increase your faith as you prepare to meet God.

8. Speak: Retell the story, and talk about how you can increase your faith as you prepare to meet God.
94 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 24



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. So, what do you do after you ?
2. Actually, I’m going to to Hawaii! I got a job there.
be moving in July.
3. W
 ow! That sounds wonderful! What will you
out there?
4. I’ll be at the university.
5. W
 hat a great ! Do you plan to there
a few years?
6. I’m not completely sure. I really love teaching—I want
to be a —so I can stay there, I will.
7. But
 if you receive a good offer somewhere
else, will you ? You know, to be closer to
your family?
8. Honestly, I’m not sure. how things turn out.

plan to be doing take it We’ll see move teaching graduate

stay then I’ll if for job opportunity professor


A. Listen. Choose the best picture.
1. a. 2. a. 3. a. 4. a.

b. b. b. b.

c. c. c. c.
LESSON 24—EnglishConnect 2 | 95

B. Study the chart. Listen and repeat the examples aloud.

Talking about Future Plans
want to
I / you / we / they hope to
plan to be married / a father / a mother / a teacher
would like to get married / a degree / a job
wants to study English / business / science / education
he / she hopes to go to school / another country
plans to
would like to

C. Look at the letter. Use the pattern that goes with the letter. Talk about the people in the picture. Listen.

A. want(s) to . . . in the future. Example: C

B. hope(s) to . . . in the future. Marica and Kevin—married
C. plan(s) to . . . in the future. C. Marica and Kevin plan to get
D. would like to . . . in the future. married in the future.

1: D 2: B 3: A 4: C 5: B

Sammy—profes- Noa and Cesar— Jorge— I— Mia—

sional basketball travel new car English teacher business degree
D. Finish the sentences about your future plans. Be creative.

Example: When I retire, I would like to move to a warm place.

1. When I graduate from college, .
2. When I get married, .
3. When I get a good job, .
4. When I finish studying English, .


Asking about Future Plans

A. Study the chart. want to do
Listen and repeat the examples. What do you plan to do
hope to do when you finish school?
What would you like to do after you finish school?
B. Listen. Then ask a question about
the person’s future plans. What are your plans (for)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
96 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 24


A. Listen to the story. B. Read the story aloud.

Gertrude Elion was born in New York When she was 15, her grandfather Gertrude said, “I want to help sick
City in 1918. She was a quiet girl. She got very sick. He was very tired and people.” Her father said, “Be a dentist.
loved to read. She was short and had he had a stomachache. They took him You will make a lot of money.” But
red hair. to the hospital. He had cancer. The Gertrude had a dream. “I want to find
doctors couldn’t help him. He died. new medicines,” she said.

In 1937, she got a degree in chemistry. Then her fiancé got sick. He had a “I still want to help sick people,” she
But she couldn’t get a job in a fever. He was weak and his feet were said. During the day, she worked as a
laboratory because she was a woman. swollen. He had an infection in his secretary. At night she went to school.
heart. The doctors couldn’t help him. She got another degree.
He died. Gertrude was very sad.

Seven years later, she started to Gertrude and George discovered a “I’m happy,” she said. “It’s a wonderful
work in a laboratory. Gertrude and special medicine. This medicine allows life.” In 1988, she received the Nobel
her boss, George Hitchings, studied people to have organ transplants. Her Peace Prize. Gertrude Elion never
medicines. They studied sick cells. She medicine saves lives. gave up on her dream. What is your
worked late and on weekends. dream?
C. Listen to questions 1–6. Say the answers aloud. Listen to the answers.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they un-
derstand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the chart in Activity 3A. Take turns asking each other questions about the future. Use each of the
five phrases: “What do you want to do, plan to do, hope to do . . . ? What would you like to do . . . ? What
are your plans for . . . ?”

C. Help your partner retell the story in Activity 4 using their own words. Say something for each picture. Ask
questions about the story. What did Gertrude’s dad hope for? What did Gertrude plan to do? Why did she
care about medicine so much? What happened to her fiancé? What did she discover? What is your dream?

D. Talk about two of your goals for the next year. Then talk about what you want to do in the next five years.
Use as much detail as possible. Talk about what you will do to accomplish your goals.
LESSON 24—EnglishConnect 2 | 97


1. Learn the vocabulary: run track, details, Paralympic Games, Olympics
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

“My name is Jason Smyth. I’m from I have less than 10% vision. I can see a Beijing 2008 was my first Paralympic
Ireland. I just got married. I run track, lot of colors around, but I can’t see the Games. I won both the 100- and
the 100 and 200 meters. I started details. 200-meter races with world records.
running when I was 15.

Four years later was the Paralympics My goal for the next four years is to Hopefully, I can improve a little bit
in London. Thankfully, I did exactly make it to the Olympics. I just missed each year. I will keep working hard
what I did in Beijing—I won the 100 out on doing that by 0.04 seconds. every day.
and 200 with world records again. That was difficult.

We all experience challenges and trials The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day I’m a sprinter. I’m a four-time
in whatever we do. I’ve learned that Saints, my wife, and my family have Paralympic gold medalist. I’m a
what limits me from doing something been great influences and supports brand-new husband, and I’m a proud
is me. for me. Irishman.”
4. Learn the vocabulary: realize, capable, imagine, strengthen
5. Read aloud. Then listen.

“You are stronger than you realize. You are more capable than you can imagine. You can do it now!”
(Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “You Can Do It Now!,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013, 57).

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”

(Philippians 4:13).

6. Ponder: What are your dreams and goals for the future? What do you need to do to achieve your goals?
7. Write three of your goals for the future.

8. Speak: Tell three people about your goals for the future.
98 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 25



A. Listen to passages 1–4. Answer the questions.
Olga One: Olga Two:
1. Who is Olga sitting with? 2. How does Olga compare to her mom?
a. her Aunt Nina a. Olga’s hair is straighter and darker.
b. her mother b. Olga’s hair is lighter and curlier.
c. her grandmother c. Olga’s eyes are the same color.

Olga Three: Olga Four:

3. Who are the other two children in the picture? 4. Who is the oldest sibling? 5. Who is the tallest sibling?
a. her brother and sister a. Aunt Dasha a. Aunt Dasha
b. her niece and nephew b. Uncle Val b. Uncle Val
c. her cousins c. Olga’s father c. Olga’s father

B. Pretend you are talking on the phone to someone you have never met. Listen to the example.

Describe yourself. Say:

• what you look like.
• what your personality is like.
• what hobbies and interests you have.

C. Ask the person in the picture how he or she feels. Listen to the answers. Respond with empathy.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

D. You are starting a new job today. Write a response to this text message from your friend.
Hey, good luck with your first
day today! I’m excited for you!
Are you excited too? Are you
nervous? Or maybe you’re
tired because you didn’t sleep
well? How do you feel?


A. Read about where Liza lived when she was younger. Answer the questions aloud. Listen to the answers.
Liza One
I grew up in a small town in Colorado. 1. Where did Liza grow up?
My house was at the end of the street. 2. What was next to her house?
There was a big empty field next to my 3. Where did Liza play?
house. My siblings and I played outside
in the field a lot.
LESSON 25—EnglishConnect 2 | 99

Liza Two
At school, I was very obedient and 4. What was Liza like at school?
respectful. Sometimes it was hard to 5. Was it hard or easy for Liza to
make friends. I had a few friends who make friends?
were very outgoing and happy, though.

B. Describe where you live now. Listen to the example.

• Tell about your home.

• Tell what you like and dislike about where you live.

C. Imagine that you just moved away from home. Read the emails from your mom. Answer her questions.
Email One Answer One
How are you doing in your new
place? Tell me about your life.
What do you do in the morning?
What do you do in the afternoon?
What do you do in the evening? I
miss you.
Email Two Answer Two
That’s nice. What did you do on the
weekend? Hope to see you soon.


A. Look at the map. Start at the yellow dot. Read the directions. Choose the correct place on the map.

Community My house is at the west end of

College of Callowhill Street. From there, go
Philadelphia east on Callowhill Street. Turn
N 16th Street

right on North 16th Street. Go

three blocks south until you get
to Vine Street. Turn right on Vine
l Callowhill Street Ⓟ Street. Then go one block west.
Ⓟ The building will be on the right.
N 18th Street

Wood Street a. Free library

b. Church
Free c. Community college
Library Ⓟ Chapel

Vine Street
100 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 25

B. You need to make a salad for dinner tonight, and you are at an outdoor market.

List • Read your list.

1. Carrots
2. Lettuce • Ask the seller how much
each item on your list costs.
3. Tomatoes
4. Cheese • Say how much you need.
5. Eggs • Listen to the examples.
6. Chicken

C. Look at the pictures. Write which item you prefer and why. Use at least four different adjectives.

1. 2.

electric scooter bike backpack briefcase

D. You are visiting the doctor because you hurt your leg or your arm. Read what the doctor says.
• Tell the doctor where your pain is. • Describe how you got injured. • Listen to the examples.
Doctor: Hi, what seems to be the problem today?
Doctor: That doesn’t sound good. Can you tell me exactly where it hurts?
Doctor: Did something happen to cause this injury?
Doctor: I think you sprained it. You will need to rest for a week and put ice on it.


A. Listen to Li talk about her holiday plans. Answer the questions.

1. What holiday is Li celebrating? 3. What will she do?
a. Independence Day (Choose all that are correct.)
b. Lunar New Year a. eat a big dinner
c. Christmas b. play games
d. Easter c. watch fireworks
d. go to church
2. Who will be there?
(Choose all that are correct.) B. Talk about your plans for the
a. her cousins next holiday.
b. her friends • What is the holiday?
c. her grandparents • Who will you spend it with?
d. her aunts • Where will you be?
• What activities will you do?
LESSON 25—EnglishConnect 2 | 101


A. Say what you would like to do five years from now. Listen to the examples.

• What goals do you want to reach?

• What will you do to accomplish those goals?

B. Think about learning English.

• why you are studying English.
• how this course has helped you so far.
• what your goal is for continuing your
English study.
• what you will do to reach your goal.


A. Listen to the story. B. Read the story aloud.

When Ernest Shackleton was 40, he He and his crew started for the Then it got dark. It was dark from June
dreamed of reaching the South Pole. South Pole. But, in February, his until September. The men sang songs and
He sailed his boat to an island in boat got trapped in the ice. It was read books. But in September the boat
Antarctica called South Georgia. stuck. His men fished for seals, sank under the ice.
raced the dogs, and played soccer.

“We will walk to water,” said One night in April, the ice cracked. After that, they found water. They sailed in
Shackleton. They pulled small boats Their tents fell in the water. One the small boats. Then they came to a place
and walked. In December, the men of the men fell in too. Shackleton called Elephant Island. No one lived there.
were tired of walking. They camped saved him from drowning. They were far from home.
in tents on the ice.

On April 24th, Shackleton told the But the town was on the other side After he reached the town, Shackleton got
men, “I will get help.” He left with of a mountain. They hiked for 36 a new boat. He sailed back to Elephant
three men in a small boat. Three hours. They stopped to eat, but they Island to get his men. Everyone was still
weeks later, they were back in South didn’t sleep. It was too cold. alive. They were happy to see him. He
Georgia. saved them when they were lost on the ice.
102 | EnglishConnect 2—LESSON 25

C. Read the questions about the story. Answer aloud. Listen to the answers.
1. Who was Ernest Shackleton?
2. What was Shackleton’s goal?
3. What two things happened to Shackleton’s boat?
4. What happened when they were sleeping in tents on the ice?
5. Why did Shackleton leave Elephant Island?
6. What did Shackleton have to do when he reached South Georgia?
7. How many of Shackleton’s men died before he returned?

A. Help your practice partner describe the physical characteristics of people in his or her family. Ask, “What
does your mother look like? What color are your sister’s eyes? Who is (adjective + er), your mom or your
dad? Who do you look like?”
B. Now, each of you find a picture of your family. Take turns asking and answering questions about the
people in your family. What are their hobbies and interests? Do you have any of the same hobbies or
interests? Who are you most like? Compare yourself to two of your family members.
C. Look at the pictures in Activity 1C. Ask what happened. Ask how the person feels. What can you say to
each of them?
D. Talk about where you grew up. Take turns asking and answering the questions. Say as much as you can.
Where did you grow up? What was your house like? What did you like or dislike about your house? What
was close to your house? What were you like when you were young?

E. Look at the conversation in Activity 3D. Help your partner talk about injuries and treatments. Take turns
being the doctor and the patient.
F. Look at Activity 4B. Take turns asking and answering questions about your plans for the next holiday.

G. Look at the pictures. Help your practice partner talk about one of the events in these pictures. When was
it? Who was there? What did you do?
LESSON 25—EnglishConnect 2 | 103


1. Learn the vocabulary: prophet, translator, apply
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

My name is Vinny. I’m from Brazil. This Learning English helped me to have a It also helped me be able to listen to
is Kyle. He was one of my companions good education today. It helped me to the prophets and understand what
on my mission. He was the person have a good job. they are telling me. It has truly blessed
who helped me to learn English. my life.

I’m Marco. I’m from Ivory Coast. This I was blessed on my mission to serve After I finished my mission, I was
is my wife, Elizabeth, and this is baby with companions who helped me blessed to be one of the official
Lima. improve my English. translators for the Church in West

My name is Vanessa. This is my sister He is leaving on a mission for the English is helping me to develop new
Fabiela and my father, Fabio. We Church. My sister and I are going to take skills and new knowledge that I can
live in Honduras. My father has a care of the business when he is gone. apply here in my country. English has
construction company. We wouldn’t be able to do this without really blessed my life.
4. Learn the vocabulary: diligent, seek, mysteries, unfold, perseverance, demonstrate, tough, give up
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God
shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost”
(1 Nephi 10:19).
“Perseverance is demonstrated by those who keep going when the going gets tough,
who don’t give up even when others say, ‘It can’t be done’”
(James E. Faust, “Perseverance,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2005, 51).
6. Ponder: How will you be able to bless others by learning English? What will you do after you finish this
English class to keep learning English?
7. Write a list of three or more goals for improving your English skills.

8. Speak: Tell your English goals to three people.

104 | EnglishConnect 2—Vocabulary

EnglishConnect 2: Vocabulary LESSON 1

board screen listen to request

chair vocabulary look at respond
computer command pay attention return to
desk focus practice say
partner introduce quiet down write


cook Australia France Peru

listen to music Austria Germany Philippines
play soccer Brazil India Russia
play the violin Cambodia Israel South Africa
sew Canada Italy Switzerland
shop Colombia Japan Taiwan
sing Egypt Korea Turkey
travel England Mexico United States
watch sports Ethiopia Nigeria
watch TV


cook visit friends soccer

dance write sports
fish baseball volleyball
jog basketball boring
paint bowling challenging
play card games fun
read crossword puzzles interesting
socialize games relaxing
swim museum tiring
Vocabulary—EnglishConnect 2 | 105


adopted family reunion great-grandmother

divorced family gathering mother-in-law
married aunt nephew
separated brother-in-law newlyweds
artistic cousin niece
athletic father-in-law relatives
funny grandchildren sister-in-law
intelligent granddaughter stepbrother
tall grandfather/grandpa stepfather
short grandmother/grandma stepmother
thin grandparents stepsister
fat grandson uncle
young great-grandfather


married young competitive

single old energetic
bald loud funny
long hair quiet generous
short hair strong intelligent
beard weak kind
glasses dark nice
tall light outgoing
short athletic patient
big beautiful pretty
small cheerful thoughtful
106 | EnglishConnect 2—Vocabulary


afraid embarrassed responsible

amused enthusiastic rude
angry exhausted sad
arrogant frustrated selfish
bored grouchy surprised
calm guilty tired
competitive happy uneasy
courageous jealous uplifting
creative mad wild
distracted patient youthful


can you I have to clean make a phone call

could you I need to contact pick up
will you I need you to drop off run an errand
would you I want you to fix send
I can please give a ride take care of
I can’t lend take someone to a place


avenue by the desert safe peaceful

city in the mountains unsafe lively
community near a lake noisy beautiful
neighborhood near the ocean quiet ugly
road on the coast not crowded expensive
street busy crowded inexpensive
town polluted historic dry
village popular modern humid
Vocabulary—EnglishConnect 2 | 107


across from angry energetic obedient

between athletic friendly outgoing
close to bossy funny patient
far from brave happy respectful
in front of calm helpful shy
near to careful honest silly
next to creative kind talkative
there was disobedient mean well-behaved
there were disrespectful neat wild


brush my teeth get up go to the doctor always

dance go dancing go to the mechanic usually
do chores go grocery shopping go to work sometimes
do laundry go home listen to music never
eat go ice skating play sports every day
eat breakfast go on a date shop every weekend
eat dinner go snowboarding study once a week
eat lunch go to a concert take a shower once a month
exercise go to bed visit relatives once in a while
get dressed go to school watch TV right now
get my hair cut go to the dentist work
get sick


a week ago last week over the weekend

last Monday last weekend the other day
last month last year yesterday
108 | EnglishConnect 2—Vocabulary


ate left a few days ago

brought made a few years ago
came read last month
caught said last week
did saw last year
fell told on Saturday
found took one day ago
gave traveled one year ago
got visited yesterday
had went


Christmas kept taught

New Year’s Eve known thought
became met traveled
began paid was
built ran were
forgot remembered worked
graduated sat wrote
held spent


count strawberry fish bunch

apple tomato flour can
banana watermelon juice cup
bean noncount lettuce glass
carrot beef meat head
coconut bread noodles kilogram
egg broccoli pork liter
kiwi butter rice loaf
mango cereal soup ounce
nut cheese sugar pound
pineapple chicken wheat quart
potato corn bag
Vocabulary—EnglishConnect 2 | 109


affordable tight estimate penalty

expensive loose expense price
cheap comfortable fee rate
high-tech uncomfortable fine tax
simple dressy good deal toll
modern casual payment tuition


airport department store mall

bakery embassy movie theater
bank fire station museum
bookstore garage neighborhood
bowling alley gas station park
bus stop government building police station
cathedral grocery store post office
church health club restaurant
city hall hospital stadium
convenience store library store


bring celebration parade

come circus picnic
invite concert play
in a few months elections race
in one week fair rodeo
in two days fundraiser school performance
next year
110 | EnglishConnect 2—Vocabulary


celebrate independence holiday always once in a while

relax national holiday every rarely
spend time religious holiday frequently seldom
visit traditions never sometimes
festival vacation often usually


by boat island water park relax

by bus lake zoo sail
by car mountain backpack sightsee
by plane museum bike ski
by train national park boat surf
amusement park nightclub camp swim
aquarium scenery explore travel
art gallery sites fish try new food
beach summer camp get away unwind
campsite theater go rock climbing
fair tour hike


need to avoid diet

should bathe doctor’s note
shouldn’t cover drug
once a week elevate ointment
three times a day exercise physician
twice a day gain weight prescription
bruised ice it prevention
exhausted put heat on it referral
mild rest specialist
red rub surgery
severe stretch treatment
sprained take it easy
swollen take medicine
tired wrap it
Vocabulary—EnglishConnect 2 | 111


allergy flu sore throat light-headed

body ache gas sprain nauseated
broken arm headache stiff muscle sick
broken bone heartburn stomachache terrible
chills insomnia stuffy nose tired
cold medication sunburn weak
cough pills ulcer bruise
cramps rash watery eyes burn
diarrhea runny nose awful cut
dry eyes sharp pain constipated pull a muscle
earache sore muscle dizzy scrape


in a few days birthday graduation

next week bridal shower invitation
soon celebration party
tomorrow night condolences reception
anniversary congratulations refreshments
announcement engagement retirement
baby shower funeral special occasion
best wishes gift wedding


amazing lots of fun visit

awesome strange walk down the aisle
awful surprising watch
beautiful tiring bride
bittersweet wonderful groom
boring chat gift
creepy dance wedding
exciting dress up reception
frightening get together graduation
horrible throw the bouquet ceremony
long toast the bride and groom
112 | EnglishConnect 2—Vocabulary


I hope to education engineer

I plan to engineering farmer
I want to English fisherman
I would like to math nurse
get a degree science photographer
get married architect politician
have children artist restaurant owner
biology bank teller salesperson
business cashier scientist
chemistry doctor teacher
Answer Key—EnglishConnect 2 | 113

EnglishConnect 2 LESSON 1

Activity 2C:
Short a Long a Short e Long e Short i Long i Short o Long o Short u Long u

apple ape end eat itch ice odd over under unit
and ate egg ear it ivy olive open up United States
at April exit eel in I’m on old uncle uniform

Activity 3D:

1. Rosa 2. Jinyou 3. Zack 4. Veronica 5. Quincy 6. Gabrielle


Conversation: Activity 3A: Activity 5C: Activity 6A:

1. What’s 1. c 1. likes 1. She doesn’t like to sew.
2. Where 2. b 2. What 2. He likes to sing.
3. from 3. d 3. don’t like 3. They like to play the piano.
4. about 4. a 4. So 4. They don’t like to cook.
5. this 5. c
Activity 5E: Activity 6B:
6. She’s 6. b 1. a 1. Sarah is from England. She likes
7. likes Activity 3B: 2. b to travel. She likes to bake. She
8. like 4, 1, 3, 2 3. a bakes with her friends.

Conversation: Activity 2C: Activity 3A: Activity 3C:

1. what 1. jogging 1. a 4. a 1. b 3. a
2. Well 2. cooking 2. b 5. b 2. c 4. b
3. Why 3. dancing 3. b 6. a
Activity 5C:
4. because 4. reading Activity 3B: 1. Sunday likes working with old
5. basketball 5. bowling 2. I don’t like doing crossword people. He likes baking and
6. don’t 6. doesn’t puzzles because it’s boring. smiling. He likes African dancing.
7. not 7. playing games 3. He likes fishing because it’s fun. 2. He likes working with old
8. doing 8. likes 4. We don’t like cooking because people because he feels happy
9. boring 9. like it’s difficult. with them.
10. painting


Conversation: Activity 2B: Activity 4A: Activity 4C:

1. family 1. a 1. a 1. cousin, red hair and freckles, smart
2. have 2. c 2. a 2. grandmother, gray hair, a good cook
3. just 3. a 3. b 3. brother, dark curly hair, athletic
4. cousins 4. c 4. a 4. aunt, three children, married, 40 years
5. actually old
Activity 4B:
6. really Activity 3B: 1. My great-grandfather has Activity 5B:
7. is 1. have a beard. 1. Are they married?
8. older 2. is 2. My brother and my sister 2. What does she like doing?
9. same 3. have are quiet. 3. How old are you?
10. Where 4. has 3. My sister has curly hair. 4. Do you like playing soccer?
11. works 5. are 4. My grandparents are old. 5. Where do they live?
6. has 5. My niece is tall. 6. Is she athletic?
114 | EnglishConnect 2—Answer Key

EnglishConnect 2 LESSON 5

Conversation: Activity 2C: Activity 4B Activity 5B:

1. taller 1. Kylie is louder than Sam. 1. a 1. She is going to a family reunion.
2. beard 2. Danilo is younger than Grandma. 2. b 2. He swims at the beach.
3. funny 3. Odalys is shorter than Paula. 3. b 3. Grandma and Chloe’s aunts are
4. What’s Activity 3B: 4. a cooking.
5. thin 1. My cousin is more athletic than my sister. 5. b 4. She takes the cousins to the park.
6. like, than 2. Cars are more expensive than bicycles. She plays soccer.
7. quiet 3. Jacques is less competitive than the 5. He likes to read.
8. outgoing other chefs. 6. She feels loved. She knows they
9. bald 4. My uncle is more generous than my aunt. love her.


Conversation: Activity 2A: Activity 4A: Activity 5A: Activity 6C:

1. all right 2. Yes, she is mad! 1. f 1. a 1. King Sinbad was not calm.
2. sad 3. No, he’s sad. 2. h 2. b 2. He had a falcon.
3. frustrated 4. No, she’s tired. 3. d 3. c 3. Sinbad got lost. He was thirsty.
4. What 5. I’m bored. 4. b 4. b 4. Finally, he found some water.
5. The falcon spilled the water twice.
5. Why 6. Yes, I’m so happy! 5. a
6. He killed the falcon with his sword.
6. had 6. g 7. Then he saw a snake in the water.
7. it’s, be Activity 3A: 7. c
There is no correct 8. Sinbad was very sad.
8. sorry, mad 8. e
answer for these
9. because, phone questions. They are Activity 4B:
opinions. There is no correct answer for these questions. They are opinions.


Conversation: Activity 2B: Activity 2D: Answers will vary Activity 4A Example:
1. can 1. Can you make dinner? 1. Could you wash these clothes? Hi, Joe. I am late because I
2. can’t 2. Will you help cook? 2. Can you clean the floors? locked my keys in my car.
3. could 3. Could you help clean? 3. Would you give your cousin a ride? I need you to go to the
4. need, 4. I want you to clean. 4. Will you send an email with my meeting. I want you to take
5. Would you fix the sink? schedule?
phone call notes. I need you to email
5. drop Activity 2E: the notes to me. Thanks!
6. pick a. 3 c. 1 e. 6
7. take b. 5 d. 2 f. 4

Conversation: Activity 2B: Activity 4B: Activity 5B:

1. Street 1. My street is busy at night. 1. in 1. Tabata grew up in Costa Rica.
2. lively 2. My neighborhood is unsafe. 2. on 2. Yes. It is peaceful. It has beautiful beaches.
3. living 3. My city is historic. 3. in The air is fresh. Her garden is always green.
4. house, noisy 4. My town is cold. 4. in 3. The organization of the Church made her
feel safe.
5. Road, historic Activity 3C Examples: 5. on
4. She taught missionaries to clean. She went
7. neighborhood, 1. The village is by a lake. The 6. in to the hospital with them.
beautiful village is not busy. The village 7. on
8. move is beautiful. Activity 5C Example:
2. The street is quiet. The street My hometown is in California in the US. I like
Conversation E: is safe. it there because I live close to the beach. My
1. d 3. The neighborhood is popular. town is small, so it is quiet and peaceful. It is
2. a The neighborhood is busy. warm most of the year.
The neighborhood is crowded.
Answer Key—EnglishConnect 2 | 115

EnglishConnect 2 LESSON 9
Conversation: Activity 2B: Activity 3B: Activity 3C:
1. grow, Where 1. b 1. My sister and I were silly. 1. b, e, f
2. next to, there was 2. a 2. He was mean.
Activity 3D:
3. was, near, were 3. a 3. I was happy.
1. Izak and his family had a small
4. shy, had 4. b 4. I was shy.
boat. They had a motorcycle too.
5. a 5. They were strict.
Also, they had three big dogs.
Conversation E: 6. b
1. c 7. b
2. a Activity 2C:
3. c Example: There was one tall tree in front of the
house. There were three houses next to each oth-
er. There was a mountain behind the houses.


Conversation: Conversation 1E: Activity 2D Examples:

1. every 1. b 1. I always eat lunch with my sister on Friday.
2. usually, always 2. a 2. I usually go grocery shopping on Saturday morning.
3. Sometimes 3. I sometimes clean my house on Saturday.
4. busy Activity 2B: 4. I never go shopping on Sunday.
1 2 3 4 5 6
5. When
3 2 1 2 1 1
6. once a month 1 3 3 3 3 3
2 1 2 1 2 2


Conversation: Activity 2C: Activity 3B: Activity 3C:

Activity 3D Example 1:
1. yesterday 1. bought 1 2 1. C, E, H I was sick over the weekend. I didn’t feel well on
2. went 2. shopped 2 1 2. B, F, G Friday. On Saturday, I woke up with a fever.
3. did 3. saw 3 2 3. A, D, I I took medicine. I slept. I stayed home all day and
4. bought 4. came 1 4 watched movies.
5. a week ago 5. wanted 4 3 Example 2:
6. exercised On Friday, I went to my friend’s house. My
7. left friend and I talked. We ate dinner together. On
8. read Saturday, I cleaned my home. First, I cleaned my
9. watched kitchen. In the afternoon, I cleaned the bathroom.
10. studied In the evening, I was so tired. I fell asleep on the

Conversation: Activity 3C: Activity 3D Example:

1. Why 1. I had a lot of fun. I learned a new game. My friends
2. wanted, How, What 2. I paid bills Saturday night. really like this game, so they
3. played, watched 3. I rode the bus because I crashed wanted me to learn. Last weekend,
my car. I went to my friend’s house to play
Activity 2D: 4. I stayed home because I felt sick the game. My friend taught me
1. I drove to work on Monday. on my birthday. how to play it. It was hard to learn,
2. I rode the bus home on Friday. 5. I played in a tournament last so I didn’t really like the game.
3. On Sunday, I called my family. week.
4. Last Saturday, I played with my 6. The meeting was long and
nephew. boring.
116 | EnglishConnect 2—Answer Key

EnglishConnect 2 LESSON 13

Conversation: Activity 2C: Activity 2E:

1. were 1. she brushed her teeth. When I left work, I was really tired.
2. graduation 2. she walked to work. When I got on the bus, I saw my friend Sumi.
3. How 3. she put on her uniform. I picked up dinner at a restaurant when I got off the bus.
4. brought, 4. she made bread. I went home when I was done with dinner.
graduated 5. Diana took a bus When I arrived home, I took my dog for a walk.
5. years ago, 6. Diana texted a friend
Activity 2F:
it’s been
1. Isa broke her wrist when she ran in a race. She was 14
6. when, had,
years old. It hurt for a long time.
stayed up, was
2. Eric was in school when he won an award. He won an
7. didn’t do, after,
award for having a good score on a test.
went, slept

Conversation: Activity 2B: Activity 3B: Activity 3C: Activity 3E:

1. the market 1. a 1. b 1. She needs two loaves of bread. 1. b
2. pick up 2. b 2. a, c, d 2. She needs three liters of milk. 2. a
3. a loaf of 3. b 3. d 3. She needs a pineapple. 3. b
4. make 4. a 4. a, b 4. She needs a bag of rice. 4. a
5. tomatoes, fruit 5. b 5. b, d 5. She needs a bunch of bananas. Activity 4B:
6. meat 6. a 6. b, d 6. She needs a head of lettuce. 1. is, does, cost, costs
Conversation E: 7. b 2. are, do, cost
Activity 3D:
1. b 3. are, do, cost, cost
2. a 3 5 2 1 4 4. is, does, costs
3. c

Conversation: Conversation E: Activity 2C: Activity 2D:

1. smartphone 1. c 1. a 3. b 1. tighter than
2. kind 2. b 2. a 4. b 2. looser than
3. compact 3. less comfortable than
4. expensive 4. more old-fashioned than
5. much 5. less modern than
6. deal
7. cheaper


Conversation: Activity 3B: Activity 3D:

1. movie theater 1. The school is next to the store. OR 1. a
2. between, mall, down The school is close to the store. 2. b
3. close to 2. The store is between the cafe and the school. 3. a
4. museum 3. The brown house is behind the cafe.
Activity 3E:
5. across from 4. The red house is in front of the purple and blue house.
Go east on First
6. where
Street. Go straight for
Activity 3C:
two blocks. Turn right
Conversation E: 1. c
on Third Street. The
1. b 2. a
store is on the right,
2. a 3. d
4. b behind the library.
3. b
5. c
Answer Key—EnglishConnect 2 | 117

EnglishConnect 2 LESSON 17

Conversation: Conversation E: Activity 3B: Activity 3D:

1. going, party 1. c 1. There will be a movie 1. On Sunday, she will eat dinner with her
2. going to be 2. b in the park. family at 7:00 p.m.
3. will, surprise 3. b 2. There is a concert on 2. She will take a biology test at 10:00 a.m.
4. invite Saturday. on Thursday.
5. planning 3. It’s going to be cold. 3. On Saturday, she is going to go camping
6. bring 4. It is at 7:00 tomorrow. at Lake Lorraine.
7. going to, drinks
8. I’ll


Conversation: Activity 2E: Activity 4C: Activity 4D:

1. going to, Eve 1. He usually watches the fireworks and 5 1. On the first day of Diwali, we
2. probably, spends time with his friends. 4 always clean our homes.
spend 2. No, his friends have other plans this 1 2. We light the lamps and we pray.
3. sounds year. 3 3. We share a delicious feast.
4. plans 3. Maybe. He has to see how late he will 2 4. Sometimes we exchange gifts.
5. will need to work. 6
Activity 3C Examples:
Activity 2C
1. I always watch fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
1. b
2. I never go out to dinner on Christmas.
2. b
3. I always go to church on Easter.
3. c
4. I sometimes go dancing on my birthday.
4. a
5. Easter week is my favorite holiday. It is very warm here during Easter. We never work
5. a
during the week, and we usually go to the beach. My whole family goes. We usually
camp on the beach and eat fish and swim. We never eat meat on Friday before Easter.
We always go to church on Easter Sunday.
Conversation: Activity 2C Examples: Activity 3B: Activity 4C:
1. take 1. I’ll go to the beach on 1. I’m going to go by bus to the ruins. watch fire dancing
2. leave vacation. I’m going to 2. We will go by train to the mountains. eat pineapple
3. will swim and relax. 3. I’m traveling by car to California. hike to a waterfall
4. going, 2. I’m going to a lake on OR ride in a canoe
vacation. I’ll fish and I am driving to California. see a temple
5. What, do
6. to hike, un- camp. 4. They are going by boat to the island. buy souvenirs
wind, scenery eat pork
7. will have swim with turtles


Conversation: Activity 2B: Activity 3C: Activity 4D

1. today 2. No, watching TV is not a healthy habit. 1. You should see a specialist. Example: I sleep
2. feel, tired 3. No, smoking is not a healthy habit. 2. You need a doctor’s note. at least eight hours
3. sick 4. Yes, exercising is a healthy habit. 3. You should avoid sugar. every night. I drink
4. sleep 5. Yes, eating vegetables is a healthy habit. 4. You should use an ointment. lots of water and
6. No, eating candy is not a healthy habit. 5. You need to get a prescription. eat vegetables every
5. should, rest
day. I try to eat fruit
Conversation E: Activity 3A: Activity 4C: every morning. Every
1. b 2. a 3. c 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 1. c week I exercise. I
2. b also go to the doctor
Activity 3B: 3. a when I am sick.
1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b
118 | EnglishConnect 2—Answer Key

EnglishConnect 2 LESSON 21

Conversation: Activity 4A: Activity 6B:

1. feeling today 1. a 2. b 3. a 1. three
2. headache, back 2. energy
3. sharp pain Activity 4B: 3. very tired
4. hurt 1. Rest for two days. 4. to get more sleep, to eat better
5. box 2. Drink more water. 5. I feel tired. I don’t have energy.
6. muscle, 3. Don’t exercise for a week. 6. for two weeks
medication 4. Drink lots of water and eat fruit. 7. a virus
7. week 5. Wrap and elevate it. 8. take care of her family
6. Take allergy medicine.
Conversation E:
1. a, b 2. c 3. b
Activity 5A: Activity 6C Example:
Activity 2A: 1. for five days When I was seven, I became very sick. I was
1 3 4 2. since this morning sick for a month. I was nauseous, I had sore
2 5 3. for a week muscles, and I was weak. My mom took me
4. for a month to the doctor. I had an infection. The doctor
Activity 3A: 5. since yesterday gave me medicine to take.
2. I feel light-headed. 6. for two years
3. I have cramps. 7. since last Monday
4. I have heartburn. 8. for a week
5. I have an earache. 9. since January
6. I feel weak. 10. for a week and a half
7. I have a fever.
8. I have very dry eyes.


Conversation: Activity 3C: Activity 3E Example:

1. wedding Event 1: 40th-anniversary celebration Would you like to go to the wedding
2. married Time: 8:00 reception with me? It is on Saturday,
3. When Day: Saturday August 14th, at 7:00 at the church.
4. will be Details: There will be dancing and a live There will be refreshments and
5. reception band. There will be cake, drinks, and snacks. dancing. I can pick you up at 6:30.
6. invitation Event 2: Surprise graduation party
Time: 1:00
Date: June 7th
Conversation E: Details: It will be at the park. There will be
1. c 2. b 3. b pizza and games. Come early because it’s a
Conversation F:
1. c 2. a 3. b
Activity 3D:
Activity 2C: 1. The party will be at 7:00.
1. b 3. c 2. The celebration will be on Saturday.
2. a 4. b 3. There will be dancing.
4. There will be a party at my house.

Activity 2D:
1. b 2. a 3. b
4. a 5. a 6. a
Answer Key—EnglishConnect 2 | 119

EnglishConnect 2 LESSON 23

Conversation: Activity 3A: Activity 3D Example:

1. wedding Last month I went to my friend’s funeral. She was 84 years old. It
2. ceremony, 3 1 4 was sad. People cried. After the funeral we had lunch. We talked
looked about her while we ate. It was nice to remember her life. She was a
3. cried 5 6 2 good person.
4. reception
5. before, was able Activity 3C: Activity 4B:
6. ate, danced 1. c 2 7
7. came 2. b 4 5
8. visited 3. a 1 6
9. there were 4. c 3 8
10. was


Conversation: Activity 2A: Activity 2D Examples:

1. plan to, graduate 1. b 1. When I graduate from college, I hope to get a good job.
2. move, I’ll 2. c 2. When I get married, I hope to travel with my spouse.
3. be doing 3. a 3. When I get a good job, I plan to buy a house.
4. teaching 4. b 4. When I finish studying English, I plan to go to college.
5. opportunity, stay, for
6. professor, if, then
7. job, take it
8. We’ll see

Activity 1A: Activity 2C Examples: Activity 4A:

1. b Answer One: Hi, Mom. My life here is very 1. b
2. a busy. I usually get up at 6:30. Sometimes I eat 2. a, c, d
3. c breakfast. I always go to work at 8:00. I finish 3. a, c
4. c work at 4:00. Sometimes I exercise after work.
5. b I usually cook dinner and eat at home. I go to
Activity 5B Example:
Activity 1D English class on Wednesdays.
I am studying English so that
Example: Answer Two: Last weekend on Saturday, I went
I can take international phone
Hi! I’m tired shopping and cleaned my apartment. In the
calls at work. This course has
because I spent afternoon I took a nap. In the evening I went
helped me feel more
all night thinking dancing with some friends. On Sunday I went to
confident in English. I learned to
about the new job. church. I had dinner with church friends after
talk more to people in English.
I’m also nervous church.
I can ask and answer questions
because I have Activity 3A: now. My goal is to be comfort-
to learn so much b able talking on the phone in
today. I am excited
Activity 3C Examples: English.
too! I’m excited
1. I prefer an electric scooter. It is faster than a I will talk to my classmates on
because this is the
bike. It is also more high-tech. It is small, so I can the phone after this class is over.
perfect job. I feel
lucky to have it. take it everywhere. It is more expensive than a
bike, but it is also more
2. I prefer the briefcase. It is dressier and more
modern. It is compact. It is more expensive, but
it looks better. It can carry everything I need for

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