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BioTime8.0 User Manual-V1.0-ESPAÑOL

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Manual de Usuario

Versión: 1.0
Fecha: Marzo 2019
Versión del Software: 8.0 o superior
Glosario................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Capitulo 1: Introducción el Sistema....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Introducción de las funciones del Sistema...............................................................................................................3
1.2 Procedimiento básico de uso del sistema................................................................................................................3
Capitulo 2 Gestión del Sistema............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Login de Usuario...................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Cierre de Sesión...................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Cambio de clave...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Capitulo 3 Gestión de personal ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Gestión de departamento........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1.1 Añadir departamento .......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Edición de un departamento................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.3 Eliminar un departamento ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.4 Modificar empleados .......................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Gestión de Puestos................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2.1 Añadir posición ............................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Editar posición................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.3 Eliminar posición.............................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.4 Editar empleado................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.3 Gestión de área .................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.1 Añadir un área.................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3.2 Editar una área................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.3.3 Eliminar una área.............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.3.4 Editar empleado ............................................................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Gestión de personal............................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.1 Añadir un empleado.......................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.2 Editar empleado................................................................................................................................................ 19
3.4.3 Eliminar empleado............................................................................................................................................ 20
3.4.4 Ajustar ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
3.4.5 Configuración de Habilitar/ Deshabilitar aplicaciones..........................................................................................22
3.4.6 Sincronización a dispositivo.............................................................................................................................. 22
3.4.7 Eliminar una plantilla biometrica........................................................................................................................23
3.5 Registro de Personal............................................................................................................................................. 23
3.5.1 Añadir una renuncia.......................................................................................................................................... 23
3.5.2 Eliminar una renuncia....................................................................................................................................... 24
3.5.3 Reintegrar........................................................................................................................................................ 25
3.5.4 Deshabilitar la función de asistencia...................................................................................................................25
3.6 Gestión de documentos......................................................................................................................................... 26
3.6.1 Añadir tipo de documento.................................................................................................................................. 26
3.6.2 Eliminar tipo de certificado................................................................................................................................26
3.7 Gestión de caducidad de documentos de personal...............................................................................................27
3.7.1 Agregar documento de caducidad de alerta..........................................................................................................27
3.7.2 Eliminar la alerta de caducidad de documentos....................................................................................................27
3.8 Bio- Foto ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.8.1 Registrar la Bio-Foto ........................................................................................................................................ 28
3.8.2 Eliminar la aplicación de Bio-Foto..................................................................................................................... 30
3.9 Flujo de trabajo...................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.9.1 Rol.................................................................................................................................................................. 30
3.9.2 Engine............................................................................................................................................................. 32
3.9.3 Nodo de flujo de trabajo.................................................................................................................................... 33
3.9.4 Eliminar Flujo de trabajo................................................................................................................................... 36
Capitulo 4 Gestión del dispositivo....................................................................................................................................... 37
4.1 Gestión del dispositivo........................................................................................................................................... 37
4.1.1 Añadir un dispositivo de T&A...........................................................................................................................37
4.1.2 Editar un dispositivo......................................................................................................................................... 38
4.1.3 Eliminar un dispositivo..................................................................................................................................... 39
4.1.4 Limpiar la data................................................................................................................................................. 39
4.1.5 Transferir la Data.............................................................................................................................................. 40
4.1.6 Menú del dispositivo......................................................................................................................................... 42
4.2 Comandos del dispositivo...................................................................................................................................... 44

BioTime8.0 User Manual I

4.3 Gestión de mensajes cortos en el dispositivo........................................................................................................44
4.3.1 Añadir un mensaje público................................................................................................................................. 45
4.3.2 Añadir un mensaje privado................................................................................................................................ 45
4.3.3 Enviar un mensaje............................................................................................................................................ 46
4.3.4 Eliminar el mensaje corto.................................................................................................................................. 47
4.4 Código de trabajo................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.4.1 Añadir un código de trabajo............................................................................................................................... 47
4.4.2 Emitir un código de trabajo al dispositivo...........................................................................................................47
4.4.3 Remover un código de trabajo............................................................................................................................ 48
4.4.4 Eliminar un código de trabajo............................................................................................................................ 48
4.5 Bio- Plantilla........................................................................................................................................................... 49
4.6 Registro del dispositivo.......................................................................................................................................... 49
4.7 Subir un registro..................................................................................................................................................... 49
4.8 Aplicación Móbil..................................................................................................................................................... 50
4.8.1 Cuenta de la applicación.................................................................................................................................... 50
4.8.2 Anuncio........................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.8.3 Noticia............................................................................................................................................................. 53
4.8.4 Registro de operación ....................................................................................................................................... 54
Capitulo 5 Gestión de asistencia......................................................................................................................................... 55
5.1 Parametros de asistencia...................................................................................................................................... 55
5.1.1 Regla general................................................................................................................................................... 55
5.1.2 Regla de departamento...................................................................................................................................... 56
5.2 Descanso............................................................................................................................................................... 57
5.2.1 Añadir descanso................................................................................................................................................ 57
5.2.2 Editar descanso................................................................................................................................................. 59
5.2.3 Eliminar descanso............................................................................................................................................. 59
5.3 Calendario.............................................................................................................................................................. 59
5.3.1 Añadir un calendario ........................................................................................................................................ 59
5.3.2 Añadir un calendario flexible.............................................................................................................................61
5.3.3 Editar un calendario.......................................................................................................................................... 62
5.3.4 Eliminar un calendario...................................................................................................................................... 62
5.4 Gestión de turnos................................................................................................................................................... 62
5.4.1 Añadir un turno................................................................................................................................................ 63
5.4.2 Editar un turno................................................................................................................................................. 64
5.4.3 Eliminar un turno.............................................................................................................................................. 64
5.5 Programación de personal..................................................................................................................................... 64
5.5.1 Programación de personal ................................................................................................................................. 64
5.5.2 Consulta detalles de horarios..............................................................................................................................66
5.5.3 Eliminar registros de programación....................................................................................................................66
5.6 Horario Temporal.................................................................................................................................................... 66
5.6.1 Añadir un horario temporal................................................................................................................................ 66
5.6.2 Eliminar un horario temporal.............................................................................................................................67
5.7 Horario de empleado............................................................................................................................................. 68
5.8 Aprobación de asistencia....................................................................................................................................... 68
5.8.1 Registro manual ............................................................................................................................................... 68
5.8.2 Salida.............................................................................................................................................................. 70
5.8.3 Horas extra....................................................................................................................................................... 71
5.8.4 Capacitación.................................................................................................................................................... 72
5.8.5 Ajuste de horario.............................................................................................................................................. 73
5.9 Días Festivos......................................................................................................................................................... 73
5.9.1 Añadir un día festivo......................................................................................................................................... 73
5.9.2 Editar un día festivo.......................................................................................................................................... 74
5.9.3 Eliminar un día festivo...................................................................................................................................... 74
5.10 Tipos Salida/ Capacitación .................................................................................................................................. 74
5.10.1 Tipo de Salida ................................................................................................................................................ 74
5.10.2 Tipo de capacitación........................................................................................................................................ 75
5.11 Configuración de informe..................................................................................................................................... 75
5.11.1 Configuración de parametros en el informe.......................................................................................................75
5.12 Transacción.......................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.12.1 Tabla de transacción ....................................................................................................................................... 77
5.11.2 Subir una transacción de USB..........................................................................................................................77
5.12 Cálculo ................................................................................................................................................................ 78
5.13 Reporte de asistencia.......................................................................................................................................... 79
Cápitulo 6 Ajustes del sistema............................................................................................................................................ 83

II BioTime8.0 User Manual

6.1 Gestión de usuarios en el sistema.........................................................................................................................83
6.1.1 Gestión de privilegios en grupos........................................................................................................................ 83
6.1.2 Gestión de usuarios........................................................................................................................................... 84
6.2 Configuración del sistema...................................................................................................................................... 86
6.2.1 Configuración de email..................................................................................................................................... 86
6.2.2 Confirguración de alertas................................................................................................................................... 87
6.2.3 Configuración de FTP....................................................................................................................................... 87
6.2.4 Marcadores...................................................................................................................................................... 88
6.3 Gestión de base de datos...................................................................................................................................... 89
6.3.1 Respaldo de data............................................................................................................................................... 89
6.3.2 Migración de data............................................................................................................................................. 90
6.3.3 Auto Exportación.............................................................................................................................................. 90
6.4 Registro de Log...................................................................................................................................................... 92
Cápitulo 7 Apendices.......................................................................................................................................................... 94
Apendice 1................................................................................................................................................................... 94
1. Selección del personal........................................................................................................................................... 94
2. Selección de Data.................................................................................................................................................. 95
3. Selección de Time................................................................................................................................................. 96
4. Importación.......................................................................................................................................................... 97
5. Exportación.......................................................................................................................................................... 99
6. Campos de visualización personalizados.................................................................................................................99
7. Ancho de columna adaptable................................................................................................................................ 100
8. Función multi-label............................................................................................................................................. 101
9. Aparencia personalizada...................................................................................................................................... 102
10. Función de búsqueda de filtro............................................................................................................................. 102
11. Marcador personalizado..................................................................................................................................... 104
12. Vista de registro................................................................................................................................................ 105
Apendice 2 CONTRATO DE LICENCIA DE USUARIO FINAL..................................................................................106

BioTime8.0 User Manual III

Falta: Según las configuraciones de parámetros de asistencia, el caso de no ingreso o salida en las estadísticas de
asistencia se puede contar como falta, o la llegada tardía / salida anticipada por más de N minutos en la
configuración de parámetros de asistencia se puede contar como ausencia.
Tiempo real de asistencia: Se refiere al tiempo de asistencia real de un empleado en el que se recopilan
estadísticas en función del registro de entrada / salida en el tiempo de asistencia debido durante la hora de inicio y
finalización. La unidad predeterminada es día laboral, y la regla estadística se puede cambiar en Asistencia>
Elemento de cálculo> Esperado / Actual.
Duración de la asistencia (tiempo) Se refiere al intervalo de tiempo entre el tiempo real de registro y el tiempo real
de salida.
Estado de asistencia: Se refiere a qué tipo de asistencia para la marcación se contará en el resultado de asistencia.
De forma predeterminada, el sistema tiene ocho estados: Registro de entrada, Registro de salida, Inicio de cena,
Fin de cena, Entrada de OT, Entrada de OT, Salida, Desglose y Entrada.
Horario de asistencia: Se refiere a los horarios posiblemente utilizados durante la configuración de asistencia y la
configuración de todos los parámetros, como la hora de inicio / finalización del trabajo, el tiempo permitido para
llegadas tardías / salidas anticipadas, si el registro de entrada / salida es obligatorio, el rango de tiempo de
entrada / salida permitido, tiempo de descanso, y horas extras. Esta es la unidad mínima en los ajustes de tiempo
de asistencia.
Auto horas extras: Cuando el tiempo de perforación es posterior a la hora de finalización del trabajo, este
parámetro determina si el tiempo excesivo se cuenta como horas extra.
Corrección de estado: Se refiere a determinar si un empleado se registra dentro o fuera siguiendo la regla de
cálculo de asistencia de acuerdo con el horario de turnos y el tiempo de asistencia de este empleado. El cálculo se
basa en este estado durante las estadísticas.
Tiempo debido de asistencia: Se refiere a la duración en que un empleado debe estar en el trabajo desde la hora de
inicio hasta la hora de finalización según el horario del personal. La unidad predeterminada es día laboral, y la
regla estadística se puede cambiar en Asistencia> Elemento de cálculo> Esperado / Actual. Específicamente, el
valor se determina en función de la unidad (día laboral, hora y minuto), así como los días laborales contados y los
minutos de trabajo en el horario de turnos.
Debido Ingreso /Salida: La hora de entrada / salida se refiere a la hora de entrada / salida obligatoria en la
configuración de horarios. Sí significa que el ingreso / salida es obligatorio, y No significa que el ingreso / salida
es opcional.
Salida temprana: La salida anticipada incluye la configuración de la hora para el calendario correspondiente y la
configuración del cálculo de inicio de la salida anticipada, y si la hora de salida real es anterior a la hora de salida
prevista en el calendario. Por otro lado, si la salida obligatoria en el horario está configurada en Sí y el parámetro
de asistencia es Finalizar, el trabajo sin salida se cuenta como salida anticipada para N minutos, el tiempo real sin
salida se cuenta como salida anticipada para N minutos. El tiempo de salida anticipada no afecta los minutos de
trabajo para el cálculo de asistencia.
Excepción: Se refiere al tiempo de permiso durante este horario.
Turno flexible: Se refiere a un cambio de asistencia predeterminado establecido en el sistema. Es un ciclo de
horario flexible dentro de una semana. Si un empleado trabaja en un horario flexible y se requiere una verificación
de asistencia, se puede organizar un turno flexible. Si un empleado tiene un registro de perforación sin un turno
arreglado, la asistencia se calcula en base a turnos flexibles y se clasifica como tiempo extra, como horas extras en
días libres o días festivos. El cambio flexible es aplicable a propietarios de negocios, personal de negocios,
personal de servicio y personal de producción orientado a pedidos.
Horario flexible: Se refiere a un calendario predeterminado establecido en el sistema. En la configuración de un
horario flexible, el retraso del trabajo no se cuenta como horas extra, y la llegada tardía, la salida anticipada o la
ausencia no se contabilizan. El cálculo de asistencia para un horario flexible es el segundo tiempo de perforación
menos el primer tiempo de perforación, el cuarto tiempo de perforación menos el tercer tiempo de perforación, y

BioTime8.0 User Manual 1

así sucesivamente. Los números de línea de su informe se generan automáticamente. Si existen cuatro registros, el
informe diario de ese día tiene dos líneas. Si existen seis registros, el informe diario tiene tres líneas. Además, el
tiempo de asistencia en un horario es el tiempo de salida menos el tiempo de ingreso de este horario.
Llegada tardía: La llegada tardía incluye la configuración de la hora para el calendario correspondiente y la
configuración del cálculo de inicio de la llegada tardía, y si la hora de ingreso real es posterior a la hora de ingreso
prevista en el horario. Por otro lado, si Debe registrarse en el horario se establece en Sí y el parámetro de
asistencia es No ingreso, contar como 60 minutos tardíos, la hora real sin ingreso se cuenta como llegada tardía
por N minutos. La hora de llegada tardía no afecta los minutos de trabajo para el cálculo de asistencia.
Ingreso/Salida obligatoria: En algunas empresas, solo se realiza el ingreso o salida. Si el registro de entrada o
salida se establece como obligatorio, los elementos correspondientes se incluyen en el rango de asistencia.
Ingreso/Salida NO obligatoria: Ingreso/Salida NO obligatoria, se refiere a los tiempos de no implementación real
en los tiempos de ingreso / salidas.
Llegada tardía / salida anticipada Permitida: Se refiere al tiempo permitido para la llegada tardía / salida
anticipada antes de que comience la designación de llegada tardía / salida anticipada durante el tiempo de trabajo
Rol: Cuando se usa el sistema, un super usuario necesita asignar diferentes niveles a los nuevos usuarios. Para
evitar que los usuarios se configuren uno por uno, puede establecer roles con niveles específicos en la
administración de roles y asignar roles apropiados a los usuarios al agregar usuarios.
Horario: Se refiere a qué tipo de turno se utilizará en un calendario para la asistencia de los empleados. Es la base
principal para calcular los resultados de asistencia. Si un empleado trabaja en un horario flexible y se requiere una
verificación de asistencia, se puede organizar un turno flexible. Si un empleado tiene un registro de punzones sin
un turno arreglado, los resultados de asistencia se calculan como horas extra en función de turnos flexibles.
Turno: Se refiere a un horario de trabajo preestablecido para el personal y se compone de uno o más horarios de
asistencia preestablecidos basados en cierto orden y período de ciclo. Para la asistencia de los empleados, los
turnos de los empleados que se deben utilizar deben establecerse primero.
Inicio de entrada /Final de entrada: Se refiere a un horario que es el rango válido del ingreso Los registros del
ingreso fuera de este rango no son válidos.
Inicio de salida/Fin de salida: Se refiere a un horario que es el rango válido de salida. Los registros de salida fuera
de este rango no son válidos. La hora de inicio de la salida no puede superponerse con la hora de finalización del
Super usuario: Se refiere al usuario con todos los permisos de operación del sistema. Un super usuario puede
asignar nuevos usuarios (como personal de administración de la empresa, registradores o administradores de
asistencia) y configurar las funciones de usuario correspondientes.
Horario Temporal: Si los turnos en algunas fechas se ajustan debido a cambios temporales en el tiempo de trabajo
del empleado después de la programación, se puede utilizar el programa temporal. El horario temporal se puede
establecer como solo temporalmente válido o como agregado al turno de un empleado (dos registros de horario en
las estadísticas de asistencia en este caso). Este modo de horario es muy aplicable a los mensajes sin horarios fijos.
Tiempo en un horario: Se refiere al tiempo de trabajo de un horario de asistencia en la configuración de turno de
ese día.
Unidad mínima: La unidad cubre día, hora y minuto y la unidad mínima es un valor numérico. La combinación de
estos dos se usa para establecer la unidad de cómputo mínima de un parámetro en estadísticas como un día, una
hora o un minuto. Por ejemplo, la unidad mínima de licencia se establece en una hora. Cuando se habilita el
redondeo, el valor 1.5 se cuenta como dos horas y el valor 1.4 se cuenta como una hora después del redondeo.
Minuto de trabajo: En la asistencia normal, el minuto de trabajo es el tiempo establecido en el minuto de trabajo
de un horario de turnos.
Cuando la duración de la asistencia válida en un horario de turnos es menor que el tiempo establecido en el
Minuto de trabajo de un horario de turnos, prevalece la duración de la asistencia válida. Cuando la duración de
asistencia válida en un horario de turnos es mayor que el tiempo establecido en el Minuto de trabajo de un horario
de turnos, prevalece el tiempo establecido en el Minuto de trabajo del horario de turnos. El minuto de trabajo en
un turno flexible es 0.

2 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Tiempo de trabajo: Se refiere al tiempo entre la hora de inicio y finalización del trabajo de un empleado (medido
en minutos). Es posible que el valor de llenado no sea igual al intervalo real entre la entrada y la salida. El valor
puede ser mayor o menor que este intervalo, según el sistema de la compañía. Normalmente, este valor no puede
ser mayor que 480 ni menor que 0. Si este valor es 0, este horario es de tiempo extra y no debe contabilizarse
como tiempo de trabajo. El sistema automáticamente contará este horario como horas extras.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 3

Capitulo 1 Introducción del sistema
1.1 Introducción de las funciones del Sistema
Este sistema implementa una gestión unificada para los clientes en términos de tiempo y seguridad operativa y
ayuda a los clientes a mejorar continuamente la eficiencia de la gestión de la seguridad, para una gestión del
tiempo más simple y razonable, así como más valor.
 Caracteristicas del sistema
1. Con una poderosa capacidad de manejo de datos, el sistema puede administrar los datos de asistencia de
10,000 empleados.
2. El procedimiento de operación visual y razonable integra años de experiencia en administración de
3. La gestión automática de la lista de usuarios hace que la gestión sea más científica y eficiente.
4. La administración de permisos basada en roles de administración de niveles múltiples garantiza la seguridad
de los datos del usuario.
5. El sistema de recopilación de datos en tiempo real garantiza que los administradores puedan adquirir datos
de asistencia a tiempo.
 Requisitos de configuración del hardware del servidor
CPU: Frecuencia básica superior a 2.0 GHz.;
Memoria: 4 GB y más
Disco duro: on espacio disponible de 10 GB y más. Se recomienda utilizar una partición del disco duro NTFS
como directorio de instalación del software. (Una partición de disco duro NTFS proporciona mejores
rendimientos y mayor seguridad).
 Entorno operativo del software
Sistema operativo soportado: Windows 7/8/8.1, Servidor Windows 2008/2012
Base de datos soportada: Servidor MS SQL 2005/2008, Oracle 11g, MySQL 5.0.45
Navegador principal soportado: IE 11+, Google Chrome 33+, Firefox 27+
 Funciones
Este sistema consta principalmente de los siguientes módulos funcionales:
Sistema de personal: El sistema de personal incluye tres partes: configuración de administración de
departamento para configurar la arquitectura principal de la empresa; la configuración de administración de
empleados para ingresar información del empleado en el sistema, asignar empleados a los departamentos y
luego realizar el mantenimiento de los empleados; Tarjeta que se emite a los empleados en el sistema para que
los empleados pasen las tarjetas de asistencia.
Sistema del dispositivo: Establecer los parámetros de comunicación para la conexión a dispositivos. La
comunicación con los dispositivos se realiza correctamente solo después de que los parámetros de
comunicación se hayan establecido correctamente, incluidos los ajustes tanto en el sistema como en los
dispositivos. Una vez que la comunicación es exitosa, puede ver la información en los dispositivos conectados
y realizar operaciones en ellos, como monitoreo remoto, carga y descarga.
Sistema de Asistencia: Obtenga la recopilación y las estadísticas de los datos de asistencia de los empleados, la
consulta de datos, mejore la administración de personal, facilite el registro de empleados, facilite las
estadísticas y la evaluación de la asistencia de los empleados realizada por el personal de administración,
facilite la consulta y la evaluación de la tasa de asistencia en cada departamento realizado por la
administración personal, entienda bien la asistencia de los empleados y gestione y comprenda efectivamente la
rotación de empleados.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 4

Configuración del Sistema: Prrincipalmente para asignar usuarios del sistema y configurar roles de usuario,
configurar los parámetros del sistema y administrar los registros de operación del Sistema.

1.2 Procedimiento básico de uso del sistema

Lo siguiente toma un super usuario como ejemplo para presentar cómo utilizar el sistema. Los diferentes usuarios
tienen diferentes permisos de operación, por lo que los procedimientos de operación correspondientes son
diferentes. Los usuarios solo deben seguir el siguiente procedimiento para operar los elementos que se muestran
en la interfaz.
Paso 1: inicie sesión en el sistema y modifique la contraseña predeterminada para su cuenta.
Paso 2: Asigne cuentas y roles para el personal que usa el sistema (como personal de administración de la
empresa, registradores y administradores de asistencia).
Paso 3: Establezca información común del sistema, como parámetros del sistema, anuncios y alertas.
Paso 4: Establezca la arquitectura de organización del departamento de acuerdo con la estructura de la empresa y
establezca la información de posición correspondiente.
Paso 5: Ingrese la información del empleado y realice el mantenimiento diario.
Paso 6: Establezca la estructura regional de la empresa, agregue un dispositivo de T&A para el sistema y
configure la información básica sobre el dispositivo.
Paso 7: Establecer los parámetros de asistencia. Puede utilizar la configuración predeterminada o modificar la
configuración según sea necesario.
Paso 8: Establezca los horarios de asistencia que se pueden usar durante la asistencia, y establezca los parámetros
Paso 9: Establezca los turnos de uso frecuente en el sistema de asistencia, es decir, los modos de combinación de
ciclos de asistencia dentro del intervalo de tiempo.
Paso 10: Programe los turnos para los empleados y establezca qué empleados están en qué turnos. Para un
empleado con el turno arreglado, si se produce un cambio temporal, se puede usar la programación temporal para
la configuración.
Paso 11: Realizar el mantenimiento de asistencia. Durante la asistencia diaria, debido a anomalías, se requieren los
ajustes de licencia, vacaciones y vacaciones compensatorias.
Paso 12: Habilite el sistema para generar un informe de asistencia. El sistema recopila estadísticas y genera
informes de asistencia sobre la base del período de asistencia

BioTime8.0 User Manual 5

Capitulo 2 Gestión del sistema
2.1 Login
 Login de Usuario
(1) Luego de que el programa esta instalado en el servidor, el usuario puede dar doble clic en el icono del
programa en el escritorio para acceder a la interfaz de inicio de sesión al sistema.
(2) Tan pronto como el usuario completa la instalación del programa en el servidor, otras computadoras pueden
acceder a este servidor a través de la red para utilizar este sistema.
(3) Abra el navegador, ingrese la dirección IP del servidor y el número de puerto en la barra de direcciones y haga
clic en Entrar para acceder a la interfaz de inicio de sesión del sistema.

Para usar el Sistema en el servidor, elija Programa> BioTime> Controlador del servidor de BioTime e inicie el
servicio, y luego haga doble clic en el icono de acceso directo de la página de inicio de BioTime en el escritorio.
La interfaz de inicio de sesión del sistema aparece.

Nota: En Windows 7/Vista, haga clic con el botón derecho en BioTime Server Controller y elija Ejecutar
como administrador en el menú de acceso directo.

(4) Cuando ingresa al sistema, se requiere autenticación para garantizar la seguridad del sistema. Se proporciona
un superusuario (con todos los permisos de operación) para un usuario que utiliza este sistema por primera vez.
Ingrese el nombre de usuario y la contraseña, y haga clic en Iniciar sesión para acceder a la interfaz de inicio del

Nota: El nombre de usuario y la contraseña del superusuario son admin. Después de que el usuario inicie

BioTime8.0 User Manual 6

sesión en el sistema por primera vez, para garantizar la seguridad del sistema, use la función de cambio de
contraseña para cambiar esta contraseña.

Este superusuario puede asignar nuevos usuarios (como personal de administración de la empresa, registradores y
empleados de estadísticas) para los empleados dentro de la empresa y configurar las funciones de usuario
correspondientes. Para operaciones específicas, por favor consulte 6.1.2 "Gestión de Usuarios."
(5) Luego de que el usuario inicia sesión, el sistema muestra el interfaz.

En la interfaz principal, se muestran cuatro paneles de menú: Personal, Dispositivo, Asistencia y Sistema. Haga
clic en la siguiente función relacionada debajo de cualquier panel para acceder rápidamente a la interfaz

2.2 Cierre de sesión

Dar clic en el botón del menú en la parte superior derecha de la interfaz, seleccione Cerrar sesión y haga clic
en Confirmar para volver a la interfaz de inicio de sesión del sistema, o cierre el navegador directamente para
cerrar la sesión del sistema por completo.
Después de cerrar la sesión, detenga el servicio en BioTime Server Controller y salga del contador de servicios.

2.3 Cambio de clave

Un super usuario o nuevos usuarios creados por el super usuario cambian sus contraseñas (la contraseña
predeterminada de los nuevos usuarios es 123456) para garantizar un funcionamiento seguro del sistema. Dar clic
en el botón del menú en la parte superior derecha y seleccione la contraseña. Ingrese la contraseña anterior,
nueva contraseña, ingrese la nueva contraseña nuevamente y haga clic en Confirmar para completar el cambio.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 7

8 BioTime8.0 User Manual
Capitulo3 Gestión de Personal
Antes de utilizar la función de asistencia del sistema, ingrese el sistema de personal para configurar primero: la
configuración del departamento para configurar la arquitectura principal de la empresa y la configuración de
personal para ingresar empleados en el sistema, asignar empleados a los departamentos y luego realizar el
mantenimiento de los empleados.

3.1 Información de la compañía

3.1.1 Añadir Compañía

1. Elija [Personal]> [Compañía]> [Agregar] para acceder a la interfaz de adición de la compañía, como se muestra
en la siguiente figura.

Configure los parámetros según sea necesario según los siguientes pasos:
RUC: El valor no puede ser el mismo que el de cualquier otro número de compañía, con un límite de longitud de
50 dígitos.
Nombre: Ingrese el nombre de la compañía que puede estar compuesto por cualquier carácter (una combinación
de 100 caracteres como máximo).

Otros parámetros pueden ser seleccionados.

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3.1.2 Editar la Compañía

Si se produce un cambio en la empresa o un cambio en la estructura de la organización, puede modificar el RUC,

el nombre de la empresa, el LOGO de la empresa y otros parámetros.

3.1.3 Eliminar compañía

Seleccione la empresa que desea eliminar y luego haga clic en [Eliminar] en la parte superior izquierda de la lista
de empresas. O bien, haga clic directamente en la línea de la empresa que desea eliminar para acceder a la interfaz
de confirmación para cancelar la empresa. Haga clic en [Confirmar] para confirmar la cancelación de la empresa

3.2 Gestión de departamento

Elija [Personal]> [Departamento] para acceder a la interfaz de administración del departamento, como se muestra
en la siguiente figura.

Antes de gestionar el personal de la empresa, establecer la estructura de organización del departamento de la

empresa. Cuando se utiliza este sistema por primera vez, un departamento de nivel 1 llamado Departamento y
numerado 1 ya existe en el sistema de forma predeterminada. Este departamento se puede editar (modificar) pero
no se puede eliminar.
3.2.1 Añadir un departamento

1. Elija [Personal]> [Departamento]> [Agregar] para acceder a la interfaz de adición de departamento, como se
muestra en la figura siguiente.

Configure los parámetros según sea necesario según los siguientes pasos:
Código de departamento: El valor no puede ser el mismo que cualquier otro número de departamento, con un
límite de longitud de 50 dígitos.
Nombre de departamento: Ingrese el nombre del departamento que puede estar compuesto por cualquier carácter
(una combinación de 100 caracteres como máximo).
Pariente: Clic y seleccione el departamento principal de este departamento de la lista desplegable.
2. Después de completar la configuración, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la configuración y volver a la
interfaz del Departamento, y la información sobre el nuevo departamento se mostrará en la lista de departamentos.
El diagrama de estructura de departamento de la compañía se muestra en el lado derecho de la interfaz en forma

de árbol de departamento. Dar Clic en para actualizar el árbol del departamento.

1. Puede hacer clic en Importar para importar la información del departamento en otro software o datos en este
sistema. Para operaciones específicas, por favor consulte 4."Importar" en el Apendice 1.

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2. Puede hacer clic Para exportar los datos del departamento en software localmente. Para operaciones
específicas, por favor consulte 5. "Exportar" en el Apendice 1.

3.2.2 Editar un Departamento

Si se produce un cambio de departamento o un cambio en la estructura de la organización en la empresa, puede

modificar el nombre del departamento, el número, la empresa asociada y el departamento principal. Haga clic en
el Código de departamento del departamento que desea modificar directamente o haga clic en en la línea del
departamento a modificar para acceder a la interfaz de edición. Después de la modificación, haga clic en
[Confirmar] para guardar la información modificada del departamento.

3.2.3 Eliminar un Departamento

Seleccione el departamento que desea eliminar y luego haga clic en [Eliminar] en la parte superior izquierda de la
lista de departamentos. O directamente haga clic en la línea del departamento que se eliminará para acceder a
la interfaz de confirmación para cancelar el departamento. Haga clic en [Confirmar] para confirmar la
cancelación del departamento seleccionado.

Departamentos no pueden ser borrado o modificado a voluntad La eliminación o modificación de un
departamento hace que el personal que pertenece a este departamento no pertenezca a ningún departamento. Esto
también hace que la falta de consulta para algunos datos históricos. Si de hecho se requiere la eliminación o
modificación, transfiera el personal de este departamento a otros departamentos y luego elimine el departamento.
Es decir, el departamento que se está utilizando no se puede eliminar.

3.2.4 Editar un Empleado

Puede ajustar los empleados al departamento seleccionado en lotes.

1. Seleccione [Personal]> [Departamento], seleccione el departamento correspondiente, haga clic en [Ajustar

2. En la lista de personal, seleccione el personal que necesita ajustarse al departamento seleccionado en lotes
(puede seleccionar al personal por departamento, nombre o número de personal).
3. Seleccione el personal (obligatorio) y haga clic en [Confirmar]. Los departamentos del personal seleccionado
cambiarán todos.

3.3 Gestión de puestos

Antes de configurar el personal de la empresa, debe agregar la información de posición correspondiente para la
Elija [Personal]> [Posición] para acceder a la interfaz de Posición, como se muestra en la figura siguiente.

3.3.1 Añadir un puesto

1. Elija [Personal]> [Posición]> [Agregar] para acceder a la interfaz de adición de posición.

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Configure los parámetros según sea necesario según los siguientes pasos:
Código del puesto: Introduzca el número de puesto (exclusivo).
Nombre del puesto: Ingrese el título del puesto.
Pariente: Seleccionar la posición del pariente.
2. Después de completar la configuración, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la configuración y volver a la
interfaz de Posición. La información sobre la nueva posición se muestra en la lista de posiciones.

3.3.2 Editar un puesto

Si la información de posición relacionada cambia en la empresa, puede utilizar la función de edición de posición
para modificar el nombre, el número y el departamento de la posición. Haga clic directamente en Posición o
en la línea de la posición que se va a editar para acceder a la interfaz de edición para su modificación. Después de
la modificación, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la modificación.

3.3.3 Eliminar un puesto

En la línea de la posición que se va a editar para acceder a la interfaz de edición para su modificación. Después de
la modificación, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la modificación. en la línea de posición que se
eliminará para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación para la eliminación de la posición. Haga clic en [Confirmar]
para confirmar la eliminación de la posición seleccionada.

3.3.4 Editar empleado

Puede ajustar la posición del personal en lotes.

Seleccione [Personal]> [Posición], seleccione la posición correspondiente, haga clic en [Editar empleado] .
2. En la lista de personal, seleccione el personal que requiere la configuración de posición en lotes (puede
seleccionar al personal por departamento, nombre o número de personal).
3. Seleccione el personal (obligatorio) y haga clic en [Confirmar]. Las posiciones del personal seleccionado
cambiarán todas.

1. Puede hacer clic en Importar para importar la información de posición en otro software o datos en este sistema.
Para operaciones específicas, por favor consulte 4."Importar" en el Apendice 1.

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2. Hacer clic en Para exportar los datos de posición en software localmente. Para operaciones específicas, por
favor consulte 5. "Exportar" en el Apendice 1.

3.4 Gestión de área

Realice la división del área en los dispositivos para asegurarse de que los diversos dispositivos y la información
del personal estén configurados en un área designada. (Un dispositivo puede pertenecer a un solo área). El sistema
emitirá automáticamente la información del personal a los dispositivos en tiempo real y no es necesario que los
usuarios administren manualmente la información del personal en los dispositivos cada vez.
Elija [Personal]> [Área] para acceder a la interfaz de configuración de área.

El Sistema seleccionará un área predeterminada, pero con el nombre del área y el número 1.

3.4.1 Añadir un área

1. Elija [Personal] > [área] > [Añadir] para acceder a la interfaz de adición de área.

Configure los parámetros según sea necesario según los siguientes pasos:
Código del área: Ingrese un código de área único.
Área: Ingrese el nombre de un área.
Área del pariente Seleccione el área principal de esta área de la lista desplegable. (Opcional)
2. Una vez completada la configuración, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la configuración y volver a la
interfaz de Configuración de área. La lista de áreas muestra el área agregada. Aparecerá un árbol de área a la
derecha de la interfaz. Hacer clic para actualizar la interfaz

3.4.2 Editar un área

1. En la lista de áreas, haga clic en un código de área, o haga clic en en la línea del área a editar para acceder
a la interfaz de edición del área.

2. Modificar varios parámetros según sea necesario. (El método de modificación es el mismo que el método de
configuración de parámetros en la sección de adición de área). Una vez completada la modificación, haga clic en
[Confirmar] para guardar la información de área modificada.

3.4.3 Eliminar un área

En la lista de áreas, seleccione el área que desea eliminar y luego haga clic en [Eliminar] en la parte superior de la
lista de áreas o haga clic directamente en la línea del área que se eliminará para acceder al área que elimina la
interfaz de confirmación.

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Haga clic en [Confirmar] para eliminar el área seleccionada y volver a la interfaz de configuración del área. La
lista de áreas ya no muestra el área eliminada.

1. El área por defecto no se puede eliminar.
2. Las áreas que han sido utilizadas por el personal o el equipo no se pueden eliminar.
3. Las áreas con subordinados no pueden ser eliminadas.

3.4.4 Editar empleados

Se puede ajustar el área de personal en lotes.

1. Seleccione [Personal]> [Área], seleccione el área correspondiente, haga clic en [Ajustar empleado].

2. En la lista de personal, seleccione el personal que requiere configuración de área en lotes (puede seleccionar al
personal por departamento, nombre o número de personal).
3. Seleccione el personal (obligatorio) y haga clic en [Confirmar]. El área del personal seleccionado cambiará.
1. Puede hacer clic en Importar para importar la información de posición en otro software o datos en este sistema.
Para operaciones específicas, por favor consulte 4."Importar" in Apendice 1.

2. Puede hacer clic Para exportar los datos de posición en software localmente. Para operaciones específicas,
por favor consulte 5. "Exportar" en Apendice 1.

3.5 Gestión de Personal

1. Cuando comience a utilizar este sistema de administración, debe registrar personal en el sistema o importar la
información del personal en otro software o datos a este sistema. Para operaciones específicas, por favor consulte
4. Importar en el apéndice 1.
2. Puede hacer clic en Exportar para exportar los datos personales en software localmente. Para operaciones
específicas, por favor consulte 5. "Exportar" en el apendice 1.

3.5.1 Añadir empleados

1. Seleccione [Personal]> [Empleado]> [Empleado]> [Agregar] para acceder a la interfaz de adición de


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Configure los parámetros según sea necesario según los siguientes pasos:
 Perfil
ID del empleado: ID de usuario, de no más de 20 dígitos de longitud, sin números duplicados.
Primer Nombre: Primer nombre del usuario.
Apellido: Apellido del usuario.
Nombre local: Nombre local del usuario.
Númeo de tarjeta.: Asigne números de tarjeta al personal para verificar la asistencia. Ingrese el número de tarjeta
manualmente o use un registrador de tarjetas para emitir tarjetas.
Posición: Seleccione la posición de la lista desplegable.
Departamento: Seleccione un departamento de la lista desplegable. (Si no se ha establecido ningún departamento,
solo se pueden elegir los departamentos predeterminados existentes en el sistema.)
Área: Seleccione un área de la lista desplegable. (Si no se ha establecido ningún área, solo se pueden elegir las
áreas predeterminadas existentes en el sistema.)
Tipo de empleo: Seleccione el tipo de empleado de la lista desplegable. Se puede establecer en permanente o
Fecha de contratación: Se establece en la fecha actual de forma predeterminada. La fecha de empleo se considera
como la fecha de inicio del cálculo de asistencia. La asistencia antes de esta fecha no se calcula en el resultado
Género: Seleccione el genero del usuario.
Cumpleaños: Coloque cumpleaños del usuario.
Modo de verificación: Coloque el modo de verificación cuando el usuario use las marcaciones.
PIN: Establezca una clave. Los dispositivos Establece la contraseña personal. El dispositivo T&A en blanco y
negro admite contraseñas con solo cinco dígitos. El dispositivo T&A de pantalla a color admite contraseñas con
solo ocho dígitos. El sistema corta automáticamente las contraseñas con dígitos que exceden la longitud
especificada. Cuando cambie una contraseña, borre la contraseña anterior en el cuadro de texto y luego ingrese la
nueva contraseña.
Registro de Huella: Registrar las huellas de los usuarios.
Foto del empleado:
Dar Clic en [Seleccionar el archivo] y seleccione la foto que desea cargar. Después de la selección, se muestra la
foto, como se muestra en la siguiente figura.

Dar clic en [OK] para guarder las configuraciones y volver al interfaz.

 Detalles
Dar Clic en la pestaña [Detalles] para expandir los detalles del personal.

Configure cada parámetro según sea necesario.

Número de pasaporte: Ingresar el número del pasaporte del personal.
Licencia de conducir: Ingresar el número de licienca de conducir.
Telefono de contacto: Ingresar el número de télefono de personnel contact telephone number.
Télefono de oficina: Ingresar el número de télefono de oficina.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 21

Celular: Ingresar el número de celular del personal.
Nacionalidad: Ingresar la nacionalidad del personal.
Religión: Ingresar la religión del personal.
Ciudad: Ingresar la ciudad del personal.
Dirección: Ingresar la dirección del personal.
Código postal: Ingresar el código postal del personal.
Email: Ingresar el correo electronico del personal.
Dispositivo enrolado: Dispositivo de inscripción del personal.
SSN: Ingresar el número de seguro social del personal.

 Ajustes de Asistencia
Dar clic en [Ajustes de asistencia] para expander los detalles del interfaz..

Habilitar la asistencia: (el valor predeterminado es Sí y No significa que este empleado no está incluido en el
resultado de las estadísticas de asistencia). Para el personal de la alta dirección y el personal temporal que no
requiere verificación de asistencia, se puede configurar en No.
Habilitar vacaciones: Ya sea para habilitar la función de vacaciones. El valor predeterminado es Sí. No significa
que mientras haya vacaciones, no se calcula la asistencia de este empleado.
Privilegio de dispositivo: Configure el permiso de un usuario en el dispositivo, con las opciones que incluyen los
siguientes cuatro tipos.

Contraseña propia: Contraseña de inicio de sesión del personal.

Rol de flujo de trabajo: Ingresar el rol de flujo de trabajo.

 Configuración del documento (esta sección solo está disponible en el modo de edición, no en el nuevo
modo de adición)
Establecer los parámetros del recordatorio de caducidad del archivo.
Documento: Seleccionar el tipo de documento.
Expira en: Se refiere al período de validez de un archivo. Puede configurar recordatorios de correo electrónico
antes de la fecha de caducidad.
Alerta de correo: Si selecciona Sí, el sistema enviará una alerta de documento caducado al correo electrónico del
Alertar antes: Establezca cuántos días antes de la fecha de caducidad para iniciar la alerta.

 Configuración de la aplicación Móbil

Dar clic en [Configuración de aplicación] para expander las configuraciones en el interfaz

Estado de aplicación: El valor predeterminado es No, establecerlo en Sí, luego el usuario puede usar la aplicación
Rol de la apliación: Ingresar el rol del personal.
2. Después de completar la configuración, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la configuración y volver a la
interfaz de Personal. La información del personal recién actualizada se muestra en la lista de Personal.

Nota: No importa si el personal está resignado o empleado, la singularidad del número debe estar
garantizada, y el sistema irá automáticamente a la base de datos de renuncia para la consulta del número al

3.5.2 Editar un empleado

1. En la lista de personal, haga clic en un número de personal, o haga clic en en la línea del personal a editar
para acceder a la interfaz de edición de personal.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 23

2. Modificar varios parámetros según sea necesario. (El método de modificación es el mismo que el método de
configuración de parámetros en la sección de adición de área). Una vez completada la modificación, haga clic en
Confirmar para guardar la información de personal modificada.

3.5.3 Eliminar a un empleado

En la interfaz de personal, seleccione el empleado (o empleados) que desea eliminar y haga clic en [Eliminar] en
la parte superior izquierda de la lista de personal o haga clic directamente en la línea del personal que se
eliminará para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación para su eliminación.

Haga clic en [Confirmar] para completar la operación de eliminación.

Nota: Cuando elimina un empleado, la información sobre este empleado en la base de datos también se
3.5.4 Ajustes

El ajuste de personal cubre la transferencia de personal (ajuste de departamento, transferencia de posición,

regularización, ajuste de área) y renuncia.
1. Transferencia de personal
Esto incluye ajustar el departamento, ajustar la posición, ajustar el ajuste, pasar la prueba.
o siguiente usa el ajuste del departamento como ejemplo para describir las operaciones específicas.
(A) En la lista de personal, seleccione un empleado (o empleados) y haga clic en [Ajuste]> [Ajustar
departamento] para acceder a la interfaz de ajuste del departamento, como se muestra en la siguiente figura.

(B) En la lista desplegable Departamento, seleccione el departamento al que se ajustará el empleado e ingrese la
información en Razón de transferencia y Comentario según sea necesario.
(C) Después de completar la configuración, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la configuración y volver a la
interfaz de personal.
Nota: Las operaciones de ajuste de posición, ajuste de ajuste, prueba de paso son las mismas que las de ajuste de
departamento y no se describen aquí.
2. Registro de personal
Las operaciones de renuncia de personal cubren la renuncia de personal y la asistencia a discapacitados.
(A) En la lista de personal, seleccione el empleado (o empleados) y haga clic en [Ajuste]> [Renuncia] para
acceder a la interfaz de configuración de renuncia.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 25

A continuación, se muestra cómo realizar la operación.
Fecha de renuncia: Seleccionar la fecha de renuncia.
Tipo de salida: Elija los tipos de licencia, tales como suspensión, despido, renuncia, transferencia, retención
Razón: Ingrese la razón de la renuncia según sea necesario. Se puede dejar en blanco.
Deshabilitar la función de asistencia: Compruebe si la asistencia debe ser cerrada. (Si está marcado, los detalles
del personal se eliminarán del dispositivo de asistencia)
(B) Después de completar la configuración, haga clic en Confirmar para guardar la configuración y volver a la
interfaz de renuncia, y el empleado recién agregado para la renuncia se mostrará en la lista de personal

3.5.5 Configuración de Habilitar/ deshabilitar aplicaciones

1. E n la lista de personal, seleccione el empleado (o empleados) y haga clic en [Aplicación]> [Habilitar /

Deshabilitar] para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación de activación / desactivación de la aplicación.

2. Hacer clic en [Confirmar] para habilitar/ deshabilitar el usuario con acceso a la aplicación.
3.5.6 Sincronizar con el dispositivo

Sincronizar personal en el software a dispositivos en el área correspondiente.

1. En la lista de personal, seleccione un empleado (o empleados) y haga clic en [Más]> [Sincronizar con el
dispositivo] para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación para sincronizar.

2. Dar clic en [Confirmar], El personal está sincronizado con el dispositivo.

3.5.7 Eliminar una plantilla biometrica

En la lista de personal, seleccione un empleado (o empleados) y haga clic en [Más]> [Eliminar plantilla
biométrica] para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación para eliminar la plantilla biométrica.

Seleccione el tipo de plantilla biométrica para eliminar. Haga clic en [Confirmar] y se eliminará la plantilla
biométrica del empleado seleccionado, y también se eliminará la plantilla biométrica de este empleado en los

3.6 Renuncia de personal

3.6.1 Añadir una renuncia

1. Seleccione [Personal]> [Empleado]> [Renunciar]> [Agregar] para acceder a la nueva interfaz de adición de

BioTime8.0 User Manual 27


A continuación, se muestra cómo realizar la operación.

Empleado: Seleccione el empleado para la renuncia. (Puede seleccionar al personal por departamento, nombre o
número de personal).
Fecha de renuncia: Seleccoine la fecha de renuncia.
Tipo de Renuncia: Elija los tipos de licencia como Salir, Despedir, Renunciar, Transferir, Retener trabajo sin
Motivo de renuncia: Ingrese el motivo de la renuncia como se requiere. Se puede dejar en blanco.
Deshabilitar la función de asistencia: Compruebe si la asistencia debe ser cerrada. (Si está marcado, los detalles
del personal se eliminarán del dispositivo de asistencia)
2. Después de completar la configuración, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la configuración y volver a la
interfaz de renuncia, y el empleado recién agregado para la renuncia se mostrará en la lista de personal

3.6.2 Eliminar una renuncia

En la interfaz de renuncia, seleccione el empleado (o empleados) que desea eliminar y haga clic en [Eliminar] en
la parte superior izquierda de la lista de personal o haga clic directamente en la línea del personal que se
eliminará para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación para su eliminación.

Dar Clic [Confirmar] para completar la eliminación.

3.6.3 Reintregrar

Reintegre a un empleado dimitido de la lista de personal renunciado a la lista de personal, elimine a este empleado
de la lista de personal renunciado y recupere su archivo.
1. En la lista de personal que ha renunciado en la interfaz de Renuncia, haga clic para seleccionar al empleado
resignado que debe ser reincorporado y, a continuación, haga clic en [Reintegrar] sobre la lista de personal
renunciado para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación para el restablecimiento de la renuncia, como se muestra en
la figura abajo.

2. Dar Clic en [Confirmar] para confirmar y restablecer la información de este empleado resignado a la lista de
personal (en el trabajo).

3.6.4 Deshabilitar la función de asistencia

Para un empleado recién agregado por renuncia con asistencia no deshabilitada inmediatamente, siga el siguiente
método para deshabilitar la asistencia.
En la lista de personal renunciado en la interfaz de renuncia, haga clic para seleccionar el empleado resignado
cuya asistencia debe deshabilitarse, y luego haga clic en [Deshabilitar la función de asistencia] sobre la lista de
personal renunciado para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación para deshabilitar la asistencia, como se muestra en
la figura abajo.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 29

2. Dar Clic en [Confirmar] Para confirmar y deshabilitar la asistencia del empleado dimitido seleccionado.

1. Puede hacer clic en Importar para importar la información de renuncia de personal en otro software o datos a
este sistema. Para operaciones específicas, por favor consulte 4."Importar" en el appendice 1.

2. Puede hacer clic en para Exportar los datos de renuncia del personal en software localmente. Para
operaciones específicas, por favor consulte 5. "Exportar" en el Appendice 1.

3.7 Gestión de documentos

3.7.1 Añadir tipo de documento

1. Añadir [Personal]> [Empleado]> [Documento]> [Agregar] para acceder a la interfaz para agregar

El método de operación específico es el siguiente:

Código de Certificado: Establezca el número de serie del certificado (no se puede repetir).
Nombre del certificado: Colocar el nombre del certificado.
2. Después de completar la configuración, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la configuración y volver a la
interfaz del documento, y el tipo de documento que acaba de agregar se mostrará en la lista de documentos.

1. Puede hacer clic en [Importar] para importar el tipo de documento en otro software o datos en este sistema. Para
operaciones específicas, por favor consulte 4."Importar" en el Apendice 1.

2. Puede dar clic en Para exportar el tipo de certificado en software localmente. Para operaciones específicas,
por favor consulte 5. "Exportar" en el Apendice 1.
3.7.2 Elminar tipo de certificado

En la interfaz del documento, seleccione el tipo de certificado (o los tipos) que desea eliminar y haga clic en
[Eliminar] registro seleccionado en la parte superior izquierda de la lista o haga clic directamente en la línea
del personal que se eliminará para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación para su eliminación.

Dar Clic en [Confirmar] para completar la eliminación.

Nota: El tipo de documento utilizado no puede ser eliminado.

3.8 Gestión de caducidad de documentos de personal

3.8.1 Agregar documento de caducidad de alerta

1. Elija [Personal]> [Empleado]> [Documento del empleado]> [Agregar] para acceder a la interfaz de alerta de
adición de caducidad de documento.

El método de operación específico es el siguiente:

Empleado: Seleccionar el empleado para alertar.
Documento: Seleccione el tipo de certificado.
Fecha de expiración: Colocar la fecha de expiración.
Alerta por Email: Establecer si activar las alertas de correo electrónico.
Alertar antes: Establezca cuántos días antes de la fecha de caducidad para iniciar la alerta.
2Después de completar la configuración, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la configuración y volver a la
interfaz de la lista, y la alerta de caducidad del documento recién agregado se mostrará en la lista.

Nota: Para editar el recordatorio existente, haga clic en el tipo de alerta en la lista o en en la columna
correspondiente del usuario para ingresar a la interfaz correspondiente para la operación. El método de operación
específico es consistente con la operación de adición.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 31

3.8.2 Eliminar la alerta de caducidad de documentos

En la interfaz de Alerta de caducidad de documentos, seleccione la alerta (o alertas) que desea eliminar y haga clic
en [Eliminar] registro seleccionado en la parte superior izquierda de la lista o haga clic directamente en la
línea del personal que se eliminará para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación para su eliminación..

Dar clic [Confirm] para completar la eliminación.

1. Puede hacer clic en Importar para importar el recordatorio de caducidad del certificado en otro software o datos
en este sistema. Para operaciones específicas, por favor consulte 4."Importar" in Appendice 1.

2. You can click para exportar el recordatorio de caducidad del certificado en el software localmente. Para
operaciones específicas, por favor consulte 5. "Exportar" en el apendice 1.

3.9 Bio-Foto
3.9.1 Registrar Bio-Photo

Registre fotos de comparación de luz visible para verificar y pegar en el dispositivo de luz visible.
1. Seleccione [Personal]> [Empleado]> [Bio-foto]> [Código QR] para acceder a la interfaz de obtención de
códigos QR.
2. Escanee el código qr y registre la foto de comparación del usuario en el teléfono móvil (el usuario debe estar
almacenado en el software), se ingresa a la siguiente interfaz luego de una exploración exitosa:

3. Tome la foto, ingrese el número de identificación del empleado, el nombre y el apellido no son obligatorios.
Haga clic en [Inscribirse], complete el registro y regrese a la página de Bio-foto como se muestra a continuación:

4. En este punto, verifique la persona para su aprobación (se puede seleccionar más de una), haga clic en Aprobar
e ingrese a la interfaz de aprobación:

BioTime8.0 User Manual 33

Después de seleccionar Aprobar, haga clic en [Confirmar] para completar el proceso de aprobación y volver a la
lista de aprobación, que muestra el resultado de la aprobación de la persona. En caso afirmativo, el usuario puede
utilizar el rostro para verificar en el dispositivo de luz visible. Si no, no puede ser verificado.

3.9.2 Eliminar la aplicación de Bio-Foto

En la interfaz de la aplicación, seleccione la aplicación (o aplicaciones) que desea eliminar y haga clic en

[Eliminar] en la parte superior izquierda de la lista o haga clic directamente en la línea del personal que se
eliminará para acceder a la interfaz de confirmación para su eliminación.

Dar clic en [Confirmar] para completer la eliminación.

3.10 Flujo de trabajo

3.10.1 Rol

 Añadir un Rol
1. Elija [Personal]> [Flujo de trabajo]> [Rol]> [Agregar] para acceder a la interfaz Agregar rol.
El método de operación específico es el siguiente:
Código: Ingresar el número de serie de la función (no se puede repetir).
Nombre: Colocar el nombre del rol (no se puede repetir)).
Descripción: Descripción del trabajo (opcional).
2. Después de completar la configuración, haga clic en [Confirmar] para guardar la configuración y volver a la
interfaz de la función, y la función recién agregada se mostrará en la lista de funciones.

 Eliminar un rol
En la interfaz de rol, seleccione el rol (o roles) que se eliminará y haga clic en [Eliminar] en la parte superior
izquierda de la lista o haga clic directamente en la línea de la función que se eliminará para acceder a la
interfaz de confirmación para su eliminación.

Dar Clic en [Confirmar] para completar la eliminación.

Nota: Un rol no puede ser eliminado cuando ya esta siendo usado por el flujo de trabajo.

 Ajustar un Rol
1. En la interfaz de rol, haga clic en [Establecer rol de flujo de trabajo] para ingresar a la interfaz de ajuste de

BioTime8.0 User Manual 35

2. Seleccione el personal de la lista de personal que necesita configurar roles en lotes (puede filtrar buscando
departamentos, nombres, números de trabajo, etc.)
3. Seleccionar el rol (requerido) y dar clic en [Confirmar], y los roles del personal seleccionado serán cambiados.

3.10.2 Engine

 Añadir un Engine
1. Choose [Personnel] > [Workflow] > [Engine] > [Add] to access the Add workflow interface.

The specific operation method is as follows:

Start date/End date: Duration of workflow usage.
Code: Number of workflows (cannot be repeated).
Name: Naming of workflows.
Content Type: Select the type of workflow (including leave, overtime, change shift, training, and retroactive)

Employee: Click to select "yes", then enter the personnel selection interface, and directly select the personnel
executing the workflow; Select "No" to select departments and positions.
Position: Click to select the position to perform the workflow.

Department: Click to select the department that executes the workflow.

2. After the completion of setting, click the edit button on the interface to enter the interface of adding
approval node.

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3. Set the number of approval nodes, and after setting the node name, click [Confirm] to complete the setting of
workflow node.
1. When Employee is selected as "Yes", it goes directly to the selection of personnel, and the Position and
Department functions are blocked, indicating that the executor of this workflow is the selected personnel.
2. When Employee is selected as "No" and neither Position nor Department is selected, the execution object of
this workflow is the user with department but no position (provided that the department corresponding to this
person has no special approval flow).

3.10.3 Workflow Node

When the workflow is set up, the workflow of the newly added successful node is displayed under Node, as
shown in the figure:

1. Click the workflow name corresponding to the node or click the edit button after the node to enter the node
The specific operation method is as follows:
Node Number: The node number cannot be modified.
Node Name: The name of the node, which can be modified.

Approver: Click to select the role that approves the node.

Approver Scope: Select "Own Department" means that only personnel in this position in the department can
approve it. Select "All" means that personnel in this position in all departments can approve it.

Notifier: Click to select the role to notify.

Notifier Scope: Select "Own Department" means that only the personnel in this position in the department can
receive the notification. Select "All" means that the personnel in this position in all departments can receive the
2. After the completion of setting, click [Confirm]. When the corresponding personnel applies, the application
must be approved by the auditor. Only after the workflow is completed can the application be successful.
For example:
The user with ID 1 belongs to HR Department and the position is HR;
The user with ID 2 belongs to HR Department and the position is HR, the role is manager;
The user with ID 2 belongs to HR Department and the position is HR, the role is boss.
The overtime workflow for the user with ID 1 is shown below:

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The application for overtime work of the staff should go through two nodes, one of which is the manager and the
other is the Boss. After setting up, the workflow of the two nodes will appear in the interface of the Node. The
diagram below:

Click edit to enter the following interface:

Select the role and scope of the approver, the notifier, and the notification scope. The scope of this approval is
selected as Own Department. The first node selects the person whose role is Manager for approval, and the
notifier is also Manager. The second node selects the person whose role is Boss for approval, and the notifier is
also the Boss. Click [Confirm] and the interface of node list is as follows:

When user No. 1 issues the application for overtime work, at this time, user no. 2 will receive the approval notice,
and when user No. 2 passes the approval, user No. 3 will receive the approval notice. When every node passes the
approval, user No. 1 will receive the email notice. (the application for overtime work and approval by ordinary
users are all completed within the self-service of employees)

3.10.4 Delete Workflow

On the workflow interface, select the workflow (or workflows) to be deleted, and click [Delete] selected record on
upper left of the list or directly click in the line of the workflow to be deleted to access the confirmation
interface for deletion.

Click [Confirm] to complete the deletion.

Cannot delete and edit while the workflow is being use

BioTime8.0 User Manual 41

Chapter 4 Device Management
To use the attendance function, a user must install devices and connect them to the Internet first; then, the user
needs to set the corresponding parameters in the system so as to manage connected devices from the system,
thereby implementing digital management, including uploading user attendance data, downloading the
configuration information, and exporting various reports.

4.1 Device Management

Set communications parameters for connecting to devices. The communication with the devices is successful only
after parameters on the system and the devices are set correctly. After the communication is successful, you can
view the information on the connected devices and perform operations on them such as remote monitoring,
uploading, and downloading.
Click [Device] > [Device] to access the T&A device management main interface. All connected T&A devices are
displayed in a list.

The above interface displays as follows:

Device Name: - It shows the name of the device. For automatically connected devices, it shows Auto_add.
Area: It shows that the device is added in which area as defined in the software.
Serial Number: - It shows the device serial number.
IP Address: The IP address of the device.
Device Model: - The model of device.
Firmware/Push Version: - It shows the build firmware/push version.
State: - shows connected, shows not connected.
Last Activity: Represents the last time the command was executed.
User Count: It shows the number of employees already registered on the device.
FP Count: It shows the number of Fingerprints registered.
Face Count: It shows the number of Faces registered.
Palm count: It shows the number of Palms registered.
Transaction Count: It shows the total number of attendance records.
Sync Time: It shows the time that the system issues data to the device last time.

4.1.1 Adding a T&A Device

There are two ways to add a T&A device: manually adding a T&A device and automatically adding a T&A
 Manually Add a T&A Device

42 BioTime8.0 User Manual

1. Choose [Device] >[Device] >[Add] to access the device addition interface.

Set the parameters as required based on the following steps:

Serial Number: Enter the serial number of the device.
Device Name: Enter any characters, with 50 characters at most.
IP Address: Enter the IP address of the device.
Time Zone: When a time zone is selected, the time on the T&A device will be automatically synchronized to the
standard time in this time zone.
Area: In the drop-down list, select the area to which the T&A device belongs.
Request Interval: Set the time for the device to automatically transmit data to the system.
2. After the setting is completed, click [Confirm] to add the device and return to the Device interface. The device
list displays the T&A device.

Note: If an employee is added to a device, when the employee information is uploaded to the server, the
information will be automatically synchronized to other devices in the same area as the employee on the server.

 Automatically Add a T&A device

It is unnecessary to manually add T&A devices of certain models. You can connect such devices to the system via
HTTP by completing settings on relevant menus on the devices. After the devices are connected to the Internet,
the device list in the system will display the T&A devices. Please refer to relevant user manual for detailed
operation procedures.
Note: Automatically added devices need to be assigned to custom areas to communicate with the software.

4.1.2 Edit a Device

Click a device name, or click in the line of the device to be edited to access the device editing interface.

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Note: Grey items cannot be edited. The device name cannot be the same as the name of another device.

4.1.3 Delete a Device

Detailed operations are described as follows:

1. Click to select the device to be deleted, and then click [Delete] above the device list, or directly click in the
line of the device to be deleted to access the device deletion confirmation interface, as shown in the following

2. Click [Confirm] to delete the device selected and return to the Device interface. The device list no longer
displays the device deleted.

4.1.4 Data Clean

 Clear Attendance Data

1. Click to select a device and click [Data Clean] > [Clear Attendance Data] to access the Clear data interface:

44 BioTime8.0 User Manual

2. Click [Confirm] to delete all data.

 Clear Capture
Users can choose to clear attendance photo on a T&A device.
1. Click to select a device and click [Data Clean] > [Clear Capture] to access the Clear Capture interface (Mainly
delete attendance photos and blacklist photos):

2. Click [Confirm] to delete the capture.

4.1.5 Data Transfer

 Upload User Data

Upload user data from the device to the software.
1. Click to select a device and click [Data Transfer] > [Upload User Data] to access the Upload User Data

2. Click [Confirm] to upload user data.

 Upload Transaction
Upload attendance data from the device to the software.
1. Click to select a device and click [Data Transfer] > [Upload Transaction] to access the Upload Transaction
interface, select the time period to upload:

BioTime8.0 User Manual 45

Click [Confirm] to upload attendance data for the corresponding period.

Note: You can upload personal information on a T&A device to the server in batches by using the function of
uploading data again. If timeout occurs, the uploading is interrupted and you need to perform the operation again.

 Synchronize Data to Device

Synchronize data in the server to all devices. (Generally, this operation needs to be performed only when the data
in devices are inconsistent with those in the server due to objective factors, such as the Internet abnormality or
other conditions.)
In the device list, select the device to which data needs to be synchronized and click [Data Transfer] > [Sync Data
to Device] to access the data synchronization interface. Select the data to synchronize.

46 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Click [Confirm] to confirm the synchronization.

Note: The operation of synchronizing the software data to the devices will delete existing data (excluding
event records) in the devices at first and then re-download all setting information. It is essential to ensure a smooth
Internet connection and avoid power failure during this operation.

4.1.6 Device Menu

 Reboot
Remotely reboot a device via the system.
In the device list, select a device to be rebooted, and then click [Device Menu] > [Reboot] to access the device
rebooting confirmation interface.

Click [Confirm] to reboot the device.

 Read Information
Read the number of persons, attendance records, and the firmware version on a device.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 47

Select a device and click [Device Menu] > [Read Information] to access the confirmation interface of reading
device information. Click [Confirm] to download the information or click [Cancel] to abort this operation.

 Duplicate Punch Period

Set the duplicate punch period on the device.
1. Select a device and click [Device Menu] > [Duplicate Punch Period] to access the duplicate punch period
setting interface, set the time:

2. Click [Confirm] to successfully set the duplicate punch period.

 Capture Setting
Set the capture mode of attendance photos during verification.
1. Select a device and click [Device Menu] > [Capture Setting] to access the capture mode setting interface, select
the mode:

48 BioTime8.0 User Manual

2. Click [Confirm] to successfully set the capture mode.

4.2 Device Command

Check the command issued by the software to a device during communication.

Clear the command issued by the software to a device during communication.

Click [Device] > [Device Command], select the command to access the device command clearing interface.:

Important tip: Attendance data collation operation, need attendance device firmware protocol supports.
4.3 Device Short Message Management
The software supports adding short messages in the system and issuing them to a designated device.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 49

4.3.1 Add a Public Message

1. Choose [Device] > [Message] > [Public] > [Add].

Set the parameters as required based on the following steps:

Device: Select a device to which a message needs to be issued from the drop-down list.
Start Time: Select the start time for issuing the short message.
Duration: Enter the message display duration.
Content: Enter the short message content to be issued.
2. After the completion of the settings, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the short message setting
interface. The short message list displays the added short message.

4.3.2 Add a Private Message

1. Choose [Device] > [Message ]> [Private] > [Add].

50 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Set the parameters as required based on the following steps:
Employee: Select the personnel receiving a short message.
Start Time: Select the start time for issuing the short message.
Duration: Enter the message display duration.
Content: Enter the short message content to be issued.
2. After the completion of the settings, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the short message setting
interface. The short message list displays the added short message.

4.3.3 Send Message

1. Select the short message to be issued in the short message list, and click Send Message.

2. Click [Confirm] to issue public messages to designated devices and private messages to devices to which
designated personnel are added.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 51

4.3.4 Delete Short Message

When a short message is deleted on the software side, it is deleted on the device.
1. Select the short message to be deleted in the short message list, and click [Delete] to access the deleting short
message interface.

2. Click [Confirm ]and the message will be deleted from the list and the device.

4.4 Work Code

Add different work code and upload them to a single device or devices.
Choose [Device] > [Data] > [Work Code] to access the work code interface.

4.4.1 Add Work Code

1. Click [Device] > [Work Code] > [Add] to access the adding work code interface:

Set each parameter, the specific method is as follows:

Code: Enter the work order number.
Name: Enter the name of the work code.
2. After the completion of the settings, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the work code setting
interface. The work code list displays the added work code.

4.4.2 Issue Work Code to Device

Issue work code to the device.

52 BioTime8.0 User Manual

1. Click [Device] > [Work Code] > [Send to Device] to access the issuing work code interface, select the device
serial number:

2. Click [Confirm] to send the work code to the device.

4.4.3 Remove Work Code

1. Click [Device] > [Work Code] > [Remove From Device] to access the removing work code interface, select the
device serial number:

2. Click [Confirm] to remove the work code from the device.

4.4.4 Delete Work Code

Delete work code on the software side.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 53

1. Select the work code to be deleted in the work code list, and click [Delete] to access the deleting work code

2. Click [Confirm] and the work code will be deleted from the list.

4.5 Bio-Template
Check the detail information of employees biometric template.,

4.6 Device Log

Display device operation logs, such as power on, device administrator enters menu, registers personnel, deletes
personnel and so on.

4.7 Upload Log

Displays the device operation log, content, and number of records uploaded by the corresponding device at a
specific time.

54 BioTime8.0 User Manual

4.8 Mobile App
4.8.1 APP Account

Display all APP accounts (personnel who have enabled the mobile APP function under the Personnel module. On
the APP side, the personnel login to the APP by entering the personnel ID and self-service login password). The
main information includes the user name, login time, last active time, client ID, device token, client category, run
status(whether the user is online), APP status(whether the APP is disabled).

 Push Notification
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Account], select corresponding account, click [Push Notification].

2. Fill in the notification content, click [Confirm] and push the notification.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 55

This feature is only used to test whether the notification can be successfully pushed to the mobile app. The content
of the notification will not be displayed on the mobile app.
 Force Offline
If a user is active in multiple mobile phones, you can use Force Offline Function to turn the other mobile phones
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Account], select corresponding account, click [Force Offline].

2. Click [Confirm], to turn the mobile phone inactive.

 Disable
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Account], select corresponding account, click [Disable].

2. Click [Confirm] to disable corresponding account.

A disabled account cannot login to the App unless the account is enabled.

 Enable
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Account], select corresponding account, click [Enable].

56 BioTime8.0 User Manual

2. Click [Confirm] to Enable corresponding account.

 Delete Account
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Account], select corresponding account, click [Delete].

2. Click [Confirm] to Enable corresponding account.

4.8.2 Announcement

The software supports adding announcement and pushing them to the App.
 Push Public Notice
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Announcement] > [Push Public Notice].

Set each parameter as needed. The specific setting method is as follows:

Subject:Notice subject.
Content:Notice content.

3. After the completion of setting the parameter, click [Confirm], to push the push notice to all mobile clients.

 Push Private Notice

1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Announcement] > [Push Private Notice].

BioTime8.0 User Manual 57

2. In the personnel list, select the personnel in batches (you can filter by searching department, name and job
3. Fill in the notification subject and content, click [Confirm], and push the notification to the corresponding
mobile client.

 Delete Announcement
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Announcement] , selected the announcement that need to be deleted, and the
click [Delete] or mark in the announcement list.

2. Click [Confirm] to delete selected announcement, and back to the announcement interface. The deleted
announcement will no longer appear in the announcement list.

4.8.3 Notice

Display all the announcements pushed to the APP, approval (leave, overtime, manual log), abnormal reminder

58 BioTime8.0 User Manual

4.8.4 Operation Log

Display the all operation records of all APP clients.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 59

Chapter 5 Attendance Management
The system can exchange data with the T&A devices and collect attendance records kept in it. Primary functions
implemented by the attendance system include regional user management and management of attendance
parameters, shift timetables, scheduling, daily maintenance, attendance calculation, attendance reports, and
attendance devices.

5.1 Attendance Parameters

As attendance systems set up by different companies vary, it is necessary to manually set attendance parameters to
ensure the accuracy of the final attendance calculation.

5.1.1 General Rule

1. General rules apply to all departments. All general attendance parameters can be set here.
 Basic Setting
Overtime Rule: It can be set to "Disable Overtime" to disable the overtime function. "Calculation OT" calculates
the overtime based on the punch time, "Approval OT" calculates the overtime based on the overtime application,
and "Approval OT Priority" preferentially calculates the overtime on the overtime application.
Duplicate Punch Period: Set the time period (in minutes) for duplicate punch. If set to 1 minute, then the user tries

60 BioTime8.0 User Manual

to punch several times within a minute, the system will only accept the first punch.
 Weekend Setting
Set the weekend.
 Calculation Rule
The following check-in and check-out settings are valid only when mandatory check-in and check-out items are
set to Yes in shift timetable settings.
Late exceed N minutes or early leave exceed N minutes is counted as absence.
On-duty without check-in entry is counted as late arrival (absence/no complete) for N minutes.
On-duty without check-out entry is counted as early leaving (absence/no complete) for N minutes.
 Calculation Item
You can set the value corresponding to the attendance status.
 Overtime Setting
Set up three levels of overtime
 App Setting
Capture: Whether attendance photos must be uploaded.
Work Code: Whether work code must be selected.
Function Key: Whether attendance status must be selected.
2. After completion of the setting, click [Save] for saving.

5.1.2 Department Rule

You can add rules for individual departments.

 Add New Department Rule

Click [Attendance] > [Department Rule] > [Add], add special rules for departments here.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 61

 Delete Department Rule

Select the department rule to be deleted in the department rule list, and click [Delete], or directly click in the
line of the department rule to be deleted to access the device deletion confirmation interface.

Click [Confirm] and the work code will be deleted from the list and the device.

5.2 Break Time

When setting the shift timetable, the break time can be selected, and more than one break time can be added in one
shift timetable.

5.2.1 Add a Break Time

1. Click [Add] on the break time interface to enter the adding break time interface.

62 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Set each parameter as required, the specific setting method is as follows:
Name: Any character, up to 50 character combinations.
Start/End Time: The range of the break time. If you start and end rest out of this range, they will be invalid
records. Time Settings are shown in “3. Time Selection” in appendix 1.
Duration: The amount of time allowed for rest during the break time.
Base on Punch State: Whether to use the function key during the break time. When "yes" is selected, the
attendance will be calculated according to the punch status. When "no" is selected, the attendance status will be
automatically corrected when calculates the attendance.
Punch Interval Type: The time interval of punch can be set as Relate to Rule or user customize. When users
customize it, they need to set the Duplicate Punch Period (m).
Duplicate Punch Period (m): Punch interval.
Calculate Type: Calculation types for break time.
 Select Auto deduct. Whether the user will punch the rest, Breaktime will be the allowable rest time in the
calculation of attendance.
 Select Required Punch, you must punch during the break time. When staff doesn’t punch, Start time/End
time will be taken as the start/end time of the rest in the attendance calculation.
For example: If the time range for punch during the rest is 12:00 to 14:00, the rest time is allowed to be 60min. If
A does not punch in during the rest time, and B breaks in at 13:00, then A's break time is 120min, and B's break
time is 60min.
When the Calculate Type is Required Punch, early back and late back should be considered as shown in the figure

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Consider Back Early: Whether to calculate the time of early return.
Early Over: Advance return time (the difference between actual and permitted rest time) over the set value is
Back Early As: It can select Normal Work/Normal OT. When Consider Back Early is selected as yes, the time of
early return is over the set value of Early Over, and the time of early return is recorded as Normal Work/Normal
Consider Back Late: Whether to calculate the time of late return.
Late Over: Late return time (the difference between actual and permitted rest time) over the set value is valid.
Back Late As: It can select Late In/Early out/Absent. When Consider Back Late is selected as yes, the time of late
return is over the set value of Late Over, and the time of late return is recorded as Late In/Early out/Absent.

1) Duration cannot exceed the time range for punch in break time.
2) Early/Late over should not exceed the allowable break time.

5.2.2 Edit a Break Time

1. Click the name of the break time or the mark after the corresponding period to enter the period editing
2. According to the need to modify the relevant settings, the specific operation is consistent with the add break
time. After the modification is completed, click [Confirm] to save.

5.2.3 Delete a Break Time

1. Select corresponding break time, click [Delete] at the top left of the rest period list or directly click the mark
after the corresponding break time to enter the confirmation interface of deleting break time.
2. Click [Confirm] to delete the break time, and return to the break time interface.

5.3 Timetable
Set the time periods that may be used during attendance and set various parameters. The timetable is the minimum
unit in personnel attendance time settings. For example: These settings include work start/end time, allowed late
arrival/early leaving duration, whether check-in/check-out is mandatory, allowed time period for check-in/out, rest
time, and overtime.
Before scheduling the shift, you must set all shift timetables possibly used. Only in this way can various
parameters set be valid.

5.3.1 Add a Timetable

1. Click [Add] on the Timetable interface to access the Add interface:

64 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Set the parameters as required based on the following steps:
Name: Enter any characters with 50 characters at most.
Check-In Start Time/ End Time, Check-Out Start Time/ End Time: Valid range for checking in/out in this time
period. Check-in/out records out of this range are invalid.
Check-in, Checkout: Set the check-in time and check-out time.
Necessary Clock-In, Necessary Clock-Out: Decide whether check-in and check-out are mandatory in the selected
time range. If an employee needs to check in/out, select Yes; otherwise, select No.
Allow Late-In, Allow Early-Out: This refers to the permissible time for late arrival/early leaving before the
designation of late arrival/early leaving starts during the specified working time.
For example, if Allowed late minute is set to 5 and check-in time is set to 9:00; Employee A checked in at 9:03
and Employee B checked in at 9:06, we can conclude that Employee A is not late as the interval between his or her
check-in time and check-in start time is less than 5 minutes and Employee B is late for 6 minutes as the interval
between his or her check-in time and check-in start time exceeds 5 minutes.
Minimum OT (early in/late out): Minimum overtime.
Early In OT: When calculating overtime, if Early In OT is selected as Yes, the time of early arrive (the difference
between the time you check in and the start time of the timetable) is not less than Minimum OT (early in), then the
overtime is the time of early arrive, otherwise it is 0. if Early In OT is selected as No, the item is 0.
Late Out OT: When calculating overtime, if Late Out OT is selected as Yes, the time of late leave (the difference
between the time you check out and the end time of the timetable) is not less than Minimum OT (late out), then
the overtime is the time of late leave, otherwise it is 0. if Late Out OT is selected as No, the item is 0.
Punch Interval Type: The time interval of punch can be set as Relate to Rule or user customize. When users

BioTime8.0 User Manual 65

customize it, they need to set the Duplicate Punch Period (m).
Duplicate Punch Period (m): Punch interval.
Workday: It refers to how many workdays are calculated for each shift. If a value is set for it, the workday will be
calculated according to the preset value. Otherwise, the workday will be calculated according to settings in the
attendance rules.
Base on Punch State: Whether to use the function key. When "yes" is selected, the attendance will be calculated
according to the punch status. When "no" is selected, the attendance status will be automatically corrected when
calculates the attendance.
For example: The work time is 9:00-18:00, and the time range for punch is 8:00-10:00,17:00-19:00 respectively.
A checks in at 9:00 and 18:00. When Base on Punch State is selected as Yes, there is only one valid check in at
9:00 for attendance calculation, and when Base on Punch State is selected as No, there are two valid records,
check in at 9:00 and check out at18:00 for attendance calculation.
Break Time: Add a break time to the timetable. Multiple break times can be added within a timetable, but the
break time must be within a timetable. (see 5.2.1 Add a Break Time for the setting of break time)
2. After the completion of the settings, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Timetable interface.
The timetable list displays the added timetable.

(1) There is no timetable with the same start time and end time.
(2) Please refer to "3. Time Selection" in Appendix 1 for time setting.

5.3.2 Add a Flexible Timetable

Flexible Timetable: Work delay is not counted as overtime, and late arrival or early leaving is not calculated.
1. Click [Add] on the Timetable interface to access the Add interface, change the timetable type to Flexible.

66 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Set the parameters as required based on the following steps:
Timetable Name: Enter any characters with 50 characters at most.
Necessary Clock-In, Necessary Clock-out: Decide whether check-in and check-out are mandatory in the time
range. If an employee needs to check in/out, select Yes; otherwise, select No.
Change At: Refers to the extended time of the day according to the schedule of the next day.
Work Type: Define flexible timetable for different types of work. Such as normal working day, rest day and
Work Time Type: The work time can be set relate to Rule or customized, and the work time should be set when
Work Time: Custom working hours.
Punch Interval Type: Can be set Relate to Rule or user-defined.
Use Overtime: Automatically calculate overtime. If "Yes" is selected, the delay time (actual working time minus
worktime) exceeds the minimum overtime value, and the overtime is the delay time, otherwise the OT is 0.
Overtime Minimum Minute: Minimum overtime.
Base on Punch Type: Decide whether to use function keys.
Workday: It refers to how many workdays are calculated for each shift.
Multiple in/out: Multiple in/out function. When Multiple in/out is selected as Yes, this function is enabled, and
users can check in and check out for multiple times. In the calculation of attendance, the time of checking out in
each period minus the time of checking in is taken as the attendance time in that period. In the attendance detail
report of the day, the check-in of the first period shall be taken as the check-in of the day, and the check-out of the
last period shall be taken as the check-out of the day.
2. After the completion of the settings, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Timetable interface.
The timetable list displays the added timetable.

5.3.3 Edit a Timetable

1. Click Timetable Name or the mark after the corresponding period to access the timetable edit interface.
2. Modify relevant settings as needed. The detailed modification method is the same as the operation of adding a
timetable. Click [Confirm] for saving after completing the modification.

5.3.4 Delete a Timetable

1. Select a timetable, click [Delete] on the upper left of the timetable list or directly click the mark after the
corresponding period to access the timetable deletion confirmation interface.
2. Click [Confirm] to delete this timetable and return to the Timetable interface.

5.4 Shift Management

Shift is composed of one or more preset attendance timetable based on certain order and cycle period. It is a preset
work schedule for the personnel. It is essential to set shift if you want to perform check on work attendance for
Choose [Attendance] > [Shift] to access the shift management main interface that displays the shift list and shift
timetable details. All shifts in the current system are displayed in the list. Click the line where the shift is and the
timetable details list on the right will display the timetable details of this shift in a chart.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 67

5.4.1 Add a Shift

1. Click [Add] on the Shift interface to access the shift addition interface:

Set the parameters as required based on the following steps:

Shift Name: Enter any characters, with 50 characters at most. A shift name must be unique.
Unit: including day, week, and month.
Cycle: Shift cycle period = Number of cycles * Unit of cycle.
Weekend/Day Off Work as: Weekend/day off work can be regarded as normal work/ordinary overtime/weekend
Auto shift: Intelligent scheduling function. When there are multiple time periods in the shift, the Auto shift is
enabled, and the shift that conforms to the attendance rules will be selected in the attendance calculation. If you
disable the Auto shift, the shift cannot add interleaved periods.
Select Timetable: Select timetable for the shift. It needs to be preset in the Timetable. Please refer to " 5.3.1 Add a
Timetable" for the detailed operation method.
Note: The system displays optional dates in the Select Date box based on the values of Unit of Cycle and Number
of Cycle.
2. After the completion of the settings, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Shift interface. The
shift list displays the added shift details.
Note: A shift refers to the circulation of a timetable chosen by the users in the cycle period set by the user. Dates
unselected represent rest days. When scheduling shifts for an employee, a user needs to select only the start date,
end date, and the shift used and it is unnecessary to indicate the date which an employee should work or take a
vacation. After a shift is selected, the system will automatically determine the dates on which an employee should

68 BioTime8.0 User Manual

work or take a vacation according to the cycle settings of the selected shift.

5.4.2 Edit a Shift

1. Click Shift Name or the mark after the corresponding shift to access the shift edit interface.
2. Modify relevant settings as needed. The detailed modification method is the same as the operation of adding a
shift. Click [Confirm] for saving after completing the modification.

5.4.3 Delete a Shift

1. Select a shift, click [Delete] on the upper left of the shift list or directly click the mark after the
corresponding shift to access the shift deletion confirmation interface.
2. Click [Confirm] to delete this shift and return to the Shift interface.

5.5 Staff Scheduling

You can arrange shifts for employees after setting the attendance timetables and shifts. If you fail to schedule
shifts for employees, the attendance calculations cannot be performed.
Choose [Attendance] > [Schedule] to access the personnel scheduling main interface that displays the personnel
scheduling list and personnel scheduling details. The scheduled personnel are displayed in the list. Click the line
where personnel scheduling is and the scheduling list on the right will display the scheduling details of the
selected timetable in a chart.

5.5.1 Personnel Scheduling

1. Click [Add Schedule] on the Schedule interface to access the schedule addition interface.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 69

The following describes the specific setting method.
Employee: Select personnel for whom shifts need to be scheduled. Multiple choices are allowed. (Refer to 1.
Personnel Selection in Appendix 1 for personnel selection.)
Start Date, End Date: Set the start date and end date for shift scheduling. Please refer to 2. Date Selection in
Appendix 1 for data selection.
Shift Name: Select shift.

 You can click the next to the input box to pop up the shift selection window, and then click confirm as
shown in the figure:

After the shift is selected, the shift information is automatically filled in the personnel scheduling list.
 Enter shift name in the input box, that is, customize a new shift, and set shift-related information in the
current interface (see 5.4.1 Add a Shift for shift settings).
Unit: Select day/week/month to add cycle shifts.
Cycle: Input the cycle period, repeat according to the selected unit.
Timetable: Select the timetable from the timetable list.
Overwrite Shift: Users use this function, if set in advance, the existing shift will be replaced. (cannot replace shift
in use)
Overwrite Schedule: Users can use this function to delete overlapping shifts.
Weekend/Day Off Work as: Weekend/day off work can be regarded as normal work/ordinary overtime/weekend
Auto Shift: Control employees' multiple time periods.
If this function is enabled and multiple time periods are arranged in a day, the report will select the most
appropriate time according to the employee’ punch.
2. After the completion of the settings, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Schedule interface.

Note: By default, the start date and end date are set to the first day of this month and the current day.

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5.5.2 Querying Schedule Details

(1) Choose [Attendance] > [Schedule] to access the Schedule interface. The interface displays personnel schedule
records in a list by default.

(2) Click the drop-down box next to Filters, Select the personnel or shift (see Appendix 1.10. Filter Search
Function) to view the schedule records of employee. In Personnel Schedule Table, click the line where the
schedule records are to view the schedule timetable details in Schedule details on the right of the interface.

5.5.3 Delete Schedule Records

Users can select the schedule record to be deleted and click [Delete] to delete it, or click in the line of the
personnel schedule.

5.6 Temporary Schedule

Temporary schedule is complementary to the existing schedule. If employees in a shift need to overtime
temporarily, it is necessary to arrange one (or more) timetable(s) for overtime temporarily. Generally, temporary
schedules are shift scheduling for overtime, for example overtime at night, on weekends, or on holidays and

5.6.1 Add a Temporary Schedule

1. Click [Attendance]> [Temporary Schedule] > [Add Temporary Schedule] to access the Add temporary schedule

BioTime8.0 User Manual 71

The following describes the specific setting method.
Employee: Select employee needing temporary schedules. (Multiple choices are allowed). Please refer to 1.
Personnel Selection in Appendix 1 for personnel selection.
Date: Click to select the date for temporary schedule. (Multiple choices are allowed.)
Temp Schedule Rule: Select Active Temporary Schedule or Add Additional Schedule when arranging shifts for
employees working in the company in the current day.
 Active Temporary Schedule: Whether an employee is scheduled a shift, only temporary scheduling is
effective when work attendance is checked.
 Add Additional Schedule: It is complementary to schedule for employees. The attendance data includes shift
arrangement and temporary shift arrangement. It will be displayed with two shift assignment records in
Work type: Specify work type for the temporary schedule. The options include Normal Work, Overtime on Week
Days, Overtime on Rest Days (overtime on weekends) or Overtime on holidays. The late arrival, early leaving,
leave, and absence will not be recorded when the work type is set to Overtime.
Timetable: Select a timetable used by a temporary schedule. (Multiple choices are allowed.) Please refer to5.3.1
Add a Timetable for timetable setting.

1. Multiple timetables can be selected for temporary schedule, but the start time of timetables should not be the
2. When Temp Schedule Rule is selected as Add Additional Schedule, and the temporary schedule overlaps with
the original schedule, only the original schedule record will be valid in attendance calculation.
3. Temp Schedule Rule, Work Type and Timetable are the contents of a component whose setting requires the
selection of three items before the date; otherwise, the modification will not take effect if the Timetable is selected
and the Temp Schedule Rule and Work Type are modified after the date is selected.

5.6.2 Delete Temporary Schedule

Users can select the schedule record to be deleted and click [Delete] to delete it, or click in the line of the
personnel temporary schedule.

72 BioTime8.0 User Manual

5.7 Employee Schedule
Users can search the work status of employees during specific time periods, such as the employee's working
hours, leave, holidays, weekends, and employee time schedule information.

5.8 Attendance Approval

Daily maintenance includes viewing the AC logs and performing various operations on appended logs, leave and

5.8.1 Manual Log

When an employee leaves on business trip or forgets to punch in or out, entering an attendance record to the
attendance report manually is called adding an manual log. The manual logs are generally entered by the
management personnel based on the attendance result and the attendance system of the enterprise after an
attendance cycle ends.
 Add a Manual Log
1. Choose [Attendance] > [Approves] > [Manual log] > [Add] to access the Add Appended Log interface.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 73

2. Select employees. The list on the right displays the selected employees. Set Punch Time, Status (check-in,
check-out, out, back, overtime check-in, and overtime check-out) and Reason of Punching.
3. After the completion of the setting, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Add Appended Log
interface. The list of appended logs will display the new appended log.

1. Adding a manual log will simultaneously add an identical entry in the AC log table, and modifying it will
simultaneously modify the same entry in the AC log table.

2. The start time of the manual log must be after the entry time and before the current date.
 Edit a Manual Log
Click the name of the personnel who needs to edit the record or click to enter the editing interface.
Modify relevant settings as required. The specific operation is consistent with adding manual log. Click [Confirm]
after modification.

Note: The approved record cannot be modified.

 Delete a Manual Log
In the list of appended log, click the selected appended log to be deleted, and then click [Delete] at the top left of
the list to enter the delete confirmation interface, and click [Confirm] to delete the selected appended log. Or click
after the record.
 Approve a Manual Log
Select the applied log and click on [Approve]. The approval window pops up as shown in the figure:

State has two options: “Approved” & “Reject”.

Selecting Approved and clicking [Confirm] will approve the manual log.
Selecting Reject and clicking [Confirm] will reject the manual log.
After the approval, the approval personnel will be displayed in each record, as shown in the figure。

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5.8.2 Leave

 Apply for Leave

1. Choose [Attendance] > [Approves] > [Leave] > [Add] to enter the leave application interface.

2. Select the personnel, the list on the right side shows the selected personnel, select the start and end time of
leave, leave category and reason.
3. After the editing is completed, click [Confirm] to save and return, and the new items will be displayed in the
leave application list.
 Edit Leave Application

Click the name of the person who needs to edit the record or click to enter the editing interface. Modify the
relevant settings as required. The specific operation is the same as the application for manual log. Click [Confirm]
after modification.

Note: The approved record cannot be modified.

 Delete Leave Application
In the list of leave application, click the selected leave application to be deleted, and then click [Delete] at the top
left of the list to enter the delete confirmation interface, and click [Confirm] to delete the selected record. Or click
after the record.
 Approve Leave Application

BioTime8.0 User Manual 75

The operation method is consistent with the manual log.

5.8.3 Overtime

Overtime can be added in two ways. One is through the administrator login, the administrator can add overtime
for each employee (automatic approval), another is through the employee login, the employee can apply for
overtime (need approval).
 Add an Overtime Sheet
1. Choose [Attendance] > [Approve] > [Overtime] > [Add] to access the adding overtime sheet interface.

2. Select the employee, and the list on the right will show the selected employee. Select the start and end time,
overtime type (normal overtime, weekend overtime, holiday overtime) and overtime description.
3. After the completion of the setting, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Overtime interface.
The overtime list will display the new overtime sheet.

Note: The time of the new overtime sheet is not included in the working hours of the staff.
 Edit an Overtime Sheet
The edit method of overtime is the same as the manual log.

 Delete an Overtime Sheet

The delete method of overtime is the same as manual log.
 Approve an Overtime Sheet
The approval method of overtime is the same as manual log.

76 BioTime8.0 User Manual

5.8.4 Training

 Apply for Training

1. Choose [Attendance] > [Approves] > [Training] > [Add] to enter the training application interface.

2. Select the personnel, the list on the right side shows the selected personnel, select the start and end time of
training, training category and reason.
3. After the editing is completed, click [Confirm] to save and return, and the new items will be displayed in the
training application list.
 Edit Training Application

Click the name of the person who needs to edit the record or click to enter the editing interface. Modify the
relevant settings as required. The specific operation is the same as the application for manual log. Click [Confirm]
after modification.

Note: The approved record cannot be modified.

 Delete Training Application
In the list of training application, click the selected training application to be deleted, and then click [Delete] at the
top left of the list to enter the delete confirmation interface, and click [Confirm] to delete the selected record. Or
click after the record.
 Approve Training Application
The operation method is consistent with the manual log.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 77

5.8.5 Schedule Adjustment

After the user applies for changing the shift on the APP, the administrator can approve it on the Web side.

 Approve Schedule Adjustment Records

The approval method of shift adjustment is the same as manual log.
 Delete Shift Adjustment Records
The delete method of shift adjustment is the same as manual log.

Note: After deleting the shift adjustment record of the personnel, the shift of the personnel is still the adjusted

5.9 Holidays
Attendance time on holidays and festivals may be different from that on week days. To simplify operation
procedures, the system offers settings designed for attendance time and rules on holidays and festivals.

5.9.1 Add a Holiday for Attendance

1. Choose [Attendance] > [Holiday] >[Holiday] > [Add] to access the holiday addition interface.

Name: Enter the name of a holiday, with 50 characters at most.

Start Date: Set the start date of the holiday.
Duration (Day): Set the duration of the holiday.
Work Type: Set the type of holiday work, can choose the holiday overtime/normal overtime/weekend
overtime/normal work.
Department: Set up department holidays. When the department is not selected, the holiday is valid for all

78 BioTime8.0 User Manual

departments and only for that department when a department is selected.
2. After the completion of the settings, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Holiday interface. The
holiday list displays the added holiday.

5.9.2 Edit a Holiday for Attendance

In the holiday list, click the name of a holiday, or click after the holiday to access the edit interface. Modify
parameters as needed and click [Confirm] to save the modifications.

5.9.3 Delete a Holiday for Attendance

In the holiday list, select the holiday to be deleted, and then click [Delete] on the upper left of the holiday list, or
directly click in the line of the holiday to be deleted to access the deletion confirmation interface. Click
[Confirm] to delete the holiday and return to the Holiday interface.

5.10 Leave/Training Type

5.10.1 Leave Type

Choose [Attendance] > [Type] > [Leave Type] to access the Leave Type interface.

There are six default leave types in the system: sick leave, casual leave, maternal leave, compassionate leave,
annual leave and business trip.
 Add a Leave Type (Note: The new leave type has the same function as the default leave types of the system.)
1. Click [Add] on the Leave Type interface to access the leave type addition interface.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 79

Set the parameters as required based on the following steps:
Leave Name: Enter the name of a leave type, with 50 characters at most.
Minimum Unit: Set the measurement unit and minimum value of the leave type. Unit can be set to Hour, Minute
or Workday.
Round Off: Set whether the values are rounded off.
Report Symbol: Set the symbol of the leave type in the attendance report.
2. After the completion of the setting, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Leave Type interface.
The leave type list will display the new leave type.
 Editing Leave Type

Click the name of the leave type to be edited or click to enter the editing interface. Modify relevant settings
as required. The specific operation is the same as the adding leave type. Click [Confirm] after modification.
 Deleting Leave Type
In the list of leave type, click the selected leave type to be deleted, and then click Delete at the top left of the list to
enter the delete confirmation interface, and click [Confirm] to delete the selected leave type. Or click after the
leave type.

Note: The default leave type cannot be deleted.

5.10.2 Training Type

The operation method is the same as the leave type.

5.11 Report Setting

5.11.1 Report Parameter Setting

1. Choose [Attendance] > [Report Setting] to set the report parameters.

80 BioTime8.0 User Manual

 Report Display Setting:
Date Format: Set the date format of report display.
Time Format: Set the time format of report display.
Employee: Whether to filter the separating employee. When Filter Employee is selected Yes, the resigned
employees will not be shown in the attendance calculation personnel list and report. When Filter Employee is
selected No, the resigned employees will be shown.
Display Department Tree: Whether to show multiple departments in the report. When Display Department Tree is
selected Yes, when the department has a parent department, the report table shows the parent department and the
department of this person, and only shows the department of this person when selects No.
 Function Key Name: Set the status displayed by the status value.
 Report Items Display:
You can set statistical rules and symbols for normal arrival time/actual arrival time, late arrive, early leaving,
leave, absence, overtime, no check-in and no check-out on this interface.
Min. Unit: The minimum unit, N minutes/hours/days/hour:minute.
Round-off Control:
 Round-down: Omit the decimal part smaller than the minimum unit.
 Round-off: Count a minimum unit if the decimal part reaches half of the minimum unit.
 Round-up: Count a minimum unit if the decimal part is smaller than the minimum unit.

Symbol In Report: The symbol for each event.

Note: When the Unit is hour: minute, the minimum value and Round-off Control cannot be set.
2. After completion of the setting, click [OK] for saving.

5.12 Transaction
5.12.1 Transaction Table

An AC log table displays the attendance records of all employees, including appended log, those uploaded by the
T&A device and APP.
Choose [Attendance] > [Transaction] > [Transaction] to access the Transaction interface, and the main interface
lists the attendance records of all employees by default.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 81

(1) Users can export an AC log table to an .xls, pdf, csv or txt file based on requirements. Please refer to Appendix
5. Export for the specific method of exporting the AC log table.
(2) Users can select the fields to be displayed in the AC log table based on requirements (the fields are displayed
after being checked in columns).
(3) Users can change the column width by dragging the column border to the left or right.
(4) Users can define the number of records to be displayed on each interface in the AC log table.
(5) Click the line where an attendance record is located, and view the corresponding photo and personal
information in the Att Photo box on the right.

5.11.2 Upload USB Transaction

Import the attendance records downloaded from a device to the USB disk to the attendance system.
1. Click [Upload USB Transaction] on the Transaction interface. An interface as shown in the following is

82 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Upload File: Click [Choose File], and select an attendance record file to be uploaded.
2. After completion of the setting, click [Confirm] to upload the attendance records in the attendance record file to
the software.

5.12 Calculation
Click [Attendance] > [Calculation] > [Calculation] to access the Attendance Calculation interface. It shows all the
personnel by default. You can select the department on the right side to display the personnel in the specified
department. Select the person and fill in the time range to be calculated. Click to calculate. “Calculation
Finished” indicates the end of calculation when it pops up.

 Rules for Selecting the Check-in/out Time

The check-in time should select the time that is earliest within the check-in time range. For example, when you
check in at 8:50, 9:00 and 9:10, it is considered that you check in at 8:50. The check-out time should select the
time that is latest within the check-out time range. For example, the due check-out time is 18:00, if you check out
at 17:50, 18:00 and 18:20, it is taken that you check out at 18:20.
 Calculation Process

BioTime8.0 User Manual 83

First determine the shift of each employee on a day, then determine the work type on that day, then select the
check-in/out time and the leave list; then select the compensatory leave information. When selecting the work
type, only the holiday settings of 100 days prior to the current day can be selected. Select the attendance
parameters, calculate the attendance results, and save the results to the database.
 Calculation Prerequisites
The attendance calculation date should be later than the entry date and calculation is only made when Enable
Attendance Function is set to Yes. If attendance check is not required for an employee, only the actual check value
and the total time are shown in the report after the attendance calculation.
 Work Type Judgment Rules
1. If Auto OT is selected, the overtime is calculated based on the settings of the attendance parameters, and the
calculation result is rounded based on the rounding rules. If the work time of the timetable is set to zero, it is
considered that the timetable is overtime, which will be calculated as the daily overtime.
2. If there is a temporary schedule, it is calculated by the work type of the temporary schedule.
3. The work type on weekends and rest days is judged as normal work or overtime work according to the set value
in the shift.
4. The work type of holiday is determined as normal work or overtime work according to the set value in the
holiday setting.
 Rounding Rules
The rounding rules include rounding down, rounding off and rounding up:
For rounding down, when the remainder of the value of a calculated item exceeds the minimum unit, the system
automatically truncates the remainder.
For rounding off, when the remainder of the value of a calculated item exceeds half of the minimum unit, the
value will be increased by a minimum unit; if the remainder of the value of a calculated item is less than half of
the minimum unit, the remainder will be directly abandoned.
For rounding up, if the remainder of the value of a calculated item exceeds the minimum unit, the value will be
increased by a minimum unit.
 Scheduling Principle
1. When there is a normal schedule, the system considers the day as a workday. However, if there is a temporary
schedule, the timetable of the additional temporary schedule is judged as work or overtime based on the set value.
2. If there is no existing schedule or temporary schedule, the system will not calculate the attendance for
employees who come to work.
3. If there is no existing schedule but a temporary schedule is arranged, it is recorded as work or overtime
according to the setting value in the temporary schedule.
4. Determining whether there is existing scheduling first:
A. Calculate the attendance based on a schedule if any, and check whether there is a temporary schedule. If
yes, check whether Only temporary scheduling is effective or Add after the existing scheduling is selected
for calculating the attendance. The work type of the temporary schedule can be designated during
temporary scheduling.
B. If there is no schedule, check whether there is a temporary schedule.
C. If there is no schedule or temporary schedule, the attendance is not calculated.
5. The attendance is not calculated when there is no schedule.

5.13 Attendance Report

The attendance report lists the daily attendance information of the queried personnel within a designated time
period, and collects statistics on absence, late arrival/early leaving, overtime and leave, to check whether the listed

84 BioTime8.0 User Manual

information is consistent with the actual conditions. If the obtained result is inconsistent, adjust the shift, add an
overtime sheet or compensatory leave sheet or directly modify the data in the report based on the requirements.
Choose [Attendance] > [Report] access corresponding Attendance Report interface. The following figure is the
Total Time card report.

The following describes how to view an attendance report.

1. Select report in the left menu bar and enter the report interface.
2. Select department on the left side to view the attendance data of employees in that department, or click the
Employee input box to select the personnel (multiple or all) who need to view the attendance report information in
the pop-up window. As shown in figure:

3. Set Start Date and End Date. Please refer to Appendix 2. Date Selection for the method of setting the date.

4. Click , and view the attendance report information of the selected employees between the set start date and
the end date.
 Scheduled Log

BioTime8.0 User Manual 85

This table calculates the valid values of attendance records.
Users can export an attendance report to an .xls, pdf, csv or txt file based on requirements. Please refer to
Appendix 5. Export for the specific method of exporting the report.
Users can select the fields required for displaying in the attendance report based on requirements (the fields are
displayed after being checked).
Users can change the column width by dragging the column border to the left or right based on requirements.
 Daily Attendance Report
The daily attendance interface displays the daily attendance status, attendance statistics, overtime statistics, leave
records, and leave summary within a designated period, and uses symbols or digits or the combination of symbols
and digits to represent different items. The meaning of each report symbol can vary in daily attendance.
 Total Time Card
The total time card interface displays the statistics on the schedule, attendance status, overtime and holidays of all
staff by date. The attendance list is a statistical table of attendance records in each shift timetable.
Total Time: interval between the check-in time and the check-out time.
Actual Break time: Actual rest time (Break out-Break in)
Break Time: break time
Total Worked Time: Total working hours
Actual Worked: Actual working hours
Short: Duration of absence (required working hours - vacation/training hours - total working hours)
Duty Duration: required working hours (timetable duration - rest period)
Overtime: Total overtime hours.
 Attendance Summary
The attendance summary interface displays the attendance summary of each employee in the time period,
including the lists of attendance, leaves and overtime, namely the summary table of the attendance lists.
The leave records are calculated by the leave type. The data in the leave column is the sum of the data of all leave
types. For example, leave = sick leave + casual leave + maternity leave + compassionate leave + annual leave +
self-defined leave.
 Leave Summary
The leave summary interface displays the leave time for each leave type in the selected date range.
 First In Last Out
It provides statistics on the earliest and latest punching data among the punching data of each employee for each
First Punch: The earliest punch record of the day.
Last Punch: The latest punch record of the day.
First Check-in: The earliest check-in record within the day's check-in time range.
Last Check-out: The latest check-out record within the day's check-in time range.
 Exception
It provides all attendance exceptions.
 Department Summary
Displays all data for a particular department. It is the statistics of all personnel in a department.
 Time Card

86 BioTime8.0 User Manual

It provides the detailed punching information of the selected personnel.
 Late
The list shows the check time and late arrival of the selected person.
 Early Leave
The list shows the check time and early leave of the selected person.
 Overtime
The list shows the check time and overtime of the selected person.
 Absent
The list shows the check time, late arrival, early leave and absent of the selected person.
 Multiple Transaction
After Multiple Transaction function is enabled, the check status of each period is displayed, and the duration of
each period and the total working time are counted.
 Break Time
After the Break time is enabled, the check status of each rest period is displayed, and the rest duration and total
rest duration of each rest period are counted.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 87

Chapter 6 System Settings
The system setting is to assign system users (such as company management personnel, registrars, and statistics
clerk), configure roles for corresponding users, and set mailbox function, automatic export, backup, data
migration, operation logs, etc.

6.1 System User Management

6.1.1 Privilege Group Management

When using the system, a super user needs to assign different levels to new users. To avoid setting users one by
one, you can set roles with specific levels in role management, and assign appropriate roles to users when adding
users. The permissions of four functional modules are included: personnel, device, attendance and system. The
default super users of the system have all privileges permissions and can assign new users based on requirements
and set corresponding permission for them.
 Add a Privilege Group
1. Choose [System] > [User] > [Group] to access the Add Role interface.

Note: Select corresponding permissions based on the selected permission type.

Name: Enter the object type, namely the role name (such as the personnel staff and device administrator).
Check the permissions: The permissions of four categories are included: Personnel, Device, Attendance and

88 BioTime8.0 User Manual

System. In the operation permission list under each permission type tab, tick the check box in front of the
operation permission to select the permission, or click the highest permission in the list to select all the sub-
permissions under it. For example, click Personnel with the highest permission. Then, all sub-permissions under it
such as Department, Position, Personnel, Resignation, and Area will be selected.
2. After the completion of the setting, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the privilege group
interface. The privilege group list will display the new roles.
 Edit a Privilege Group

1. In the privilege group list, click the role name or click in the line of the role to be edited to access the
interface for editing roles.
2. Modify the parameter settings based on requirements (refer to the parameter setting method in "Adding a role").
After the completion of the modification, click [Confirm] to save the modified role information.
 Delete a Privilege Group
1. In the privilege group list, select a privilege group to be deleted, and click [Delete] on the upper part of the
interface or click in the line of the role to be deleted to access the role deletion interface.

2. Click [Confirm] to confirm the deletion of the selected privilege group.

Note: The used permission group cannot be deleted.

6.1.2 User Management

Add new users to the system and assign roles (permissions) to users.
 Add a User
1. Choose [System] > [User] > [Add] to access the Add User interface:

Set the parameters as required based on the following steps (Parameters marked with * are mandatory):
Username: 30 characters or fewer. Only letters or numbers are allowed.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 89

Password/ Password confirmation: There is no limit to the length.
 Edit a User

1. Click the user name or in the line of the user to enter the edit user interface.

Username: Characters within a length of 30.

First Name/Last Name: Type your initials.
Email: User’s email address.
Staff: Designates whether the user can log into this admin site.
Super: Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning them.
Groups: Roles need to be selected for non-superusers. Select a preset role, and the user has all operation
permissions of this role.
Authorize Department: Click and select a department from the popped up department drop-down list. (If you
select no department, you will possess all department rights by default.)
Authorize Area: Click and select an area in the popped up area drop-down list. (If you select no area, you will
possess all area rights by default.)
2. After the completion of the setting, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the User interface. The
user list will display the new user.

Note: You can delete existing users. Click the [Delete] at the top of the user list or in the corresponding
column of the user to perform corresponding operations. The detailed operations are the same as those in
"Deleting a permission group."
 Change Password

90 BioTime8.0 User Manual

1. Click [System] > [User] > [Change Password] to access the change password interface:

2. Enter the Original Password, Password and Confirm Password and click [Confirm] to complete the

6.2 Configuration Settings

6.2.1 Email Setting

Click [System] > [Configuration] > [Email Settings].

Email setting is used to trigger alert when the specific value set by the administrator has crossed the limit.
Set the email sending server information.
Note: The domain name of E-mail address and E-mail sending sever (outgoing server) must be same. For
example, the Email address is, and the E-mail sending server must be
Obtain your mail server details and fill accordingly. Below form is for example only.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 91

Note: The password is a one-time random authorization password provided by the email service provider.
Smtp Server: Email sending server address.
Port: Port of email sending server.
Email Account: Email account.
Password: One-time random authorization password from the mailbox provider.
Email Address: Email address.

6.2.2 Alert Settings

Click [System] > [Configuration] > [Alert Settings]

Through Alert setting, user can set the values for alerts. As per above example, when an employee is late check in
exceeds a certain value, an email alert will be sent. Administrator can set the other values as per requirements.

Attendance Alert Setting: Set specific alert values for late/early/absence.

Sending Frequency: Set the time and frequency of the alert.
Approve Alert Setting: Set the alarm mode.
After setting, click [Submit] to save the alert settings.

6.2.3 FTP Settings

 Add FTP Server

Click [System] > [Configuration] > [FTP Settings] > [Add] to enter the adding FTP interface. Enter IP address,
port number, user name, password, etc.

92 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Host Name: FTP server address.
Port Number: FTP server port number.
Authentic Method: Authentic method to access to the FTP server.
Username: FTP server’s username.
Password: FTP server’s password.
The FTP Settings can be used to transfer files exported by the software to the specified FTP server for data

Note: Click the FTP server or in the line of the FTP server to enter the edit FTP server information
 Delete FTP Server
In the FTP list, click the selected FTP server to delete, and then click [Delete] at the top of the FTP server list, or

directly click in the line of the FTP server to enter the interface of deleting FTP server.

Click [Confirm] to delete the selected FTP server.


 Add a Bookmark
To get what you want by adding a condition to filter the query, you can save this condition and use it next time
without having to select another condition. See 11. Custom bookmark in Appendix 1 for a custom bookmark.
After saving successfully, you can view the saved filter under the bookmark list.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 93

 Delete Bookmark
In the bookmark list, click the selected bookmark to be deleted, then click [Delete] at the top of the bookmark list,

or directly click in the line of bookmark to enter the interface of deleting bookmark.

Click [Confirm] and delete the selected bookmark.

6.3 Database Management

6.3.1 Data Backup

Backup data to prevent data loss, the software can be set up to automatically backup data.
1. Click [System] > [Database] > [Backup] to enter the Backup Settings interface and set the backup path and
automatic backup time.

Database: Database type, can not be modified.

Database Name: Database name, can not be modified.

94 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Store Path: Set the name of the folder, a corresponding folder will be created to store the original backup under
Frequency: The time and frequency of database backup.
Last Backup: The time of the last database backup. Can not be modified.
Backup File: The name of file that was last backup. Can not be modified.
2. After setting, click [Save]. According to the set frequency and time, you can view the backup files in the
corresponding path.

6.3.2 Data Migration

When replacing Biotime8.0, the original data will be migrated to Biotime8.0 from other software to facilitate user
1. Click [System] > [Database] > [Migrate] to enter the migration settings interface.

Migrate From: Select the software you want to migrate, which is currently supported.
Database: Select the database type used by the original software.
Database Address: Set the IP address of the database.
Database Port: Fill in the database port.
Database name: Fill in the database name.
Database User: Fill in the database user.
Database Password: Fill in the correct password.
2. Select the module to be migrated, the time period for attendance data, and click [Test Connection], if it’s
successful, then click [Migrate].

6.3.3 Auto Export

According to the set format, time period, frequency automatically export attendance data.
 Add Auto Export Template
1. Click [System] > [Integration] > [Auto Export] > [Add] to enter the new automatic export settings interface:

BioTime8.0 User Manual 95

Name: Set the name.
Code: Set the serial number of the automatic export.
File Name: Set the exported file name and the time format above the file name.
Department: Click to select the department to export. If not, export all departments.
Area: Click to select the area to export. If not, export all areas.
Data Template: Select the menu item to export from the menu on the right. By default, export all menu items.
Short Data/Time: Set the time format in the export content.
Frequency: Set the export frequency. The export time frequency can be set monthly, weekly and daily. According
to the selected frequency, the specific time can be set in Day and Time Point.
Search By: Select Upload time to represent the time when the attendance data is uploaded to the software, and
select Punch time to represent the time when the user punches.
Format: Set the format of the exported file (Excel, Csv, Txt).
Time Point: Set the export time.
Deadline: When exporting a folder by setting the frequency of export, select Current to indicate that the data
exported is after 0 o 'clock of the day and select Previous to indicate that the data exported is before 0 o 'clock of
the day.
Export Path: After setting the file name, a new folder will be added in \files\temp of the installation directory of
the local computer to store the exported files.
FTP Path: Set the name of the folder, which is the existing folder on the FTP server. The exported files will be in
the corresponding folder under the FTP server, and fill in the format of "/abc/" (abc is the existing folder on the
FTP server).
FTP Server: Click to select the FTP server, and when the attendance record is exported, the exported file can be
received on the FTP server.
Email: When a mailbox is set, it receives the exported file when it is exported.
Employee ID: Set the length of the ID when exporting. If the length is insufficient, the ID will be added zero.

2. After the setting, click [Confirm] to save it.

 Manual Export
After the automatic export settings are saved, you can export the attendance records in real time by clicking
[Manual Export] at the top of the list. The specific operations are as following:
1. Select the set automatic export, click [Manual Export] to enter the following interface

96 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Start Data/End Data: Set the export period.
Search By: Select Upload time to represent the time when the attendance data is uploaded to the software, and
select Punch time to represent the time when the user punches.
2. After the setting, click [Confirm], corresponding attendance records will be exported.

 Delete Auto Export Template

In the auto export template, click the selected template to be deleted, then click [Delete] at the top of the template

list, or directly click in the line of template to enter the interface of deleting template.

Click [Confirm] and delete the selected template.

6.4 Log Record

The default main interface of Log displays all operation log records in the system.
Choose [System] > [Log] > [Log] to access the Log interface.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 97

The following are the main contents of the log:
User: User of the operation
Action: the behavior of the action
Object: the object of the operation
Content Type: The content type of the operation
Describe: Operation description.
IP Address: The IP address of the computer the user is using.
Action Time: The implementation time of the operation.

Chapter 7 Appendices
Appendix 1
1. Personnel Selection

(The following uses the operation of adding a person to an area as an example.) Choose [Personnel] >

98 BioTime8.0 User Manual

[Organization] > [Area] > [Adjust Employee] to access a interface as shown in the figure below.

You can search for personnel in two ways:

(1) Search By Department: Click the department search box to search and select the corresponding department.
There is a check box on the left side of the page, and when selected, all the staff in all departments will be
displayed under the intermediate staff list. If only one of the departments below is checked, all the staff in that

department will be displayed under the staff list. Click the select box in front of the person, check the
selected person, and display in the selected person box.

(2) Search By ID/Name: Enter the name and number of the employee to be queried in the query box, click .
Then, information on the employee who meets the search criteria is displayed in the personnel list box. Click the

check box in front of the employee so that information about the employee is displayed in the Selected

BioTime8.0 User Manual 99

Personnel list.

If the selected personnel are displayed in the Selected Personnel list and you need to delete one or more
employees, deselect the check box in front of the employees.

2. Date Selection

(The following uses the operation of setting resignation date on the Add Resignation interface as an example.)
Click the input box to the right of Resignation Date. The system automatically displays a date selection box as
shown in the figure below.

(1) Click the number of year, and select a year from the popped up year list (by default, the system displays the
year of the current date).
(2) Click the number of month and select a month from the popped up month list (by default, the system displays
the month of the current date).
(3) Click to select a required date in the date selection box.

100 BioTime8.0 User Manual

(4) Click Confirm. The selected date is displayed to the right of Resignation Date, as shown in the figure below.

Now: Click Now to set the date to the current date.

Clear: Click Clear to clear the selected date if you want to re-select the date.

3. Time Selection

(The following uses the operation of setting the check-in start time on the Add Timetable interface as an example.)
(1) Click the setup box to the right of Check-in Start Time. Then, a time setup box as shown in the figure below is

(2) Click the hour box. Select "hour" by scrolling up and down in the corresponding "hour" selection box.
(3) Click the minute box. Select "minute" by scrolling up and down in the corresponding "minute" selection box.
(4) Click the second box. Select "second" by scrolling up and down in the corresponding "second" selection box.
(5) After the completion of setting the hour, minute and second, click Confirm to save the settings.
Now: Click Now to set the time to the current time.
Clear: Click Clear to clear the selected time if you want to re-select the time.

4. Import

The following uses the operation of importing personnel information as an example.

If there are electronic personnel or department records available, which may be information about the personnel,
department or human resource system in other software or devices, you can import the information to the system
through the Import function.
(1) Choose [Personnel] > [Employee] > [Import] to access the Import Personnel interface.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 101

Note: Users can click [Download Template] to obtain and save the personnel importing template, and fill in and
save corresponding personnel information. Users can use the personnel import function to import the personnel
information of the file (. xls file) to the system.
(2) Click Choose File. The Open dialog box is displayed, as shown in the figure below.

(3) Select the file to be imported and click [Open] or directly double-click the file to be imported. After file
selection, the address of the selected file is displayed next to Choose File, as shown in the figure below.

102 BioTime8.0 User Manual

Note: Only .xls and .csv files can be imported.
(4) Existing Data: When [Ignore] is selected, records with the identical personnel number with the system
personnel number are not imported. When [Overwrite] is selected, records with the identical personnel number
with the system personnel number directly replace the records with the identical personnel number in the system.
(5) After completion of the setting, click [Confirm] to start importing the records. After the importing success, the
system automatically returns to the Personnel interface, which will display the imported personnel information.

(1) A table header is required for importing templates.
(2) Personnel No., First Name, and Department No. are mandatory, and other fields are optional.
(3) The card number must be unique.
(4) All column values should be in text format.

5. Export

The following uses the operation of exporting personnel list as an example.

(1) Choose [Personnel] > [Employee] and click on the top right corner of the screen, displays the selecting
format interface.

(2) File Type: if you select Excel file for exporting, click [Excel Export] to display the selected exported content.

Select "Current Page" to export the data for the current page.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 103

Select "All Data" to export all data.
(3) After the selection is completed, click [Confirm] to set the export path. Under the corresponding path, the file
was successfully exported, as shown in the figure below:

Notes: The exported table is the currently displayed list, namely, the list of queried or displayed results.
6. Custom Display Fields

Take the personnel list as an example:

Choose Personnel > Employee and click on the top right corner of the screen, the field selection window
shown below pops up:

You can adjust the display order and whether the list field needs to be displayed (check means display, not
checked means not display). When adjusting the order, simply move the cursor to the field to be moved, and then
drag the field to move the order when the following appears after the field. After adjusting the order, click
Columns to enter the reordering confirmation interface.

Click [Confirm] to move the order.

104 BioTime8.0 User Manual

7. Adaptive Column Width

After adjusting the display number of list fields, the column width can be set to the optimal width.

1. After setting the number of fields to be displayed, click and choose [Best Fit] to adjust the Best column
width, as shown in the figure below:

2. Click [Best Fit With Scale] to adjust the Best ratio, as shown in the figure below:

8. Multi-Label Function

No need to refresh the page, each menu under the same module can be switched by opened labels. Avoid losing
the data you are typing due to page refresh when you view other menus.
Take the personnel module as an example:
1. Click [Personnel] to enter the Personnel module. When you open a menu, you can see the opened menu label at
the top of the page, as shown in the following figure:

BioTime8.0 User Manual 105

2. The menu can be switched randomly. When switching, the data being entered will not be refreshed.

9. Custom skin

Customize skin function, change skin color and menu background pattern.

1. Click button at the top right of the page to enter the skin color setting interface:

2. Click [Themes] to select the background of the menu, then click [Pure Colors] to customize the skin color, and
then click to change.

10. Filter Search Function

In this software, all the query functions are filtered through Filters or exclusion results.
Take the query personnel as an example (click [Personnel] > [Employee] > [Employee] to enter the Personnel list

106 BioTime8.0 User Manual

(1) In the Filters drop-down menu, select the query field, such as Employee ID (The button moves to the right to
indicate that the search has been filtered, and to the left to indicate that the search has been excluded).

(2) Select from the search criteria: exact search, start field, end field, include, etc.

In this example, we select the user whose ID number is 3. After selecting Search, enter "3" and click . The
figure below is displayed at the top of the personnel list:

BioTime8.0 User Manual 107

Click to get the following results:

This is a simple search process.

(1) Multiple search criteria can also be selected, but the same field and the same criteria can only be selected once.
(2) Click Clear Filter to clear the search criteria.

(3) In the search term that appears at the top of the personnel list, click to toggle whether the search term is
filtered or excluded.
For example: set multiple query conditions as follows:

Click to display the query results in the return list as follows:

Note: The query function under each operation menu in the system is basically similar, the difference lies in the
query field setting is different, users can follow the prompts to enter.

11. Custom bookmark

Customize a variety of filter combination, save as a bookmark, the next time you open can directly use existing
bookmarks for data filtering.
1. When multiple filters are set, the page looks like this:

108 BioTime8.0 User Manual

3. Click Bookmarks, select [New Bookmark], enter the saved name, click [Save], and the condition combination
would be saved. The saved bookmarks can be seen under the Bookmarks menu of the page on the day, and in the
Bookmarks menu of the System, the bookmark can be easily opened next time and the existing bookmarks can be
directly used for data filtering.

12. Log View

The following uses the operation of viewing administrator operation logs as an example.

Choose [System]> [Log] > [Log], click on the top right corner to access the Logs interface, as shown in the
figure below.

(1) The Logs interface displays only the operation logs of the current operation module.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 109

(2) You can view all log records in Log under System.


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Reproduction and Distribution. You may reproduce and distribute an unlimited number of copies of the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT; provided that each copy shall be a true and complete copy, including all copyright and
trademark notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this EULA. Copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT
may be distributed as a standalone product or included with your own product.
Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Recompilation, and Disassembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile,
or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted
by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.
Separation of Components.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on
more than one computer.
Software Transfer.
You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this EULA, provided the recipient agrees to the terms of
this EULA.
Without prejudice to any other rights, the Author of this Software may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply
with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT and all of its component parts.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be sold or be included in a product or package which intends to receive
benefits through the inclusion of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may be included in
any free or non-profit packages or products.
All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(including but not limited to any images,
photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and "applets" incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT),
the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are owned by the Author of
this Software. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE PRODUCT like any other copyrighted material except that you may

110 BioTime8.0 User Manual

install the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a single computer provided you keep the original solely for backup or
archival purposes.
The Author of this Software expressly disclaims any warranty for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE
PRODUCT and any related documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or
implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
or no infringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT remains with
In no event shall the author of this Software be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation,
damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary
loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if the Author of this Software has been advised
of the possibility of such damages.

Acknowledgment of Agreement.
I have carefully read and understand this Agreement, ZKTeco CO., LTD.’s Privacy Policy Statement.
If YOU ACCEPT the terms of this Agreement:
I acknowledge and understand that by ACCEPTING the terms of this Agreement.
IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT the terms of this Agreement.
I acknowledge and understand that by refusing to accept these terms, I have rejected this license agreement and
therefore have no legal right to install, use, or copy this Product or the Licensed Software that it incorporates.

BioTime8.0 User Manual 111

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